♀︎ Crazy Creatives Celebrate Menstrual Hygiene Day ♀︎

Minionite thumbnail
Posted: 2 months ago

What was once a taboo to even bring to your lips is slowly becoming normal to discuss and learn more about. It is being taught in schools, in towns, in cities, and in villages. Today, on the 10th anniversary of Menstrual Hygiene Day, we, at Crazy Creatives, are here to discuss this very important part of a naturally occurring process in female bodies.

So what is menstruation or the menstrual cycle? It is a natural but complex cycle controlled by female hormones that cause regular bleeding (also known as periods). This cycle typically has 4 phases: menstruation, the follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase.

A menstrual cycle typically is measured from the first day of a period to the first day of the next period and is typically about 28 to 29 days, but every menstruator's cycle is different.

The best known phase of a menstrual cycle is the menstruation (or the bleeding or the period). This is when the menstruator's uterus lining sheds and flows out of the vagina. The average length of this cycle is 3 to 7 days.

The follicular phase typically starts on the first day of the period and lasts for 13 to 14 days, ending in ovulation. This is when the brain releases a hormone to stimulate the production of follicles on the surface of an ovary. As the follicles mature, typically only one ends up in an egg.

This phase leads into ovulation, which is when the matured egg is released from the ovary and moves towards the uterus. This typically happens about 2 weeks before the next period. This is the phase in which a woman usually gets pregnant. Pregnancy can happen in the 5 days before ovulation and on the day of ovulation, but it's more likely in the 3 days leading up to and including ovulation.

The fourth phase of the cycle is the luteal phase where the lining of the uterus thickens in preparation for pregnancy. If a fertilized egg implants in the uterus lining, then hormones keep the lining thickened. If pregnancy does not occur, then the female gets her next period.

Now that we've covered some basic facts about the menstrual cycle, let's address some common myths.

1) Each period happens "on time" each month.

No it does not. Each menstruator is unique and while most menstrual cycles are 28 to 29 days long, they can be anywhere from 20 to 40 days long. Additionally, depending on hormone levels, health and wellbeing, stress levels, and other factors, a cycle could end up being longer or shorter.

2) The pain of a period is "just like" any other common pain.

It is not. Each woman and each cycle is different. Sometimes a woman may feel no pain at all. Other times it is so severe that a woman takes a day or two off work and curls up in bed willing the pain away. Painkillers may or may not help. This condition even has a medical name: dysmenorrhea.

3) It's just a tantrum, she's PMSing.

A menstrual cycle and the period causes many hormonal changes in our bodies. It is not simply "feelings". Imagine the shock your system would feel if you go from feeling happy to suddenly wanting to cry. While it does happen on a monthly basis, it is not okay to write off the feeling as just hormonal changes. The hormonal changes are causing many important changes in our body...each month.

4) Period blood is dirty blood.

This is both a myth and a superstition/belief, but we are only addressing the myth here.

Period blood is evolved vaginal secretion - there's some blood, uterine tissue, mucus lining, and bacteria. But this doesn't mean the conditions are less than ideal in the vagina. The period blood is simply less concentrated blood and has fewer blood cells than ordinary blood.

5) Periods are a personal issue.

Periods are a humanitarian crisis to the point that, in 2014, the UN declared that menstrual hygiene was a public health issue. Even today, many people don't have access to the proper hygiene, resources, and support needed for periods. In India, as an example, girls miss school 1 to 2 days every month because of their periods, which can affect their education and future.

6) There's no bleeding when in the shower or swimming.

This isn't true. Swimming or soaking in a bathtub simply reduces the flow because of water pressure. Women can swim even on their period, they just wear a menstrual cup or tampon instead of a pad.

We're sure that at some point there has been a very important question revolving in your mind about menstrual cycles but you were either too embarrassed to ask it or didn't know where to turn. Well, no fear because the Crazy Creatives are here! Today, we will do our best to answer some of those burning questions that have plagued your mind.

Q: What does a period feel like?

A: The actual flow of a period doesn't feel like much when it is happening. Once in a while, there might be a dampness or a feeling that you "peed" your pants if you have some violent reaction (like a sneeze, coughing, laughing, etc.), but otherwise the bleeding doesn't have much feeling. But a period does hurt.

Q: What does the period pain feel like?

A: It depends from woman to woman. Some common pains are cramps, stomach aches, back aches, body aches, head aches, and more. For some people, the aches are so bad that it can be difficult to even do the basic day-to-day movements like showering, eating, walking around the house, etc. Stomach aches can be comparative to someone punching you in the stomach and head aches as if someone is drilling in your skull. Depending on the uterus placement in the body, a woman may get stomach aches or back aches. Remember, the pain doesn't have to happen each month and each month a woman may not feel the same pain either.

Q: Does a period smell?

A: It shouldn't! Menstrual odor happens when the menstrual fluid comes in contact with air so while it's in the body or coming out of the body, it typically shouldn't have an odor.

Q: How much blood is lost during the period?

A: Most females lose about 1/4 cup of menstrual fluid during their periods (mostly in the first few days). Sometimes a woman may have a "heavier" period or a "lighter" period, but this is an average amount. And the body more than makes up for it.

Q: Is there anything a female cannot do on their period?

A: Yes. A woman cannot stop the judgment and prejudice even when they are on their period. Fortunately, apart from that a woman can still do everything they always do and everything they want to do.

Q: When do the periods stop overall?

A: Typically women get their periods until menopause, which is when menstruation and the ability to have children stops. This usually happens anywhere from the late 40s to the early 50s (in terms of age), but it can happen earlier or later.

Q: Why are there different sizes in tampons and pads?

