Pallavi — a new leaf ☘️ - Page 4


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Bee222 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Mihika

Every word of yours is true Buzzz....I remember few days back someone pointed out similarities between RaghVi and Shiv-Sati....This post is perfect and so apt👏

Thanks Mihi 🤗

Bee222 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: inlieu

Yaar Bee, I missed your posts. 🤗

Loved every single bit of it, especially your comment about her kicking the water jug away. I drew the same parallels with kicking the rice. All this was deliberately done and props to the screenplay, really. 

The day she told Krishna she'd stop crying/being afraid and use Raghav's challenge as an opportunity is when she really started to tap into her inner strength and it's wonderful to see that she can remain honest and dignified while driving home a few truths to those Ds. I know some people wanted her to be far more vocal but I think she said what she needed to at that moment, without becoming overly bitter. 

In a way, the fact that she was gradually willing to dismiss most of the Ds and the space they occupied in her mind made it easy for her to say all that. It didn't happen as a spur-of-the-moment thing, it had been building up like a silent storm inside her which she finally unleashed. Once she has calmed down, she will be able to finally have the space and time to think about herself, have that long-overdue introspection and then decide how she wants to build her life. 

The underlying message here is pretty amazing if you think about it: a person needs to really declutter their mind in order to think straight and make the right decisions at the right time, otherwise they are buried and suffocated under a pile of #$%^&. Raghav had rightly told her once that until she got rid of the 'kachra' in her head, she wouldn't be successful. Sure, he hadn't known her well enough back then, but over time it proved to be true, didn't it?

ITV FLs never have breathing room because they are always on the run trying to fix things, solve problems, deal with tragedy, etc. In the precap, where Pallavi is sitting on the sofa reading a magazine, her body language is probably the most relaxed we've seen in ages. She has time to slow down and take it easy. Even Raghav is reminding her that her train is in an hour, with a gentle sense of urgency, but she walks over to him and hugs him in a leisurely way, no mad rush, no frantic movements. We're used to seeing Raghav have his quiet moments of reflection/alone time and I am hoping this is the beginning for Pallavi too, where she really gets her me time. God knows she needs it. 

I completely agree that Raghav, though he chose to bend, never lost his dignity despite what Sanki might think. Rather, it was Sanki who lost the last shred of it. Props to Sai for his body language, the perpendicular angles at which he kneeled down, picked up the jug, etc. Beautiful! 

And I miss posting 😒 One after the other blockbuster epis are coming but I'm not getting the time to type out my thoughts  Why don't you start posting stuff again, so that I can go  and be done with an 'exactly'? 😆

Serious props to the screenplay totally.. that kalash throwing ritual is ingrained in every ITV-watcher's mind, this was an obvious parallel inserted for them. Every time I watched the epi, the reference just jumped out at me. Amazingly done 👏

@bold: Thank you for mentioning this! This is what I meant about Raghav being the catalyst to her transformation, but I was too sleepy to elaborate 🙈 She's always carried this same essence in her — this strength, this voice, it was always present. But since the day Raghav entered her life, she's had to work more and more towards her self-growth. As she rose to meet his challenges, her own horizons kept expanding — from her growing ambitions to her out-of-the-box thinking. Were it not for him, she'd never realise her true potential, she'd be chained to the DMs forever. Raghav came like a storm, but that storm freed her from her shackles. Heck, he was the first to make her try to dream up a life as Pallavi, just Pallavi. She didn't even have that identity with her. Directly and indirectly, this man has brought about all kinds of progress in her life. Today she has accepted her strength, tomorrow she'll shed her remaining inhibitions as well. And every time, it'll be Raghav acting as the catalyst ❤️

I think whatever she said was perfect. The entire scene was just perfect, right from Raghav ordering VD onto the chair to Raghvi leaving hand in hand together. I couldn't have asked for anything better. Each one of her words hit the mark perfectly. Powerful, impactful, fantastic. One of my favourite episodes of MHRW so far. I've already rewatched it thrice, and I know I'll rewatch it many more times in the future. It was so good 👏

