Ishra OS - I'm With You - COMPLETED

Prabh. thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Hey everyone! Am back with another OS! This is based on the current track,and it's my take on it. I haven't been watching the show for a while, so I don't know exactly what's been happening, and this OS is based off what I can make of the current track! So here it is...

I'm With You



She came into their lives and created a storm. A huge storm of suspicion, lies, betrayal and then left their lives in moments as she jumped from the building taking away the baby he loved and the woman they all hated. She had left everyone, but why was she not able to leave her?

Her screeching voice telling her that she hated, that violence that could only come from her, that disgusting behaviour, why was it not leaving her?

Why was she still being kept alive through her? Why was she having such an effect on her when she was no more? Why couldn't she just leave her life like she had left everyone else's?

She continued to question why this woman, her biggest headache at one point, her sautan not leaving her when no one, not her husband, not her children, not her in-laws, not even that Manoj were affected by her anymore. Then why was she the one who couldn't forget?

She snapped out of her questioning as he stopped the car. It was a small farmhouse with no other houses nearby. That's perfect for them, no one around for her to hurt to scare off like she had been in the past weeks. She looked over at him as he got out of the car, opened the door for her and slowly began to unload their luggage from the car.

She offered to pick up her bag, and he simply asked her to not stress and go inside to rest. Quietly doing as he said, she walked into the farmhouse.

This was their new home...for the time being. He had brought her here after a huge fight with their family. Day by day her condition was worsening. Just 2 days back she had thrown a vase at him causing him go unconscious and that cut on his forehead was still bandaged up.

That was the incident that changed everything.

Seeing her hurt her husband so badly, everyone started to become terrified. The elders found there to be some ghost possessed in her that was trying to harm their family and as much as they tried to hide it or Raman made them keep quiet, it was evident that they were scared. And what pricked her heart the most was her children were scared of her. Her Ruhi and Adi who adored her and whose day didn't begin without a hug and kiss from her, was now spent avoiding her and making sure someone else was with them when she was around. She feel crushed when she found Ruhi hiding behind Raman when she was merely asking her about her behaviour with Shravan. And Adi was starting to avoid her like he had during the days he hated her bringing back all those memories of that horrible time. She became isolated in her own family because of something she had no control.

With her children scared, the elders continuously trying ways to get the "ghost" out of her, her sister-in-law's continuous remarks on her insanity, and her last blow of attacking Raman left her at a point where she locked herself in her room. Afraid of taunts from everyone including her family, everyone being scared and walking away from her, of hurting her loved ones, she stopped going to the clinic and would keep quiet and to herself in her own room.

All the while he tried to help her out of it.

He felt guilty.

He felt helpless.

He felt her pain.

He couldn't see her like that anymore.

He couldn't hear the taunts.

He couldn't bear her distancing.

He needed to be there with her.


He was there.


He was there to hug her and let her cry out to him when she would be told all she did unknowingly.

He was there to reassure her.

He was there to do anything to give her medicine & put her to sleep even if it meant losing his own sleep.

He was there to support her up when she felt it was all over.

He was there even after she hit him.

He was there for her when everyone wanted to put her into a mental institution.

He was there to drive away those people her mother brought in to help her.

He was there to argue for her and to pack his bags to take her away.


He was there to keep his promise of staying by her side no matter what.


And now more than anything, she wished all this would be over so he would get some peace.

That's why she had so easily agreed to come with him to this distance farmhouse away from everyone and everything else except the two of them. He had had enough of everyone continuous putting her down when she trying hard to fight this by bringing in frauds who drove away ghosts, by telling her she's crazy and by simply ignoring her which she couldn't bear. And the last straw was when they suggested she needed to be taken out of the house for a while. Though they had tried to be polite with it, he knew exactly what they were trying to say. And so he gave them what they wanted in his own way.

Packing their things, he promised their kids that he and their Ishima would be back soon, and holding her hand tightly in his, he left the house with her without a glance back not wanting to hear anything more that would hurt her...


"Ishita, I've hungry yaar, let's go out to eat." He brought her out of her thoughts and realizing what he had done for her, she walked over to him throwing her arms around him. Swaying in his arms she finally started to talk to him...

"No, I'll make something."

