ArHi FF: Silent Whispers Thread 3: Link to Th 4 Pg 1 - Page 81


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Greyasr thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Where have u been come back Archi please
MsDroolKanthan thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Archi , this story is perfect with its imperfect characters , flawed relationships and realistic situations.
Do update soon :)
Laters_Baby thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: -Archi-

its coming... pakka by Sunday at the latest😊

Still waiting 🥱
I hope everything fine with you.
AnjuRish thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: Laters_Baby

Still waiting 🥱
I hope everything fine with you.

all oki babes ???
-Haju- thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Amazing Edited by -Haju- - 8 years ago
sman thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
where r u Archi???? hope everything is fine with u
Shamz94 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Loved loved it so far what an amazing ff can't wait to read more of it.. Please pm me when you update next! Hopefully it's not a long wait :) Edited by hiuytlm - 8 years ago
Srujana7.MaNan thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Waiting, please update soon.
-Archi- thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: Natalia

I am glad that Akassh tried to make amends. It would be too soon to be normal considering Khushi would be his bhabi. But I sense his closeness towards Payal a reason behind this normality. Even he brought her up during the conversation. Khushi would have picked up this fondness has she not been distracted by the news. Anyways I still find Akash transferring his shares to Khushi slightly odd.Yes I do get that he never wanted it and he feels it be a tie down but giving it up means he would hurt his family. Khushi through marriage would be part owner to AR anyways. Wouldn't accepting the shares make khushi an opportunist in the eyes of the society which she was fearing and wanting badly to avoid!

Thanks for the explanations. Especially the link to chapter 41. Forgot that.

Thank for your comment Natalia!  As for your questions, yes, Khushi fears everyone is going to take her for an opportunist, but what changes her mind is when Akash says she deserves to own them. Akash has literally seen her work hard over the past two years, topping all subjects and internships. Their personal differences aside, Akash has never seen anyone be good at business the way Khushi is. And the trust he puts on her, to take care of his inheritance, is what convinces her; because unlike most people, he trusts her talent, and not her background. Moreover, Akash had already made up his mind and nothing Khushi was going to say, would have changed it. But does that mean she is over her fear? No. The thing with Khushi is that she is a practical person. She always weighs her options and goes with what's best. And in that situation, winning Akash back was more important to her than what the society thinks. I hope that answered your doubts! 😃

Originally posted by: BVSJ

Wonderful update ..
Now I guess its time for shashi to pay for his deeds what he did to Garima and his kids..

I just miss that Arnav and akash too should get back to their brotherhood that was never much blissful since beginning but I hope khushi make that happen as now she had gt her friend and I hope she see that what these brothers are missing..

Finally shashi is going to pay... But I am scared will khushi get along with this news or will now run on Arnav for the matter of fact that he knew about this a while ago and he didn't share it with her.. 

I feel bad sometimes when I read that khushi is examining her own patience and her feelings of love for Arnav who too is still I feel unaware o certain things going in her head..

Correct me if I am wrong.. Don't women make careers after marriage .. And didnt she trust Arnav that he will bring reality to her dreams..

I am saying all this coz. M scared that someday if she step back in this relation jut coz. Of some reason then I will be Heart broken like Arnav..

I know what she had and faced in past had a big impact on her present and will have on her future but I hope she just once trust him than doubting what can happen and testing things..

She is scared.. She is in fear.. But she need to get over and believe what is about to come in her life..

Thanks for your comment dear! I know what you mean. Yes, women do make career's after marriage. But Khushi's problem is that she fears the institution of marriage. She feels the reason her father had an affair with Juhi was because her mother was a simple housewife, who couldn't make a name for herself. So ever since then, she strongly feels a marriage will only last if both the husband and wife are equals. Yes, this belief is illogical, but so are all our fears. It's in human nature to be irrational at times, especially about things closest to us. Anyway, all of this will be cleared up in due time 😃

Edited by -Archi- - 8 years ago
-Archi- thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 8 years ago


May 2016 bring everyone lots of luck, love and happiness! 🤗 And I am hoping that amidst all the celebrations, you guys will forget how long I made you wait 😳 
But on a serious note, I was in india for the past month for my sister's wedding and it was hectic to the say the least. I don't understand how people get married a gazillion times in TV, because I am done after one 😆 Jokes apart, I am really sorry for disappearing. I literally wrote this chapter on the flight home. I really hope you guys are not fed up and still want to read. 

