ArHi FF: Highway to Hell, note pg 147 - Page 81


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desisweetheart9 thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Thanks for the PM. Great part. Loved the part where Anjali comes down and Freddy flirts.
xxsanaaaxx thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
wwowww so good!! cna't wait 4 next entry.. thx 4 episode..
xxsanaaaxx thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
llolzzz loved this entry!!! thx 4 the pm!! can't wait 2 read next one..:D
dbr_kmichi thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
its awesome..!!
waitin for next part😊
madmaxine thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Chapter 18, Part 2:  Khel khel mein


Buaji was seated at the dining table with the rest of the family when Khushi and ASR went back down. Khushi looked at her properly for the first time in 7 years. The last time around she'd barely spared a glance for her. She looked old. Her hair had greyed almost completely. Her face was lined. She looked pale and exhausted. Khushi straightened her shoulders and walked up to her.


"Namaste Buaji. How are you?" she asked.


Buaji's face lit up when Khushi spoke to her. "I'm fine Khushi. I've wanted to apolo.."


"Not today Buaji. Let's eat dinner and have a nice evening. I've bought my girls. You should meet them." Said Khushi not letting her finish. She fetched Nita who was sound asleep in Nigel's lap and bought her to Buaji. "This is Nita, my youngest. The older one is playing with Arjun and Khushi," she said smilingly.


Tears poured down Buaji's cheeks as Khushi placed a sleeping Nita in her lap for a moment so she could look at her properly. "Khushi bitiya, I am'"


"Don't say a word Buaji," said Khushi pleasantly. It was costing her something to be so nice to the woman who'd been most responsible for what had happened 7 years ago. But she had determined to not say anything about it to Buaji. Garima laid an arm on Buaji's shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly. "Can I hold her Khushi?" asked Garima tentatively. "Sure," said Khushi shortly. She picked Nita up carefully and put her in Garima's arms. Garima placed a light kiss on Nita's cheek as she ran her hand through the child's silky hair. Khushi held out her arms after a minute, and she handed her back quietly.


"Where's Di?" asked ASR suddenly, wanting to break the awkward silence.


"She's still upstairs with Aadit. I guess he really liked her paintings," said Freddy, grinning widely.


"I'll go fetch her, its time for dinner!" said ASR frowning. ASR turned and was about to run up the stairs when Khushi's voice stopped him.


"ASR wait! I'll go. I have to bring Sheila down to dinner as well," said Khushi. She gave Nita back to Nigel, and walked up to him. "Let me go," she said quietly.


"OK, you know the.." he asked.


"I remember!" she said and ran up the stairs.


She knocked lightly on Anjali's door, before opening the door. Aadit and Anjali were examining a painting of ASR with Arjun and Khushi. He was holding Khushi in his arms and Arjun stood next to him, his hand linked with his uncle's. ASR had a fond smile on his face as he looked into Khushi's eyes.


"Wow! ASR smiles!" exclaimed Aadit. "What did you have to threaten him with to get him to do that?" he asked laughingly.


"I drew this from a photograph. We'd gone to the beach for a picnic. He loves playing with the kids. Akash snapped this picture. I liked it so much that I decided to paint it." Said Anjali. "As for Chotey not smiling, he's been through a lot in his life. There's been a lot of pain and a lot of heartbreak. Not much to smile about. He hides behind that tough exterior. That's his armor. But he's a good man. He has a kind and loving heart," she finished stoutly, challenging Aadit to say anything else about her darling brother.


"Hey! I'm not saying anything," said Aadit, holdng his arms up in defense. "Besides I care very little about ASR. I'm more interested in his sister," he said sidling up to her. Before Anjali could say anything, Khushi cleared her throat. She felt she'd eavesdropped on this very interesting conversation for long enough. They turned towards her surprised.


"Dinner's ready," she smiled brightly.


"We'll be right down," said Anjali taking a step away from Aadit very quickly. Aadit and Anjali walked down, while Khushi went to find the children. She found them playing a noisy game of "Tag" in the playroom. Her shy little Sheila seemed to have made friends with Arjun and Khushi.


"Hi Khushi maasi!" said Arjun.


"Hi Arjun! You guys ready for dinner?" asked Khushi.


"I'm hungry Mommy!" said Sheila throwing herself at her mother.


