*Member of the Week...Nimmi* - Page 6


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darkness_123 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 17 years ago

Originally posted by: ~*Neha*~

Birthday : 27th October!
Zodiac Sign : Scorpio (SNAP!!! πŸ˜†)
Most memorable moment in life : Memorable moments are made everyday, dont you think? πŸ˜›
Worst moment in life : Oh, don't wanna think about it... 🀒
Best Friend on IF : I have lotsa equally good friends on IF!
Why do you like IF :  Le, yeh bhi koi sawaal hua?? πŸ˜‰
What is your most precious thing : My parents and my faith...
What according to you is being an ideal MOTW? :  Lol, one who rises up to the challenge of being grilled?!?! πŸ˜›
What according to you is a true friend? :  A friend who sticks by you no matter what!
What according to you is love? :  Being able to accept a person with all their flaws and shortcomings... And still love them... 😊
If you had 3 wishes, what would it be? :
1. Be the best at whatever I do..😊
2. To find my Lakshya..πŸ˜›
3. I want 3 more wishes! πŸ˜†
Hobbies/Interests : Reading, Surfing the net, Listening to music, WRITING LAKSHYA-KT SCENES (but i dont get time to do it anymore! )...
Describe yourself in 50 words : 50!!!!!! Kuch kam nahi ho gaya??
Okie ill try...

Crazy, Sensitive, Whacko, Stubborn, Sarcastic, Obsessed about Lakshya and KT, A Romantic at Heart, Daydreamer, Realist, Pessimistic, Stupid at times, Mature, Immature, Calm, Deep, Talk with too many big words (cant help it…! I love having a good vocabulary, not my fault if others don't have an advanced vocab like me…), Responsible, Childish, Lovable, a good friend, spiritual!

Okie, that's all I have! πŸ˜›

1.Favourite Actress :  Sandra Bullock
2.Favourite Actor :  Rahul Bose
3.Favourite Food : Me loves alll kinda food! πŸ˜›
4.Favourite Song : Too many to count!
5.Favourite Movie :  Andaz Apna Apna
6.Favourite Book : "Every boy's got one" by Meg Cabot
7.Favourite Colour : Black
8.Favourite Electronic Gadget : MY IPODDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9.Favourite Singer : Leann Rimes, Michael Buble, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Kishore Kumar, Mohd Rafi, Mukesh, Lata Mangeshkar (the old lata ji, abhi bohut buddhi ho gayi hai...)
10.Favourite Places : India...
11.Favourite Subject : Management, Business Studies

Anu, me feeeels laaaaaaaaazy to do your grilllingggg! I keeeeeppp putting it offffff!!!!!! UFFF! I SHOULD HAVE GRILLLED YOU NICE AND PROPERLY WHEN YOU WERE MOTW! *smacks self on head* 😳

ShadowKisses thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 17 years ago

Originally posted by: darkness_123

Anu, me feeeels laaaaaaaaazy to do your grilllingggg! I keeeeeppp putting it offffff!!!!!! UFFF! I SHOULD HAVE GRILLLED YOU NICE AND PROPERLY WHEN YOU WERE MOTW! *smacks self on head* 😳

Hehe Nimmi. If u feel ur off the hook frm me, lemme tell u, you are absolutely wrong. When I get home, I'm gonna ask loads of qs. hehe. i feel EVIL!!πŸ˜†

sbonnie88 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
RohaniChopda thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
Nimmiiiiiiiii 😊

Do Anu's q's? 😳
darkness_123 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 17 years ago
Okie Anu, I am reaaaallly reaaaallly reaaaaly lazy to answer your questions...YOURE A MEAN GRILLER! MEAN! IM GONNA TELL MY MOMMMY!!!!!!!! 😭 

But I will answer this one question:

Originally posted by: mz.seductive

I read that you speak Malayalam...can you teach me how to say "You're a real dork." 😳 I want to say dat to my cousin. She blabbers off in malayalam and I can't say anything back...πŸ˜†

Okie you say "PODI (go away) KONDHI (one who is cross eyed), PULLE (grass, lol dont aske me why mallus think calling someone "grass" is so insulting!) MANDI (fool), POTTIII (lol not pottty, pottti - like po (as in GO) and tea!!!!!)

