Epi 477: D-N The Real Eternal Story - Page 4


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*dewdrop~pearl* thumbnail
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Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: bandbajao

@Aparna: Agree!! Among those three, Baji and Roops were in a better position to open their mouths but i still don't blame Roops. I think the most important thing was that Madhu should have been asked about marriage. The whole fracas would have been avoided. I don't think it should have been Dutta. I think he had left it all to Aayisaheb. It should have been Aayisaheb asking Madhu. I don't think Dutta is too comfortable fixing marriages which is why he is askingAayisaheb to take the decisions. That is also something so in-character for a man like Dutta. I blame Aayisaheb for this whole mess in her over zealous decisionmaking! ðŸ¥±

Yes BB, your right. I think it is AS who is mainly responsible for this mess, and then Baji. AS, for not even letting Madhu know that she is thinking about her marriage (forget about asking her), and then directly going and talking to the concerned people, i.e., Sawants, and Baji for not opening his mouth, atleast once he snapped out of his initial shock. I agree, the moment he heard Roops name with him, it would have been shocking for him, but then, later on he had ample amount of time to snap out of it and tell Dutta the truth...as obviously Dutta and AS would have taken atleast some time to get dressed and start off from the house na 😆! I think that much time would have been sufficient for Baji to snap out of his shock, and clear things. And this time, it would have been easier for Baji to tell Dutta that he loves Madhu (as opposed to previously when he thought Dutta would never prefer his sister to be married off to Baji), after all the sweet dialogues Dutta told Baji about how happy he would be to give his sister to him. Toh Madhu ho ya Roops, kya farak padega to Dutta? It was only later that Baji learned that Dutta has different plans for Madhu, but just after Dutta opened up his heart that he is happy to have Baji as his sister's husband, it wouldnt have been that difficult for Baji to clear this "small" misunderstanding. Now I feel, more than Dutta, Baaji is "ulti khopdi" 😆!

But I found this dialogue very funny that Dutta tells Baaji - "iski jholi mein toh hamesha koi na koi raaz pada hi rehta hain" 😆!

Edited by *dewdrop~pearl* - 12 years ago
*dewdrop~pearl* thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
@ BB - From yesterday's thread, there was some confusion going on regarding the "kolaveri di" ðŸ˜†...yes BB, "di" is used for females so it cannot be addressed to Dutta, for males it would be "da" . So for Dutta you can sing "why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri DA?!" ðŸ˜†

Edited by *dewdrop~pearl* - 12 years ago
Yuvika_15 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: bandbajao

My take on this entire mess: It could have been avoided. Period. That is if Leela would have stood there and heard the entire conversation before running to Aayisaheb with a half-baked story. If Aayisaheb would have asked Madhu about the marriage but I guess she was too excited to even check whether the girl is interested or not. If one of the three people in question would have voiced themselves when Dutta made the proposal to Baji. But it was not to be, and so we got a big drama that was to bring down PN roof. ðŸ˜†ðŸ˜† haha yh if evrything happened smoothly thn this wudnt b the LTL we knw, lol... evrything is overhyped in PN...and also it wud b boring if its run smoothly
Before getting to anything else, i have a big "confession" to make: I think I too love that "kolaveri" side of D! ðŸ˜†ðŸ˜› Kal bade dino baad laga i am watching Dutta again ðŸ˜†
Ok, now he had a point. I felt very bad for him because he is more hurt than angry and understandably so. But i also find it difficult to pin point blame at any one person apart from Aayisaheb and Leela who were both over-excited in their own ways (Leela bilkul apni maa pe gayi hai😛)... these 2 annoyed me tho... their over excitement will cause the death of sum1 sum day...LOL
This is purely my take on it that I am unable to blame the three of them. That is because i feel I too have been there and done that. In a situation that seems trivial but then you are not matured enough to deal with it and end up messing it up because it concerns the heart. pls elaborate😉😆