One of the things I've loved is how subtle post-marriage Pallavi has been. Initially her character was all vocal about everything, while Raghav was the one to watch for all the hidden emotions. He never directly expressed how he felt about her — we had to keep observing and analysing remember. But post-marriage, the tables have turned so much. Raghav is making all the efforts, keeps asking her if she'll stay forever, if she'll do a vat savitri for him. He's even disappointed when she doesn't make their relationship a priority. In every step, he's been the vocal one so far. But for Pallavi, the change has been so subtle, so quiet. The first indication was how less she started thinking of VD. When she was leaving RR house, she didn't for once think to go to D house. The girl who couldn't hear a word against VD only fed some spicy food to Raghav on hearing of their argument (people can complain all they want about how harsh it was — truth is, it was a silly prank and she was shocked herself when Raghav ate up all that food). When Raghav planned to apologise, she asked him not to apologise to VD, but to make amends with aai instead. Even when VD was arrested, her focus was on aai. When VD tried to take her, she refused to go with him, being reminded of the time she was thrown out. She's never expressed how much it has hurt her, but we can only observe and understand. Another indication was how easily she was convinced this time to send BWA to jail. This was the same Pallavi who fought to keep Sulo at home even after the whole abortion fiasco. But this time, her whole focus was on kaka, the kind of impact it'd have on him. The words she said about Aai and kaka being her only apne and her not caring about the rest — she might've vocalised it only today, but the steps were being taken since a long time. I have loved noticing these changes in her ❤️

Oh, she's so relaxed bcz she knows she isn't going anywhere 🤣 I'm just waiting for her to take out the jhaadu 🤣 Kaisa gadha aadmi hai jo ladki ke itne clear indications nahi samajh paata? 🤔 And that too after today, when she 100% proved her ability to speak for herself and make her own decisions. Still this idiot has to decide for her. Bada aya born smart 🤔 Tazbu bhara hai dimaag mein 

Yes uff that scene was sheer brilliance. Usually in such scenes we see some emotional bgm being played with ML/FL shedding tears or looking helpless as they bend themselves to the villain's will. But here, it was the swag RR music being played. He took off his coat, then folded up his sleeves, full on attitude, ordered VD to go sit on the chair, and maintained that confident glare as he crouched before him. His body language nowhere had any sign of losing dignity. He was a proud lion throwing the challenge back to VD — tu mujhe jhuka to lega, par tera aukaad nahi ki mujhe beizzat kar paaye. Amazing amazing 👏👏 This show keeps proving over and over how different it is from the typical ones ❤️❤️

Edited by Bee222 - 2 years ago
Bee222 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: nooriex

I seriously LOVED your analysis! I kept saying "wow" at the end of every paragraph 😆 Besides admiring Pallavi's strength, I too saw her in a new light. Really, her calling herself "Pallavi Raghav Rao" struck it home for me that now her identity is not defined by the Deshmukh's presence but by Raghav's. I'm not someone who likes to attach a female's importance to a male figure but with Pallavi's situation, I feel like it works aptly since Raghav is someone who indirectly helped this Pallavi come out. But someday, I hope she can consider herself to be "Pallavi" before "Pallavi Raghav Rao"/"Pallavi Deshmukh" just like Raghav wanted.

Also your comparison of the bowl of rice versus jug of water symbolism is beautifully analyzed ❤️ the dots are all connecting now and big kudos to the writers and crew for directing the scene in such a way :)

Aww thank you! 😆🤗 Even I was an advocate of Pallavi being Pallavi, a woman of her own identity. But the way Raghav has influenced her.. it's been beautiful to watch. This is probably the first time the girl saw someone making such efforts for her — getting her a deal, struggling day and night to reunite her with her family, lending a shoulder in her times of stress, going out of his way to earn her forgiveness. I can't imagine anyone from Dfam doing this for her, even Aai or kaka whom she considers her apne. Her forgiveness is always easily given, I doubt anyone has ever had to struggle for it (if they even admit their mistake in the first place). Plus every responsibility has always been her own to bear — this is the first time someone wants to share that load with her. I can only imagine how touched she must feel by his gestures. Her beautiful heart that only knows how to give... won't it want to fill up his life with happiness too? ❤️ These two are exactly what they need, ugh... they're too perfect together 🥺❤️ There is nothing sweeter than two people who bring out the best versions of each other 

And definitely, a big shoutout to them for executing that shot so perfectly. A single moment but it expressed a lot! 😍

inlieu thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: RainbowUnicorm

Lovely analysis and post !!...The way RR changed for Pallavi and she in turn turning a new leaf she been so amazingly portrayed.  I loved it that in the heat of the moment she didn't forget to say that Rzr did make mistakes but is trying to correct them wholeheartedly....she is his strength..the reason why he is changing. 

