A perfect mismatch - 30 June - Page 2


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*dewdrop~pearl* thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Ok, so finally caught up on last couple of episodes at a strech, and when I got to watch today's epi on time, yeh main kya dekh rahi hoon - a typical Ektaish episode with the female protagonist resorting to dramebaazi and yelling in front of everyone...yeh mere saath hi kyun hota hain?!

I'm watching an Ekta show after I think 2-3 years, but the last few episodes have been a refresher course for me. I thought Priya would be different from all other Ekta's I-have-something-against-rich-people middle class girl. But she turned out to be exactly that! I agree, sometimes Ram does behave like a rich and spoilt brat, but still I feel he is a guy who has his brains and heart at the right place. He is a very good human being at heart, and isnt it quite evident, even to Priya?

Why is she judging him JUST because he is rich?!...why is she thinking that JUST because he has money, he is thinking Priya will agree to marry him 😕. She is falsely judging him, as he dint have any such attitude. She has some false notions against rich guys, which she is conveniently assuming against Ram, and judging him.

Priya keeps tolerating lot of irritating people in her life without back answering them, but when it comes to someone like Ram, who definitely deserves a decent treatment, she is misunderstanding and judging him. I havent heard her yelling at any other outsider, except him. Cant she be polite atleast, even though she dislikes him?! Ok fine, she doesnt prefer to marry Ram, but cant he be informed the same politely? How will she feel if someone insults her the same way, just because he dint consider her good enough for him?!
Just because Ram was silently standing there and taking all her crap, that doesnt mean he doesnt know how to rub on her face too. Ekta always does this...makes her female protagonist take all sorts of crap from all irritating people, and to people who deserves a fairly good treatment, she gives it left, right, and center 😆! Is that what you call MAHAAN, Ekta ?!

For Priya, it was more of ego than self-respect. And what is Ram's fault if Priya's family misunderstood their intentions? She was accusing him of wanting to marry her, as if he committed some horrible crime or something 😕!

She kept saying "agar do log ek dusre se bilkul alag ho, to bhi koi baat nahin" and stuff, and today she gave the same excuse for rejecting Ram saying "hum dono ek doosre se bilkul alag hain" 😕. Why is she behaving like a hypocrite 😕?!

I dont mean Ram is always right, but he has never made Priya feel bad about herself or her looks in front of a huge crowd. Her character sketch seemed so sweet and simple in the initial episodes. How did she suddenly turn judgemental, rude and egoistic 😕?!

Priya told Ram "Main aapko kabhi samajh hi nahin paaoongi..." is Ram THAT difficult a person to understand, I dint think so 😕. He has few irritating habits and attitudes, but apart from that, he seems ok to me. Atleast to me, he doesnt come across as someone who is difficult to understand.

The way Priya kept repeating "MAIN?! Aur Ram Kapoor se shaadi karoongi?!!", there was a certain "proudness" (I hope there is a word like that 🤔) in her tone. Maybe it wasnt intentional, but thats the way it came across.

When Ram said he cannot tolerate her nature for 10 seconds even, I thought he was being a bit harsh. But with today's behavior, she is proving him right.

But I liked Ayesha in yesterday's and today's epi. She wasnt over-reacting like Priya, when it was she who had the right to do so, as it was HER rishta that was broken! Two days back, Priya had got a chance to scream over a broken engagement na
, tho atleast aaj tho Ayesha ko mauka diya hota 😃. Par nahin, she stole her sister's thunder too 😳.

Regarding Vikram-Neha scene, no comments, as I fast-forwarded it 😃!

Edited by *dewdrop~pearl* - 12 years ago
bikerider thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
i agree with all of you yestarday whole day i have been wondering and worrying about how priya will respond 😆

and now a girl who is supposed to be sensible and mature shouts like that 😡 i do not understand why k-mai is so happy with character assasinations 🤢  very much agree that priya would have talked to ram in private but the problem is ayesha how will she come to know
that priya will be forced or threated to marry Ram 😆