The fact is that Baji and Madhu had not really reached a point where they had "decided" anything for revealing their love story to the family. So, i guess saying that they "hid" the truth is not entirely right. I think two people who are in love reserve the right to make it public (even to the family), until they are absolutely certain about it. 
And I agree with what Ani says, Baji was giving Madhu mixed signals. If he had vocally told her that he loves her like he did later, then she would have definitely said what she had to, to Dutta. It is also true that she found out about this whole Sawant-alliance thing happening only the night before the big revelation happened in the hall about Baji and Roops. And Madhu, i presume, had already had a rather "unstable" night because of the altercation with Baji over going ahead and marrying Sawant's son. exactly, u cnt blame her entirely for this mess...Plus, i think she did really feel that Baji was ok with marrying Roops because Dutta had said so (from her outburst). I don't blame Madhu. I do think she is a lot like Dutta when it comes to speaking her mind. And so, I believe she would have said the truth if she had the chance and the "certainty" in her own mind from Baji's end. yun hota toh kya hota... m sure the story wud hav been dif, cos she jus doesnt seem the type tht wud quietly marry sum1 else wen she loves sum1 else.
I wouldn't blame Roops too. It was not her job to go and tell people that Baji and Madhu are in love, but she tried her best to explain it to Baji. And yes, although not vocally, we do know that she has some feelings for Baji too.. may be out of her own realisation at what she could have got for herself had she not been with Kala and done those terrible things to him. But well, despite that she has silently chosen to let things happen as they are supposed to be because she knows both Madhu and Baji are close to each other.shub shub bol, i hpe nt yaar... the whole "2 sis n 1 guy" is so normal n boring, we've seen it b4... I think she was indeed stunned when Dutta said Baji and Roops in the hall. I don't know if many would agree with me but at that moment she, according to me, could have been tongue-tied with the obviously unexpected revelation happening and that too with her own name. I think no matter how much she tries to be strong and not give her feelings away, if she really does like/love Baji in whatever degree, she wouldn't be able to say, "I don't love him". I think that could be tough. I don't know if i am making my point clearly. But i think, it was more of the surprise element and then the next moment even before they could gather themselves, Aayisaheb had pulled Dutta along to Sawant's house! ðŸ˜µ Someone should really tie her up! naa sum1 shud remind her she has a boyfriend whom she aint seen in time... Purohitji😆😆😆
Now coming to Baji ðŸ˜­ With a very heavy heart, I do agree that he has more blame to take for this mess than the other two women but again, I think it is not a crime to take time to make up one's mind regarding a big decision such as a relationship which can affect the life. So, i don't have a problem with the fact that Baji was dilly-dallying and not able to make up his mind. But, I do agree that he didn't share it mind with the right people for some reason that perhaps cannot be explained. He could have spoken to Naku. He should have known that if he keeps her secrets and talks to her when she needs him, even he could have done that. I felt very bad when Dutta told Baji that his friend doesn't even share his mind with him. It is so sad to feel that way. But he was so right when he said that. I think Baji did try to speak in the hall after the proposal, but Dutta had interrupted him and walked ahead with Aayisaheb. the thing i didnt like abt tht convo was tht no name was mentioned, i mean choti behen clearly hints at madhu unless they dnt c her as part of the family which may explain y they thrt of roops n nt madhu each n evry time😕... like leela heard roops mention lil sis, bt did she once stop 2 think tht lil sis is madhu nw, so mayb it is tht they yt dnt acknowledge her as the youngest sis, or mayb they do bt in this scenario they clearly didnt... 😕 which is soo wrong..
