Originally posted by: la_Reine
But thats what they want na, they write all that crap just to trigger you and get a reaction from you. Why gie them what they want. Why waste energy on them? They do not deserve it.
Simply report them. Though that hasn't helped much in the past 15 years either.
Ignoring her did not work. I thought making her comment public might give her a reality check. She honestly then PMed me saying then one person who almost came in defense of her and then backtracked was the reasonable person. Everyone else's opinion was meritless. How are you going to help someone living in so much denial about reality?
The personal attacks? Daughter of two paupers? Really I feel so petty going into these things. It would scream insecurity. My parents aren't billionaires. But calling a family whose income bracket falls into the top 1 percent of American households paupers? Seriously? These are just extremely petty things to fight about as an adult. I would have even gotten uncomfortable doing it as a kid. So no I was in no way going to argue with her in terms of what type of delusion she is living in. If anything I just tried to make her realize she needed help. Even that didn't work.