And now he became her strength ...she has one person now to call all her support , to lean on , to share...and with this support she was able to stand upto the wrongdoer in D family. She did not come there to pick a fight . But after seeing what was going on and realizing that RR was willing to give up his pride for her...the durga in her came out you rightly mentioned. That willingness to bend to that extent for her sake, that is what made him earn that first priority place from her. 

The Sati Shiva Daksh story is so apt for this situation..very well connected!

As a couple Raghvis first step to cross  was trust .

Second step was to keep each other as first priority. Third was to respect and keep up each others dignity. They have now crossed these 3 levels. Major milestones .Now no 3rd person can come between them 

@bold, exactly, very well said. The foundation of their relationship is strengthened gradually and organically so the next levels will be even more amazing for them (and for us to watch). I am so happy the writers are taking their time to cover these aspects of their relationship because they will indeed be able to take on the world when challenges come up.

Couple goals, really...

Bee222 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: aye-masakalii

Bee, I really loved this post! I'm not the most well versed with mythology, so I loved reading the Shiva and Sati story, definitely fascinating and I loved the parallel you drew!! Thanks for the tag ❤️

You know, I was thinking the exact same thing about the kalash girane ki rasm. Didn't know about the stagnant water part, but I was thinking about how that ritual is a part of the grihpravesh of a new bride, and Pallavi didn't do that rasm, and the visual of her knocking down that kalash with her foot in that moment, was a symbolic entry into her marriage, completely accepting her husband, new home and new family. I didn't write this because it felt like I may be making too much of a stretch with that symbolism, so I'm so glad you saw it like that too! With what you said about stagnant water, it makes the imagery all the more powerful. And it checks out- these two have been doing all wedding rasms inadvertently, starting from the sindoor, the varmala, the haldi, the mehendi. 

Also, we've been seeing Pallavi really sparkle and come into her own over the past several episodes, but through all the happy and cute moments, there's been so much tension and stress underneath. She's really been through hell in the past few months, and I think today was both the culmination of the hurt and disappointment building up, and her first step towards catharsis and healing. A new leaf is exactly it!

Haha, bachpan se my mom and my grandma have fed me more stories than I can keep track of 😆 But then again, our culture is so interesting, I'm always eager for more 

I definitely don't think you're alone in drawing the grihapravesh parallel. Anyone who has seen a good number of ITV shows will associate a kalash kick with grihapravesh 😛 It was definitely her entry into that marriage, but what I loved was how different that entry was  Parvati instead of Lakshmi... a perfect fit for our hotheaded Lord Shiva 😆😳 These two will never be the typical couple ❤️ They will fulfil all their rituals, but with their own twist 

Absolutely! I was just talking about this in the post above, Pallavi's journey has been subtle but very heavy. She doesn't let anyone realise it, but she has been hugely affected by everything going on around her. A family that leaves her alone out in the streets at night, on the words of a stranger. The same stranger forcing her to marry him, then feeling guilty and asking a chance. Her family refusing to believe her at every instant, and then just as she's trying to settle in her newfound world of care and freedom, they try barging in to take her away from it — with no words of apology ever uttered. Stress, grief, depression, pain... what all she has gone through. Externally, she only shattered once, but internally can we even imagine how many times she has relived it all? After all, as soon as aai or VD tried dragging her out, her mind immediately flashed back to that night. It's all been a long, slow buildup process for her. And amidst all this, the one person who's been making her his first priority is craving for a little care, a little support. Of course she'd get protective! I'm just waiting to see her heal from all this... now that she's accepted to herself what her true ties with that family are, hopefully the process will get easier for her. She's been freed from the most suffocating influence in her life ❤️

inlieu thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: nooriex

I seriously LOVED your analysis! I kept saying "wow" at the end of every paragraph 😆 Besides admiring Pallavi's strength, I too saw her in a new light. Really, her calling herself "Pallavi Raghav Rao" struck it home for me that now her identity is not defined by the Deshmukh's presence but by Raghav's. I'm not someone who likes to attach a female's importance to a male figure but with Pallavi's situation, I feel like it works aptly since Raghav is someone who indirectly helped this Pallavi come out. But someday, I hope she can consider herself to be "Pallavi" before "Pallavi Raghav Rao"/"Pallavi Deshmukh" just like Raghav wanted.

