RagNa/AshNa SS: LOVE AFTER MARRIAGE epilogue on page 9 - Page 5


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vanajaragna thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Chapter 7

It's has been more than week,till that raghav and kalpi didn't come face to face it's doesn't mean raghav love for kalpi vanishes, it's because he respect her decision to stay away from each other ,his love for her growing day by day ,his eyes want to see her, his hands craves to touch her ,his heart yearns for her presence ..he himself come to know about his Depth of love once he completed lose himself in her

Flashback starts 

"Raghav !! Get up raghav you're getting late to office!!" Pakhi said slowly 

Raghav heart skipped a beat when he saw kalpi front of him,with a wet hair around her neck and shy smile forms on her lips 

Kalpi about left the place raghav held her wrist," kahaan ja rahi hoon??" ," raghav mein bf ready kar rahi hoon!! ,you come after getting freshen up!!" Saying so kalpi about to leave the place ,raghav pulled kalpi on him,kalpi collided on Raghav ,he caress her cheeks lovingly with a closing eyes he about to captured her lips to passionate kiss but he horrified when he saw pakhi above him ,he jerked her angrily 

Pakhi fell on the floor with confusion " raghav what happened ?? What's wrong??" 

Raghav guilty " I'm sorry pakhi ,I didn't mean to do that" saying so he left to the Washroom

" oh!! It's has been more than five years me and Raghav got married, I'm so happy he touched me first time he wants to kiss Me,bit what happened suddenly?? Why he behaved strangely?? " thought pakhi with confusion

Raghav with a frustration he bang his fist on the wall," what I'm doing ?? What happened to me?? Oh!! Kalpi you are driving me crazy ,I didn't accept your decision to stay away from you,it's killing me ,no way I'm coming to meet you ,be ready Mrs. Kalpana Singhania

Flashback ends

Kalpi conditions is not all great ,whatever she tried to avoid raghav memories but his brown eyes always taught her,unknowing to her ,her eyes want to see him ,her heart is craving for his love,his care,his stares ,because of him her dreams became wild at all night

Flashback starts 

Kalpi arranged clothes in the cupboard ,suddenly she felt to strong arms around her waist ,with a startled kalpi voice out " raghav !! You scared me" ," kyu?? Who have the guts to touch my WIFE Mrs. Kalpana Raghav singhania " ,kalpi try to free herself from his grip " raghav !! Rajesh will come " ,raghav while nuzzling her neck and placed hot kiss on there,kalpi let out erotic moan for Raghav sudden shower of hot kisses on her neck to collarbone " ra..ghav Rajesh will come!!" ,raghav while trailing hot kisses on her bare chest that's peaked above her dress " he didn't come,he very well what his dad is doing with his mom," ," you're shameless raghav " kalpi hit raghav arms ," of course I'm shameless only for my sexy wife" saying that he about to captured her parted lips 

" Momma!!!!!!" Rajesh voice broke her day dreaming with raghav 

Flashback ends 

Whenever her dreams come into her memory her cheeks always turned in reddened, her face flushed with blush ,her heart started to respond raghav love,as usual her body to his touch

Kalpi come out from her trance once her Mobile started to ringing " hay pakhi!! You called me at this morning!! What's so SPL??" 

" oh !/ kalpi today is my son Adhithya birthday, so we held a party at tonight I just called you to invite ,hope you're free tonight??" 

" yeah!! Pakhi I'm so much free ,I'll make it ,and wish adi from my side " saying so they disconnected their call

" pakhi,do you invite your friends tonight party??" Asked raghav 

" yeah!! Raghav I almost invited my every friends " 

" do you invite kalpana??" Asked raghav with jumping heart

" of course raghav,she is my best friend ,you know that right" 

" thank you pakhi,thank you so much" saying so raghav hugged pakhi with smiling face ,other side pakhi eyes widened with shock and her face flushed for Raghav touch ,understanding what he done raghav bite his lower lip " oops! I'm so sorry pakhi,I have a important work more than that I have to go to my designer to collect my dress as well as adi's, bye " ran raghav leaving behind blushing pakhi

" Rajesh beta!!" Kalpi yelled at high on her voice ," momma!! Why are screaming like a cat you know it's annoying " annoyed Rajesh at kalpi, " oh!! Mera beta today is my friend pakhi's son Adhithya birthday ,they invite us to their birthday party, so can you join with me" 

