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monikameghan thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Rein123

For Rakhi Dave living in a joint family itself is a crime!!!! She doesn't want her daughter to live like that she didn't raise her to be that way. It's not that she doesn't care about her husband, it just that she is quite dominating as a wife and that's very evident from how she seems to have a final say in their own matters, as far as the Shah family is concerned, yes she doesn't give a damn about them because according to her they are the villain of her life and she hates them to the core. They have not tortured of disrespected Kinjal but lifestyle has definitely downgraded to a great extent and that is what hurts Rakhi the most, she wants her daughter to continue living in luxury like she used to before marriage because that is what she deserves as her child, every parent wants the best for their child especially when they can afford it and what the Shah’s are giving Kinjal is sub standard as per Rakhi and she cannot fathom or accept that no matter what kinjal says or thinks. Moreover Kinjal is her only daughter and child so its understandable why she is unable to come to terms with her relationship with the Shah family. Kinjal gets what she needs no doubt and Anupama is there to see that but that is just not good enough for Rakhi Dave, for her Kinjal should be attending her weekly spa sessions, going for shopping, having lunch, brunch or dinner at the best restaurants available, have atleast 5 to 6 maids attending to her needs and serving her 24x7 not being a maid herself, in short what Rakhi wants is that her daughter continues living in luxury and not a middle class life given she is her only daughter and she has certain dreams and aspirations for her future. And let's be frank, Kinjal is overworked, she is not even looking after herself anymore, as a mother Rakhi obviously hates and blames the Shah family for it. So I understand where Rakhi is coming from and why she is doing it, for a mother her child's wellbeing is more important than being classy and if it requires one to be disgusting, horrible or anything that is possible to ensure that then she would do it, because that is how a mother is.

Shah's did break Rakhi’s family, I mean her family was just her, her husband and kinjal, with Kinjal gone it's just two aging parents living in a house. Rakhi was against the marriage and she was only willing to yield if Paritosh agreed to come and live in the Dave mansion like her own husband after marriage, did that happen? No right? So she is also not wrong in her place, the marriage took place against her will, so technically she is the one who is a loser in this arrangement while the Shah family has just got one person more to their family. Anupama couldn't even tolerate or live without Paritosh for more that 2 days when he moved into the Dave mansion so imagine Rakhi’s state of mind here without Kinjal her only child, moreover Anupama has two sons, would it have killed her to let one go who anyways wanted to leave voluntarily? When she was worried about how toshu was adjusting to the food, environment in the Dave mansion she immediately dragged him back home against Rakhi’s wish didn't she so why can't Rakhi do the same? Anupama has two sons, one daughter, one daughter in law and one soon to be daughter in law, who does Rakhi have? Parents who only have one child and especially if it's a daughter tend to be very particular, specific and even subtly possessive and protective of their child, some of them literally screen out people they think shouldn't be around their child and this Shah family is one such that Rakhi does not approve of or trust at all and I don't blame her for it either because she is not wrong about it.

Well coming to kinjal being smart, the fact that she actually married a guy like paritosh, makes me doubt her intelligence many times and no matter how old and grown children get, there are somethings that parents understand much better than their young ones. 

You seem to understand Rakhi Dave quite well.  Good.  But don’t say all the mothers would do what Rakhi Dave does.  I beg to differ being a mother myself. 

I can never side with women like Rakhi.  She is a CONTROL FREAK of lowest order who manipulates, badmouths and disrespects everyone.  She could not have a happy family of her own and now she wants to destroy not only Shah’s but her own daughter’s happiness.  Yes, parents love their children and they will do all they can for their happiness BUT if that happiness lies in a middle class family for a rich girl then so be it as long as that middle class family treats her good. AND here that is the case only.  
There is an expression, “ JAB DIL AAYA GADHI PER TO PARI KYA CHEESE HAI”!! This seems to be true for Kinjal.  If she wants a man like Toshu in her life then no one can convince her otherwise.  She is an EDUCATED ADULT.  Let’s not forget that.  She has to be given a chance for the happiness she chose for herself.  If it does not workout then she is also responsible for making those choices.  But until that happens she can’t be judged or manipulated by ANYONE for making those choices. Don’t forget they are married now with their families’ blessings (after they eloped) and if I am not mistaken Rakhi Dave was very much present. If she failed to stop her own daughter then it is her failure and she can’t extract revenge from her in- laws for treating her right.  That is just pure evil.  
As far as I know Kinjal is pretty happy with all the people around her.  She does not want to move out purely because she wanted to be a part of a big family that she never had.  Truthfully, I have never seen her complain about it even once.  If you are happy with what you have then luxuries or all the money in the world don’t matter.  Rakhi Dave can also lose all her money in a flash then what will she do?? Money can come and go but not family.  Either you have it or you don’t.  If tomorrow Kinjal is unhappy and miserable because she is not able to live in that penthouse with Toshu surrounded by all the servants then whose fault it is going to be.  It might be pretty difficult to come back to Shah’s by then because Rakhi Dave is going to make sure that they have no relations with the family when living on their own.

