SS: I'd Come For You - Zaya | Completed

AnotherAdmirer thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago
Hello Everyone ! I came up with an idea for a Short Story and decided to jot it down immediately. Hope you all like it ðŸ˜³

I'd Come FoYou 

Zain wakes up, to find Aliya gone. Gone to Bhopal, her Home. He glanced at the calendar which marked the end of the month. A fleeting smile but he soon realizes the repercussions, which makes him fly all the way to Bhopal, for her. But Is Aliya truly gone the way he thinks?


VM Trailer & Chapter 1:With You Gone Page 1 (Scroll down)
Chapter 2: Expectations
Chapter 3: Games We Play
Chapter 4: GGive us a chance

My Other works on ZaYa :

Edited by AnotherAdmirer - 10 years ago


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AnotherAdmirer thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago
I wanted a trailer made for the SS and the first person I could think of was our talented Nanz (nandini27) 
She has done an absolutely S T U N N I N G G  Job ! 
Due to technical reasons, VM is currently not available..Sorry..
Edited by AnotherAdmirer - 10 years ago
AnotherAdmirer thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago

WARNING: I am known for Long Chapters 😆

Chapter 1: With You Gone


Zain woke up with a smile having had a long peaceful sleep. He glanced at his watch surprised that it was nearly 10 am. Throwing his comforter aside, he stretched looking around at his room, glad that Aliya was nowhere in sight.

He laughed to himself as he recalled his prank last night; he had scared the wits out of her in the middle of night. He couldn't believe she mistook him for a thief and later cried buckets, chiding him for his antics, he had merely laughed turning over to sleep.

He shook his head smiling at how childish they were at times, but it made him pull through the days, somehow making it all bearable for him to continue living with her.


'Chand Bibi, for whom is all this?' Suraiyyah asked surprised to see breakfast being prepared.

'It's for Zain' replied Chand bibi. 'He didn't come for breakfast and is still sleeping-'

'Aliya left after all' Suraiyyah snickered with malice evident in her eyes. 'He must have slept peacefully' 

'Aliya shouldn't have left like that-'

'I came to prepare lunch' Suraiyyah cut across making herself busy, she didn't have time to address a servant's concern and involvement in their personal life.


Chand Bibi entered Zain's room to find his belongings scattered around, she picked up his clothes from the floor, just when Zain held her hand beckoning her to leave his things.

'Chandjaan, leave it' he smiled. He always left his room messy to trouble Aliya.


'Nothing more, you tell me what's for breakfast?' Zain beamed with enthusiasm as he rolled the cart next to his bed.

'Your favorite, Aloo ke parathe' Chand bibi frowned observing Zain carefully.

'Lovely' he grinned.

'Zain beta, you have your breakfast, I will send someone to clean up your room' she mumbled confused.

'ChandJaan that's okay, Aliya will do that.' 

'Zain, don't you know, Aliya left for Bhopal this morning' Chand bibi informed him assured by his surprised face that he didn't know a thing. 'I will send someone to clean up' she mumbled leaving the room, a million questions running through her mind; she decided to speak to Osman directly about Aliya's sudden leave.

'Aliya left?' Zain echoed unable to believe what he just heard. His mouth went dry as he looked around his room. There had been no sign of her all morning, but he had just thought she was busy in the kitchen. When did she leave? Why had she left? Was it because of last night? A million questions ran through his mind.

He left his breakfast and went out sweeping his gaze from one room to another; everything seemed to function the usual way, none of the family members appeared any different either. He frowned wondering what had happened. Aliya's tear streaked face; the last he had seen of her came to his mind, only now instead of feeling amused like last night, he felt an overbearing weight in his heart. 'Aliya' he whispered in concern.

He entered his room once again. She had gone to Bhopal. Why? Was she gone from his life?  

He glanced at the calendar, which marked the end of the month. He stared at the cross marks for a moment longer. It was the end of the month. 'Finally' he grinned as realization hit him, he had won! Aliya was gone. He had made her leave. He was free again. He glanced at her belongings in the room, the division apparent, it was not needed anymore, moving around he pulled out the colorful couch cover, their wedding pics and the glittering hangings, piling them all at one corner. She had left her belongings, but it didn't matter to him as he heaved a sigh of relief. Aliya Ghulam Haider was no more a part of his life.

However his room looked odd as he glanced around, his smile faltering. This was weird. He thought to himself. 'Ye Mamu Ki Bhanji bhi na, 30 din uske saath reh ke pagal hou gaya hoon'

'But who leaves like that' he muttered to himself pacing across the room. 'She could have told me, could have bid goodbye'

He sat on his bed lost in thought. 'Yeah right Zain' he muttered. 'How would that sound? Bye Zain. I am leaving. You won.'

A frown settled on his face as he dwelled over the thought, that's when it struck him, his eyes widened. 'Ya Allah, what will I say to Dad!' he exclaimed falling flat on his back.


The dining area of Abdullah family was lit bright with a wonderful aroma wafting across the table, as piping hot food got served by the servants with Chand bibi supervising them. One by one the family members appeared, taking their seats. Osman Abdullah sat in his chair, waiting for everyone to settle. 'Where's Zain?' he asked noticing his youngest son's absence. 

