UFOs: To Believe or Not to Believe - Page 4


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firewings_diya thumbnail
Posted: 10 months ago

This reminded me of a series ancient aliens. It's a good watch. Description of show. 

"Ancient alien theorists believe that thousands of years ago, extraterrestrials landed on Earth, where they were hailed as gods and helped shape human"

Some clips from youtube 😊


Edited by firewings_diya - 10 months ago
K.Universe. thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: Pete15rogmourey

They're running short of rice in their country and this is what they're worried about? 

“They” will be fine. “They” may have to live on the Basmati variety till the non-Basmati shortage sorts itself out. The torture!

Based on news reports, some desis in a few cities are panic buying and hoarding but even if it’s a countrywide problem, “they” are capable of handling more than one problem at a time. After all, a few congressmen can surely spare a few hours to hear out a few witnesses and come up with a plan with the ultimate goal of protecting “their” skies. Nothing wrong with that!

SilverBell thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: devashree_h

US Congress had a hearing yesterday about UAPs. UAPs mean 'Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon ', or as they were known earlier, UFOs. In the hearing,  former US Intelligence Officer claimed, under oath, that US government is in possession of alien tech and non human biologics. 


US government has always denied being in possession of any such tech and has always denied about Alien crash landings. Curiously though, couple of years back they released a video of their fighter pilots encountering a UAP.

We do not know the expanse of our Universe. There is a possibility that there are other living beings out there.

Do you believe we are the only living planet in the Universe?

Do you think Aliens visit us?

Good Question I Have Been Trying To Find The Answer To This Question For A Long Time Now. Maybe Aliens Do Visit Us And There Is Life On Other Planets 

But I Don't Believe In The American Government They Tell Lies About Aliens And Cover It Up.

Swetha-Sai thumbnail
Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: Viswasruti

Already Sams, Costco, and all Patel Stores in USA  and in Australia put up a board mentioning no rice stock, asking customers not to line up in front of the stores, 5 days back. 

How are the South Indians who immigrated to US survive there w/o eating rice? 😕

Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: Swetha-Sai

How are the South Indians who immigrated to US survive there w/o eating rice? 😕

Then, we have to adjust with Jasmine rice, Chinese rice, or Korean rice. 

The other varieties of rice are available, but at a higher price.

Now, let us wait for some alien to drop a few Basmati rice bags everywhere on earth! 😃

Edited by Viswasruti - 10 months ago
Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 10 months ago

Overall, UFO sightings have been reported at Kolkata, Bangalore, Aurangabad and other parts of India. However, they are more common in Kongka Pass in Ladakh as well as in Rajasthan and West Bengal.

Originally posted by: mnx12

They may be scientifically advanced, superior, inferior, anything. 

Why only US, they can visit other countries too. 

If they want to rule the Earth. Less possible as we have too many leaders here. 😆


As we all hoped, Mina, there appear to have been a few incidences of UFOs being sighted by some people on various  occasions. Here is the list:  

From Wikipedia,  


On March 15 at 10:21 a.m. in New Delhi, members of a flying club saw a cigar-shaped object in the sky that was about one hundred feet long. The UFO hovered for some time and then vanished from sight.


On September 24, a team of scientists in Samudra Tapu [Himachal Pradesh] spotted a white object resembling a "snow man" on top of an adjacent mountain ridge at around 6:45 a.m. India Today speculated the UFO could be "a spy drone from across the border" or "a spy balloon".


On October 29, a fast moving object was spotted at 30° in the eastern horizon at Eastern Kolkata between 3:30 and 6:30 am and was filmed using a video camera. Its shape-shifted from a sphere to a triangle and then to a straight line. The object emitted a bright light forming a halo and radiated a range of colors. It was spotted by locals and hundreds gathered along the E.M. Bypass to catch a glimpse of the UFO, triggering a frenzy. The video footage was released on a TV News channel and later shown to Dr. D P Duari, the director of MP Birla Planetarium, Kolkata, who found it to be "extremely interesting and strange". Duari later identified the object to the planet Venus.


Residents of Mogappiar, Chennai observed five specks of bright orange light moving from south to north around 8.55 p.m. on June 20, which was later reported in the local newspaper on 23 June. 

On August 4 soldiers of Indian Army observed unidentified flying objects over Lagan Kher Area, Demchock, Ladakh. It was also reported that army troops had observed more than a hundred different incidents of UFO movements in the border areas of Arunachal Pradesh in the preceding seven months.


A series of pictures of the sunset over the Rajajipuram area of Lucknow on 23 July claimed to show a UFO. 

A commercial pilot reportedly informed Mumbai Air Traffic Control room that she spotted a black and blueish UFO near Pune during the first week of October at a height of about 26,300 feet 

A photograph published by the news media claimed to show a "nail shaped" UFO over Kochi in the southern Indian state of Kerala on 29 October.