Also your comparison of the bowl of rice versus jug of water symbolism is beautifully analyzed ❤️ the dots are all connecting now and big kudos to the writers and crew for directing the scene in such a way :)

@Bold, I'm still in awe over how the writers weaved this message in, that a woman needs to have her own identity, and how a man as powerful and self-assured as Raghav, who is so proud of his name and identity (we saw that in ep 1 already), is very clear on his stance that he believes his wife should have her own identity, desires, and dreams. I can't wait to see Pallavi's journey in that direction. 

A lot of shows portray that the only way for a woman to achieve this is by having a career. While a career can be an option, it isn't the only one. How you live your personal life is just as important, if not more. 

aye-masakalii thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Bee222

Haha, bachpan se my mom and my grandma have fed me more stories than I can keep track of 😆 But then again, our culture is so interesting, I'm always eager for more 

I definitely don't think you're alone in drawing the grihapravesh parallel. Anyone who has seen a good number of ITV shows will associate a kalash kick with grihapravesh 😛 It was definitely her entry into that marriage, but what I loved was how different that entry was  Parvati instead of Lakshmi... a perfect fit for our hotheaded Lord Shiva 😆😳 These two will never be the typical couple ❤️ They will fulfil all their rituals, but with their own twist 

Absolutely! I was just talking about this in the post above, Pallavi's journey has been subtle but very heavy. She doesn't let anyone realise it, but she has been hugely affected by everything going on around her. A family that leaves her alone out in the streets at night, on the words of a stranger. The same stranger forcing her to marry him, then feeling guilty and asking a chance. Her family refusing to believe her at every instant, and then just as she's trying to settle in her newfound world of care and freedom, they try barging in to take her away from it — with no words of apology ever uttered. Stress, grief, depression, pain... what all she has gone through. Externally, she only shattered once, but internally can we even imagine how many times she has relived it all? After all, as soon as aai or VD tried dragging her out, her mind immediately flashed back to that night. It's all been a long, slow buildup process for her. And amidst all this, the one person who's been making her his first priority is craving for a little care, a little support. Of course she'd get protective! I'm just waiting to see her heal from all this... now that she's accepted to herself what her true ties with that family are, hopefully the process will get easier for her. She's been freed from the most suffocating influence in her life ❤️

Bachpan mein my dadi also used to tell me these stories! But god knows what recesses of my brain all that has hidden in, my recollection is miserable 😆

I loved the uniqueness of it all too. Hayye, I loved so much in that episode, I feel like I've just been saying 'I love this' and 'I love that' to everything. @bold- I have been hooked by all these incidental fulfilment of rituals. I know it's a bit OTT, but it's like the universe telling them, you do your thing, but you're fated to be together, and here are some very, very obvious signs of the same. It makes me all warm inside. 

@red- I can't get over the fact that this exact thing happened not once, but twice. This incident at Mansi's sangeet was the point of no return for me as far as Vijay and co were concerned. Till that point, yeah, his hypocrisy and mistrust were getting annoying, but there was still a slight benefit of doubt I was willing to give- he's just being a protective father. Nikhil ke dost ne ek vague claim ka kar diya ki she's with Raghav, saari ki saari fikar khatam ho gayi. He didn't even let Nikhil go look for her, and apni chaati pakad kar baith gaya, draamebaaz kahin ka. She could have ended up lying dead in a ditch if Raghav hadn't trusted his instincts. And then of course, they did it again after Raghav's whole tamasha. Itni toofani raat mein ghar se nikaal diya. Again, what if Kirti hadn't realized where she'd go and taken her in? 

So much of the past track has been making me uncomfortable because of the narrative of getting Vijay to forgive Pallavi, and ugh, wth for?? They wronged her, they should be apologizing. I have loved that she's not allowed herself to be forced to cross the threshold of any house by anyone after that night. When she's walked out, it's been her choice. When she's walked back in, it's been her choice. It's like she silently decided, not anymore. 

