Love Digger's husband Ch 33 6/5 - THD 2 LNK - Page 74


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Infinity. thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
SiniHanda thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: CutieTeju

... I don't think there is love from Geet's side till still..Just infatuation.. πŸ˜•

I simply started laughing at this comment. Trust me, if Sheesh can have her way, I can imagine you venting on the same thought even after the last chapter of this story πŸ˜† 
Edited by SiniHanda - 11 years ago
mishtimohabbat thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
I second what Sini added that I was so abosrbed in Geet's version of Lover Digger's Husband that I forgot about your one! Lol ... Simply astounding with the versatility of things you include in your writing..and you makesure that whatever the 'food for thought' type of things you mention, you give it eough space and importance in the story that it becomes a part of a character's character sketch! I still remember Parthenope! Geet' speech on 'the' Prism,first dose of Frank diary, Raizada encounter! ..these are but just a few of things that have stuck to the foundation of this story for me...insignificant musing bears such significant interest na..

I was so intrigued that how this last chapter flowed through different corners of the story. It went from an open box of dialogues btwn Maan and Geet to Geet's Frank diary mode where everything is common place and sounds so ambiguous!
Enjoyed reading this a lot.. whenever I see that you have updated ..I makesure I read at a time when my brain is aligned perfectly with my eyes and is not "khuli aankhein but band dimaag "

Waiting for more always a big thank you. 😳
Padfoot_Prongs thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
love digger's husband geet ki story ka naam hai... that was surprising..

menka wali kahani achi thi.. few days back we brother sisters were talking about indra being a god still he never managed to get respect others get due to his suspicious nature..
dqno1 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
Thap thap thap...
Please continue soon...
Edited by dqno1 - 11 years ago
SiniHanda thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
-Crayon- thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

glassdoor thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
Hi sweetus 😳
Feel very shy after so long. If you are wondering why so long I was down sick 🀒. But I am back now. πŸ˜› With the next update.
Lots of Love!!

P.S. Try out Nammu's OS above..❀️

Chap 24:




It was a packed auditorium. It was not every Monday morning that Maan Singh Khurana spoke on stage it seemed. That is what everyone kept telling her. Yash was more excited than ever.


Yash "I cannot tell you how excited I am to hear the man speak. Don't get deceived by his crackling humor."


She replied with a smile "I don't intend to."

Yash "He is a powerhouse of talent not in a way DK is talented of course. But MK has his own charm."

Geet looked at him strangely "DK is talented? In what way is he different from MK, aside from having a shorter fuse."

Yash smiled a little "Well yes DK does have a short fuse but do you realize what an impact he has made in such a short time? That takes a lot being a person of his age and temperament, don't you think? He is my age, just imagine that! I cannot imagine myself handling such a huge responsibility even if I transform my lifestyle overnight and all that. I guess it is all hereditary."


Geet "But I do not understand one thing. Why is MK, being the senior brother not running the company?"


Yash smirked "Do you think he is not running the company now? MK is the most unobtrusive negotiator you can ever find. His tales for getting contracts for us are legendary. No person old or young, male or female, gay or straight can resist his beguiling wit and underhanded elegance. Geet, MK has a finger in every pie around here. He will be knowing what you do every moment although he does not show it. He lets people be who they are so they can perform their best."


Geet "Then why is DK sitting in that seat? It must have been MK right."


Yash's smile turned a bit indulgent and patronizing. She was not sure she liked it so much. Weren't her questions thoughtful and valid?


Yash "Nugget, listen to me and you will live to tell the tale. Do not go around making such preposterous statements around here if you do not understand them. DK is your boss and if he hears or gets to know of you throwing such wild statements in the air, no telling how he might react. I would not cross his path if I were you."


Yet that prospect did not scare her, there had to be something more to the entire tale than what Yash was knowing or telling. She just did not understand the reason behind Maan playing second fiddle to Dev. She wanted Maan in the drivers seat. It almost felt like she herself being in it.


Geet "I still don't get why Maan cannot become CEO you know. It is an honest question; not to belittle my boss or anything. In terms of seniority that ought to have been the order of things correct? I am just curious, that is all."


Yash "Thing is MK or DK or anybody do not make such decisions. It is the board of directors who decide who gets to be the CEO."