And about guy living at in-laws or a girl living at her in-laws, that is a social norm in India that a girl goes to live at her husband’s house. In rare cases, it is acceptable for a guy to live with his in-laws.  A Ghar Jamai usually does not have respect at his in- laws in India because it is believed that he is living off of his wife’s parents.  
Here Toshu went to live with Dave’s purely for his own selfish reasons not to help anyone with anything.  When he was not treated there well he was desperately missing and remembering his own mom at the drop of each hat.  Yes they showed it as extreme when Anupama went to fetch him she acted like Toshu was a small child and was treated badly in a dorm or something and that she could not live without him.  She made a mistake.  She should have let him rot there. He might have learned a lesson or two from his dearest saasu maa.🤮

The point is NO ONE should interfere with a married couple weather they live in a joint family or a nuclear one.  Their marriage is THEIR business and ONLY theirs.  No one else’s.  Not even parents’.  Do you ever see anyone interfering with Kinjal and Toshu at Shah’s house?? No. Even when they fight Anupama tells them to go to their room and sort it out and not fight in front of anyone.  Here, the great Rakhi Dave feels it’s her birth- right to walk in Shah’s household anytime she wants like she owns them and dare to interfere with EVERY D*** THING, WHY?? Just because they are not filthy rich, disrespectful and mannerless like her.🧐

If a woman like her come to my house like that, I would be getting a restraining order against her. And NO ONE can dare to do a thing about it.😎

SmithaRam thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 years ago

It was good to see Anupama beginning to detach from the family. The monologue "apne kaam se kaam rakh"... I hope she sticks to this mantra & succeeds in the art of detachment. I am interested in seeing her grow independent, strong and live a life on her terms instead of sticking her nose in Vanraj's biz.  

monikameghan thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: SmithaRam

It was good to see Anupama beginning to detach from the family. The monologue "apne kaam se kaam rakh"... I hope she sticks to this mantra & succeeds in the art of detachment. I am interested in seeing her grow independent, strong and live a life on her terms instead of sticking her nose in Vanraj's biz.  

I think that’s exactly what most of us here want from Anupama, the show and the woman.👏🏻👏🏻

Namita-M thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 2 years ago

Why is there a new female  entry? A friend or foe?? 

I think Anupama needs a high society friend who rivals Rakhi  in wealth. I’m tired of watching everyone abusing Anupama. Arey Vanraj and Baa had abused her for 25 years. She’s finally getting over or trying to but everyone wants to drag her down. 🤬

Namita-M thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: monikameghan

I think that’s exactly what most of us here want from Anupama, the show and the woman.👏🏻👏🏻

Definitely!! Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as we think but since it’s an ITV show, I’m hoping they make her indifferent to Vanraj. That’s going to be much better. 

Rein123 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: monikameghan

You seem to understand Rakhi Dave quite well.  Good.  But don’t say all the mothers would do what Rakhi Dave does.  I beg to differ being a mother myself. 

I can never side with women like Rakhi.  She is a CONTROL FREAK of lowest order who manipulates, badmouths and disrespects everyone.  She could not have a happy family of her own and now she wants to destroy not only Shah’s but her own daughter’s happiness.  Yes, parents love their children and they will do all they can for their happiness BUT if that happiness lies in a middle class family for a rich girl then so be it as long as that middle class family treats her good. AND here that is the case only.  
There is an expression, “ JAB DIL AAYA GADHI PER TO PARI KYA CHEESE HAI”!! This seems to be true for Kinjal.  If she wants a man like Toshu in her life then no one can convince her otherwise.  She is an EDUCATED ADULT.  Let’s not forget that.  She has to be given a chance for the happiness she chose for herself.  If it does not workout then she is also responsible for making those choices.  But until that happens she can’t be judged or manipulated by ANYONE for making those choices. Don’t forget they are married now with their families’ blessings (after they eloped) and if I am not mistaken Rakhi Dave was very much present. If she failed to stop her own daughter then it is her failure and she can’t extract revenge from her in- laws for treating her right.  That is just pure evil.  
As far as I know Kinjal is pretty happy with all the people around her.  She does not want to move out purely because she wanted to be a part of a big family that she never had.  Truthfully, I have never seen her complain about it even once.  If you are happy with what you have then luxuries or all the money in the world don’t matter.  Rakhi Dave can also lose all her money in a flash then what will she do?? Money can come and go but not family.  Either you have it or you don’t.  If tomorrow Kinjal is unhappy and miserable because she is not able to live in that penthouse with Toshu surrounded by all the servants then whose fault it is going to be.  It might be pretty difficult to come back to Shah’s by then because Rakhi Dave is going to make sure that they have no relations with the family when living on their own.