In case some of you need a refresher, you can read the last chapter here.

Silent Whispers
The Second First Time

Arnav gingerly knocked on the aging door, hoping his brother was home. It was the first time in over a year that he was visiting the small apartment on the outskirts of town that Akash had moved into, abandoning all the luxuries of Shantivaan without even a blink of an eye.
Of course, it was another thing that Arnav had wanted to make this trip more times than he could remember, though he never dared to follow through.  His brother had already shown his prowess for blatancy when he had read that infamous article in the New Delhi Times. There was no doubt he wouldn't do the same if their conversation steered even an inch in the wrong direction.  And given how silent things have gotten between them, Arnav just couldn't give another wedge the chance to drive them apart.
The door slowly opened to reveal a tired-looking Akash. "Bhai?" he said, surprise coloring his face. "Is everything okay?"
"Everything is fine," he replied, calm. "Are you busy?"
"No, of course not. Come in."
Akash stepped aside to let him enter. Arnav walked through the aging studio apartment, noticing every corner filled with canvases, some completed, some blank and the rest somewhere in between. A couch and a few tables occupied the hall, while a kitchen and bathroom angled off on the edges of the room.
For the first time in his life, Arnav felt as if he walked into his brother's privacy. 
"It's not big," Akash murmured, who seemed to be watching him anxiously. "But it's convenient."
"It's your house," Arnav said simply, understanding his apprehension and wishing he could change it. "And for me, that's all that matters."
He appeared surprised to hear that.
"And as much as we can continue talking about your real estate investments," Arnav said, keeping his voice light. He didn't and couldn't let the awkwardness to settle. " I am here to talk about something important."
Akash watched with careful eyes in response, reminding Arnav almost instantly of him as a child. Then too, he pulled the same face every time he got rewarded instead of punished for some deliberate mischief.
Suppressing a grin, for Akash appeared quite adorable, Arnav pulled out his cell phone and sat on the soft red sofa as though this wasn't the first time they were having a conversation unsupervised by their sister in almost a year.
"I believe you are aware of Anju's relationship," Arnav began, keeping his eyes on his phone, but not really reading the messages it displayed. "And more than that, are okay with it since you haven't raised any glaring objections to it."
Akash remained rooted to the floor.
"Shyam is a good man... I may not know him as well as you do, but I do believe he is the one for her, so much so that I think it's time they got married."
He was still silent.
"Nani is yet to confirm it with the priests, but there seems to be an auspicious day a month from today. If you approve, we can finalize it for the wedding. Needless to say, this is the first of the family, so we have-"
Arnav broke off, finally taking his eyes off his phone. Akash was staring at him with a mixture of incredulity and remorse.
"Why are you doing this?" he asked, blunt.
"Err... I am not sure what you mean."
"You know exactly what I mean Bhai. You're pretending as if both of us haven't been avoiding each other for the past eight months, as if you aren't choosing every word like you are threading on thin ice, as if everything is normal between us! Why?!"
Arnav stood up. "I don't understand... do you want me to scream my lungs out at you?"
"Yes!" he fumed. "As a matter of fact I do! I want you to be pissed off with me for everything I put you through in the last few months! I want you to yell at me for being stupid and insensitive! I want you to do everything except be the bigger person here and take the first step to fixing this!!"
Arnav's shoulders fell. They had come exactly to the point he had desperately wanted to avoid. "Akash..."
He shook his head, his voice falling with disgrace. "You don't get it Bhai... you are the better one out of the two of us. You know exactly when to compromise and when to fight, when to talk and when to listen, when to forgive and when to criticize. Even now, you are here to fix the damage before it's late."
Arnav didn't reply.
"You are here to give me a considerate way back into the family... because we both know I've said some things that I can never take back no matter what."
He finally cleared his throat. "Well, you are wrong... No one can give you a way back into this family, because you never left it in the first place."
"Do you truly believe you are the first person in this world to have said things they are not proud of?" he interrupted. "Well, you aren't... it's human tendency to utter things that may not always be true. And the people who know the difference between that, between what you mean and what you say... those are the ones you call family."
Akash stared at him in wonder.
"And before you find another excuse to feel guilty," Arnav continued with a small smile. "Let me remind you that if our roles were reversed and you were in my place, you would have said the same thing, perhaps with even more conviction than I."
