We DONT want to see Roop-Ishika marriage - Page 2


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Manahil1 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
I really really wish they don't marry Roop and Ishika ever . I want to watch this show I love Roop but cannot tolerate him married to Ishika 😭Why cannot makers listen to viewers and bring a new good girl for Roop .Why pairing him with this devil Ishika😡
AutumnonVenus thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Ishika is unacceptable with Roop . I hope that article is not true .  Ishika should be married to Ranveer and creatives should bring a new girl for Roop who is good. Ishika and Ranveer will learn lesson by being married to each other  Both will make each other's lives hell  
AutumnonVenus thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: Libra123

I stopped watching the show for a while now and was hoping to watch it back when the new FL is brought in for Roop, but looks like i will have to quit the show all togehter now..

my comments are only based on the WUs and some others comments
there is no reason for Roop to prove how wrong ranveer is etc etc..why should he prove this at all.. ishi doesnlt like him so be it.. why is he doing all this for her.. doesn;t make sense..  there is no emotional connect between roop and ishika.. there is connect between roop and his parents, sisters and also palak..but there is nothing with ishika.. how can roop even love a person like ishika.. this show is beyond logic, only thing which works in the show is nepotism..not logic, talent or audience acceptance..no wonder its going down..

Roop proving Ranveer is wrong and he is innocent is right because Ranveer falsely accused him, planned and plotted against him .I am also fine with Roop exposing Ranveer's true face in front of Ishika He does not want her to marry Ranveer under some delusion but what i am not fine with Roop himself marrying Ishika Why he should marry her ?After what she has done with him Makers will be destroying Roop's character if they made Roop marry Ishika . Edited by AutumnonVenus - 5 years ago
CosmoCoCo thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Makers  really think by turning Ranveer so evil , this disgusting evil woman becomes forgivable for all her sins and deserving of Roop 🤢 🤢Guess Roop will be forced to marry her to save her from  Ranveer  and it will another favor of his on her but its sure she will torture him after marriage too but she is Ishika Patel and  being Ishika Patel is a license  to  commit sins and torture an innocent but she still deserves the best of the best  👎🏼Shame on the makers 👎🏼 Edited by CosmoCoCo - 5 years ago
mahi12 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Fascinator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
The creatives really seem to be obsessed with this Ishika character .She never gets punished for her misdeeds and will be getting Roop too even after how much cruel she has to been to him .The creatives brought such twist I think Roop will be forced to marry her . The only saving grace is the did not butcher Roop in all this but still whats the obsession to get this evil woman married to him ?Why not punish this evil woman for her evil deeds?Ranveer is man so he should be punished but this evil woman gets away with all her evil deeds and gets Roop too. 🥱I wish makers activate some brain cells and don't marry RooShika but its only wish now Seeing serial now  i think chances are highbut still wishing this marriage does not happen .Edited by mahi12 - 5 years ago
faryal-malik thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Creatives are trying to hard to make this disgusting evil woman Ishika acceptable with Roop emotionally blackmailing viewers using Roop's love as an excuse  They know they have shown her character so worst she is not deserving of even Roop's  forgiveness so lets make Ranveer boast how he won , his zid won in front of Roop's true love and Roop could not do anything and instigate viewers to say Ranveer should lose and Roop should win by marrying Ishika In this Roop vs Ranveer makers are giving their beloved devil Ishika a free pass for her evilness and sins👎🏼They really think we viewers are brain dead 👎🏼If Ishika gets married to Ranveer , Roop and his love won't be losing , he and his love is winner all the way . Its Ishika and Ranveer who are the actual losers  Its Ishika and Ranveer's loss . Ishika blinded in her disgusting ego and evil nature  rejected  the greatest blessing to her Roop and his true love and decided to marry Ranveer knowing his real nature very well. She is the loser and she would have to regret . Ranveer is the loser because he is underestimating Ishika He is not seeing the kind of worst woman she is If he will make her life hell , she will make his life hell too. But how makers can show their favorite devil Ishika as a loser👎🏼 .

Ranveer will be punished for his sins and he will not get his wish fulfilled He won't be getting  Ishika ever  Palak made one huge mistake but she realized her mistake and tried everything to rectify it but she won't be getting her wish fulfilled by getting the boy she loves since childhood as her life partner  Shamsher will never get his dream fulfilled of seeing his son as police officer because he is wrong in forcing his son to be a police officer He should respect his right to make decisions of life but Ishika  is the only one who despite always being wrong and cruel to innocent Roop but will be getting no punishment for her sins She will get her prince charming she always prayed for , so  what she always has been so brutal to that prince charming , she always  cursed him , abused him, always tried to hurt him , ruin his life  and brutally rejected him too but she is Ishika Patel She has special right to be cruel to innocents and get no punishment and all her wishes and dreams are fulfilled She only deserves true love according to the makers👎🏼 Innocent Roop who never did anything wrong with anyone who cannot even think of doing wrong with anyone , who does not wish ill for even those people who wish ill for him but pray to God to show them right path , makers made him suffer so much , don't know how much more suffering they have planned for this innocent but  the evil sinner Ishika Rupesh Patel  who did extremely wrong with this innocent gets no punishment for her sins👎🏼