In Gorakhpur, UP a local resident claimed to have taken a photo of a large UFO. However, a rash of similar photos from other parts of the world depicting the appearance of a UFO similar to the one in the movie Independence Day were most likely "created using digital editing software or even a mobile phone app, as some on the market allow UFOs to be blended into pictures".

In June, a boy from Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, reportedly captured a flying saucer in his father's phone while clicking photos of clouds.


In January, some local residents from Ludhiana, Punjab claimed that they saw an unidentified flying object (UFO) in the sky. A similar incident occurred in December too.

On the 9th of July, at 9:36 A.M., in Vadodara, Gujarat, some people reportedly saw a triangular Unidentified Flying Object spinning and moving forward.


Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) are the most intriguing subject in this world. Several people believe that they do exist, given the fact that there is a world beyond our own.

Indian destinations where UFO sightings have been reportedCredit: Getty Images


Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra came into the spotlight in October 2015 when a UFO sighting was reported in the region by 800 people from 3 villages close to the TRP petrol pump. According to the eyewitnesses, the object was 12 m wide and was of greyish colour. It descended to a height of 500 ft, and then made itself scarce.

Indian destinations where UFO sightings have been reported

Are these ancient signs alien connections, or mere coincidences??? 

Are they UFOs or rocks/matter from a previous star's explosion? Or was it debris from a spaceship dispatched from Earth's surface?

Edited by Viswasruti - 10 months ago
chaipaani thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Most Posts (July 2023) 1 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 months ago

I agree with your perspective on the nature of the universe and the existence of advanced civilizations beyond our perception. Indeed, the visible matter that constitutes our universe represents only a tiny fraction of what might be out there. For example, dark matter suggests that a vast amount of matter in the universe remains invisible to our current technology. The possibility of advanced civilizations existing in realms beyond our comprehension is a captivating notion, and the idea that they may occasionally reveal themselves to us as UFOs is fascinating.

Interestingly, most of the reported UFO sightings have been in the USA, with over 350+ incidents documented but never made official like this time. As someone has already pointed out, why do such occurrences appear to be concentrated primarily in the USA?

As we are discussing UFOs, anyone would like to share opinions or speculations about Area 51.

Also, I hope it's okay for me to tag and initiate the conversation here in this thread.

chaipaani thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Most Posts (July 2023) 1 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: SilverBell

Good Question I Have Been Trying To Find The Answer To This Question For A Long Time Now. Maybe Aliens Do Visit Us And There Is Life On Other Planets 

But I Don't Believe In The American Government They Tell Lies About Aliens And Cover It Up.

I believe USA Government hides a lot of stuff from the world. Feels like they are aware of many things beyond common understanding and keep working on that in secrecy. I too feel life do exist on other realms or planets and those beings are already aware of us and have more intelligence than humans.

TheGirlofRagas thumbnail
Voice of India 2024 Participant 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 months ago

After searching on this topic and landed in the topic of Yeti are the aliens sent to earth to watch over things

See there are ghosts, as per people's experiences. But I have never seen them, same GOD I have not seen him, but I have experienced his strength. When I was stuck in Ayodhya, It felt that Shri Ram just saved us. It was so close. My 2 3 incidents made me believe that I am saved or else bada Bawaal ho jaata.

I want to go and see UFOs if they really do exist. Even Yeti. Someone told that Yeti is found in Himalayas and they help people when they face crisis


devashree_h thumbnail
Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: K.Universe.

Good discussions! Whatever trajectory your discussions take, I will fly with you 😊 but, initially, I would like to keep the focus on UFOs / UAPs.

Even if an UAP is exhibiting unusual flight characteristics, those observations could be the result of sensor errors, spoofing, or observer misperception. The UFO/UAP could very well be airborne clutter or natural atmospheric phenomena or an US developmental program or an adversary (to US, such as Russia/China) system.

The US defense department compiled a list of observables associated with UAPs and the USS Nimitz incident in Nov' 2004 pretty much checks all of them:

1. Anti-gravity lift to overcome the earth’s gravity with no visible means of propulsion. Also lack any flight surfaces such as wings.

2. Sudden and instantaneous acceleration, rapid directional changes, that no human could survive the g-forces without getting crushed.

3. Hypersonic velocities without signatures like vapor trails and sonic booms.

4. Low observability or cloaking of UAPs even when advanced radar systems and infrared cameras are deployed.

5. Trans-medium travel with UAPs moving easily in and between different environments, such as space, the earth’s atmosphere and water.

So, belief or disbelief in UFOs/UAPs should account for potential sensor errors and observer misperceptions  as well as factor in observables.

As far as aliens or non-human biologics go, no credible evidence has been presented to the general public yet. So far, it's hearsay.

I guess other countries need to pitch in before we believe any of this. May be only US has those powerful radars. Has there been no commentary from any of the other nations? Thats curious, isnt it? On the other hand, this could also be US secret project where the other departments dont know whats going on.

As for the non-human biologics, curiously he did not say extra-terrestrial but said non-human.