Kriyam ff_Tere liye kuch bhi kar dein (chpt 9 updt in pg 8)

divyaak123 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
hi everyone ...this is my first ff on kriyam...pls forgive me really bad at writing...but got this idea wanted 2 share it with you all...its starting frm where saiyyam gets yuvans card for krishna on valentines this story..yuvan is sry...i dint want it to be like tht...but it was needed 4 this story...again pls pls pls 4give me 4 my mistakes...n ill b a little fast in updating next pat...cos my xams r cuming ill have to complete it b4 tht...

The day after krishna confessed her love to yuvan thinking its saiyyam...yuvan felt really bad 4 leaving her n marrying baby...he cursed his fate...he cursed tht wedding day of he was sure tht there was nothing between saiyyam and krishna n was happy for the fact that krishna stil luvs him.

Krishna was really tensed...thinking tht she confessed her love to saiyyam...she had a fear of the fact tht he wud reject her...but deep inside her heart she had a hope...
(saiyyam cums to their room...krishna doesnt look at his face...her heart beats increased...she thought he is gonna say the answer...she gripped tightly to her kurta...)

Saiyam- Krishna 2day ill b a little late...its my friends wedding...n luks  at her (he wanted her also to come...but  he thought tht she wud refuse thts y dint ask her)(krishna just listens to all this silently..) 

Saiyyam- and...(he goes near krishna)     (krishna gets nervous)

Saiyyam - no need of making food 4 me 2day ...ill eat from there...(n he takes his watch frm the table which was near krishna..)
(krishna felt bad at the fact tht he dint even tell anything abt the matter...she was so angry tht she dint know wat she tld.)

Krishna- saiyyam...its your friends wedding wright...then y r u not taking ur wife along with u...?
(saiyyam was surprised at this question of hers...he looked at her being confused. but he was so happy tht she is ready 2 cum with him...)

(krishna suddenly realised wat she told...n felt a bit awkward)

(suddenly a call came to was his tell tht the wedding is cancelled because ...bried father died suddenly..)

Saiyyam-v r not going for the wedding  (krishna felt very bad ...she  thought he doesnt like me going with him...)

saiyyam - brides father wedding is cancelled..
(krishna felt a bit releived...cos her thoughts were wrong)

Saiyyam-but krishna i have to go there.i know tht uncle very well dont know how this leaving..

Krishna-mmm...(cudnt tell anything cos...she was confused at the fact tht he is not saying anything abt tht matter)

after sometime...yuvan makes a card 4 krishna 2 confess his love ...n keeps it in krishnas sofa...thinking tht saiyyam is not here...n he goes..

saiyyam cums back...n goes to their room...n sees the card...
he reads the full card n gets shocked on knowing the fact tht yuvan still luvs krishna...

Saiyyam- why am i feeling bad...i dont love her...even she doesnt love me...but she loved yuvan...i came in between them n spoiled krishnas life 4 my bloody revenge...but does krishna still love yuvan?...
(saiyyam keeps the card in his drawer)

Saiyyam-y did i keep tht card im my drawer?...y i feel like krishna shud not see this...(a lot of questions came up in his mind)

it was dinner time...n all assembled 4 having food...krishna came n sat next to saiyyam...n then yuvan n baby came...saiyyam felt angry seeing yuvan...but he controlled...
yuvan came n sat next to krishna...n started talkin 2 her casually...even she was talking to him...saiyyam was burning in jealousy...

Saiyyam-she never talks with me like this...y am i feeling bad wen these 2 r talking..?(he wanted to stop their talking)

Saiyyam-krishna u know wat happpened to tht brides father...?he started exagurating the whole story n was narrating it to krishna...till their food was over..
(krishna was listening to wat all he was saying cos...she was enjoying his company...n it was the 1st time he was talking to her like that...)
in between yuvaan tried to distract her...but she was only listening 2 saiyyam...

after dinner all go to their respective rooms...
in kriyams bedroom...
both lay down to sleep in bed n sofa...
krishna thinks...2day saiyyam was talking so friendly..with it his other way of saying yes to me...
saiyyam thinks...tht yuvan left her in the last minute of their marriage can she luv him?...but i forcefully married her n tortured can she luv me...? "LOVE " he suddenly realised wat he thought...he smiled a bit n understood the fact tht...he has fallen...fallen very hard...
he looked at krishna who was sleeping in her sofa...he thought to himself...but do i deserve her...
no...i dont ...but even yuvan doesnt desrve her...he also had hurt her...
( the full night he cudnt sleep...he was looking at krishna...n thinking all their fights his torture n some of their good moments)

Precap-yuvan n saiyyam fights...suhani supports yuvan...saiyyam cums to the room..n throws thing angrily .n starts crying...krishna cums n see this n feels bad 4 saiyyam...

pls pls give me your your feedback...shud i continue this?...n pls 4give 4 my mistakes...this is my first pls...