Her words to Jaya apply to her dynamic with Raghav. She said, look at intent and hardwork, not at the end result- woh kissi ke haath mein nahi hota. She knew from day 1 that Raghav won't be able to swing the reconciliation with the Deshmukhs- she knows the flaws of those people, hesitant as she may be to voice them. But she saw how hard he tried, and I don't think anyone has ever put in that much effort just for her to be happy before- the burden of effort has always been on her before. Of course she responded so protectively, how could she let him get hurt in the process of trying to make her happy? I called her a sherni in that episode, but she was truly at her fiercest best. 

The poor girl has so much suppressed trauma, it's gotta come out before she can fully heal. I'm so happy for her to be in an environment where she is cared for and protected, and while she's not the kind of person to let that kind of care and affection go unreciprocated, it'll be nice for her to not be the sole person to shoulder the responsibility of caring and protecting. 

RainbowUnicorm thumbnail
Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Bee222

Haha, bachpan se my mom and my grandma have fed me more stories than I can keep track of 😆 But then again, our culture is so interesting, I'm always eager for more 

I definitely don't think you're alone in drawing the grihapravesh parallel. Anyone who has seen a good number of ITV shows will associate a kalash kick with grihapravesh 😛 It was definitely her entry into that marriage, but what I loved was how different that entry was  Parvati instead of Lakshmi... a perfect fit for our hotheaded Lord Shiva 😆😳 These two will never be the typical couple ❤️ They will fulfil all their rituals, but with their own twist 

Absolutely! I was just talking about this in the post above, Pallavi's journey has been subtle but very heavy. She doesn't let anyone realise it, but she has been hugely affected by everything going on around her. A family that leaves her alone out in the streets at night, on the words of a stranger. The same stranger forcing her to marry him, then feeling guilty and asking a chance. Her family refusing to believe her at every instant, and then just as she's trying to settle in her newfound world of care and freedom, they try barging in to take her away from it — with no words of apology ever uttered. Stress, grief, depression, pain... what all she has gone through. Externally, she only shattered once, but internally can we even imagine how many times she has relived it all? After all, as soon as aai or VD tried dragging her out, her mind immediately flashed back to that night. It's all been a long, slow buildup process for her. And amidst all this, the one person who's been making her his first priority is craving for a little care, a little support. Of course she'd get protective! I'm just waiting to see her heal from all this... now that she's accepted to herself what her true ties with that family are, hopefully the process will get easier for her. She's been freed from the most suffocating influence in her life ❤️

Yes Pallavis grief with all the shocks from Deshmukhs and the way the wedding happened was immense but subtle. She had to adjust herself at every step of the way. I csn only imagine her heart must be so heavy with this behavior grom VD..she deserves apologies from VD and unconditional acceptance as his daughter. It must be so hard for her to digest that the same family whom  she talked about with  so much pride  in front of RR, didn't keep up any respect and love for her in front of RR. In a way she kept choosing RR more after VD kept rejecting him . 

But her healing began the day RR went and tried to convince deshmukhs that Pallavi was not at fault for anything. From that day ...he has been making efforts, promising her happiness,  bending for her , making efforts with her full space and respect at his home, helping with clothes deal etc. 

He was her support when Babs was jailed, he helped VD out at risk of his image,  all these things are not unnoticed by her. And with every effort he has made,  she has healed more and more , until today , when she saw him making the biggest gesture by washing her father's feet, she totally snapped and declared that she needs him alone and nobody else matters.  This was so gradual we may not realize it but definitely she is now healed of the terrible way the wedding happened. 

About Ds..neither she or us may realize it now but a girl needs a mayka..hope eventually VD redeems himself.  

Btw..about the feet washing scene. Its actually astounding because in Telugu weddings. The brides father washes the grooms feet before the wedding and kanyadaanam. It is called "Alludi kallu kadigi pilla ni ivvadam". Means daamad ke pair dhoke beti ka kanyadaan karna. 

And what was shown today was opposite. The father is trying to get his feet washed by damaad. This gives me the indication that soon roles will reverse, which means real telugu wedding csm happen for Raghavi. Hope so, would be lovely to watch!

inlieu thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: aye-masakalii

Bachpan mein my dadi also used to tell me these stories! But god knows what recesses of my brain all that has hidden in, my recollection is miserable 😆

I loved the uniqueness of it all too. Hayye, I loved so much in that episode, I feel like I've just been saying 'I love this' and 'I love that' to everything. @bold- I have been hooked by all these incidental fulfilment of rituals. I know it's a bit OTT, but it's like the universe telling them, you do your thing, but you're fated to be together, and here are some very, very obvious signs of the same. It makes me all warm inside. 

