Ranveer's unsaid feelings #13 updated episode 964 page 147 - Page 96



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sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: coderlady

So Gauri is still hoping and waiting for the marriage to happen. What a selfish and short sighted person she is.

Hi coderlady

thanks for the comment

yes Gauri is still hoping for the marriage to happen and surely she is a selfish person

keep reading smiley2

sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Episode 895

Ranveer walked in the corridor and came to his room were he saw his room were a lock was hanging in it. He with a worn out face took his hand to his black chain that he was wearing in his neck. He saw the key that is hanging in his chain were he removed the key from the chain and he unlocked the room and he opened the door were the room was not having any lights. It was looking like a dark room in that day time too. The room was having dusts in all the items in the room. He entered the room were he saw the whole room with a calm face. He turned and saw his and Ishani's marriage photo were seeing it his memories took him back to one of their wedding anniversary.


Ranveer getting ready in a sandal color pant and peacock blue shirt and was laying in the bed. Ishani came out wearing her Yellow color back less blouse and yellow with golden border saree was getting ready in front of the mirror. She made her final check and turned to see Ranveer were Ranveer was laying in the bed and holding his head with his hand and was seeing her with a smile.

Ishani: Ranveer after getting ready will anyone lay in the bed like this?

Ranveer(with a naughty face): I will..

Ishani: Chalo get up lets go to temple and come back..

Ranveer was laying without getting up were he was smiling his naughty smile. Ishani seeing him not getting up coming to him and shook his shoulder.

Ishani: Ranveer get up ..

Ranveer(with a naughty face pulled her holding her hand and made her to fall in the bed and he came above her and saw her with a smile): I love you.

Ishani(seeing him): Naughty wala today is our wedding anniversary and we have to go to temple. For getting ready early only I left Raagini to Maa yesterday night. But Even If you are ready you are not moving from the room to leave to temple.

Ranveer(with a cute face): Come on Ishani don't bore me like taking me to temple and doing pooja and all.

Ishani: Then what you want me to do on our anniversary? all the good days all will go to temple only know?

Ranveer(with a cute look): I need suhagrat

Ishani(with a shy smile): Ranveer tum bi na..

Ranveer(in a very low tone): Tell me know?


Ranveer: That lets have a suhagrat today..

Ishani:Other than this you don't know anything to ask to your wife.

Ranveer: Arrey in this age what to ask to wife all men will ask this only to their wife in this age. And for your kind information its almost a month I had love making with you and more of everything these are my rights?

Ishani(with a smile): Tk tk fine.(with a cute shy smile): If you come to temple with me means okay lets have a suhagrat as per your wish.

Ranveer(with a happy smile):Saachi..

Ishani: Haan saachi and I..(caressing his cheek with love): love you and (hitting his forehead with her forehead): happy anniversary.

Ranveer(with a smile enjoying his wife's closeness): Hmm happy anniversary.


Ranveer as the memories brought him back to the reality now without to his control had a single tear drop in his eyes. As he was feeling it he heard a voice calling Ranveer..

Ranveer(hearing it wiping the tears quickly and turned and saw the entrance were he saw Gauri were in a instant tone): Stand there.

Gauri(before entering the room and saw Ranveer said her to stop standing without entering the room): Ranveer...

Ranveer:(in a calm tone):RV...

Gauri(seeing his attitude bit getting disappointed): RV mein. your mother is calling you.

Ranveer: you go ...I will come.

Gauri: hm

Ranveer turned to other side were Gauri saw his back with a thinking face.

Gauri(in thoughts): Somehow I made Amba to tell okay for the marriage. But Ranveer's attitude is totally different. I am not able to understand him. In these 2 years this is the 4th time he is coming home. What to do? Somehow today Amba will try to convince him for the marriage. Let us see what he is telling.

Thinking it she hided behind a pillar to see whether Ranveer is going to Amba's room or not.

Ranveer seeing the room well and then taking a deep breath and without any other way came out of the room and he locked the room door well with the lock and hanging the key in his black chain and started to walk in the corridor. Gauri hiding well behind the pillar and saw Ranveer crossing her.

Ranveer went to Amba's room were he saw Amba reading Bhagavat gita were he entered the room.

Ranveer(in a calm tone): Maa.

Amba(hearing Ranveer's voice and taking her eyes from the Bhagavat gita and seeing Ranveer got up from the sofa and came to him): Ranveer..(with emotional tears in her eyes were her face changed seeing Ranveer from top to bottom): Dikhra..

Ranveer(with a made up smile): I told know I will come home. see I came.

Amba: (seeing him from up and down): Still today too you are dressing this way only.

Ranveer(with a smile): Maa this is trend. I am nice only...

Amba(seeing his smiling face and without knowing what to tell): Ranveer tk leave that, why are you not coming to home? Where are you staying? I heard from Rishab that you are not going to office also correctly. Even Sharman told me that you are not coming to Diamond company too.