The entire mess is the result of this big communication gap between this Patil clan. I am now just waiting to see what happens to the Sawant-Dutta equation because Sawant helped Dutta out of MCOCA which is a very, very big favor. I just hope that this inept dealing of this situation doesn't lead to a big catastrophe for the family i dno wt decision wil b made bt wteva da case u cnt deny the fact tht AS n dutta wer wrong in going to sawants house 2 fix madhu;s rishta without asking her... fair enuf she's the daughter of the family bt tht dunt mean u fix her alliance with ne1 without asking her, she does hav her own mind n thrts... i bet u if dutta wudnt hav been der AS wud hav formally fixed the alliance cos according 2 her the fact tht both r from london, means they r defo made 4 each otheri mean seriously sumtyms the elders of PN act like kids in the mst serious matters
@yuvi: thanks dear ðŸ˜³ yes i am very very happy today to see ur loonnng yuvi-type comment ðŸ˜†thnk u, stil nt happy tho, u gave me invisible chocolate😡😆 and its also good because u have been the biggest advocate of Madhu-Baji love story ðŸ˜› haha yeh cos i love thm as a pair n fingers crossed roops does NOT like/love baji yes i really hope Madhu is able to speak to Dutta. He doesn't seem like he is in the mood to listen, wen is he eva in da mood 2 lsn wen he's angry? bt i feel he will... mayb naku/baji can leave thm alone 4 a bit 2 talk...cos they happen 2 talk properly wen they r alone 2geva...
I loved the Dutta Naku scene too and I think she just wanted to distract him which is why she spoke about Bauli like Harshita said, it always works with Dads, and i think apart from the child, Dutta would have not really been as keen about any other conversation at that point. And she did succeed in distracting him even though he did remain sad with it, but he was able to take his mind off for one second. 
@minaxi: thank u ðŸ˜³ i really do hope that someone shakes Aayisaheb a bit too ðŸ˜³ she needs it! Purohit ji ur needed here...😆😆😆 i guess kala's return wil shake AS up a bit...or mayb cause her 2 do wt she has set a record of...Fainting😆😆
@harshita: i really hope sawant doesnt turn into an enemy  about Baji: it has never been that Baji has been able to assert himself when Dutta is talking except for the one time he got drunk and said what he had to. I dont know how he is going to broker peace with Dutta this time! 
@Ani: loved all ur posts: my collective response. i agree with ur analysis on Roops, Leela and Dutta in the present context. perfectly said.. the feeling of helplessness he feels is really no one wants to feel. i feel bad for him that he always has to find out that someone chose to not talk to him. The way he told Roops: tujhe bhi laga main tujhe kha jjaunga? sabko aisa hi lagta hai.. "tht part was so sad...i feel bad for him 2... as much as i love baji, he always ends up hurting dutta by hiding things n thn he'll b like "nahi bhao mera voh matlab nahi tha"---its so stupid of him 2 do tht...  i was so crushed because it was that feeling of "oh people are so scared of me that they cannot talk to me.. my own kid sisters and best friend too". really sad  I am just glad that Naku at least told him and not someone else! exactly, m glad she has learnt from her mistakes n opens up 2 dutta nw...😃
@Aparna: Agree!! Among those three, Baji and Roops were in a better position to open their mouths but i still don't blame Roops. I think the most important thing was that Madhu should have been asked about marriage. spot on, they didnt evn bother 2 ask her if she was ok with it, as i mentioned b4 wt if she had sum1 bk in london, obv she dunt n its baji al the way bt jus imagine if she did???... wt made thm think she didnt hav ne1 in her life...The whole fracas would have been avoided. I don't think it should have been Dutta. I think he had left it all to Aayisaheb. It should have been Aayisaheb asking Madhu. yh it shud hav been bt considering dutta understands madhu better than AS it wud hav been nice 2 c dutta ask her abt it, i mean he was considerate enuf 2 interfere between the elders n say he thinks madhu n aditya shud meet up n gt 2 no 1 another b4 marrying yt he wasnt considerate enuf 2 ? his sis abt her feelings regarding marriage b4 fixing it...  I don't think Dutta is too comfortable fixing marriages which is why he is askingAayisaheb to take the decisions. That is also something so in-character for a man like Dutta. I blame Aayisaheb for this whole mess in her over zealous decisionmaking! ðŸ¥±
@Anu: i know i felt bad for Dutta and Baji too but more for Dutta today. But yes, i agree that it is Leela who created this mess. She should have at least eavesdropped properly yaar! ðŸ˜†
@bumblebee: I too am hoping they will patch up soon.  The point about Aayisaheb making wrong matches cracked me up totally! 😆I agree with you