Edited by divyaak123 - 7 years ago


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Frequent Posters

Funlovinggul thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
You are simply superb.
continue with more ff.
vinlora thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 7 years ago
Wonderful writing dear...loved it...thank u and plzzz update the next part soon and make it looong episode๐Ÿ˜›
Anjali33 thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 7 years ago
I'm loving it..N Saiyyam's jealousy is...
Btw, when r your xams starting??
Edited by Anjali33 - 7 years ago
divyaak123 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Anjali33

I'm loving it..N Saiyyam's jealousy is...

Btw, when r your xams starting??

10th...b4 tht i have 2 finish..
Poojaa_P thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 7 years ago
Yesss please do continue. We are not grammar nazis here. We only need good storyline. I'm waiting for the next chapter!! Wondering how Krishna will handle Saiyyam's angry young man mode hehe 
THanks for writing! ๐Ÿค—
parboni thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
A KriYam ff?Pretty plz...Do continue.
1PinkRose1 thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Excellent and Awesome writing.Keep it up and don't worry to finish the next chapter,as your exams are coming so i will wait until your exam to b finish.
But I really hope and have fear that cvs won't show us like this ff as my Golu Molu Yuvaan is negative here.I will accept Yuvaan spoilt,egoistic,foolish etc,but not in villain role.
Sayyam is confused and bit hesistate to accept his inner feelings.But next part is on d long way to reach here ...As you have exam
divyaak123 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
ok guys so here is the 2nd sry im hurrying up with the parts...hope u guys enjoy sorry yuvan this...yuvan is completely negative...
Chapter 2 

Its morning...saiyyam woke up first...hearing his alarm...he quickly offed it so that krishnas sleep will not be disturbed...he looked lovingly at krishna...he got up frm his bed...n walked 2wards the sofa...
(Saiyyam cute is she...)he laughs at himself...wen he is abt to go...krishna turns on her sofa...n is about to fall...wen saiyyam immediately catches her...krishna wakes up n they have an eyelock)

Saiyyam-actually u were abt 2 fall...tht y...

Krishna-mmm thank u ...
(krishna sits properly on sofa...they have an awkward moment...n then saiyyam goes to bathroom 2 freshen up...
krishna thinks of the way she fell n how saiyyam held her...she smiles...

Dining hall

Suhani-yuvraj...2day its sunday wright...its after a long time the whole family is happy n together...lets plan some games...

Yuvraj- yeah ur wright...lets enjoy 2day...sharad come weel plan abt the games...

Suhani-we ladies will make some snacks n cum...lets sit in our garden...saiyyam n yuvan...go arrange everything there...
(they both go n start the arrangements...yuvan starts talking abt krishna...their childhood memos...he was talking abt krishnas likes n dislikes...n everything...)

Saiyyam- yuvan...u left her in the last minute of your marriage wright...then y r u talking a lot about it just bcos she is your friend?

Yuvan- man...u guessed it wright...yes...i love her...n i was talking abt her bcos i wanted to tell this tht i love her...i knew u wud ask this question...(saiyyam  stares at yuvan...)

Saiyyam- i knew it yuvaan...i saw your valentines day card ...but yuvan u were her best friend...who dint support or help her in a  tough situation...tht tym...u wanted baby...n now krishna...ur so fickleminded ...wat guarantee u have tht u wont leave her again?
(yuvan was abt to say something wen all cum there...)

Saiyyam dint feel he decided to go back to his room wen krishna stopped him...

Krishna-where r u going? the games r gonna start...

Saiyyam-no krishna im not interested...

Krishna- but saiyyam...
(yuvan stops her )

Yuvan-if he is not interested let him go krishna...afterall he is not our type...
(saiyyam gets angry)

Saiyyam-nothing like that yuvan i have a headache...ill take medicines n cum...
(krishna gets worried wen he says he has  headache but she doesnt show...)