He knew she was too scared of herself to go outside to a public place. He had tried to protect her from the stares and gossip of their society, but some things were just out of his control. She had become conscious of her every small movements to the point where she didn't want to go out of their room, so eating out was out of the question.

Without protest he did as he said and went on to tease her about wanting to be with him alone diverting her from the topic. They ate in silence missing the chatter of their loud family's dinner table, but he didn't let it get to her as he held her hands seeing her not eat and began to feed her with his hands. She reciprocated by doing the same giving him another chance to tease her and make her smile for a small while.

Sitting in the silence they cuddled in their room doing nothing in particular as she simply enjoyed the moments she got in his embrace and was thanking her stars for having him by her side no matter how bad things were getting. However she felt two minded about his support worried he may hurt him once again as she somewhat agreed with the family members on how she was becoming more dangerous by the day and the last thing she wanted was to harm him.

He, on the other hand was enjoying the moments of peace he had her as just her in his arms. Though the reason for coming to the farmhouse was to get her some peace and a different atmosphere, but he couldn't deny he was enjoying having some alone time with her. He looked at her making circles on his chest and playing with his shirt's buttons as she was lost in deep thoughts. Praying her every pain would be taken away soon, he slowly lay down on the bed as she kept her head on his chest...


Woken up by his alarm that was to wake him to check on her, he rubbed his eyes turning to side. Finding it empty, he looked over to the bathroom and found it empty too and he knew she was having another episode. Rushing out of their room, he looked around the house for her as sudden panic arose in him. He called out her name running around the house trying to find her. His worst fear were running in his head thinking she may have another violent attack and he didn't want to think of the result of it.

He ran into the kitchen and sighed out of relief when he saw her simply getting some water. He smiled as she was fine and walked over to her. He held her shoulder only have her turn around and he knew it was happening again. Reaching into his pocket, he took out her tablet while she smashed the glass of water onto the ground, this time wanting to kill him.

He tried to go closer to her as she picked up a knife intended to hurt him. Shallowing a lump in his throat he swiftly grabbed her hand with the knife and brought her arm back while he tried to put the tablet in her mouth. After a struggle of a few minutes and a cut on his hand, he was able to get her to calm down.

"Ishita!" He pulled her into his arms as she seemed exhausted and he was worried she had hurt herself.

"Raman!" She hugged him back tightly though her head felt as if it would burst and he had no energy in her at all.

"Are you okay?" He pulled back after knowing she was his Ishita at the moment and started to check to see if she was hurt.

"I'm fine, but you..." She saw his bloodied hand and knew it was her. He shook his head as he walked her over to the couch.

"I'm alright." She didn't care about what he said knowing he wouldn't want to tell her she had hurt him. She slowly walked over getting a first aid kit for him while he made her sit again and got it himself. She looked down, softly held his hand with hers and slowly began to bandage the horrible cut she had given him moments back when a tear fell onto his hand. He made her look up at him and saw her watering eyes.

"Raman, please...please go back home." He could hear some sort of desperation in her voice and it pricked him knowing he couldn't take her back home when she wanted it so badly. He knew it was the most difficult for her to live without the kids and their family, but this was only for her.

"Ishita we can't go home. I can't let everyone treat you like that."

"Not me...just you." He looked at her bewildered as she told him to go again and leave her here. He knew why she was saying this, but he was never going to leave her.

"No way! I'm not leaving you alone in this state."

"Raman, I'll...kill you...please go back." Her tears let go and she pleaded him to go with a choking voice.

"No Ishita, I will not leave you ever! You get that? I can't even imagine not being with you and you're asking me to leave? I don't even care what your logic behind this is, because I'm not leaving you and that's final! Never leaving you, alright?" He pulled her into a hug as she crashed onto his chest crying thinking about how much she was hurting him.

Wiping her tears and his own, he tightened his grip on her whispering...

"I hate it so much!"

"I know, I'm sorry I keep on hurting you...I'm trying to stop her...I mean myself."

"No I hate your suffering's all because of me. I brought her into our lives and I created the mess, then why are you suffering. I should suffer, but..." He lowered his eyes in guilt while she broke their hug and cupped his face.

"You are suffering...I become her and I don't realize anything...but you're seeing it all. And you're bearing everything she's doing to us. That's why just go home Raman...I don't want to hurt you anymore..."