To his great surprise, Akash unpredictably stepped forward to embrace him. Arnav felt as if his heart, which he didn't even know was agape, was whole again. It was so very strange.  
Despite being so inherently different, both of them somehow always managed to adhere. Perhaps it was in their blood, or their upbringing or just their plain hearts, but whatever it was, it was enough for Arnav to realize that despite all the secrets and misunderstandings, they were always going to be incomplete without the other.
"Thank you," Akash mumbled, stepping away. "And I am so sorry for not trusting you..."
"You know Maa once said to me that it takes two men to make one brother," Arnav replied. "If you feel guilty for what happened, then so do I. If you are sorry for what you said, then I am sorry for what I did."
"No, don't be... if me and Khushi broke up, it's because we wanted to. It had nothing to do with you."
"Maybe not-"
"Forget it Bhai. I don't want to remember all the mistakes we made."
Arnav reluctantly nodded, knowing that there was no point digging skeletons they had only just buried.
"Besides, you still haven't even asked me the big question yet."
A line appeared on his forehead. "What's that?"
"Oh come on Bhai... I am not that naive to not understand that you would be the first person to know when my shares are not mine anymore."
Arnav averted his eyes.
"What?" Akash asked, taken aback. "Aren't you going to ask me why I gave them away? Or for that matter tell me I am making a very big mistake?"
He took his time to answer, choosing his words with great care. "Did you know our company's legal advisor -Sid- has been my friend longer than he has been a lawyer?"
"Okay...?" Akash said, not following the point.
"So naturally, he called me the minute you decided to take your name off those shares."
Akash bit his lip.
"Which brings me to my point: if I really did want to tell you that you are making a mistake, I would not have waited this long. I would have told you the day you had the first intention, almost a month ago now."
Akash nervously dug his hands into his pockets. "So... you are not mad then?"
"No," he replied calmly. "If anything, I was happy that you at least acknowledged those shares are yours, even if it was for a short while."
"I didn't want to disrespect your sentiment Bhai-"
"You don't owe me an explanation."
"I know, but I still want to give you one."
Arnav was surprised.
"I can't say the family business is not for me and still accept a third of its profits. It's not right. I either have to be on that end, or this, but not in-between. I haven't attended a single board meeting in my life Bhai, and yet I have as much authority as you? How is that fair? At least Anjali knows what is going on... she makes an effort to keep up, but me? I don't know anything."
He listened patiently, knowing exactly where Akash was heading with the conversation.
"So, I thought it was best to get rid of my namesake ownership. And before you ask me why Khushi, I want to tell you straight up that she was the first person who came to my mind. And the reason is very simple: she gets me. I know she will never do anything that goes against your sentiments or mine. If, like you say, these shares are really mine, then I can't see anyone doing a better job of taking care of them than her.  Can you?"
Arnav was mum. There was no doubt whatsoever that Khushi was more than capable of handling a third of AR Designs. And perhaps, like his brother said, she would handle them in a way that kept their family's essence alive in many years to come.
But that wasn't what bothered Arnav about the new dynamic. No, what bothered him was something else entirely.
* * *
Khushi took a deep breath, failing miserably to calm her already strained heart. Today was her first day in AR Designs as a shareholder, and even though things were very different from the last time she had her first day there, albeit as an intern, it felt just as nerve wracking, if not more.
While the news channels had mostly stayed away from this development over the weekend, she knew after today there would be no hiding. Today was her meeting with the entire board of directors, and without question, every single one of them would be questioning how she acquired a third of the company literally overnight.
"Good morning ma'am," greeted the receptionist, a chirpy girl in her early twenties.
"Please Meera," Khushi replied, rolling her eyes. This was first time she had addressed her as ma'am.  "Don't make me any more nervous than I already am."
Meera grinned. "You will be fine. The meeting is in boardroom three."
Khushi nodded and proceeded to the staircase when she heard a booming voice:
"Miss Gupta! What's the hurry?"
She whipped around to find the grinning face of Jai, Arnav's faithful manager and her good friend, though he had a knack of putting her on the spot more often than not.
"Let me at least congratulate you," Jai continued, striding towards her. "After all, this is quite a big promotion!"
"Shut-up," she muttered. "You don't have to let the whole office know, okay?"