How creatives are trying to blame everything on Ranveer to whitewash Ishika 👎🏼They think we viewers are brain dead and we will blame Ranveer for Ishika's sins  ?👎🏼 No cvs Ranveer is wrong and responsible for his sins and he is not responsible for Ishika's sins . Even before Ranveer's entry Ishika was deliberately doing wrong with Roop to hurt him From her entry scene she is only doing wrong with Roop Is Ranveer responsible for that ?👎🏼NOOO. Ranveer covered them with a jacket She was sleeping not dead how does she think Roop molested her and she did not even feel anything?Roop did not have a mobile how does she think he can click their photo when he did not even have a mobile and that picture is not even a selfie Why would Roop click their picture and send it no one other  than Sandy his enemy who tried to kill him too?  This all is common sense She blames Roop for saving her life risking his own life , taking care of her , falling ill himself in taking  care of her when she was having  fever  fed her when she was hungry ,he did not eat anything till she was full , she herself gave him the left over because she was full but she blames him he did this all only to molest her and defame her and himself  Is this Ranveer's fault ?Why she does not trust Roop after how much he has always helped her ?Is his unaware of his goodness and piousness  ? No Couldn't she even give Roop benefit of doubt considering how many times he helped her , she always tried to defame his character and hurt him but he always helped her , saved her life ?Couldn't she even give him benefit of doubt thinking all this ? How can cvs blame Ranveer for her sins ?Roop was defending her character in front of Sandy's blame game  but she supported Sandy who was blaming her and Roop's character because she herself is desperate to insult and blame Roop herself She used this  as an opportunity to prove herself as right and defame Roop as  bad She is well aware of fact Sandy is not a good person ,lusts after girls , mocks them , chats with his friends vulgarly about girls She herself heard him talking vulgarly about her and Palak and she knows he tried tried to kill Roop too but she still supported Sandy when he was blaming Roop Same Roop who has always helped her ?How Ranveer is responsible for this thinking and acts ?How he created misunderstanding in her mind and she  is poor victim of Ranveer's malicious plan ?👎🏼Roop was saying to her it matters to him what she thinks about him and she showed what she thinks about him even after how many times helped her , she slapped him in front of everyone and called him characterless  Her father whom she claims is the most closest person to her tried to make her understand Roop saved her life risking his own life think how can try to harm her but she calls Roop to temple and put black ink on his face and insults him she forgave him so far  for his all misdeeds  but won't forgive him now  Which his past misdeeds she forgave ? What wrong Roop has ever done to her ?She blatantly lies he is wrong , always has been wrong and she used this as an opportunity to abuse , insult and defame Roop  She used this an opportunity to prove wrong thats why she kept stressing how he always have been wrong Otherwise its common sense to understand he did nothing wrong and she knows but she deliberately insults him and falsely blame him  and still its all Ranveer's fault according to cvs but this evil woman deserves Roop's love without even being ashamed of her evil deeds  👎🏼She blamed Roop you took advantage of a poor helpless girl ? The poor helpless girl knows Roop saved her life and took care of the poor helpless girl but she still blames him you did this only to molest and defame me then how is this all Ranveer's fault and she is the poor victim of Ranveer's evil plan ?👎🏼

Roop shows her  that picture and asks her the common sense question see the angle of this picture , look at this picture and tell me from which angle its a selfie , how i can click this picture when i did not even have a mobile She blames him you set the timer of the mobile and captured the moment  Its common sense that  picture in that angle cannot be even clicked by setting the timer of mobile and really she thinks Roop saved her life only to molest her and capture the moment and defame himself  and he had a miraculous mobile which functions even after swimming so much ? Did Ranveer tell her all this ? No she created this blame herself only to blame Roop only How she was pointing fingers at Roop You are wrong Only you are wrong always Just to prove Roop wrong and please her ego she is keeps falsely blaming Roop How can creatives now pass the blame on Ranveer and give this woman a pass ?

Ranveer pasted the posters in the college but did Ishika see Roop pasting them ?Which rapist in the world defames himself by pasting posters of his misdeed ?  Its common sense Did she see Roop mocking her ? No It were Sandy and his friends mocking them but she blamed Roop who was angry and upset but she blamed him he pasted those posters to tarnish her image When did Roop try to tarnish her image before? Its she who has always been planning and plotting to tarnish his image in front others but he always saved her from humiliation because of her own misdeeds but still blames him so how you can blame Ranveer for creating misunderstanding in mind when her own mind is dirty and evil ?Himani and Himanshu asked her did she see Roop pasting those posters in her colony ? Does she has any proof ? She rudely responded i am saying he did so he did this . Is  ranveer responsible for her such thinking ? She is telling an elder sister she knows his brother more than her Is this Ranveer's fault ?She could not send Vinay to jail who tried to molest her , neither have guts to paint his face black but painted Roop's face black and send him to jail without any proof Roop who always protected her dignity and saved her life , always helped her and her parents How Ranveer is responsible for all this and she is poor innocent girl?

