Imlie 30-31st Mar 2024 Written Updates & Daily Discussions Thread

Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 months ago


Imlie has been banned for a year from appearing in exams because Surya betrayed her . He planted answer chits in her pencil box and notified the invigilators n security personnel. 
Imlie cries foul but no one listens to her . Imlie is very uoset n Surya angrily informs her that he will destroy her life just as she destroyed his n his sister# life , he had married her for maki g her life miserable. 

Imlie again insists she did not do anything it was Raghu himself who was the criminal and he was now behind the bars . 

At Reddy house Imlie is taunted and rebuked by Indira and Alka and Malti . Imlie and Surya have massive argument over sharing the bed n the room. Imlie is not ready to share anything with this guy who married her forcibly n she refuses to accept him as husband . 
Surya ends up sleeping g next to the door n she sleeps on the bed n weeps most of the night .Alka and Malti decide to get Imlie thrown outnof Surya’s life , they contact Surya’s old GF and invite her over for Holi . She happily complies.

Next day it’s time to fill up forms for the next exams but Indira stops her from leaving the house as it was time for the ritual of “peheli rasoi” for the newly wedded  bride . Imlie pleads today was the last day n she would return soon n complete the rituals .

Imlie and Indira have long arguments , Indira threatens to call Annapurna Daadi and inform her how Imlie was disobeying her new family elders and avoiding rituals of new bride . Imlie begs her not to do this as Annapurna Daadi was already very ill. She agrees to perform peheli rasoi ritual . She quickly completes the dishes and boasts how she cooked food at Aloo puri thela and was super fast . Alka is jealous and purposely spoils her beautifully cooked dish .Imlie is shocked as she had to redo this .She gets late for filing the exam forms , she requests the person in charge but he refuses to wait for her . Imlie pleads Surya but he too refuses . 

Surya is seen picking up his GF Anjali from bust and n is not pleased to se her , she senses his cold shoulder towards her n is not happy by the way he drops her in front of a hotel n leaves . She is shocked he refused to take her to his home , she wonders what was the matter .

Surya then reaches home and sees everyone praise her cooking . Imlie is very upset that she failed to fil, the forms n now would have to waste another year . She accuses Surya for getting her banned first , the refusing to help her in filing forms . 
To her surprise Surya gets the person in charge of receiving the forms to reddy house and gets Imlie to submit the form in person. Indira notices all this secretly peeping from the window .


Same as yesterday 

It’s Holi celebrations at Reddy house , Imlie and Surya challenge eachother who succeeds in putting Holi Colors on the other . To their utter shock Anjali appears n colours Surya ‘s cheeks . SuLie are shocked.

Edited by Sutapasima - 3 months ago