so they should not have brought that ayesha angle in the first place 🤢

now about niharika and subtitles i agree with you 😆

poor ram nuts will leave house but priya will enter 😉

not at all a good epi should i say thank god no more epi now
and i can enjoy the break
not good k-mai 😒
avivakirk thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Landed with a thud on the ground  after floating in   the clouds for  a  while... Last Thursday episode was so good that I thought it  would be repeated today to keep the  viewers appetite whetted... Today we've been served a  stale meal!... Is Ekta trying to kill this fantastic actress's role   by giving her lousy dialogues and portraying her as a catty woman. 
 Seriously Vasu considering the tittle of your post I'm wondering whether Ram and Priya would be a match. Being a teacher myself, I would never stoop to behaving like Priya before a live audience...Issues would be discussed privately...Priya washed her dirty linen in public. Seriously she behaved like her mother...The apple doesn't  fall far from the tree does it? Poor Ram had to bear the brunt of her tongue lashing in his own home and in front of guests...He too vented his frustration but he came across as dignified... On anoher note the way Priya portrayed him was as if he was a hardened criminal.😡 Today her intelligence, dignity and   sensibility flew out of the windowand we got see a fisherwoman Priya instead.
The parents too never apologised for their mistake nor did they stop Priya in her rantings! Agree Vasu my parents too would have killed me for such rude behaviour...It was funny to watch Shipra's embarrassed 😳 crooked smile. Lady today's fiasco was the result of your confusion.
Klepto Mamma u really are a wily character... Funny to see u walking  with a pipe in your mouth, acting the role of a rich guy when we know who u really are a  common thief...I would give today's episode a 4/10.
Great post as usual Vasu!
maris08 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Vasu all points are very valid.
I felt like watching from Mon to thus was akin to a crazy slide ride. Starting from high and ending up on low suddenly, after several great  and some bumpy moments. Net result, it was a hard and crash landing on my back-read bums(Ohh that really hurts!!)
So many scenes and dialogues they could have avoided. Sudhir and Kartik seem to be more accessories to show rather than meaningful characters.
The least said about that Sakuni mama the better. Niharika is on the verge of evilness and anytime can fully turn into a monster.
I agree with you on certains points of Ayesha, but honestly dont feel anything more than a minimal sympathy towards her. 
Somehow Priya's outburst in front of all those people left me with a bad taste.Shes shown to be mature and practical; how can she suddenly turn this mad at someone else's house? Normally we vent our feelings in private right and not make a tamasha of ourself in front of all strangers? 
On the whole it was a crash landing for me after a lovely slide ride all this week. Now I really need to motivate myself to watch this show so late after a tiring day at the office!!!
pigbelly4myfeet thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Vasu yaar, I really couldn't get myself to like much in this episode. It started off well with the Priya-Shipra scene like you said, and that Shakuni Mama did make me laugh as well. But it was all downhill from the time Priya starts talking.   I just couldn't make head or tail to WTH Priya was talking about in that scene!

I just feel like this scene was so very crucial for the show. For the best and only thing worth watching in this show, i.e. Ram and Priya's love story. This scene for me, kind of disrupted the flow of the entire build up of Ram and Priya's interactions so far! That and the fact that this didn't go down well with Priya's character sketch AT ALL!!! This scene really bothered me for those two reasons especially. 

Firstly, as we know, Priya's character is a sensible, mature and clear headed one. And she was anything but that in this scene! She herself seemed SO confused to me! One minute she is yelling at Ram: deeming him as totally worthless and not fit for being her husband (as if she herself toh is the Queen of England), the next minute she is thanking him for God knows what, then she is praising him, and then contradicting herself by dissing and embarrassing him further!! Seriously, W*F!! Ahh *pulls hair* Wasn't Priya upset with Ram a few episodes back for embarrassing her by choosing matches for her and all that? Disrespecting her pride and self confidence? Well what exactly was she doing to Ram in this scene then? 

I would of course understand Priya refusing to marry Ram in this scenario...but the way she refused just didn't seem genuine or dignified in any way! A better way of refusing would've been taking Ram aside and discussing the awkwardness of the entire situation with him. Atleast that way Ram wouldn't have ended up feeling so insignificant, so embarrassed and so stupid! After all their interactions together, Ram did deserve this much respect at least! 

Which brings me to my other concern with this scene. For me this scene disrupted that beautiful flow we've been getting of Ram and Priya's interactions. It just didn't make sense for Priya to have THAT many problems with Ram at this point. He deserved SOME courtesy and respect as a well known acquaintance at least. Sure he is not perfect, but he has never intentionally shown disrespect for Priya like this! This STUPID love-hate scenario Ekta was trying to go for would maybe make sense for teenagers or people in their 20's at the most. But for two so called mature people who have been interacting cordially with each other (for the most part) till now, this scenario was way off! And now I am really wary of RP's future interactions and the buildup to their marriage. 

Man Kekta...we've excused the embarrassingly BAD production values, the lame side characters and the mis-casting. All in the hopes that you were putting all your energy/brain into Ram and Priya's characters! Whether or not anything else works, I AM expecting quality in that department! So kindly, please start telling your writers to do their job properly, and stop thinking that your audience will STILL lap up all the crap you've accustomed them to all these years! This episode (as well as this entire week mostly) has been a total case of LAZY writing! 👎🏼 

And honestly, watching this episode made me feel stupid! As if Ekta is taking us for granted! Whether or not she cares about any of her other characters, I DID think she cared about her main leads at least! Is it so much to ask for to give Ram and Sakshi some good material and sensible dialogues to work with? 
Edited by pigbelly4myfeet - 12 years ago
AreYaar thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: pigbelly4myfeet

Firstly, as we know, Priya's character is a sensible, mature and clear headed one. And she was anything but that in this scene! She herself seemed SO confused to me! One minute she is yelling at Ram: deeming him as totally worthless and not fit for being her husband (as if she herself toh is the Queen of England), the next minute she is thanking him for God knows what, then she is praising him, and then contradicting herself by dissing and embarrassing him further!! Seriously, W*F!! Ahh *pulls hair* Wasn't Priya upset with Ram a few episodes back for embarrassing her by choosing matches for her and all that? Disrespecting her pride and self confidence? Well what exactly was she doing to Ram in this scene then? *presses like ^ infinity* for this bit*...Word, Pallo!👏👏👏👏