A: The different sizes cater to the bleeding levels. For heavier bleeding, you have thicker pads or tampons. For lighter bleeding, you have thinner pads or tampons. Even though the bleeding may vary, it is still recommended that tampons or pads be changed every couple of hours for health and hygienic reasons. It is not good for the body and the vagina to wear a thicker pad simply to change it less.

Q: Why do women love chocolates and other junk foods during their periods?

A: While this question doesn't have a scientific answer (there's a lot about a period that doctors still don't understand), the consensus is that it has to do with hormones and cravings. The belief is that during the period, hormones are not allowing a woman to control her cravings as well as she can when she isn't on the periods (similar to cravings during pregnancies).

We hope that we were able to educate all of you on some of the basics of the menstrual cycle and, in particular, periods. As the world celebrates the 10th anniversary of Menstrual Hygiene Day come together and help the women in your families and all around feel supported and cared for! Make a difference and spread menstrual awareness!


Edited by Minionite - 2 months ago


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oh_nakhrewaali thumbnail
Posted: 2 months ago

A period should end a sentence and not a girl's education.

Melissa Berton (producer of Oscar-winning documentary "Period. End of Sentence")

Here's to not shying away from talking about "those 5 days" and de-stigmatizing periods, period blood and mensuratal hygiene products 🩸

minakrish thumbnail
Posted: 2 months ago

Thanks for this fantastic write-up on Menstrual Hygiene Day! It’s great to see how a topic that was once so taboo is now being openly discussed and taught everywhere.

You’ve explained the menstrual cycle in a clear and straightforward way, breaking down each phase and busting some common myths. It’s refreshing to see such honest answers to those burning questions.

Celebrating the 10th anniversary of Menstrual Hygiene Day, this piece really hits home on why it’s so important to talk about periods and support those who menstruate. Big shoutout to Crazy Creatives for making a difference and spreading awareness. Great job!smiley32

LizzieBennet thumbnail
Posted: 2 months ago

Fabulous and eye-opening write-up on such an important issue that deserves and needs to be talked about more openly!

Thank you, Creatives, for taking on this topic.

This one line alone deserves all the applause!

Q: Is there anything a female cannot do on their period?

A: Yes. A woman cannot stop the judgment and prejudice even when they are on their period.  

There needs to be more education at grassroots level. Schools need to have courses on menstrual hygiene because lbr, more often than not, girls don't understand this themselves because of misinformation passed down from their mothers or other women in their lives.

Schools and NGOs (I know a lot of them do) need to start providing pads and tampons free of cost. The cost of sanitary napkins can still be prohibitive for lower socio-economic classes & they end up using less desirable and less hygienic options. I still hear stories of girls dropping out of school or skipping school when on their period because of lack of sanitary conditions in schools and other public spaces. 

That said, this is an amazing organization that makes these wonderful, sustainable, reusable pads: Days for Girls.

On another note.. chocolate, especially dark chocolate may help with abdominal pain and cramping because of the high magnesium content in cocoa, that acts to inhibit prostaglandin production, that is responsible for causing inflammation and pain. So maybe that craving is because our bodies are giving us an indirect signal to help us feel better! smiley36

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 2 months ago

Lovely thread CCs! smiley27 

Cheers to all the women who have irregular cycles and excruciatingly painful periods that last longer than a week. 

To all the doctors who dismiss any pain women and pubescent girls have in the name of periods and ignore issues that lead to other significant problems - do better, please.

Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 2 months ago

Women from poor socio economic backgrounds land up at hospitals with severe infections .We have to understand how it happens .  Sometimes women like daily wages workers , beggars, homeless persons , slum dwellers do not have enough to feed /clothe themselves n their families , they don’t have enough to clothe their kids. So how do they manage their periods, let’s take a look. 

There's so many different ways these  women and trans men deal with their periods. From socks, plastic bags, and napkins, to rags, shirts and cotton balls, these cases of menstruators are at risk of toxic shock syndrome and other health related issues. Not only is it a hygiene problem, but a health problem.

On average feminine hygiene products costs about ₹300-500 per cycle. The homeless families are barely able to provide them to the women in need. In some cases, women and girls do not have access to menstrual products at all.They are forced to make use of waste paper  dried cow dung , or other assembled paper products to create makeshift pads .

They may resort to rags, leaves, newspaper or other makeshift items to absorb or collect menstrual blood. They may also be prone to leaks, contributing to shame or embarrassment.

NGOs sometimes distribute old cloth to women . So we must help these organisations and  donate our old clothes to help those needy persons .

Swetha-Sai thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Informative thread by you, CC’s! smiley32

More awareness is needed so that parents can stop treating it as a Taboo in their own home..

DreamOfEndless thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Kudos for such an amazing thread ❤️

We do need more awareness on Menstrual cycle, especially to combat the long standing stigma associated with it.

For the past few years, I have made an effort to donate pads and tampons to NGOs and other charitable organisations. Access to menstrual products is crucial for the well-being and dignity of those who get periods, especially those from underprivileged backgrounds. Many struggle to afford these essential items, leading to missed school or work days and health issues. The menstrual inequity in the society is so unfair.

Special shout out to these lines 🥳

Q: Is there anything a female cannot do on their period?

A: Yes. A woman cannot stop the judgment and prejudice even when they are on their period. Fortunately, apart from that a woman can still do everything they always do and everything they want to do.

Edited by DreamOfEndless - 1 months ago
SoniRita thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Very informative thread, well done CC teamsmiley32 You all explained this taboo topic superblysmiley32 

I esp liked smiley32smiley32🙏

Q: Is there anything a female cannot do on their period?

A: Yes. A woman cannot stop the judgment and prejudice even when they are on their period. 

mushat thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 1 months ago

Thank you very much smiley27smiley31

Very informative thread..many teenagers will get to know many things from this thread. We all feel shy or embarassed how and with whom we should discuss...thanks once again for this thread smiley20