Then we have the standard Patti (dog), chette (useless person) , naari (stinky person), thendi (vagabond, beggar) ....

I hope those insults are enuff... πŸ˜› πŸ˜†

πŸ˜† Heeheeeheeehee... Have fun abusing Mallus, my dear Anu! πŸ€—

ShadowKisses thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 17 years ago

Originally posted by: darkness_123

Okie Anu, I am reaaaallly reaaaallly reaaaaly lazy to answer your questions...YOURE A MEAN GRILLER! MEAN! IM GONNA TELL MY MOMMMY!!!!!!!! 😭 

But I will answer this one question:

Okie you say "PODI (go away) KONDHI (one who is cross eyed), PULLE (grass, lol dont aske me why mallus think calling someone "grass" is so insulting!) MANDI (fool), POTTIII (lol not pottty, pottti - like po (as in GO) and tea!!!!!)

Then we have the standard Patti (dog), chette (useless person) , naari (stinky person), thendi (vagabond, beggar) ....

I hope those insults are enuff... πŸ˜› πŸ˜†

πŸ˜† Heeheeeheeehee... Have fun abusing Mallus, my dear Anu! πŸ€—

hehe. so "Podi kondhi pulle mandi pottiii, thendi patti." πŸ˜† YAYYY! I know how to swearr!! I'mma call her all that!! Yipppeee!! Hehe. they are enuffff *huggs*

hehe. I'm not gunna abuse the whole groupp. I'mm only abuse my cousin. See I'm soooo niceee [AnGeL] πŸ˜†.

Hehe. posting qs for you to answer:

  • -What time is it right now?
  • -When did you take a shower?
  • -Do you feel sleepy?
  • -What is the movie you utterly hate?
  • -Your thinking about Hrithik-Kareena?
  • -Opinions about anaerexia. (I can never spell it right, so deal with it please. ^.^)
  • -Abortion: Pro-life or Pro-choice? Reason?
  • -Loosing virginity b4 marraige: Bad or Ok? Explain.
  • -Anytime you felt like killing Tulsi?
  • -The reason you like Mouni?
  • -Why do I hate Mouni?
  • -Do you like Pulkit
  •   -If yes, then have you joined his official website?
  •   -Are you jealous of the fact that I talked to him x3?πŸ˜›
  • -What did you think about the article "Love Is In The Air"?
  • -Do you think I will be back with more questions? πŸ˜›
  • -Were my dares really that evil? P.E.A (Please elaborate appropriately. hehe)
  • -What time is it now?
darkness_123 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 17 years ago

Originally posted by: mz.seductive

hehe. so "Podi kondhi pulle mandi pottiii, thendi patti." πŸ˜† YAYYY! I know how to swearr!! I'mma call her all that!! Yipppeee!! Hehe. they are enuffff *huggs*

Lol, dont let your parents know that I'm teaching ya to swear here! Theyll be like "STOP CORRUPTING OUR CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!!"

-What time is it right now?
It's 02:18 am (Do YOU know where you're kids are??? Lol, i cant resist... whenever sum1 asks me the time, i have to say this...! Isnt it a popular drug awareness ad or sumthing???) πŸ˜†

-When did you take a shower?
When I got back from college, around 7 pm...?

-Do you feel sleepy?
Damn right I do...But look at me.. I'm battling sleep for youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.............. My lurrrrrrrrrrrrrrveeeeeeeee 4 u isssss truuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeee.....❀️

-What is the movie you utterly hate?
KANK! KANK KANK KANK! WORST MOVIE EVER! Bad acting, bad script, horrible mind numbing music, bad reasons given for cheating... Stupid stupid waste of a few million dollars... They should have donated that money to UNICEF....

-Your thinking about Hrithik-Kareena?
They're a cute couple... Have good chemistry....