Geet "Oh! Board of directors means who are they? They are the owners of the company or something then; the ones who plan everything?"


Yash shrugged "They represent the shareholders of the company so what you say could be true. But I am not a board of director or interested in any sort of share trading. So I wouldn't be able to tell you much on how the entire roulette turns."


Geet "I don't remember anything about it either you know. Like I know people buy and sell shares of company, that's it. Nothing beyond that and…"

Yash nodded "Me almost in the same boat, so you see when we do not know how something so important about the top people is decided we must not make such grand assumptions about them no?"


Geet agreed.


Yash "If you want my opinion though, it is the right decision. We need someone with a more forceful personality to be heading us. MK is sometimes too lenient and does not know how to say the big word."

Geet "Big word?"

Yash "'NO'. It is hard for him to say no to somebody unless he is really pissed off or something you know, just my opinion. But DK is not like that, if he does not like something it is gone immediately. He does not give people many second chances, hence my advice do not mess with him."


Geet was not too sure about the forceful personality part. Did just being loud mouthed, short tempered and cunning mean 'forceful'? Maan made people want to change from within and that according to her was real force of character. She realized she had to understand more about the entire company before reaching such conclusions.


She saw Maan walk on to the stage as if he were going for a leisurely stroll. It was astounding how relaxed and jolly he looked, no hint of any nervousness or paralyzing stage fright. Anything above three inches from the ground looked like Mount Everest to her. She felt a lack of oxygen and giddiness when she was on it.


The mike stayed on his collar instead of standing in one place.


Maan "You know the other day I met this girl, very sweet and witty."


Few smiles had started doing the rounds and Geet could not help smiling either. But he was not waiting for people to stop their murmuring about MK meeting a girl.


Maan "I did the usual thing any guy would do when he meets an interesting girl; asked her out on a date for good old coffee."


Everyone was listening with rapt attention, pin drop silence. There was something about this speech that was making her uncomfortable.


Maan "The date was a huge success. We talked, connected and even shared a sublime moment. It was all going great until I blurted out I loved her."


She gasped and luckily it was hidden by a few claps and wolf whistles from out back. He was silent for just a second before uncontainable shouts of 'what did she say?' floated from the crowd.


Maan "I was so hoping against hope that she would save me a red face and tell me 'I love you too' and punch me on the arm and we would have a good laugh. But instead…."


There was more amusement in the hall than in an amusement park. Somehow the idea of Maan Singh Khurana getting embarrassed in front of a girl was highly interesting for everyone. She was squirming in her seat however.


Maan "All she did was to look at me in shock and say 'Geez! You scared me Maan. For one moment I thought you were talking about ishq waala love.'"


Thankfully nobody could spot the color of her face in the darkness of the auditorium. Maan looked elaborately sad and lost. People had various animated shout outs to overcome this sadness for him.


'Did you tell her your full name MK.'

'Did you tell her the make of your car MK.'

'Had she forgotten to wear her specs.'


Maan let out an audible sigh. She began fanning herself vigorously.


'Is she from this office MK?'


Maan rolled his eyes "Would I dare tell you the story if she was here?"


Hell ya!


Maan "What is the moral of my story?"


'Tell a girl you love her only after first base and not first date.'


There was a good old laugh after this and even Maan joined in.


'Tell her you love her eyes.' Awww, how cliched.


Maan "Well the way I see it, I ought to have told her I love her again immediately because that is what she most likely wanted to hear. She wanted to find out if I meant ishq waala love which shows she was interested in me too somewhat. Telling her a second time would make it less embarrassing, I think."


All the women in the auditorium were laughing their head off. Which girl would not love a successful man who made a fool of himself for her?


'Did you tell her again MK?'


Maan's entire demeanor changed to a more strict stance swiftly "We will discuss my love life in a little while but before that I just wanted to show you that we have peaked early this quarter. The only way out of this situation is to peak again and again and again until people are sure it is not a fluke. And for that I need your complete support and dedication. This quarter we have a few important projects coming up and I could not overstate the importance of the kind of challenges we have on our plate this time. Let me walk you through each project briefly and then decide on the project assignments."


Geet looked around her and was stunned by peoples reaction. They were like musicians nodding their violins along for a composer's cane. She saw his serious face on stage and he seemed to look through everyone present.