Krishna-ill get u medicines...

Saiyyam-its ok..ill go n take it...
(all r set ...n every1 r ready ...suhani calls yuvan krishna n saiyyam...)
(every1 cums n sits)(krishna cums n sits near  saiyyam)

Krishna-r u ok now ?

Saiyyam-yes...(he felt happy tht she asked him abt his headache...he never had any1 who asked him like that...he smiled looking at her )

the game started yuvani was the host...

yuvani-the game which v r gonna play now is...a dance game...its a simple game...its just tht u have to choose people to dance with u...
(yuvan luks at saiyyam n smirks...)
(saiyyam sees this...)

Saiyyam-can i start this game )

Yuvani-great saiyyam ...cmon...(all clapss 4 him)

Yuvani-who r u gonna choose ?
(saiyyam thought tht if he chooses krishna...yuvan will not dance with her...)

Saiyyam-krishna...(krishna was so happy at this...she never thot he wud choose her...)
(all claps...4 them)
they start dancing on the song...banjaara...
(they 4got all around them...while dancing they were just looking into each others eyes)
(they dint even know wen the song stopped...)

Sharad-saiyyam n do the rest in your bedroom...
(bavna pinches him...)
(suhani feels happy seeing them like this)
(kriyam feel awkward...wen yuvani says...)

Yuvani-tht was a wonderful performance give a big round of applause to them...n saiyyam pls stop...u have to choose one more person to dance...there r two rounds..

Saiyyam-maa...i will dance with maa...
(suhani n saiyyam dance...)
all clap...n both suhani n saiyyam...feels happy...

Yuvan-next ill cum...

Yuvani-ok choose one...
(yuvan 1st chooses baby...n dances with her...)


Yuvan-krishna...(n then he luks at saiyyam n smirk)

Saiyyam- but i aready danced with krishna...

Yuvani-its ok saiyyam...tht is allowed in the game...a person can b choosen many times...
(saiyyam cudnt say anything...he was angry )(krishna dint want 2 dance with yuvan...but all insisted n she went)
(they both started dancing...saiyyam was burning in jealousy...
yuvan started touching krishna in a wrong manner...krishna was shocked at this bhaviour of yuvan...she was trying 2 get out his hold...but he pulled her back...nobody noticed this...but saiyyam was watching all this angrily...he was abt 2 say stop...wen the music stopped...)
(krishna felt uncomfartable...she went fast n sat next 2 saiyyam...)(saiyyam was staring angrily at yuvan)

(then...everybody got chance n the game was over)

Yuvani-now cum lets all dance 2gether...
(all went n danced...while...kriyam were standing there...krishna was still angry n confused at the fact tht y yuvan was touching her in a bad manner)(saiyyam understood this...)(he was abt 2 go 2 her...wen yuvan pulls her 2 dance with them)
(saiyyam luks on angrily...he dint want 2 create a scene over there...)
Krishna -leave me yuvan...

Saiyyam-leave her yuvaan...(all were busy dancing nobody notices this)
(yuvan luks at saiyyam in an evil manner...n opens krishnas churidars zip...the zip breaks...)

Saiyyam-yuvaaan...(saiyyam quickly removes his shirt ...n covers krishna)(krishna was crying very badly...)
(by the time all stopped dancing n came running to krishna...)
(Saiyyam starts beating yuvan red n blue...)(all try to stop him)
yuvan starts acting...

Yuvan-im sry saiyyam it was by mistake sry...
(finally suhani cums n stops...saiyyam...n asks the matter...he tells wat happened...)

Yuvan-no maa...i was just asking her to mistake..the zip opened...n he holds his head n starts acting...

Saiyyam-maa..he is lying he did this purposely...krishna knows this...he asks krishna to tell ... very sure yuvan did it by mistake...he cant do such a cheap thing...n saiyyam u...he is your elder brother...n ur raising hand on him...say sorry to him...cmon..

Saiyyam-maa he did a mistake he shud say  sorry not me...

Suhani-saiyyam stop it im very sure yuvan did not do this intentionally...n tld tht v shud not give yuvan pls stop this drama ...

Saiyyam-alright so im doing drama...huh...ok krishna will tell wat happened...tell krishna...
(krishna wanted 2 tell but...keeping doctors word in mind tht yuvan shud not b given stress...she doesnt say anything...)