"Alright baby, let's go eat." Khushi picked Sheila up and held out a hand to little Khushi. They trooped down to the dining table talking. ASR saw her coming down the stairs. Her daughter snuggled in one arm. Khushi hanging on to her other arm. Arjun talking animatedly to her, and she listening intently to what he was saying. A few tendrils of hair had escaped her tight braid and fell onto her cheek. She was smiling at Arjun and ruffling his hair affectionately as she replied to his questions. She had never looked lovelier, he thought. They got to the table and Khushi sat down, with Sheila on one side of her, and Anjali on the other. ASR sat opposite her, and Aadit next to him. Naniji sat at the head of the table, as usual. Garima, Buaji and Payal sat together. Arjun and Khushi sat between their parents. Nigel and Freddy were seated next to Anjali.


Sheila was eating the Chapaatis and mutter paneer happily, when Payal remarked, "I'm so glad she enjoys Indian food. I'd made Pasta just in case."


"No Jiji, she loves paneer!" said Khushi, before she could stop herself. The table fell silent. Payal looked stunned. ASR smiled slightly. The Ice Queen melteth, he thought. "Why is everyone so quiet? Did something happen?" asked Arjun.


"No darling, Nothing happened," said Payal, wiping away a few discreet tears. ASR groaned. "Not again Payal," he thought. "No waterworks tonight, please!" he pleaded in his head. Akash gave Payal's hand a slight squeeze and she smiled at him mistily.


Halfway through the meal Khushi felt something sliding up her leg, under her sari. It felt distinctly like a bare foot. She shot a glance at ASR. He was applying himself to the pulao with apparent concentration. He didn't even look at her. The foot slid up, almost to her knee. Khushi gasped and slid her leg back a little, successfully shaking the errant foot off.


"What's up Min? You OK?" asked Freddy.


"F-Fine Freddy, I'm fine. I think I bit into a chilli," she said weakly. The foot had found it's way to her again. It was drawing lazy circles on the top of her foot now. Khushi hissed angrily at ASR. He looked at her surprised. "Anything the matter Khushi?" he asked smiling pleasantly. The foot ran up her leg again, making her gasp. She shot daggers at him. "No.N-no," she said shakily, knowing she could say nothing in front of the entire family. Anjali offered her a glass of water. She took it shakily and drank it in one gulp.


"That must've been one hot chilli, Minnie, my love!" quipped Freddy grinning. 


"I'm fine Freddy, thanks!" glared Khushi. The foot was sliding up and down hers slowly now. "Damn you ASR, you don't play fair," she thought. "Well, now you're going to get it." She slipped the heeled slipper off her other foot and rested it on his other foot under the table. ASR looked up immediately. He shot her a glance. She smiled at him sweetly and tracked her foot up his leg. He almost groaned out loud. After all these days of playing hard to get, she chose this moment to flirt with him. At the dinner table. She was driving him crazy, he thought. He pulled his leg back and frowned at her. She gave him a saucy glance, but didn't back down.


Freddy cleared his throat. "Aadit, why are you playing footsie with Min?' he asked loudly.

"What? Me? What are you talking about?" asked Aadit taking his foot back so quickly he almost injured himself. He looked petrified, as he glanced at ASR. Khushi turned pink and tried to take her other foot back, but ASR was too quick for her. He trapped his foot between his ankles. Anjali laughed her silvery laugh. Aadit groaned internally. All those shy smiles Anjali had given him through dinner. Not because he had his foot up her leg. Nope. She was just being polite. "She must think I'm nuts, what with all the sly winks and smirks I've been throwing at her throughout dinner." He thought.


"What's footsie Mom? Can I play too?" asked Arjun.


"Err. No. It's a grown ups game," said Payal, stifling a laugh.


"Is it like football?" asked Arjun, never one to back down from a puzzle.


"Why don't you ask your Khushi maasi? She's a champion at this game," said ASR lazily.


"Arnav! Be quiet!" Khushi withdrew her foot swiftly, while ASR remained stunned at her use of his name. "Arjun, tell me about you Geography project! I want to hear about your research on Kangaroos," she said changing the subject quickly. The rest of the meal was completed with a cheerful discussion about Marsupials dominating the conversation.


After dinner Naniji, Garima and Buaji went upstairs. Buaji tired easily, and the 2 ladies liked to keep her company while she dropped off to sleep. At a sign from her Mom, Sheila walked to Buaji. "Namaste Buaji. Good night," she said smiling sweetly.


"Good night Sheila bitiya," said Buaji happily. She looked at Khushi. "You will come back someday? There are things to say." Khushi nodded in reply and smiled at her. "Good night Buaji," She said.