Ranveer:(with a smile putting his hand over Amba's neck): Maa where ever this RV is the business will run so well. (taking his hand from Amba's neck and with a proud look): To defeat this RV in business no one is born till today.

Amba: I know that you are talented and no one can beat you in business. But I am asking you why are you not coming home. Without going to office or coming to home what are you doing?

Ranveer(seeing her with a calm look); Maa now a days know you are tensed a lot.

Amba(seeing his way of talking and without knowing what to do): Tk leave all that. I have planned to get you married to Gauri. Last three times also I asked regarding this to you but you...(before she could tell the next word Ranveer's phone rang being in his pant pocket)

Ranveer(took his phone out and saw the display and seeing its Rishab attending the call): haan Rishab..

Rishab: Sir I want to talk to you regarding some cheque clearance.

Ranveer: ek minute..(telling it he put the call on mute and seeing Amba); Tk Maa..(went and hugged her): Business call let me go...(he turned to walk)

Amba(as Ranveer hugged her feeling some smell and seeing him before he could walk): Ranveer...

Ranveer(turning again to Amba): Haan Maa.

Amba: Are you drinking?

Ranveer(with a calm look): Not that much..business call urgent..(telling it without waiting for Amba's next question he started to walk out of the room).

Amba: Ran...(before she could complete his name too he went out and with a what to react face to herself): What is happening to Ranveer?

Gauri(who was hiding behind the curtain hearing Amba and Ranveer's conversation and as Ranveer went from the room in thoughts): What is this Ranveer is reacting? Even Amba itself got confused of his behavior.(she had a bit shocked face).

Ranveer came down to the hall talking in the phone were that was the moment Kailash entered the hall were Ranveer and Kailash stood facing each other. Ranveer seeing Kailash well and was about to walk were he kept two steps talking in the phone. 

Kailash(in a normal tone): Came to see your room on your anniversary..

Ranveer(hearing it in the phone): hold on...(turning to Kailash): Nahi..came to see Maa. 

Kailash(turning and seeing him): In the age to see Wife you are still being your Mother's son Ranveer..(he saw him with a worried face).

Ranveer seeing kailash a calm look and he started to walk out of RV mansion. 

To be continued smiley2

jasminerahul thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 6 months ago

Poor ishani is hoping that ranveer will safeguard her and ragini.ishani is right.ranveer will regret later.if amba can come in between them why can't nitin talk ?ranveer was very rude.ranveer pushing her out of the house was painful.i liked shikar helping ishani.loved ishani saying that she can't trust then enough to leave ishani with them.ishani saying that when the husband is spineless she has to trust her friend was nice.

sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: jasminerahul

Poor ishani is hoping that ranveer will safeguard her and ragini.ishani is right.ranveer will regret later.if amba can come in between them why can't nitin talk ?ranveer was very rude.ranveer pushing her out of the house was painful.i liked shikar helping ishani.loved ishani saying that she can't trust then enough to leave ishani with them.ishani saying that when the husband is spineless she has to trust her friend was nice.

Hi jasmine

thanks for the comment

really poor Ishani she was trusting ranveer so much that he is safeguard her and Raagini

surely ranveer will regret for that and ishani question was right that when Amba can come in between them then its okay for nitin to come in

ranveer really behaved rude this time and pushed her out of the house

glad you liked shikhar helping ishani and ishani leaving and trusting friend when husband is spineless

keep reading smiley2

sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Episode 896

Ranveer entered his office were everyone wished him Good afternoon in a very mild tone were Ranveer too giving a calm head shake to everyone and entered his cabin. He saw his office a calm look and then he went and sat in his chair. He took his phone from his pant pocket and dialed to Rishab and waited for him to pick the call and once Rishab picked the call.

Ranveer: I am in my cabin Rishab.

Rishab: I am coming sir.

Ranveer: hmmm(he cut the call and rested his head in his chair).

In the next 5 minutes Rishab entered with 5 files and a cheque book in his hand. He saw Ranveer with a silent look. He went and stood next to Ranveer and started to show the files one by one and was explaining about the cheque clearance and the investors status to Ranveer. After finishing explaining about the files he was having and then showing the cheque book to Ranveer.

Rishab: want sign in the first two cheques sir.

Ranveer: hmm okay..(telling it he took the pen in the pen stand and he signed the cheques and then closed the cheque book and saw Rishab): I understood the cheque clearance and our investors status in the files you showed me. I signed the cheques you wanted me to sign. Let me leave..(telling it he got up and was about to walk to the door).

Rishab(when Ranveer was about to reach the door): Sir..

Ranveer(hearing it turning to him): hmm

Rishab(with a feeling face): I really miss you sir. I miss you so much as RV.

Ranveer(hearing it and bringing a fade smile came and stood facing him):Rishab a man can be a very big shot, he can earn lot of money, he can earn a prestigious place in the society but (with a face of thinking Ishani throwing the Mangalsutra on his face and Amba's wish to get him married to Gauri): But He can never win over the ladies of his life.