And about guy living at in-laws or a girl living at her in-laws, that is a social norm in India that a girl goes to live at her husband’s house. In rare cases, it is acceptable for a guy to live with his in-laws.  A Ghar Jamai usually does not have respect at his in- laws in India because it is believed that he is living off of his wife’s parents.  
Here Toshu went to live with Dave’s purely for his own selfish reasons not to help anyone with anything.  When he was not treated there well he was desperately missing and remembering his own mom at the drop of each hat.  Yes they showed it as extreme when Anupama went to fetch him she acted like Toshu was a small child and was treated badly in a dorm or something and that she could not live without him.  She made a mistake.  She should have let him rot there. He might have learned a lesson or two from his dearest saasu maa.🤮

The point is NO ONE should interfere with a married couple weather they live in a joint family or a nuclear one.  Their marriage is THEIR business and ONLY theirs.  No one else’s.  Not even parents’.  Do you ever see anyone interfering with Kinjal and Toshu at Shah’s house?? No. Even when they fight Anupama tells them to go to their room and sort it out and not fight in front of anyone.  Here, the great Rakhi Dave feels it’s her birth- right to walk in Shah’s household anytime she wants like she owns them and dare to interfere with EVERY D*** THING, WHY?? Just because they are not filthy rich, disrespectful and mannerless like her.🧐

If a woman like her come to my house like that, I would be getting a restraining order against her. And NO ONE can dare to do a thing about it.😎

How do you know Rakhi does not have a happy family of her own? She was quite happy, and when did she ever manipulate, disrespect and insult any one else other than the Shah family?

Not all mothers would be that way no doubt but most of the parents especially mothers at least the ones I have seen are like that and frankly Anupama is also no different, if it comes to her kids she too has lowered her level infront of kavya getting all physical in a fight with her. So being classy is not important especially in front of those who are bad for your children. And most of the parents be it Indian or from some other country, are controlling to quite an extent, Rakhi may not have cared had Kinjal married into a better family and please don't say the Shah’s are loving and make her happy, no they are not, living with them is indeed like living in hell as Rakhi correctly described even Toshu a self centred guy could tell and understand that. Those people are like chameleons who change colors as per their convenience, whereas kinjal is literally an ingrate who doesn't give a damn about all Rakhi has ever done for her or the fact that she is still looking out for her when she should have actually disowned the girl. You say I understand Rakhi quite well, yes I do because till date all the mothers I have seen including my own are just like her not Anupama. I am yet to see a mother who let's her child do anything as they please or marry whoever they please without her approval. I dont know what kind of a mother you are or how you raise your kids but kindly don't question another woman's motherhood just because it doesn't conform to your own.

And no I am not familiar with the saying "gadhi pe dil aaya toh pari kya cheez hai?" Pari ke aage gadhi ki koi aukaat nahi hoti, this is just like saying "Rakshas pe agar dil aaya toh devta kya cheez hai" a mother knows what is good for her child in most cases and Rakhi, choosing a gadhi over a pari is like choosing misery over peace and tranquility, I don't think any sane mother would be happy knowing that.

@red that's not a social norm it's a social evil, why is it acceptable if a girl lives off her in laws but a guy can't? Why does a girl get respected for this while a guy gets insulted and shamed? We speak about equality for women but continue holding on to such disgusting patriarchal beliefs like this where a girl is expected to live with her in laws, of bahu can become the beti than can't the jamai be the beta of the house with equal rights in the family of living in their roof, I must say developed western societies are much better here, that is asking both the girl and guy to move out of their family atleast instead of expecting the girl to live with guys family, this disgusting social evil is the main cause for other social evils like female foeticide, infanticide, dowry, denying the girl child education and almost every other injustice to females in India because they all want boys who are believed to rightly carry the lineage or family name forward and not the girl because she will leave the family and settle with her husband's family making it seem like watering the neighbours garden instead which is why our society is considered so socially backward even now. Why should a woman move out of her house after marriage when the guy can come and live with her family instead, it happens in manipur and no one treats the men with disrespect over there for that so why not the rest of the country especially by people who claim to be progressiveand open minded, If a guy can't live under his in laws roofs then neither should a girl be expected or allowed to do that, this in reality would be equality. If you're wondering whether I support nuclear families over joint familes then the answer is a big yes.