'Must be in his room' Suraiyyah replied. 'Nafeesa, please ask him to join us'

'Sure mom' Nafeesa nodded heading towards Zain's room.

'He has stayed in his room all day' informed Chand bibi quite concerned. Zain wasn't the one to stay locked within the confines of his room.

'He must be upset' Osman sighed, the lines of worry on his forehead becoming clearer. It had been a tensed day for him as well, thinking about Aliya and Shabana.

'He's fine Osman Sahab' Suraiyyah assured him. 'Please you relax'

'Did you speak to Aliya or Shabana? I tried calling them but no one answered' Osman voiced his concern.

'We will speak to them later. For now let's have lunch.' Suraiyyah suggested.

Osman nodded saying Bismillah ready to enjoy his meal.

'Hello' Zain greeted anxious as he joined his family at the lunch table. He had been in his room afraid to face anyone. He didn't have an answer ready for their questions.

'Zain' Osman nodded acknowledging his presence.

'Dad' Zain nodded in guilt, he didn't miss the lines of worry on his father's forehead. He mentally prepared himself to get an earful for what he had done.

'I thought I would have lunch with family. Have a seat Zain' Osman cleared his throat, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

'That's a good thought' Zain smiled relieved. His hand automatically reached for the spot where Aliya used to sit. He shook his head and decided to sit next to his father.

He swept his gaze across the table surprised to see the rest of them behave so casually. No one questioned him regarding Aliya; none of them had raised any concerns. Was Aliya that unimportant? Not to them surely. He shrugged off the questions and dug into his meal quite hungry himself. 

'I made Sheer Khurma today' Nafeesa smiled serving everyone. 'Followed mom's recipe'

'How sweet Nafeesa' Suraiyyah smiled.

'I Love Sheer Khurma' Zain grinned. 'Aliya cooks it really well' 

'That's not right' Fahad protested. 'We never got the chance to be served such delicacies by her'

'Had it in Bhopal' Zain mumbled in response annoyed that everything reminded him of Aliya. 


'Aliya beta, did you reach safely?' Osman asked over the phone concerned.

'Yes mamu, don't worry'

'How's Shabana? Did you see a doctor?'

'Mamu, I took her to the hospital, doctors say it's a minor fracture in her foot, they will know more clearly once the x-ray reports come out.'

'How did she get hurt?'

'Ammi doesn't take care of herself mamu' Aliya sighed in frustration. 'She slipped this morning while performing wudhu (ablution) for prayer'

'I am not worried now that you are there to take care of her'

'And I won't let her up until she recovers!' she emphasized. 'But if that's fine back at home?'

'Don't be silly Aliya. You can stay as long as you wish. How is Ghulam Sahab doing?'

'He is fine, a little stressed' she chuckled 'scolding mom every now and then'

Osman smiled, Aliya seemed happy among her family. He had never thought of this before, she needed to be with them, she must have missed her family after all. He found solace in the thought that everything happened for a reason and Shabana's injury only acted as a catalyst for her heading to Bhopal.

'And Ayat?' He asked. 'How are her exams going?' 

'Her paper is tomorrow' informed Aliya. 'Mamu, is everything fine at home?' she asked concerned.

'Yes Alhamdulillah. What is it that's bothering you?'

'Nothing mamu, just that I left early morning, didn't even get the chance to say a proper bye to everyone'

'Don't worry Aliya. People are used to that in this house and we all understand. Zain appears a bit upset though' he added with a soft chuckle.

'Zain Upset?' Aliya asked surprised. Khushi ke maare pagal hou raha hoga she thought to herself.

'Yes well take care Aliya, Convey my salaam to all. AllahHafiz'

'Sure mamu, AllahHafiz'

Aliya fidgeted with her dupatta lost in thought, she didn't inform Zain about leaving in her hurry. Honestly she didn't know how she was to wake him and inform him of the same. Her heart had raced as she received Ayat's phone call at the odd hour in the morning, she had never felt this tensed before, and in that moment, her mind had been a mess, unable to perform any sane action, apart from booking her tickets to Bhopal.

She stared at her phone, deep in thought as her heart and mind argued over and over again.

Should I call him?

Like he cares!

But he was upset.

Must be feigning for Mamu. DrameBaaz!

You are his wife, you should speak to him.

He's my husband! He should have called.

She placed aside her phone, frowning with disdain.


'Heyy Riz!'

'Zain. Which movie you think?' he asked rummaging through his collection.

'Any would do' he answered grabbing a bean bag from the corner.

'Sudden plans' said Rizwan. 'All fine bro?'

'All good' Zain nodded. 'Just wanted to get away from home'

'Aliya?' he asked.

'Wolf of Wallstreet' he pointed at a DVD placed at the very top of the shelf.

'Cool' Rizwan grabbed the CD.

As the movie played out Zain couldn't help his wandering mind. All he could think was about Bhopal and what must be happening there. 20 minutes into the movie, he stood up unable to bear his own thoughts anymore.

'I will cya later Riz!' he hurried out without another word, leaving Rizwan dumbfounded.