" no momma!! Today I'm so busy you know there is lot of episodes are pending my chinchan show,so I want to see that tonight me and my chinchan only no parties " 

" you and your love for chinchan didn't let you to come party with me!!" Smiled kalpi at her childish behaviour of Rajesh

" What should I wear ..it's look too bold...it's looks too light.. Oh!! Plsss give my sense " mumbling that raghav through his every branded dresses on the bed 

" raghav!! Today is your son birthday not hour's ,why are you so confusing?? You look like Romeo who is going to meet his Juliet " teased Sammy 

" of course ,you know after lot of days I'm going to meet my Jaan,my Juliet ,my kalpi ,so what's the wrong in it" grinned raghav at Sammy 

At party 

Kalpi entered the party wearing Royal blue plain saree,with matching diamond necklace and earrings ,little make up which shows her unique on the party,she is glowing like a diamond ,everyone stares at kalpi which makes her uncomfortable ,somewhere her eyes started to search on Raghav 

" hay !! Kalpi finally you made it!! " saying so pakhi ran to her ,and hugged her tightly " wiw!! Kalli you look ravishing, my god you're too beautiful, I'm sure every men here is drool on you " said pakhi playfully ," pakhi tum bhi na??" ,said kalpi blushingly,

While talking to pakhi ,Kalpi eyes searches for Raghav ,finally her eyes caught him ,raghav come out from his room while talking to the mobile ,his eyes stares kalpi unblinkingly,other side kalpi heart skipped a beat ,her neck became heated because his continues stares,kalli cheeks flushed when raghav wink at her and mouthed kiss to him,kalpi glare at him and shows pakhi " she is your wife" ,raghav rolled his eyes for kalpi and he indicates you're my life ,he taps his chest where his heart beats ,kalpi shook his head disbelievingly

Soon raghav eyes widened with shock, once his eyes fell on loose bamboo ,he ran towards kalpi and pakhi who is engrossed in talks " kalpi move!?" ,they stares raghav with confusion for his sudden shouts ,raghav pushed kalpi aside in this process raghav laid on kalpi ,kalpi closed her eyes with fear 

Other side pakhi watches raghav and kalpi with broken heart,she felt dejected her own husband didn't come to save her ,instead of saving her he  save kalpi,the care ,the love on Raghav eyes clearly shows how much important kalpi to him,anyone could say raghav fear of losing kalpi ,

Without wasting any second ,raghav hugged kalli tightly and asked with concern " you OK ?? Are you alright?? " ,kalli about nods her head but a winch left on her lips " ouch!!!" 

" where it's hurting??" Saying so raghav try to search wound on her,his eyes pooled with tears once his eyes fell on the cut on her legs because of broken glass " oh!? God look what happened to you leg..come let me apply ointment on the wound" saying so raghav carry kalpi like a bridal style

Kalpi eyes widened with shock ,when her eyes fell on broken pakhi who is also got the cut on her legs more than her, seeing tears in her eyes kalpi cursed herself for losing control on her emotions, " raghav I'm OK let me take care of myself plss" saying so ,she started to struggled in his grip," don't kalpi!! Don't try to move kalpi..I'm not going to release you!!" ,kalpi said slowly " raghav ,everyone is starring us plsss " ,raghav said loudly " I don't care for anyone, I'm only care about you only you " 

Finally tears make its way on pakhi cheeks ,after hearing raghav words,without giving any look to pakhi Raghav said while starring kalpi with pure love " pakhi,plss bring first aid box to my room,kalpi is bleeding plss make it soon "saying so raghav carried kalpi to his room

" our room raghav!!" Thought pakhi with broken heart 

Raghav gently put Kalpi on the bed,kalpi said slowly " raghav plss don't do this,pakhi is broken go to her  ,she needs you I'm OK raghav plsss " ,hearing kalpi words raghav angered reached it peaks " I love you damm it,can't you see I'm fear of losing,you know kalpi it's me more than you when I saw you in pain,this blood makes my heart bleeding ,why can't you understand my love for you kalpi,I'm OK with your decision that to stay away from you,but it's doesn't mean I'll stay away from you when you're in pain, and mark my words I didn't let you go out of my life,you're mine,you're my love, you're my life" 

Unknown to them pakhi heard every words left in Raghav mouth " I'm nothing to you raghav" whispered pakhi while clenching her mangalsutra with tears


vanajaragna thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Chapter 7 updated .