Also once Paritosh and kinjal move out, it won't be just them, they will have their kids too. Where the hell will they keep their kids in that small Shah house??  Kinjal is used to living alone so she will manage because it won't be anything new for her, it's not like she lived miserably before marriage. I grew up in a nuclear family myself and I never felt my mother was miserable as such compared to how it was when she was living with her in laws where there were fights over every little thing every other day just like the Shah family. 

@green but leela used to do this to anupama's family everytime they visited now didn't she just because they happened to be poorer than the Shah family, so why is so bad when Rakhi does it to them? And when leela used to bitch about Anupama’s family she just used to listen and not even bother defending them perhaps that's where Paritosh learnt to do the same from whenever Rakhi openly berated his family. So essentially the guy's family can insult and berate the girls family but it's a problem if the girls family does it to the guys family especially if its the mother. Here is the thing, if your DIL belongs to a family much above and richer than yours be prepared to get dominated, mocked or looked down upon by her family.

Edited by Rein123 - 2 years ago
monikameghan thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

I am so happy for Rakhi Dave that she has audience supporting her but I am not one of them.  Not everything is always tit for tat.  If everyone has the attitude of Eye For An Eye then everyone on this planet will only have one eye  or worse.  Two wrongs don’t make one right.  If leela did bad with Anupama, she was also criticized for it but she never went to Anupama’s mom’s house to put them down. She also never tried to take (whatever they owned) anything away from them and she also never plotted against them. So there is still a huge difference.  I hope you have seen Rakhi’s happy family because I still have to come across one. If she did she would understand where her daughter’s happiness lies.  I thought she runs a successful business but I find her always busy plotting and manipulating against Shah’s.  I don’t think she has anything better to do in life then interfering in others’ business.  God bless you for having such women around you. I hope you get strength to deal with them.🙏🏻

If you still want to continue to discuss, please carry on. I will not be replying to you anymore. I do not intend to discuss Rakhi Dave or the likes of her anymore.  She is not worth my time or energy.  It drains me to even think about her.  I have no interest in making anyone see my point on a fictional exaggerated show and waste my energy on it. Enjoy the show. 🙏🏻

Edited by monikameghan - 2 years ago
Rein123 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: monikameghan

I am so happy for Rakhi Dave that she has audience supporting her but I am not one of them.  Not everything is always tit for tat.  If everyone has the attitude of Eye For An Eye then everyone on this planet will only have one eye  or worse.  Two wrongs don’t make one right.  If leela did bad with Anupama, she was also criticized for it but she never went to Anupama’s mom’s house to put them down. She also never tried to take (whatever they owned) anything away from them and she also never plotted against them. So there is still a huge difference.  I hope you have seen Rakhi’s happy family because I still have to come across one. If she did she would understand where her daughter’s happiness lies.  I thought she runs a successful business but I find her always busy plotting and manipulating against Shah’s.  I don’t think she has anything better to do in life then interfering in others’ business.  God bless you for having such women around you. I hope you get strength to deal with them.🙏🏻

If you still want to continue to discuss, please carry on. I will not be replying to you anymore. I do not intend to discuss Rakhi Dave or the likes of her anymore.  She is not worth my time or energy.  It drains me to even think about her.  I have no interest in making anyone see my point on a fictional exaggerated show and waste my energy on it. Enjoy the show. 🙏🏻

Well last response to you over this, it doesn't matter whether leela went to Anupama's maayka to insult her family or they came to her house, the point is she did it, and whatever Rakhi is doing to them is plain old karma in a way. You say Leela never tried to take anything away from Anupama’s family, but she actually did, her time with her maayka, she even tried to stop Anupama from helping her mother with her surgery, criticised her very harshly and guilt tripped her for using the jewelry she received as stree dhan for getting kinjal her engagement ring. 

"Not everything is about tit for tat always" I disagree, it depends on the person and whether they are okay with taking shit from others and putting up with their abuses, I feel those who actually retaliate are much better than those who blindly forgive and let go of such vicious crimes and injustices they get subjected to thereby allowing it to continue and encouraging the same.

An eye for an eye may or may not turn the whole world blind but it definitely would put everyone on the same ground. And yeah I do live and deal with women like Rakhi however they are not monsters or witches as you are assuming them to be. If I had to compare Rakhi to anupama, I would say Rakhi is a better mother compared to anupama, at least she isn't naive or stupid like the former to entrust her child with just anyone or blindly trust people around her daughter.

She does have a business to run,  but getting her daughter out of what she considers a hell is more important and that is also her business.

Edited by Rein123 - 2 years ago
TheGirlofRagas thumbnail
Voice of India 2024 Participant 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: surabhi01

I think sunita character will be nandini mother or new dance teacher ot anupama dance academy

Food critic thi woh 😆