@red- I can't get over the fact that this exact thing happened not once, but twice. This incident at Mansi's sangeet was the point of no return for me as far as Vijay and co were concerned. Till that point, yeah, his hypocrisy and mistrust were getting annoying, but there was still a slight benefit of doubt I was willing to give- he's just being a protective father. Nikhil ke dost ne ek vague claim ka kar diya ki she's with Raghav, saari ki saari fikar khatam ho gayi. He didn't even let Nikhil go look for her, and apni chaati pakad kar baith gaya, draamebaaz kahin ka. She could have ended up lying dead in a ditch if Raghav hadn't trusted his instincts. And then of course, they did it again after Raghav's whole tamasha. Itni toofani raat mein ghar se nikaal diya. Again, what if Kirti hadn't realized where she'd go and taken her in? 

So much of the past track has been making me uncomfortable because of the narrative of getting Vijay to forgive Pallavi, and ugh, wth for?? They wronged her, they should be apologizing. I have loved that she's not allowed herself to be forced to cross the threshold of any house by anyone after that night. When she's walked out, it's been her choice. When she's walked back in, it's been her choice. It's like she silently decided, not anymore. 

Her words to Jaya apply to her dynamic with Raghav. She said, look at intent and hardwork, not at the end result- woh kissi ke haath mein nahi hota. She knew from day 1 that Raghav won't be able to swing the reconciliation with the Deshmukhs- she knows the flaws of those people, hesitant as she may be to voice them. But she saw how hard he tried, and I don't think anyone has ever put in that much effort just for her to be happy before- the burden of effort has always been on her before. Of course she responded so protectively, how could she let him get hurt in the process of trying to make her happy? I called her a sherni in that episode, but she was truly at her fiercest best. 

The poor girl has so much suppressed trauma, it's gotta come out before she can fully heal. I'm so happy for her to be in an environment where she is cared for and protected, and while she's not the kind of person to let that kind of care and affection go unreciprocated, it'll be nice for her to not be the sole person to shoulder the responsibility of caring and protecting. 

@bold, I completely agree that she needs to just offload that for a bit and just be. Her new family is where that will be possible. I am really really hoping a complete breakdown is imminent where she just lets everything out once and for all. Maybe this is where her past will come out? All the BTS we've seen is of them having lighter moments but Shivangi mentioned during her insta live session that something will go wrong with Pallavi, and I'm kind of hoping this is the point they will address. She won't be able to move on and Raghav can't help her until her long-overdue catharsis happens. 

Edited by inlieu - 2 years ago
GumnaamHaiKoii thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Love this analysis 🥳

Sati  immolated herself in in a fire born of righteous anger when her husband Shiva wasn’t acknowledged but insulted by her dad Daksh , because of latter one’s pride and ego .

Same happened here , VD stopped too low 

In order to strip Raghav of his dignity, he lost respect he had as an elder in eyes of many especially Pallavi .

Pallavi did acknowledge VD’s anger issues  2-3 times prior to this but his lowly act made this atom bomb blast finally 😎

(side note Shiv Shakti are equals  love them for it , same goes for Raghvi 💗)

Your parallel with rice and stagnant water is absolutely amazing 🤩 

Waise daughters also throw rice during  bidaai to assure prosperity and well being of mayaka even after their departure 😛 Pallavi was trying to do it even after her departure from D house (VD’s medical fees , property tax etc etc )

But now    I think by kicking that dirty water , she finally openly acknowledged negativity  of deshmukhs and spilled it all out in open .

I hope she doesn’t acknowledge them as her mayaka anymore ,  let deshmukhs be just ex in laws , siddhesh is alive for god’s sake and after VD called her son’s widow 😡hope he remain just an ex FIL , don’t make him her Baba again please cvs 😡

Love how meaningful and suitable  character’s name is 

Bohot bakwaas kar li 🤣

Don’t throw chappals on me ppl 

Bye 🏃‍♀️ 

Good day 🤣