so after ages i have such a long comment to make. ðŸ˜† as u can see it is really long ðŸ˜› u can ignore it if u want ðŸ˜† bilkul nahi, aise chamatkaar roz roz kahan hote hain😆 aaj toh double ho gaye, AS didnt faint n gave lamba comment...lol
i feel kala is returning at a very delicate moment, with so much already going on, i dnt think dutta or baji wil b prepared 4 kala's attackOuch wil b gr8 2 c her bk in action, wna c hw she comes face 2 face with dutta after months

Yuvika_15 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: bandbajao

@yuvi: we have not been told directly whether she loves Baji or not, but it feels like she does like him atleast. i don't know if it is called love, but she knows she doesnt own Baji and she has been very clear about being the support for Baji and Madhu's relationship. I don't think it is wrong to realise that you  "like" someone you have always been around. Sometimes the realisation comes with the fact that the thing u never cared for is now going away. But i think if we are not having a triangle, i would understand Roops' feelings too. 

yh i gt ur point...many do realise the importance of sum1 once they r gne or r going away from u... bt after all roops did 2 gt thm 2geva, for it 2 b revealed tht she has feelings 4 baji in my opinion wil jus complicate things further... i mean if it werent 4 roops, madhu wud hav been in london, cos it was roops tht made baji realise tht his thinkin was wrong n he stopped madhu from leaving... she played the mst biggest n impt role in bringing thm 2geva... n if its revealed tht she loves baji 2 it wil b like seeing "naku-dutta-sups" triangle again... roops doing wt naku did... 4 a change it wud b nice 2 c a love couple without a 3rd person in it.. sumut we aint seen in LTL b4.
also in terms of roops, i feel if AS does decide 2 gt roops married 2 aditya instead of madhu, n its revealed tht roops has feelings 4 baji, thn tht wud b wrong for her... cos she'll b duin wt baji ws askin madhu 2 do... pyar kisi aur se aur shaadi kisi aur se... atleast 1 of AS's daughters shud b happily married 2 sum1 dey truly love n who truly loves thm bk.. n roops wnt hav tht with baji. 😕
Ani_La_Iam thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Commentator 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
@Ani: loved all ur posts: my collective response. i agree with ur analysis on Roops, Leela and Dutta in the present context. perfectly said.. the feeling of helplessness he feels is really no one wants to feel. i feel bad for him that he always has to find out that someone chose to not talk to him. The way he told Roops: tujhe bhi laga main tujhe kha jjaunga? sabko aisa hi lagta hai.. " i was so crushed because it was that feeling of "oh people are so scared of me that they cannot talk to me.. my own kid sisters and best friend too". really sad  I am just glad that Naku at least told him and not someone else!

Thanks BB..😃...and I agree with you...Dutta must be very hurt.

I am also glad that Naku told him...so someone did come to him.

I loved the way Dutta…kind of…was reading Roops face. Maybe I am putting to much into it and the writer did not mean to do that. But for me it was like Dutta saw Roops sadness…that there was something not adding up.

Roops says she does not love Baji…but why the tears and why the sadness on her face. Love to read a moment between Dutta and Roops…love to read Roops being hones about her feelings toward Baji…Roops need someone to talk to…to make the pain go away and to be able to move on.

I know some of you would not agree…but I think Roops got very strong feelings for Baji and she regret letting him go…she care so much for him that she only want to see him happy…she really grown as a character.

I also agree with you BB…that when Roops heard her name…she truly have good reason to get stunned…deep inside her…she may have that small wish…that it was true.

I also see you point BB about…two people liking each other and not ready to tell the world. Have not been in that situation so could not relate…but I agree with you.

The reason I do not blame Aayi is…that she is a strong  women who took care of four kids by herself.

She is use to make the final decision and having the last word…even Dutta does not ague when Aayi make a final decision.

captkirk thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
awesome Dutta outburst after awhile!  Mishal where are you to enact these scenes for us!