Sorry if it's boring and for mistakes

vanajaragna thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

What will be pakhi reaction after knowing raghav love for kalpi?

Will she fight for her life??

naam11 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Awesome update. Now what pakhi do.

vanajaragna thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: naam11

Awesome update. Now what pakhi do.

tq dear..you will know about it soon

MadhuGupta thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Emotional update. I like ragna but feel bad for pakhi. 

vanajaragna thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: MadhuGupta

Emotional update. I like ragna but feel bad for pakhi. 

thank you madhu...

vanajaragna thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago
vanajaragna thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Tq Dearie's for reading and your support.. 

vanajaragna thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Chapter 8

Tears roll down on raghav cheeks,Kalpi felt bad for raghav but she can't Denied the fact the " he is pakhi husband " 

" Raghav nothing happened to me!!,plsss don't cry ,why are you hurting yourself like this,it's just a small cut " 

" what's it??" Raghav shows a burning wound on kalpi palms 

Kalpi remembered how she fired camphor on her palms when raghav were meet with a accident, " raghav ..." 

" if you burned your palms for my well being ,why can't I ..plss kalpi I don't know how to control my feelings unlike you ,you mask your feelings but I can't, " 

Other side pakhi heard everything with broken hearts " they love each other,because me kalpi didn't accept her love for raghav" 

Raghav pulled first aid box from pakhi hands and started to apply it on kalpi wound, " kalpi if you want we can go to the hospital!? What you say??" 

No raghav I'm fine ,no need for hospital 

Are you sure


" kalpi come I'll drop you to the mansion " 

" no raghav! I can manage " 

" I can see that!! Don't be ziddy come " saying so raghav carried kalpi in bridal style which left kalpi in shock ,other side pakhi in scattered, " pakhi I'll come back after dropping kalpi you take care " saying so raghav left with kalpi 

Pakhi stands in the terrace and stare raghav and kalpi ,she didn't heard anything the love each other is clearly visible in their behavior

Pakhi eyes widened with tears when raghav hugged kalpi,other side kalpi try to free herself from his grip, the more she tried Raghav holds became tight " raghav!! Don't do this your hurting pakhi ,it's hurt raghav seeing your husband care for someone ,plss don't do this to pakhi,she is a good girl " said Kalpi nervously ,raghav gotbannoyed by kalpi words " plss kalpi stop your lecture raghav don't do this,don't do that, stay away from me? What else you want from me kalpi?? How can you say this take care of pakhi,dobyou want me to love her ,no way not even in my dream, do you think I'm toying you,no kalpi I love you but you I understand you don't trust me and my love,you don't love you," saying so raghav about to turn but he felt tuck in his wrist," no raghav I trust you ,even i have a feelings for you " she cupped raghav cheeks " I love you raghav but I don't want to spoil a happy family,i don't want to snatch someone who is husband to my friend ,and lovely father to Adhithya, how can in be so selfish raghav..no plss for me stay with pakhi try to forget me " saying so kalpi left with tears

Pakhi take their wedding photo frame which is placed on the table ,tears pooled into her tears,she clenched her mangalsutra cried her heart out " you didn't feel anything for me raghav,no care,no love ,no hate ,I'm no one to you raghav,you know raghav I believed you one day you'll love me ,you'll be mine forever but that day didn't come raghav because of your reputation I admit myself as a impotent but still now you didn't touched me raghav,not even once ,when you asked me be with me like a friend I thought you will fall for me one day but I'll be remain same friend raghav ,your care for kalpi still now I didn't get the care ,you love her raghav ..you love kalpi not me ," cried pakhi with broken heart

Raghav entered his room frustrated ,seeing pakhi in horrible state raghav got confused " pakhi what happens? Why are you crying?? " suddenly his eyes caught wound on her feet," oh!! God pakhi you got a cut ,come I'll apply ointment " ,saying raghav caught pakhi shoulder,pakhi held his hand to stop him asked brokenly " is this care for me raghav? Or for kalpi words?? Are you acting like you cared me just for kalpi words??" 

