My Celeb sightings in India (Kalki and Sneha Ullal

eraser thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Hey there people, as most of you know, I'm back to Toronto after a 2 month trip to Hyderbad, India and back to bang IF. 😎 It was a helluva trip with lots of adventures and because I just needed an excuse to drone on about my trip, I am sharing some pics of celebs that I saw.

First was Sneha Ullal (the Ashwarya look-a-like and the Lucky heroine) at a coffee shop. She had plenty of attitude and was probably pissed that no one was taking her autographs 😆. She was BREATHTAKINGLY gorgeous 

Next was Kalki 😍. As I was on the road, I saw this huge building and asked my dad what it was and he told he it was called the "Ravindrabharti Theatre" and I asked my dad to give me 2 minutes and went to check it out (I love watching plays). The girl handed me the program and turns out that Kalki was acting in a play ("The Real Inspector Hound" ) that was on the next day. We had a huge family gathering that day and I ditched everyone to go watch it 🥳 . OMG, Kalki is a phenomenal actress, like too stunning for words. Such effective body language and brilliant dialogue delivery. We werent allowed to take pics during the play so I took one after, during the "Meet the crew" session. Kalki was oh so humble and humurous, very simple and not pretentious at all. 

The theatre is beautiful btw 

And this is so not bollywood but whatever, here is a pic of the most orgasmic food I ate in India; Aloo Toast ❤️😍. It was like a deep friend potato sandwich served with onion, 3 different chutneys and that yellow stuff on top. I swear to God, normally I dont take pictures of food that I eat because I dont have the patience to wait all that time but man, I went all the way to this place to just to take its picture. 

and yes, all the Coconut vendors in Hyderbad owe their business to me. I had coconut water every friggin day. Sorry. I HAD to put up a pic, even thought I know it's blurred

So yeah, my aloo toast and coconut water are just the tip of the iceberg of my food adventures but I have to control because I know this thread isnt my food journal 😳.  So yeah, thanks for reading!


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IHeartDeepika thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Sounds very cool! I adore Kalki too...she's lovely!
Glad you had a fun time! 😊
tvdekha thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Thank u eraser...

I love Kalki 😊
mysticgoryfilms thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
That sounds great, eraser. It looks like you had a lot of fun. The theater is beautiful.

You didn't take pictures of gol gappas or chaats? My favorite roadside food. 😔
Edited by mysticgoryfilms - 12 years ago
Antlers thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
I envy you! I like Kalki. she's pretty, and a great actress. 
koolchick thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Tsk tsk...and where are the pics of Miss Eraser Ji herself? What a very disappointing thread lol jk😆

Wow Sneha looks really breathtaking...I don't think the movies really did her justice IMO. And that's so lucky you got to see Kalki!

India seemed like heaven for you...and thanks for sharing these pics with us🤗
Edited by koolchick - 12 years ago
eraser thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: mysticgoryfilms

That sounds great, eraser. It looks like you had a lot of fun. The theater is beautiful.

You didn't take pictures of gol gappas or chaats? My favorite roadside food. 😔

Mystic, me taking pictures of food that I eat is as rare as Katrina giving good expressions 😆. 

I normally do not have the patience to wait after my food comes, I mean, really, I just jump on my food the moment I see it and gobble it down. Until then, it's too late to take pics hehe, With Gol gappas and chaats? lol, yeah right, as if I would stop and take pictures instead of eating them 😆
tvdekha thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
^^ I agree...specially with all these chatpata food I just cant wait to put them on my tongue...Camera is like a stranger to me at that moment...

yummy yumm...!
eraser thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Chicachica - lol, thats me on the right in the coconut vendor pic. Of course, you can only see a slice of me but whatever, I doubt you'd wanna see more 😆 and yes, Sneha is friggin tall and gorgeous and had no make-up on but still looks stunning. but was very snobbish and squirming a lot. Blaaah.

Tvdekha - Exactly! who would wanna take pictures when you have food in front of you? yum yum yum, I am so going back to India, cant stand the pricey and tasteless food over here. 
tvdekha thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
I can talk about food forever and ever...
ask jess and nikki...hehe!

But oh frns cal me chatori back home...😉😃

Anyway Sneha ullal I had to think for a moment abou who she was...

ahem...that was longg ago...