Palampur Express Cast & Crew


Tej''s father and Palampur''s mayor who plans to shut Adarsh Vidyale because Paavni''s disagree to be Tej''s girlfriend

Paavni'' mother who was the top athlete of her days; mentally imbalanced due to Illa Singh, a friend who betrayed her

anthlete who was in race with Shikha, and cheated to win the gold medal

athlete who was in race along with Paavni''s mother, Shika; was also her best friend

Paavni''s aunt

he leader of Elites group, the rivals to Paavi''s group; also in love with Paavni

Illa''s daughter who is also in academy; a top athlete but faces competition when Paavni enters the academy

Paavni''s grandmother, who discourage Paavni from entering sports because of family''s reputation

The Leader of Adarsh School

Paavni's new friend, whom she meets at the academy which is run by Illa Singh