"Oh the whole office knows already," he replied nonchalantly. "Boss sent everyone an email this morning."
Her jaw dropped in horror. "He did what?!"
"Yeah, he sent an email, calling for a meeting with the entire staff to introduce the new boss."
Khushi wished the ground would just open up and swallow her right then and there. At least she would be saved from the embarrassment of walking up in front of the entire company, who until a year ago were her colleagues, and proclaim her position as an owner.
"So tell me," Jai said seriously, lowering his voice and leaning in. "Is boss really this generous in bed? Or did it not even come to that?"
She glared at him, fuming. "I swear Jai, one more joke about me and Arnav and-"
"And what?" he asked mischievously. "You will fire me? Bring it on Gupta. I am excited to finally have some fun in this place!"
Khushi gritted her teeth and turned away, frustrated. She knew he was merely pulling her leg. Jai was much too familiar with her to simply believe that her new position was because of her relationship with Arnav; but what about the rest of the company? Did they understand her in the few short weeks she worked here?  Or did they assume that her new role in the company was courtesy of some favors from the Raizada family?
The answer was not hard to guess.
"By the way, just a heads up," Jai said casually, walking up the stairs with her. "They are going to be talking about Joshi and Sons today."
Khushi stopped. "What about Joshi and Sons?"
He held out a file for her. "It's all in here. You should definitely give it read before the meeting. After all it's your first one as a shareholder."
She was moved. "Thank you Jai... Despite getting on my nerves most of the time, you are actually very helpful."
"I am just looking out for myself," he answered with a wink. "Who can I joke about if you are thrown out of AR Designs?"
She shook her head in mock exasperation, before heading up to boardroom three. Like most rooms in the company, even this one was elegantly designed and contemporarily furnished. It was obvious that not only did Anjali know her brother's taste, but knew it well.
Without wasting time, Khushi sat down at the long table in the center of the room and began reading the file. She was almost halfway through when a small voice spoke in her ear:
"Don't you think you are a tad bit over prepared for this meeting?"
 Khushi jumped, goose bumps appearing at the nape of her neck. "Dammit Arnav," she muttered, clutching her racing heart. "Giving me a heart attack minutes before I meet the board is not a good idea."
Arnav straightened up with a smirk. "I was merely seeing how fried your brain is. Did you get any sleep last night?"
She shrugged. "Does it matter? I am still going to look like a fool."
He watched her closely.
"And instead of helping me, I hear you are making things worse."
"I beg to differ."
"Really? So it's not true that you called the entire company for a meeting this afternoon, to introduce me as their new boss?"
Arnav narrowed his eyes. "Who told you that?"
He sighed and took a seat beside her. "Of course he would. I clearly am paying him way too much, considering how much time he has for unimportant things."
"So you don't even think it's important to tell me that you called for a meeting?"
"Of course not," he replied, still very calm. "I just don't think now is the time to enlighten you about it."
"Yes, because the time to tell me was yesterday."
He pulled her chair closer, until their knees were pressed up against each other. "Khushi," he stressed. "It's protocol to call for a company meeting - I know you know that. Besides, how long do you plan on avoiding this news? Forget this afternoon, you are going to have a room full of people staring at you with the same questions in twenty minutes."
Khushi looked down at her lap, tense. "I know."
"I don't think you do," he said frankly. "How are you going to convince the entire board of directors that you are the right person to own these shares if you, yourself, are not convinced?"
"Are you convinced?"
Her question seemed to throw him off guard. "Convinced that you can take these shares? Or convinced that you want to take them?"
She blinked. Only he could turn a question around and throw it back at her.
"About the former," he continued, understanding he wasn't going to get a reply. "The answer is yes, I am convinced that you are more than capable of handling these shares. About the latter, however... I am not sure."
She snorted. "You are always sure about something... I don't think you don't know the answer to that."
"You think so?" he asked, though the question appeared to be directed more towards himself, than her. "Maybe I will be sure after you answer this then: For more than a year now, I have been practically begging you to re-join this company, as a project lead, a manager... you name it. I don't think I have offered anyone as many positions as I offered you. And all it takes Akash is one cup of coffee over brunch, and you agree to take ownership of his shares. What am I missing?"