Maan "Now our Sir is late today because of some important errand. He would be a lot busy in the coming few weeks as part of our early peaking and delivering ahead of time. He has set aside some new policies for us to follow that will be trickled down soon enough. First things first any leave will have to be preapproved at least fifteen days in advance unless of course you fall sick. Leaves above three days will have to be approved by DK himself before being granted. Be on your toes for gaining some air miles and hotel points. You might be asked to travel onsite any moment. If need be we might even hire temporary consultants to help us with the workload but you know how that works out all the time. It is more work to bring them up to speed than doing it on your own. So try and put in that extra zing so we don't need another person to aid you. I am sending a mail after this meeting with the new project assignments. Some people from existing projects might be pulled into the new ones and you might not exactly be given a choice. Expect us to go on in this mode for about the next eight to twelve weeks. Any questions?"


There were a couple of general questions about this and that, about existing projects mostly.


Maan "So we will disperse now and in case of any concerns my door is always open. Do not hesitate even if you feel it is something trivial."


'Final scoop: MK's relationship status'.


Maan laughed "Updating."


People dispersed soon with a grin plastered on their faces and MK on their lips. And why the hell not, they were not the ones who were at the receiving end of Maan's ishq manifesto. She was not going to spare him, later.


Next meeting was for the button task force and was being presided over by Dracula. Maan was the second one to reach the conference room. She grit her teeth when she saw him and he gave her his trademark impish smile. Thank Brahma for not giving this one dimples or did he now?


Geet "Copy cat, just plain whacked my joke."

Maan "Hey! I did say the girl said it and gave credit where it was due. Did you want me to name names?"


She glared at his challenging face "You are impossible and I am going to beat you to a pulp one of these days."


He cleared his throat to indicate others were coming and turned super serious. Ah, that was how things were going to be huh. She was feeling irritated with him for a million different reasons. He was saved by his baby brother and his cronies.


Dev "Morning folks." Vow they were all granted a nice smile from DK.

Dev "I am sure all of you must have attended Bro's address. So I will not delve into those details again. Meera can you send me the Malhotra finances file? I need hard copies of everything and get a mail drafted telling him we cannot give 'discounts' in nice sweet words that you use."


Meera seemed puzzled "Discount?"

Dev "Yes our dear Geet has him thinking people are inciting violent crimes on his site and he wants to be compensated in peace and kind."


Geet gulped.

Dev "Anyway so Geet, now you have no choice but to up your ante. I would be travelling extensively over the next few days and cannot make site visits to most existing sites and factories. You will have to take up that task and I will assign Sallu to be with you at all times. Just don't go to potential problem areas whatever the idiot supervisor might tell you. I don't think you would be having any problems per say, since I am arranging the company cab for your transport. I am not giving you my pager since I don't want you to handle any emergency situations. Just do routine visits, note down status and hold ups. You can sync up with me later on about what to do."


Geet nodded meekly "Then why was I taken to the Malhotra site?"


Everybody stopped for a bit and looked at her incredulously. If Dev wanted to become a hero it was not going to happen on her watch.


Geet "I am just asking for knowledge sake. Since I am not allowed to attend emergency situations whatever the supervisor might say, why was I dragged out of bed and taken to the Malhotra site?"


Dev's face was darkening with anger. Someone, most likely Yash whispered in her ear to shut her mouth.


Maan "I asked him to take you."


Geet "What!"

Maan sighed "You can think over it and you will understand why. It was not an emergency situation anyway, just damage control. There were four different supervisors on site, no question of situation turning violent. If you still want to know the reason you can swing by my office later and we can talk about it."


She looked blankly at him for she understood why; he wanted her to understand the kind of things Dev had to deal with and it was not all rosy for him either. Yet Dev had forbidden her from even getting down from the car. She gave Maan a brief imperceptible nod indicating her understanding but received no acknowledgement. Hey Babaji, she had gone and angered them both.



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Padfoot_Prongs thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
me again first.. πŸ₯³ (though i never write big comments  sorry for that)

coming on update.

i loved maan's lecture and technique.. pahle hasaao phir kaam karvao...

mujhe ab tak dev ka chakkar samjh nahi aaya...

it was nice update..πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
Edited by mannubhardwaj - 11 years ago
Ubiquitos thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
Ekdum refreshing!

Was smiling throughout! :) :)