-Opinions about anaerexia. (I can never spell it right, so deal with it please. ^.^)
Anorexia...Something I could never ever ever have... Like all other girls, I crib and whine and complain about my weight and my expanding waistline... But overall, I'm pretty happy with my body and I never skip meals... I think girls these days are bombarded by images of perfect looking women from all angles, you know...? Girls need to understand that there is a lot of air brushing and plastic surgery in getting that way... Being a lil chubby isnt bad for you... You just shouldnt be obese, you know... Overall I think, if you're happy with your body, nothing anyone else says should make a difference... I would never EVER starve myself...! I LIVE TO EAT! 😊

-Abortion: Pro-life or Pro-choice? Reason?
I think abortion can be argued in both ways...On one hand, it gives women the freedom to have unprotected sex, and then abort the fetus if they do become pregnant.. Unprotected sex just leads to a rise in STD's and AIDS... Not very responsible...People need to learn to have safe sex...
On the other hand, what about women who have gotten pregnant outta circumstances such as rape? Would they want to bring that child up, which would be a constant reminder of the torture and trauma they went through? I dont think so...
So I think abortion should be legalised only in special cases such as rape etc...

-Loosing virginity b4 marraige: Bad or Ok? Explain.
Ok, I wouldnt say it is BAD/EVIL/YOURE GONNA END UP IN HELL IF YOU DO IT... Different people have different choices, different cultures say different things... But my culture frowns upon it and so do I. I think sex is a very sacred thing to be shared with one very special person. And moreover, just "doing it" with anyone, who you dont really commit to, I just dont think that's very healthy... I think it's more of a personal choice, you know. If anyone else does have sex before marriage, I think it's their choice. Personally, I wouldnt do it.

-Anytime you felt like killing Tulsi?
Oh yes, when she didnt believe Sahil. Stupid, stupid Tulsi! 😑

-The reason you like Mouni?
I dunno, I just like her, coz she plays the role of KT pretty well... SHe brings a simplicity and real-ness to the character of KT... I just like her... πŸ˜›

-Why do I hate Mouni?
Coz you think she cant act to save her life and thats she's arogant and lil too outspoken about things she doesnt quite know well enough...

-Do you like Pulkit?
Am I a girl? Do I love Chocolate? Am i wearing blue pyjamas right now!?!? YES YES YES YES!!!!! But actually, I like Lakshya more than I like Pulkit.... I like Pulkit, coz he provides a perfect face to my Lakshya! 😳

-If yes, then have you joined his official website?
I have! I just dont go on it too often...Once in a while... check outa few jokes...Lala...That's it...

-Are you jealous of the fact that I talked to him x3?πŸ˜› 
Lol, no not really...πŸ˜†

-What did you think about the article "Love Is In The Air"?
First I was like "YES! OMG YES!" then i realized, it was kinda fake...
It was fake wasnt it? πŸ˜• (bit of a blonde moment here... πŸ˜›)

-Do you think I will be back with more questions? πŸ˜›
Lol, yea..I'm prettty sure you will! πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

-Were my dares really that evil? P.E.A (Please elaborate appropriately. hehe)
OMG, YES THEY WERE!!!!! I was like Lalalala...MPKDH topic...I skipped over to the topic...and im like hmmm.. okie.. and then i scrolled down, and i am like OMG!?!?!?!? WTH!?!?????????!!!!!!!

I did read a few KA MOTW's tho... πŸ˜›

-What time is it now?
02:49 am *faints, falls into deeep sleep, snores*

RohaniChopda thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
Very Nice Q's Anu.and very nice answers Nimmi πŸ˜†
khanrocks thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
What is your favourite hit movie apart from KANK which i hate as well πŸ˜† i like the new movie Salaam E Ishq , because the promos looks good and has a grewat star cast.
darkness_123 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 17 years ago

Originally posted by: khanrocks

What is your favourite hit movie apart from KANK which i hate as well πŸ˜† i like the new movie Salaam E Ishq , because the promos looks good and has a grewat star cast.

I am going for Dhoom 2 tommorow, i have a feeling that i'm gonna love it! πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜› Right now, its Andaz Apna Apna and Pyaar Ke Side effects..... 😊