Khushi stared back at him, trying to find words for an answer. His question, to be honest, wasn't surprising. She had been expecting it since the second she agreed to Akash's request. However, now that it was all out in the open, she found that she didn't have a fitting reply.
"Does my answer really make a difference to you?" she finally said.
A line appeared on his forehead. He didn't follow the point she was trying to make.
 So she rephrased: "Does it bother you that I listened to Akash, but not you?"
He snorted in answer. "I would be outright lying to myself if I thought Akash was unimportant to you. You know him and more than that, you value him in your life."
"That doesn't answer my question."
"No Khushi," he replied, unperturbed. "It doesn't bother me that you listened to Akash. What bothers me is that you are keeping things from me."
She avoided his eyes. "That's because there is nothing for you to know."
Arnav sighed in disappointment, but chose not to push his point.
"Besides, shouldn't you be more curious about how me and Akash are talking again?"
"What's there to be curious about?" he said monotonously, leaning back in his chair. "Both of you miss each other, and not to mention, feel guilty about what happened. All you needed was little push from Lavanya."
She shook her head in exasperation. "Should I even bother asking how you knew that?"
"Akash mentioned it when I went to visit him yesterday at his apartment."
Khushi's eyes widened in disbelief. "You went to Akash's apartment?"
He shrugged. "What's so shocking? He is my brother..."
"Thank you for that Mr. Obvious. What made you go there when both of you have been royally ignoring each other for like a year now?"
"It's ironic how you're the one asking. Until two days ago, you were sailing in the same boat."
"Hardly... Akash is not my brother.  My relationship with him is no where as complicated as yours."
Arnav nodded absentmindedly. "You do have a point there. But it seems that the complexity of our bond is what made the reconciliation easy.  We both care too much about the other to continue our cold war, if I can even call it that."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I kept my distance these past few months because I thought he needed time to adjust. And Akash had stayed away because he felt too guilty for what he said in a fit of rage... so that means all this time, we weren't even fighting."
"Sounds normal to me," she replied with a grin. "A classic brotherly thing to do."
He smiled. "I am just relieved things are somewhat back in their place."
"Except for this meeting," she replied, glancing at the clock hanging behind him; they had only a few minutes left to spare.
"Like always you are over prepared."
"Hardly... I wish you had given me a heads up. If Jai didn't-"
"Jai again? I seriously need to give him more work."
She glared at him. "On the contrary, he deserves a promotion. He did quite a bit of research on Joshi and Sons. Did you know that they have been doing illegal deals for almost a decade now? I mean, I knew my father was crooked, but seeing it on paper like this? No wonder his stocks crashed! With this much-"
Khushi broke off, a sudden realization knocking her breathless. "That's it!" she squealed in excitement, all panic of the impending meeting gone. "That's what made his stocks crash! Someone leaked this information to his investors!"
She looked wildly at Arnav, her heart pounding at the abrupt epiphany, but to her great disappointment, there was absolutely no surprise on his face. Instead, he sat calmly in his chair, his chin propped up on his fingers, watching her as if she materialized from an animated film.
"What?" she asked, frowning. "Why are you looking at me like that? Don't you know what this means?"
He simply looked on.
"Arnav! Say something!"
He pointedly leaned forward and asked, "What should I say? Who do you think leaked the information to the investors?"
 Khushi's mouth hung open in astonishment. "You leaked the news?!"
"Well, not me personally; but I definitely was the inspiration behind the one who did."
She couldn't believe her ears. After recovering from the initial shock of hearing about her father's company plummeting on Saturday, she didn't give much thought about what could have possibly caused it. The news wasmuch too gratifying for her worry about the why.
While her brother had mostly ignored the information, for he wanted nothing to do with Shashi, she took personal pleasure in watching the news channels announcing the continual drop of Joshi & Sons, so much so that she had even forgotten to ask Arnav how he knew about the news beforehand.
But now, it was all starting to make sense.
"Why didn't you tell me?" she asked, staring at him with a mixture of awe and regret. "I can't believe I missed something so obvious... Even Jai figured it out-"
"He didn't," Arnav interrupted, oddly calm. "That file is mine. Jai - with good intentions I am sure - must have slipped it off my desk."
She turned blankly to the file in response, finally seeing the details she missed in haste and mentally slapping herself for it. There was no way Jai could have put together all of this within a fortnight. Gaining this much information took dedicated time and effort; it was obvious that only one person, other than her, who would do that.