Did Ranveer ask her to reject and insult Roop so cruelly in front of whole college ?She could refuse to Palak she won't come but she came with a malicious plan to insult Roop in front of whole college and enjoy She takes pleasure in insulting and hurting Roop  She lied and lied about Roop in front of everyone Did Ranveer tell her Palak does not love Roop because he is characterless that she insulted Roop Palak does not love him because he is a characterless boy No girl can love a characterless boy like him  How can cvs blame Ranveer for everything and give a pass to this evil woman ?

She saw Ranveer misbehaving with Roop in the college but she was telling him you should not fight with Roop because he is a goon I don't call him goon without any reason Roop just a night before on navratri helped her when she got unconscious and had foot sprain but next day she  is calling him goon because she saw Ranveer misbehaving with him She saw Ranveer being abusive to Roop and to the journalists she blamed Roop for it Ranveer got suspended because of his misbehavior with students and journalists she blamed Roop for it Even Ranveer was surprised for a while hearing her blaming Roop for his suspension He came to tell her a false story and blame Roop for his suspension but she started blaming Roop herself  This is after her father asked her to trust him , he is saying it with his life experience Roop is not a bad boy So how can Ranveer be blamed for this evil woman sins ?
Roop exposes Ranveer's lie in front of her she blames Roop for it you exposed his lie in front of me only to hurt me She calls Roop gunda , badmaash , gira hoa insaan , devil , ghatiya , a rapist , she said in front of whole college she hates him and will forever hate him , she said to him if you have any shame don't come in front of me but when she wanted to fulfill her dream of dancing on her sangeet ,after Ranveer refused she ran to Roop like a beggar to help her fulfilling her dream because she knows Roop is so good and kind hearted Always helped her so will help her here too  Now she listened to even her father too about Roop when it was her benefit Now she was saying to her family when they were blaming her if there was anything wrong in dancing with Roop , papa would have stopped me . She listens to her father about Roop when it suits her otherwise she does not Now papa is not wrong about Roop She is very well realizes Papa is never wrong about Roop but she deliberately falsely blame Roop to please her disgusting ego because she is so jealous from him 

Creatives cannot give pass to this evil woman by blaming Ranveer . I am disgusted with the thinking of this writer who believes best of all men  Roop .  Roop is mard ka naya swaroop He is being portrayed best among the best He is not even your normal good guy Writer is portraying him as best of all men The ideal man but according to the writer he deserves the worst of all women Ishika, while this worst of all women deserves this best of all men Roop no matter how much wrong she has done to him which is unforgivable but she still deserves him 👎🏼

Edited by faryal-malik - 5 years ago
AdorableAnusha thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Seriously this Roop Ishika marriage is such a bad move
Why makers are so desperate to get them married This couple has no chemistry Neither in actors nor in characters 
Ishika should be punished for her sins 
Ranveer is best punishment for her and she for Ranveer 
Even TRPS audience have told viewers they dont want Rooshika 
See how trps increased last week when focus was more on Roop and chances were high Ishika will get married to Ranveer and get lost from Roop's life but makers twisted everything this week 
Even after making Ranveer so evil i cannot feel for Ishika at all because she chose Ranveer for herself She decided to marry Ranveer only to torture Roop Ab bhugto Its karma hitting her 
BTW that whole scene of Ranveer exposing himself in front of everyone in the bachelor party at a bar was so illogical Why he is suddenly telling the world his misdeeds  lol kuch bhi ?
This show has a best concept but makers hell bent to shove Ishika on us and that too with Roop only Why they cannot show her with Ranveer 🤢Both are evil Both should get punishment Feminism means this
AutumnonVenus thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Thank God they did not destroy my precious and favorite character Roop 
But i am not at all happy with this marriage Not at all 
Cvs spoiled the fun and in my opinion a good social message too
Ishika should have got punishment for her sins but she gets no punishment at all🥱It seems for makers her sins do not matter Its a bad joke with viewers seriously They boiled our blood so much but then instead of punishing her they just brought such twist and gifted Roop to her 😭I so badly wanted a new girl for Roop He deserves better and Ishika is not worthy of him at all😭
Edited by AutumnonVenus - 5 years ago
saaniakh thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago
I agree with every word you said... Good post.
Ishika don't deserve Roop. Plus the actress is expressionless n no chemistry spark wat would CVS will gain by pairing her with Roop. Already TRP is low.
ssuuvvii thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago
@fariyal ur post deserve a separate post...U have written well...Copy & make another topic if u want...