'Please tell na di' Ayat nudged Aliya, sending her off balance.

'Ayat! What?' Aliya screeched standing by the gas stove as she stirred sweet porridge.

'Dii!' Ayat frowned upset.

'Ayat Can't you see I am working. Don't trouble me' Aliya sighed upset that she had lost control of her temper.

'Not until you tell me as to what Bhaijaan calls you' Ayat winked with a naughty smile.

'What do you mean?' Aliya asked.

'Ohho Zain Bhaijaan. What does he call you lovingly?' she asked with an innocent smile.

'Crazy girl' Aliya shook her head at Ayat.

'Fine don't tell me, I will ask him' Ayat wiggled her eyebrows mischievously.

'Yeah fine ask him' Aliya muttered uninterested.

Ayat frowned staring at the Kheer that had started thickening. 'Smells Yum' she grinned.

'Hope it tastes as good' Aliya smiled.

'Meriii Diii!!' Ayat grinned as she pulled Aliya's cheeks and ran away. Aliya squealed holding her cheeks, feeling them turn red. 'Mad!' she called after her.


Zain sat staring at his TV screen as the sun set outside, switching through channels, hardly blinking, lost in thought.

His family had easily accepted Aliya walking out of his life. Did Aliya's family do the same? She must have been able to convince them. Why else, hadn't anyone said anything?

Phup's must be upset. She wanted things to work, wanted them to accept this marriage, but it was never possible. Nobody ever understood.

Now the family stood divided. If not today, tomorrow it will be talked about and then things won't remain the same. He had caused the two families to break apart.

Aliya must be the one facing her family right now.

His cell phone rang bringing him out of his reverie. His heart raced as his Shabana phuppi's name flashed on the screen. Taking a nervous breath he hit the answer button.

'Zain I didn't expect this from you!' Shabana scolded him sounding angry.

'Phups-' Zain gulped.

'Brother, Aliya and you, everyone acts according to their wish' she continued. 'You should have stopped her Zain'

'Phups I didn't want Aliya to go to Bhopal!'

'What?' asked Shabana.

'I mean, I wanted her to go, but she went just like that, she didn't even inform me'

'What do you mean?' Shabana's temper soared. Zain gulped not knowing whether he was digging his own grave or one for Aliya.

'I mean-'

Their call got disconnected. He glanced at his phone annoyed. Stupid network! He tried calling again but to no avail.

Phups is very upset. He thought to himself. Bas bohut hogaya. I will have to sort this out. He made his decision, taking his travel bag from his cupboard and packing in a few more belongings, ready to head to Bhopal.


'Aaaliya!' Shabana called her temper soaring high.

'Ammi kya hua?' asked Aliya surprised as she came running.

'You didn't inform Zain that you are coming to Bhopal?' Shabana asked her face red.

'Ammi, I- actually-' Aliya stammered.

'Ya Allah!' Shabana groaned holding her head. 'What did I teach you dear? You shouldn't even step a foot out of your home without your husband's permission!'

'Ammi I know! It's just that all of it happened so fast, Zain was sleeping Ammi!' she added, annoyed that he had complained to her mom. In Mumbai or Bhopal, all Zain knew was to make her life hell. 'Even Mamu didn't say anything' 

Shabana shook her head at the three kids she had to deal with. Osman, who had insisted Aliya flew to Bhopal, and Aliya being adamant had come and decided to stay as well until she recovered, amidst all this was Zain, who didn't even know his wife had headed off to Bhopal.

'Shabana Begum, did you have your medicines?' Ghulam entered checking his watch, appearing concerned.

'Still 10 minutes to that' she berated. 'Are the kids any less that you and brother have also become like them? As if I can't take care of myself, all of you have gone crazy!'


Yup we are done for the day ! :) Let me know your comments/reviews/criticism. Hope you all enjoyed the VM. Special thanks to Nanz, credit to her :) <3

Edited by AnotherAdmirer - 10 years ago
The.Targaryen thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
Hey... This was awesome. 
Aliya in bhopal. Zain thinks because of the end of 30 days.
He will bring her back.😃
Nice start.
Edited by -SB- - 10 years ago
AnotherAdmirer thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago
UPDATED <3 Will do PM's in a while :) 
-farzana thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago
This was soo good! You write really well :) let me know when you write more
-Minion- thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago
nice update.
aliya left mumbai becz shabana sudden accident and zain though she left for he is going will really intersting to see both of them reaction after the mu get clear.the vm is awesome.
Javeria3991 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
Awesome start
Aliya mother's fracture was the perfect excuse for her to leave Zain's life as she promised. 
The distance has already started showing its magic. Zain is missing mamu ki bhanji a lot. 
Zain wants to sort out the matter. Will he go to Bhopal?
Looking forward to read the story.
Update soon
Edited by Javeria3991 - 10 years ago
..Happy.. thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago
it was so good continue soon
Marci thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
OMG such a lovely start!

Awww Zain misses Aliya, everything reminds him of her, how cute 😃

You definitely kept the characters intact to Chand Jaan to Shabana!

Awesome work dear, can't wait for the story to unfold!!