I would of course understand Priya refusing to marry Ram in this scenario...but the way she refused just didn't seem genuine or dignified in any way! BINGO! The WAY it was done was HORRIBLE and VERY pathetic! Did NOT expect this from PRIYA of all ppl.  A better way of refusing would've been taking Ram aside and discussing the awkwardness of the entire situation with him. Atleast that way Ram wouldn't have ended up feeling so insignificant, so embarrassed and so stupid! After all their interactions together, Ram did deserve this much respect at least! Well apparently Priya has such a giant chip on her shoulder about this...apni self respect she can see plenty and jhaado plenty of bhaashan about...but apparently Ram deserves none of that basic courtesy as a human being who HAS been nice to her MANY times...and her random little spiel about "respecting" him towards the end of that scene really didn't cut it for me...it felt so random and out of the blue and did not go with the flow of the scene...such lame writing.

Which brings me to my other concern with this scene. For me this scene disrupted that beautiful flow we've been getting of Ram and Priya's interactions. It just didn't make sense for Priya to have THAT many problems with Ram at this point. He deserved SOME courtesy and respect as a well known acquaintance at least. Sure he is not perfect, but he has never intentionally shown disrespect for Priya like this! This STUPID love-hate scenario Ekta was trying to go for would maybe make sense for teenagers or people in their 20's at the most. But for two so called mature people who have been interacting cordially with each other (for the most part) till now, this scenario was way off! And now I am really wary of RP's future interactions and the buildup to their marriage. Exactly! This "love-hate" angle is being SO forced in now...for their first meeting the clash still made sense given the background leading in from the accident and the other misundertandings...but what reasoning does Priya have NOW?? And after all those scenes from the day of her roka when she was saying stuff about how she understood Ram all of a sudden and all...where did all that go?? What DRUNK person is writing this LAME script...get your MEMORY checked atleast! Losers!

I SO agree with you in that this scene was SO crucial, Pallo and it just put me off! Put me off of the only thing that's making me watch this show...Ram-Priya's interactions...today Priya seemed so unconvincing and NOT genuine to me...I could not buy into ANY of her "logic" or whatever her "motivations" were...and if they can't make us convinced about a character's motivations then what is the POINT of a story??

Ekta only knows how to think of a CONCEPT...when it comes down to the actual SCRIPT and day to day sketching out of the scenes, THEN her so called "creativity" seems to fly away and only boils down to these lame TUCCHE scenarios of "love-hate" shouting matches in the most JUVENILE fashion...She's so used to copy/pasting this b.s. in EVERY show that she also has forgotten that the leads of this show are NOT her typical leads.

lunza thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 12 years ago
Well , i have watched a few episodes of BALH on and off ... and I found something seriously off about this show ...

The supporting cast of this show is TERRIBLE ... if one can't act , the other is screechy and irritating ...

I feel like pressing mute button when neha and shipra come on screen , I feel like changing the channel when nutz comes on screen ..
Whats up with ram's other sister ? the one who got married in the beginning of the show ? why is she never shown with her hubby ? why is she even there on the show ? just to make up the numbers ?

The only good thing about this show are the main leads .. so can the writers plz spare them and not drag them thru the muck ?!
When I read the update .. the whole priya shouting scene reminded me of all the times saakshi has shouted on top of her voice as parvati .. in typical BT style setting - at a huge party in front of dozens of random guests ..

The promos are what got me interested in the show .. but the actual episodes are nowhere as good ...

I love RK so I hope for his sake the writers and directors pull up their socks ..

I don't want this show to meet a premature end like other sony shows ..
Edited by lunza - 12 years ago
chatterbox thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago
nice posts by all..  i hvnt watched kekta shows before so really dont know what to say.

but all in all it was sort of drag episode to me..

since priya doesnt really like ram so she cant marry him just like that.  so  this drama came..  i had missed ayesha priya scene so cant comment on that

what i want to know is was shipra scene shown later or not that she was the one who misunderstood niharika..

she was the one who  started all this so i dont blame priya.. but what is story without drama.

dont know what to comment about others

but that placard thing cracked me up 😆
SuganthiS thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago
I wonder if the situation could be salvaged if the creatives give a reason for Priya's irrational outburst. We are going to see Ram approach Priya, maybe on Monday. Perhaps in the course of the conversation, if Priya gives an explanation for her behavior, maybe we could understand better. 😕
But me, I would like Priya to pick up the phone and call Ram...apologise and offer an explanation. Ram could then start the topic of marriage.
Edited by SuganthiS - 12 years ago
renujat thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Dear psawyer
Your have have done complete analysis of the epidode and put up an excellent post. Keep doing it, I have liked it so much.