Saiyyam-y r u silent ?tell wat happened...
(yuvan smirks)

Suhani-enough is enough...saiyyam...even she doesnt have complain then y u.?i know u have problem with yuvan...but u shud not take advantage of this situation...(she goes near yuvan)

Suhani-its ok beta...i know u dint do any thing...pls go n rest...dont get stressed out...

Yuvan-im happy tht u all blieve me ma...dont know y saiyyam hates me a lot...
(saiyyam gets angry n his room)(krishna also goes to him)
(saiyyam starts throwing away his room...n he starts crying...krishna cums to him n holds his shoulder...saiyyam moves away...n says dont u dare touch me...

Krishna-i know saiyyam u r angry at the fact tht aunty dint support u...but yuvan is not well...he shud not b given stress wright...

Saiyyam-being blamed 4 things which i dint do is not a new thing 4 me...but where was your toungue when i asked u to explain things?

Krishna-if i tell the truth...all will b angy at yuvan...n he will be stressed...thts not gud 4 him naa...

Saiyyam-now all r angry at me...they r thinking that i purposely made it a big ur happy now?...i bcame small in maas  eyes...r u happy now?

Krishna-im sorry really sorry...(she goes near him...n is abt to hold him)

Saiyyam-i said dont touch me...n dont come near me...
(he goes out of the room)
(krishna cries...)

(at night saiyyam cums usual..there was food kept 4 him on table...krishna was acting like to sleep...n she was watching saiyyam...he luks at her angrily...n doesnt eat food...he is about sleep...wen...

Krishna-how can u not eat food which i made 4 u...?

Saiyyam-i dint ask any1 to make food 4 me...

Krishna-but im ur friend i care 4 u...ur a pencil...if u dont eat anything properly...ull b invisible...
(saiyyam smiles a bit...cos he had no1 to come bhind him wen was was he who used to go bhind he was enjoying tht...he dint want to stop this so faast..)

Saiyyam-i said i dont want food...pls let me sleep peacefully...

Krishna-ok if u dont eat alone ill feed u...(she takes the plate n start feeding him)

Saiyyam-ok ok ill eat...

Krishna-thts my good boy...
(saiyyam realisses wat she tld just now...MY GOOD BOY)

(krishna was about to go to take water 4 saiyyam...wen a photo frame was about to fall on her...saiyyam sees this...n pushes her away...his hands get hurt...)

Krishna-wat did u do saiyyam...ur angry with me na...then..y did u save me...(she goes n take first aid box...n does his aid in between) telling..u dont do this again...i know how to manage myself...n btw way even if i die ...wat is your problem...y ru always saving me..

(saiyyam  lost his control...n slapped her...)

Saiyyam-bcos i love you...i cant even c u in pain...(then he realised how he slapped her n wat he tld her...krishnna was so happy...hearing this...these three words which she wanted 2 hear frm a long time from him...her heart was filled with joy...)

Saiyyam-im sorry krishna..i must have not slapped sorry ...(he holds her face..)but y did u say about u dying ...y r u in a hurry 2 die?even b4 r marriage if i dint stop u u must have died...

Krishna-im sorry saiyyam...i wont repeat this...n thnk u ...

Saiyyam-thnku 4 wat ?

Krishna-4 loving me...u made me complete 2day...i love you...
(saiyyam was very happy hearing this...he never thot tht krishna wud love him back...he cudnt

Saiyyam -wat did u say?...

Krishna-she hugs him n say...I LOVE YOU...

Saiyyam-once more...

Krishna- i luv u i luv u i luv u...

saiyyam hugs her tightly...

Krishna-saiyyam have food...its too late ull be hungry na...
(saiyyam shows his hand which is hurt...)
(krishna understands it n feed him...)
(krishna was abt to go to the sofa wen saiyyam pulls her to the bed...n says...2morrow ill throw tht bloody sofa..out of my room...)they both sleep...on the bed...

Precap-krishna calls saiyyam n says congragulation... ur gonna bcum a father...saiyyam gets shoocked n confused...
Edited by divyaak123 - 7 years ago
1PinkRose1 thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
OMG you turned Yuvaan to lusty leech not villain ๐Ÿคข ๐Ÿ˜• ,very very ๐Ÿ’”