They sat chatting over cups of coffee in the living room. Aadit was trying his level best to avoid ASR who'd been throwing him murderous glances ever since the footsie episode.


"Dinner was very good Payal!" said Nigel, who liked to address his comments to the least threatening people.


"Thanks Nigel. But it wasn't all me. Di's a very good cook too," said Payal.


"Who made the Ras Malai? It was divine." Asked Freddy.


"That would be Di," said Payal.


"You look like an Angel, and cook like an Angel, dear Anjali!" said Freddy. ASR and Khushi rolled their eyes. Their eyes met for an instant, and they exchanged a knowing smile. Sheila had fallen asleep now as well, and she lolled on her mother's lap, her head lying at an awkward angle. ASR walked up to Khushi and adjusted the little girl so she lay more comfortably. "Lucky Sheila!" he whispered into Khushi's ear. "She gets to lie in your lap. I only got a foot halfway up my leg!" he said naughtily. Khushi pretended to not hear him and bent to kiss Sheila's hair.


"Aadit! You're very quiet. Tell us, how did you like Angel's paintings?" asked Freddy softly.


"Oh! They were wonderful. So full of life. I loved them," he smiled at Anjali. Anjali smiled back at him happily.


"Look at the time. I must go," said Khushi, breaking up the party. Freddy and Aadit decided to leave with her and Nigel. They all stood up to leave and the Raizadas walked them to the door.


ASR pulled Aadit aside in the foyer. "Aadit! I have a question for you. May I?" asked ASR unsmilingly.


"Err. Sure," said Aadit swallowing uncomfortably.


"Why were you playing footsie with Khushi?" he asked staring daggers at Aadit.


"Err. It was unintentional. I didn't mean to play footsie with her," said Aadit weakly.


"I see. You were intending to slide your foot up Nigel's hairy leg then?" asked ASR, getting Nigel's name right in his anger. Freddy grinned, and Nigel turned pale with fear. "Not Nigel, ASR," Freddy dropped a delicate hint.


"Oh, then whom was he going for?" asked ASR quickly. Aadit groaned. Freddy and Khushi were roaring with laughter. Anjali turned as red a beetroot. Akash and Payal were looking on puzzled, but very interested.


"Think ASR. Who was sitting between Khushi and Nigel!" said Freddy between whoops.


"Di!" ASR looked horrified. Aadit hurried out like the March Hare muttering something about being late for work tomorrow.


"Good night ASR! See you tomorrow," said Khushi patting him lightly on the cheek.


"Good night," he said, in a daze. "Di!" he said again, disbelievingly.


After everyone had left, Payal and Akash had a hearty laugh too. ASR just sat at the table drinking his third cup of coffee looking shocked.


"I should just murder him and be done with it," said ASR suddenly. He stood up as if he was going to go do the deed right away.


"Chotey! Sit down. You're not going to kill anyone," said Anjali. ASR turned to his Di. She was smiling at him, but she looked dead serious.


"Di! Do you like him? That..that..that ape!" said ASR.


Anjali laughed at ASR. "Maybe!" she said cryptically. "I'm going to bed. I am so tired," she said, heading to the stairs slowly. Payal went with her.


"What the hell kind of an answer is maybe?" ASR asked Akash frustratedly.


"Women! Who knows what goes on in their heads. Payal never actually said yes to me, you know. She just got tired of saying No and I took that as a yes," said Akash smiling.


ASR cocked an eyebrow at him, "Really!" he said. "Hmph. Women!"

That's it for this chapter people. I'd love to hear your thoughts!😊








Edited by madmaxine - 12 years ago
AajKuchMatBolna thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago
OMG!!! I cant believe I'm first!!! I love your FF!!! This part was really nice too! Hoping to see some ArHi Moments!!! :DEdited by london_doll - 12 years ago
nyxx thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
Loveddd it! That was hilariousss😆 Footsies and poor Aadit. I really do feel for that guy, but hey atleast Arnav got Khushi to flirt with him! Ahaha! Fab part Vidhya!
Sorry for the short comment, have to run along!
But wonderful updateee😃
Edited by nyxx - 12 years ago
Krishnaluv94 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Haha.. That was an awesome update! It was hilarious! Poor Aadit!
thecraze92 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
haha footsie part and arnav questioning aadit, o gosh, those made me laugh so hard! i could just imagine the whole scenario! :)
SmileForMeester thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
LOVE the changed khushi ❤️ Beautifully written 😊