Rishab(with a worried face): I don't know what happened in your life sir but I will keep praying to god that you should be back to your happy days.

Ranveer(laughed with pain in his face): Happy days...(he was laughing well and then controlling his laughter): Fine let me leave...

Rishab: Sir

Ranveer: hmm

Rishab:Sir from the day we started RV broking we are the top most company in share trading and we were ruling the chart. But For the past one week I can see Two companies are topping the chart.

Ranveer(hearing it): Rishab I don't come to the company but I am updated on Share market. I too saw that the two companies are topping the chart past one week. But you no need to worry about those two companies. In the next two days you will see the stock market news telling that RV broking is back on the top.

Rishab: Okay sir..But also sir as I see them topping the chart I feel..

Ranveer(with a smile):Rishab okay let me explain. company 1 Shah trading company, Mumbai they are just investing on the Penny stocks and Penny stock may look like they are giving so much of profit but that will surely go down in the next two days. Company 2 Mohanty group of companies, Aurangabad See that is a very underrated company in our Stock market all the times even when I didn't start RV broking too that time itself that company was a underrated only. It was kept on struggling to grow in stock market and I have seen that company MD Rishi Mohanty in stock market meetings and all and he is too old now so by some luck they are on top of the chart past one week and they too will go down in the chart in 2 days so don't worry.

Rishab: Okay sir.

Shaking his head as okay Ranveer started to walk out of his cabin.


Ranveer was sleeping in his Mansion room so well. It was morning 10 o clock were his phone was ringing were that disturbed his sleep. He opened his eyes and wiped his eyes well and relaxing his body just laying in the bed and he took the phone from the bed. He saw the display were it told its Rishab.

Ranveer(picking the call): Haan Rishab

Rishab:Sir please see the stock market news immediately..

Ranveer(hearing it): What we came on the top of the chart.

Rishab(with a what to tell tone): Sir see the news immediately sir..

Ranveer: Okay let me 

Telling it he cut the call and got up from the bed and turned on the TV and took the TV remote and changed the channel and went and sat in the bed again and saw the stock market news.


Mohanty Group of companies has marked the highest Current Market Price. Investors are keen in investing in Mohanty Group of companies, Aurangabad


Mohanty Group of companies is the top performer of the Share market chart Past one week but today it has achieved its highest current market price which is almost 3 times greater than RV Broking.

Ranveer(seeing the news had a questioning face and to himself): I analyzed the Share market well and only said to Rishab two days before that the Mohanty group of companies will come down in the chart in two days. But today they have achieved a highest Current market price. (seeing the current market price of Mohanty Group of companies and calculating in his mind and to himself): And yes its 3 times greater than RV Broking...

He turned off the TV and throw the remote in the bed and had a thinking face. He was thinking how that can happen.

Ranveer(thinking and again to himself): I know the MD of Mohanty group of companies during the times when I used to do share trading for Mota Babuji.(with a how face to himself again): Rishi Mohanty is a old man and Mohanty group of companies was a underrated company no one will invest in that company that easily. But today it has highest Current market price means...

(having a serious face and to himself): How is that possible?

At the same time..


Rishi Mohanty standing in the brick stage and saw all his company employees who were sitting in each of the brick styled table and brick chairs and were seeing him were Rishi Mohanty was looking like


Rishi Mohanty(seeing his employees with a bright smile): No one were ready to invest in our company and our company was almost in the situation to be closed too. The most underrated company this was the name given to my company in stock market world. Today our company has reached highest Current market price and all are ready to invest in our company and its ruling the chart(he said it with a very happy smile and tone).

Everyone were clapping the hands so well were Rishi Mohanty had a happy smile.

Rishi Mohanty(again with a smile): So it is the time for me to thank the real person behind this success. So now I am going to welcome the person who has safeguarded our company from shut down.

Everyone clapped their hands...

Rishi Mohanty(with a happy voice): Lets welcome our CEO...ISHANI PAREKH..(telling it he moved a bit in the stage were).

As he moved Ishani Came out from a Brick pillar were she was wearing a white Shirt,Brown Pants,wearing a Cooling glass. she came with a smiling face to the brick stage.Were Ishani smiled to everyone with a casual attitude were she was looking like

ishani after leap 2.jpg

To be continued smiley2

jasminerahul thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 5 months ago

I never expected 2 years leap.loved kailesh saying that a person should never leave their life partner.he talking about its after effects was nice.shocking that since 6 months ranveer is away from home.why?rv singing with a guitar thinking of ishani on their wedding anniversary was emotional. Nice pic.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

The memories are haunting him when he looks at their room. But then he keeps going back to his ego mode.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

All this time, Gauri never left. She is waiting and watching.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

Ranveer is not the same person any more. He is wallowing in we don't know what. He is not going to office regularly, hanging out in bars, not coming home. Amba should think about this.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

Is Ishani at one of the companies that are topping the charts and giving competition to his company?