Pakhi I can't understand what you're talking

I heard everything between you and kalpi or should i say your lover

Raghav bent down his head feeling guilty " I'm sorry pakhi,I don't mean to di that, believe me I just don't know when..how...I fallen for kalpi ..I love her pakhi I love her ..trust me I doesn't want to spoil your life..I'll always with you " 

" oh..you're stating with me but you love kalpi right??" 

Not knowing what to say raghav kept mum

You love her raghav more than anyone,and I love you raghav,for me your happiness is more important raghav ,if you're important lays on kalpi I'll make it for you rakalpi"don't worry I am not going to hurdle in your life 

Saying so pakhi cupped raghav cheeks ,about to captured his lips for her first and last kiss with him ,but raghav pulled himself away from pakhi," I'm sorry pakhi,it's wrong ,I don't want to cheat on kalpi,she us in my Heart ,I have to leave " saying that raghav left the place 

" you love her raghav!! Don't know what I done a sin in my last birth that I suffered lot in this birth,my loved one didn't stay with me ," pakhi thought while wiping her tears " it's my cursed fate..I just don't want to blame anyone, I have to talk to kalpi

Pakhi why are you calling me,is there anything important?? What was that?? Kiya kya?? Kalpi shoots question on pakhi

Nothing kalpo I just want to talk to you

About what Pakhi

About us about our life

Our life??


About Raghav 

Kalpi eyes widened with shock when she heard raghav name in pakhi words 

Raghav love you right 

Kalpi taken a back by pakhi words,she didn't know what to say or how to react 


Let me complete kalpi

He love you,I heard every single words between you both at yesterday in his room ,he care for yiy,he love you more than Anyone and I love him kalpi I love him shouted pakhi with tears 

Kalpi felt bad for pakhi, I know pakhi you love him,trust me he will love you some day,you happiness is matter to me pakhi,I don't want come between you both,I'll leave USA tomorrow don't worry 

Leaving him...really leaving are you it's make him forget about you,you still now doesn't understand raghav love for you kalpi,you're his first love ,from the day I came to know about him he didn't have anyone in his life ,he doesn't spare any small glimpse to any girls ,every ladies not only them model are ready to through herself on him ,but he didn't ,he saved himself for his loved one that's you,I'm really felt happy for him finally he found his love ,he suffered a lot Now it's time for he became happy. Accept your love him kalpi Plsss 

No pakhi..how can you say such a things to me...you know I don't love raghav 

Really you don't love raghav


Then what's that?? Say show her palms to kalpi, why you burned your palms for his well being,I can see the same love in your eyes for him for raghav 

Kalpi closed her eyes with tears 

Do you really think tieing him with a unloved relation like this will make our life happy,no kalpi you're wrong completely wrong ,you can ask me why I lived with him in these years,because till now he didn't love anyone and I believed one day he will love me tears roll down on pakhi cheeks,but now I know that raghav love you and I don't want him now..not in this unloved relation

Raghav called pakhi

Raghav come out from behind the pillar, he felt bad for pakhi but he doesn't have any feelings for her,she is right it's better to broke the unloved relation

Pakhi hold raghav hands and entwines with it kalpi hands,babba ji bless you both in your life,Raghav I already signed the divorce papers ,now it's your turn to lead happy life saying so pakhi left leaving RagNa all alone 

After pakhi left ,Raghav bent on his knees,in my life time  I'm like this ,Kalpi will you be my wife ,will you be light of my darkness, will be be colour of my life,will you be my soulmate, will you be my better half, will you allow me to love will you allow me to full your life with love and happiness 

Kalpi nods in tears yes I'm I love you raghav  saying so she hugged raghav tightly,finally you confessed I'm so happy ,after breaking their hug " may I " raghav asked permission while his index finger tenderly rubs her lips,kalpi give her approval by closeing eyes  ,Raghav leaned forward to capture her lips 

They promised themselves through the kiss they will together forever ,soon the gently promising kiss turns into passionate one ,raghav started to nibbling her lower lips,and suckling it soon his attention turns to her upper lips,other side kalpi pulled Raghav more into him,they crushed each other body ,raghav broke the kiss when he found her breathless ,he placed his forehead against hers and closed his eyes with pure bliss,they welcomed their lovely future with each other arms