Love beyond boundaries Samar-Ruby,Viraj-Jhanvi,Raghav-Siya SS

jasminerahul thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 6 months ago

Cover page

Thank you very much my lovely friend ingenuity_phoenix for the beautiful cover page.

Edited by jasminerahul - 6 months ago


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jasminerahul thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 6 months ago

Love beyond boundaries Part 1

 The Barun Jennifer plot is inspired by the old tamil movie 'Kilinjalgal' which was simultaneously shot in malayalam as 'Ruby my darling'.I dedicate this story to my close friend Kavitha who wanted me to write a SS on this movie with JeRun as the leads.The title credit also goes to Kavitha.I also dedicate this SS to my lovely friend Salley who asked me to write stories on VirAnvi and RaSiya.

A shopping complex..

A girl was looking at the dresses with her friend Siya

She is Ruby.

Her friend Siya said:You did not select a dress yet?Why are you so choosy even though you don't have a boy friend?

Ruby:Don't tease me that I don't have any boy friend.When the right time comes I will also meet the man of my life.

Siya smiled.

Ruby:It's just I am confused which dress to be chosen.

Suddenly Ruby heard a voice from behind.

"Choose the blue dress.It will look good on you".

Ruby turned back in surprise.

It was a young man.

Ruby thought:I have seen him somewhere.

He:Don't be confused.I was your college mate in the engineering college.I was in automobile engineering.

Ruby was surprised.

Ruby:Sorry,I did not recognize you.

He:It's ok.I was not at all popular in college.So it's not a shock that you did not recognize me.But I knew you as you were already famous.You were a topper in studies and extra curricular activities.

Ruby smiled.

Ruby:Your name?


Ruby:Nice to meet you.And thank you for helping me to choose the right dress.

Samar:By the way every dress will look good on you.I just suggested the blue dress as I found you very attractive when you wore a blue dress to college.

Ruby was surprised as Samar had observed her this much.

Samar:Anyways bye.


Samar went out.

Siya:Samar has observed you so well.His talk was also cheesy.Anything cooking up in his mind for you?

Ruby blushed:Oh come on Siya...

Ruby asked them to pack the blue dress.

Siya:You bought the dress which was selected by him.His choice became important for you in a moment?

Ruby got embarrassed.

Ruby:Stop it Siya.I bought this dress because I also liked it very much.

Siya giggled.

Samar's mother Radhika served vegetarian biriyani for him.

Radhika:You taste and see whether you liked it.I cooked it specially for you. made it.Without tasting it I can say that it's yummy.

Radhika smiled.

His father Rakesh said:You are spoiling him.That's why he is very slack. I gave donation to get his admission in an engineering college.But he failed.

Samar and Radhika became dull.

Samar:Papa,I failed because I was not well.But I will make it up.So please stop insulting me.

Rakesh:I will keep reminding you till you clear the exams.

Radhika:Why are you irritating him?

Rakesh:Because he irritated me.

Samar's brother Viraj got angry.

Viraj:Stop it guys.Give me peace of mind atleast while eating.

Viraj threw the glass and broke it in anger.All were stunned.His wife Jhanvi got scared.

Rakesh:What rowdiness is this Viraj?

Radhika:After becoming a wrestler,you think that wherever you go you have to do wrestling.

Viraj ignored it and looked at Jhanvi.

Viraj told don't get worried about all this.Our family is like this.Always fights.

You sit here and finish your tea peacefully.But I can't eat here peacefully.

He walked out angrily.

Siya and Ruby were walking on the road.Suddenly a young man went near Ruby.

He:Hi Ruby...

Ruby ignored him and walked away.

Siya looked at him smiling:Hi Raghav!

Raghav:Why are you saying 'Hi' to me?I did not say 'Hi' to you.I said 'Hi' only to Ruby.

Siya:Ruby ignored you and did not even look at your face.So she is not interested in you.That's why I said 'Hi' to you.

Raghav:I don't need your 'Hi'.Understand?

Siya showed him a puppy face and walked away.

Ruby and her father Richard went near her mother Rachael with a cake.

Ruby-Richard:Happy birthday!

Rachael was surprised:Oh my God!

Ruby:Cut the cake mom.

Rachael cut the cake and fed them.

Richard:Here is the cake sweet heart.

Richard fed her the cake.

Ruby:To my sweet mom..

Ruby fed her the cake and hugged her.

Jhanvi was sitting and thinking of Viraj breaking the glass.

Suddenly Viraj came from behind and placed a necklace around her neck.Jhanvi was surprised and smiled.

Viraj:Are you surprised?

Jhanvi:Yes.I did'nt expect it.

Viraj:I am like this.I like giving surprises.

Jhanvi thought:You really give me surprises.One moment you are angry and in the next moment you are very sweet.

Viraj:I know that today when I threw the glass you felt bad.But what to do?I am a wrestler.There I am fighting with a not of stress.Atleast at home I expect peace which I am not getting.That's why I behaved like that.

Jhanvi:It's ok Viraj.I understand.

He smiled.

Ruby and Siya were in a boat.They both were dancing playing music in the mobile.Unknown to them,Samar was watching them and smiling.While dancing Ruby slipped and fell off the boat.All were shocked and scared.

Siya cried out:Help!Help!

Edited by jasminerahul - 6 months ago
kavitha_r thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 6 months ago

Siya teasing Ruby while selecting the dress was funny. Samar suggesting the dress color to Ruby and the latter accepting it was cute. The Rumar dialogues were sweet. Surprised to see Tej and Jhanvi as Viraj and Samar's parents. The name Rakesh reminds me of that character in yudkbh. Rakesh's temper about Samar's failure is valid.  However, his words are nagging and irritating. Viraj-Jhanvi scenes are romantic. Their dialogues are passionate.  Siya and Ruby's dancing on the boat is cute. Shockingly, Ruby fell into the water. I hope Samar saves her as they are on the same spot.

Edited by kavitha_r - 6 months ago
salley145 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 months ago

Shopping scene and Ruby Samar meeting was nice, surprising thathe was her college mate. Siya teasing Ruby was hilarious. Rakesh taunting Samarwas bad. Viraj getting angry and Janvi getting scared was shocking. Viraj is a wrestler?I m shocked even more. Raghav saying hi to Ruby and she not replying but Siya replyinginstead and Raghav saying he doesn’t need her hi was so rude. Even he’s the sameas serial. Got nostalgic seeing Jennifer Shweta as mother daughter. Viraj giftingnecklace to Janvi was romantic. Viraj is lucky to have an understanding wife. Rubyslipping from the boat was shocking. By the boat scene I remembered the old karzzmovie where Tina Murim and Rishi Kapoor were there. Perfect pics. Waiting fornext.

Gold.Abrol thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Very interesting start dear

Just loved it 🤗

Thanks for the PM

Keep writing ✍️

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

A guy helped Ruby make the selection. She never noticed him, but he noticed her.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Raghav dissed Siya even though the one he was after totally ignored him.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Ruby fell. Can she swim? Will someone save her?

khwaishfan thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 6 months ago

Part 1

lovely update... well written 

taahir004 thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Part 1 

Such a Fabulous start 