"Are you crazy?! I'm not going!"

"I am crazy Raman!" She yelled at him while he was horrified hearing her say this as she continued...

"Can you not see what I'm doing?!" He took a deep breath and held her hands as he tried to assure her she was okay and that he was with her.

"You're not crazy, you're just stressed and affected by her death. Once you come out of it, we will go home together. Otherwise I'm not leaving you."


"Don't you dare say it again."

"Then put me into that mental institution." He got up from the couch and now he was angry seeing her constantly want to go away when he knew it wouldn't do anything. Not being able to take the thought of being away from her, he couldn't stop himself from raising his voice...

"Shut up! You are not going there!"

"They will take me soon because I will hurt myself or you really badly Raman. And we both know it!" She also matched his tone and gave it back to him reminding him that he needed to be gentle and very sensitive with her right now. Sitting back down and softening his voice, he began to explain to her again...

"Please are not going anywhere. I brought us here because I didn't want you where everyone would act so differently and here you will get some peace of mind. Ishita you'll come out of this very soon and everything will be okay again."

"I can't! She's in me Raman! And she won't leave until she's killed you or killed me! So leave and let me be on my own! There is no way I'll make it alive anyways, and I don't want you hurt!"

"I'm hurt that you aren't finding me worthy of being with you." She was torn between her heart and mind as his words touched her heart and it longed for him to be with her like he had been since all this started, but her mind was controlling her words, worried that her selfishness to keep him with her could possible take him further than she could ever imagine...

"Be practical Raman! I will kill someone and I don't want it to be you!" She tried to reason with him.

"It won't be me or you. You'll be fine and you'll kill that person that is hurting us."

"Raman that will take so long and that's if that ever happens."

"And I'm here with you in that long time. Ishita I've broken promises, broken your trust, broken you. But this time, I won't let anyone break you or break us apart. I'm staying with you...I'll live with you, eat with you, sleep with you and that's how it will be. I will be with you no matter what because I can't be without you and neither can you..." He told her all in his heart and it touched her heart. Finally she just had to give in to him and his words, but couldn't stop worrying for him...

"Aren't you scared? I'm starting to be scared of myself."

"I'm scared she'll hurt you. And I'm scared of the pain she could cause you. I'm not scared of anything else." She didn't say anything for a few moments and he wondered what happened to her when she came closer cupping his face and captured his lips...

A lone tear fell from her closed eyes as their kiss deepened and he intertwined their fingers together silently giving her an assurance of his promise of never leaving her alone. As they tightened the grip on the other's hand, she knew he was with her and he knew she will be with him no matter what. Breaking their kiss, she hugged him with a bright smile after days...

It wasn't going to be easy, and it would take time. But they were together in this. He hoped she would be better soon so she could be free of her pain while she wished her condition would improve so he could go through less...

"I love you so much Raman." She whispered to him...

"And I love you just as much." He mumbled back...


That was all everyone! Hope you all liked it and will leave your feedback! 😊

Edited by smilesforever98 - 8 years ago


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Frequent Posters

janani_divan thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 8 years ago
I love you so much raman..
I love you just as much...

i love you so much prabh baby,loved it.

Asusual awesome os..
Ha ha ha cv's never show pleasant talks b/w ishra,they always drag shaguniya b/w them to attack us guniya virus again and again to torture us...
Cv's love guniya virus ...

Hate them to the core.
but you os make my day..
Edited by janani_divan - 8 years ago
heemasomani thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Superb os 
loved it
Edited by heemasomani - 8 years ago
-K.13- thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
omg Prabh - this was beautiful!  While pakka the CVs won't show anything this meaningful, I just loved loved reading this!  This may or may not have brought a little tear to my eye. 😳
Seriously your writing never ceases to amaze me! ❤️

Hope you are doing well! 🤗
ishra.addict thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 8 years ago
It's really beautiful but I don't want it to happen with Ishra.
mayasun thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago
Hi Prabh,
Beautiful as always
kras thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Awesome is
U write everything perfectly
kaa1202 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Nice take Prabh..
Raman rocked in this...
IshraMiNeholic thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
1 word only...
SushSathisha thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Amazing prabh...
too good... 
Loved the way raman supported her even wen she was stubborn...
their love is unconditional..