"I know what you are thinking," he said, misunderstanding her silence. "The reason I didn't give you this file myself is because this is my opinion on Joshi & Sons and it by no means has to be yours... You own an equal share of the company now. Your decisions cannot be swayed with me."
She shook her head, brushing away his explanation. "That's not what I am thinking."
His forehead crumpled.
"I am trying to understand why you are doing all this," she murmured. "Is it because of what my father did...?"
The corners of his mouth slightly pulled up as though he was waiting for her to ask that question. "It's because I love you," he replied, stretching out to caress her hand.
"You didn't have to... The last thing I want is for you to carry my baggage."
"And the last thing I want is for you to have any baggage. You chose this profession because of him... in fact a lot of things in your life are because of him. And I hate that, more than I hate him for what he has done to you. So I am willing to do whatever it takes to change that, starting with his business."
Khushi stared at him in wonder, trying to understand how many more times she was going to feel like she was meeting him for the very first time.
"I don't know who you are," she whispered. "But I know for sure you are not from here."
He smiled her favorite crooked smile and said, "Maybe this is will convince you otherwise," before cupping her cheek and pulling her into a kiss.
They broke apart, rather grudgingly, to see a smirking Anjali at the door. Khushi flushed in embarrassment, while Arnav nonchalantly adjusted his collar and said:
"You are quite early."
"Sorry Bhai," Anjali replied, though her tone was far from being apologetic. "I thought I would come early to wish Khushi luck, but looks like I will be third wheeling instead."
"If you want, I can wait outside for a few more minutes."
Arnav rolled his eyes and stood up to take his seat at the head of the table. Biting back the urge to stop him, for his warm presence kept all her nervousness at bay, Khushi gloomily looked down at her lap, when-
"Aren't you coming?"
It was Arnav, who was glancing over his shoulder to where she was seated. A line appeared on her forehead in response.
"You are sitting with me today," he said. It wasn't a question, and neither was it an order. It was something that asserted his right and yet, gave her the significance.
In some strange way, it was the most touching thing he had said to her all day.
So without another word, she stood up and followed him to the end of the table before sitting down to his left. Anjali, already seated to his right, grinned at her unabashed.
As if on the cue, the door opened to reveal a few early comers, some familiar, others new. To Khushi's relief, many of them warmly congratulated her before taking their respective seats.  Soon Arnav was calling for attention and the meeting began in full swing.
In the days that would follow, Khushi wouldn't remember much of the meeting, other than the fact that she unnecessarily wasted sleep over it. As Jai foretold, the entire hour was centered on the fall of Joshi & Sons' shares and the new competitive position of AR Designs in the market.
Khushi found she could keep up even without having read Arnav's research. She matched stride to stride with the rest of the members, despite being the newest and the least experienced. By the time they wrapped up, she felt as if a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders and she had grown a foot or two.
"Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" Arnav asked.
Khushi looked up from her laptop, on which she was finishing up her notes. The boardroom was empty, except for the two of them. "Bad? No. But it could've been better."
"Oh, lighten up! You did well."
She suppressed a smile. "Who is giving me the compliment? My boyfriend or business partner?"
"Fiance," he corrected.
Khushi resisted the urge to stick out her tongue at him and turned back to her laptop. From the corner of her eyes, she saw him lean on the edge of the desk.
"If it's worth anything," he said slowly. "You are better than me. I wasn't nearly as intelligent as you when I was your age. Everything I know today is from experience, but you... you have a natural sense of what to do and what not to do. It's impressive."
She couldn't help but grin at that. Hitting the save button, she closed her screen and stood up. "Thank you... but I am not that much younger than you."
Arnav chuckled. "You are younger than you think. And I am older than I look."
She crossed her arms. "Don't give me another reason to re-think your proposal."
"Re-think all you want baby," he murmured, pulling her into his embrace. "But when the time comes for you to decide, you will choose me." 


So, my new year resolution this year is to update ON TIME, which I know sounds impossible, but I will stick to it as along as can. What are yours?

Looking forward to your comments 😃


P.S. - A huge welcome to all new readers! Loved reading your comments/PMs. I accepted all the buddy requests as well 😊

Edited by -Archi- - 8 years ago