#2 AsYa FF: Dosti Aur Pyaar- Promo 20- Page 98 on 15th Aug - Page 31


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Linsie thumbnail
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Posted: 8 years ago

the revenge continue...

paying back time...

well written
thanks for the pm...
Linsie thumbnail
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Posted: 8 years ago
OriginalJuhi_04 thumbnail
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Posted: 8 years ago

Part 27

Gaffur gets some pictures on his cell. He is shocked to see dat they were Heeba's photos wid her face n hands bruised as if she was beaten badly. He gets a call.

"Hello," Gaffur answers d call in a scared tone.

"U sound so scared ha, dad. U sound so concerned for ur so-called sanskaari beti," said Ananya amusingly n asked in an anger tone, "Did u remembered d same wounds u gave me, Humi n both my mothers. Now, ur daughter is feeling d same pain."

Others cud hear since she kept d call on speaker.

"Leave her, Ananya. She is ur sister like Humeira," begged Gaffur.

"She is not my sister. I have only one sister dat is Humeira. I am loving d way u r begging. Wat I did is nothing in front of wat u did wid all of us. Soon, I will bring u down. U wanted me to get married to a man who tried to rape me after drugging me. If u informed d police or anyone then its u who will be trapped badly not me. And everyone will know abt ur misdeeds as well as ur daughter's misdeeds. Everyone will know how ur sweet, innocent n traditional daughter slept wid many guys. Everyone will know how she tried to kill Asad's fiancee n even switch her place wen Asad refused to marry her," said Ananya.

"Wat do u want?" asked Gaffur.

"Get all ur property even Rashid Ahmed Khan's share in my name," replied Ananya.

"Wat r u saying?" asked Gaffur shockingly.

"Well, I am going to d police n teln them everything along wid d proofs. Also, how u saw Heeba in d pictures I sent u will be a trailer," replied Ananya in an amused tone.

"Okay okay, I will do as u say," said Gaffur in a scared tone.

"Good. I will tell u wen to sign which papers," said Ananya n cuts d call.

"Why u told him to give even Rashid Ahmed Khan's share wen u only wanted his part of share?" asked Asad confusingly as no one knew abt dis part of her plan.

"Cuz Rashid Ahmed Khan don't deserve dat property. Did u forgot how he deceived Dadaji after he divorced ammi n went to live wid dat Shirin bitch? Did u forgot how he tuk away Ayaan 4m us? Dada, Dadi n Ammi had to struggle a lot to run d family. Dat man did not spared even his own parents. So, dat property sud be given to only d people who deserve them. If our plans go well then as per d plan everything will be in my name then I will transfer Rashid's part of d property in Dada-Dadi's name," replied Ananya.

Asad n others smiled at d addition of her plan which they came to know now. Asad was amazed dat his wife was thinking so much abt his family. He went near her n kissed her forehead not caring abt others present. They recalled a painful memory of d past.


It was a very painful day for d Khan family. 9 year old Asad, 6 year old Ayaan, 5 year old Najma, Dilshad, Sikandar n Nazneen were crying.

"Rashid, u can't take Ayaan wid u. He is my son," said Dilshad.

"He is my son too. Be grateful dat I am leaving other 2 children wid u," said Rashid rudely.

"U r such a bad son who tricked his own parents in takn their property. U will never be happy," said Sikander angrily.

"Its clear how happy I am. I have merged ur sorry I mean my business wid Gaffur. U both were my parents but still u made me marry dis bitch Dilshad," said Rashid.

Nazneen slapped him hard across d face.

"How dare u call dat to my daughter?" asked Nazneen angrily, "We have not forced u but u urself agreed to marry her so dat u can have affair wid dat greedy woman Shirin behind our back. We did not let u marry Shirin cuz she was not a good woman."

"Don't insult Shirin. She is my only love," said Rashid, "But my own parents snatched her 4m me. Now, I have got my Shirin. I will take ur most adorable n sweet Ayaan wid me so u all understand d pain of separating someone u love a lot. I can't take Najma as I already have 2 daughters n don't want to tolerate another & I can't take Asad cuz he is d elder one so I will take d younger one as u all love n adore him a lot as he is younger."

"U even tuk our house. Now, where will we go?" asked Sikandar.

"I don't care. Till evening, I want u all to leave d house," replied Rashid rudely.

All were shocked to see his behaviour.

"Abbu, I don't want to go wid u. I will live wid Ammi," said Ayaan.

"Ayaan, u r cumn wid me. She is not ur ammi. U will find ur ammi at my home," said Rashid as he grabbed Ayaan's hand.

"Abbu, don't take away Ayaan bhaijaan," said Najma.

"I am not ur abbu," said Rashid rudely.

"I will not let Ayaan go, abbu," said Asad n grabbed Ayaan's another hand.

Rashid started dragging away Ayaan but Ayaan was held by Asad also. Rashid stopped n separated their hands roughly n said rudely, "I am not ur abbu also."

Rashid.again started dragging Ayaan 2wards d car. He put Ayaan in d front n himself got in d driver's seat. He started d car. Asad ran after d car. Just then, Ananya came to meet Asad, Ayaan n Najma on her cycle. She saw a man who she recognized as Asad's father 4m d photos putting Ayaan in his car n driving off while Asad was running behind d car. She n her family never met Rashid in person as he was away 4m his family most of d times n Rashid too never saw them. He was never interested in knowing abt their children's friend so he don't know Ananya n her family. Ananya parked her cycle n ran after Asad.

"Bhaijaan, Mona," called Ayaan in tears as he saw Asad n Ananya.

Asad heard Ayaan call Mona n lukd back to see Ananya running after him. He kept running 2wards d car wid Ananya running after him.

"Ayaannn," called Asad.

Dilshad got worried as Asad n Ananya were running on d road. She ran 2wards them.

"Ashu," called Ananya 4m behind as she ran after him.

Ayaan kept lukn out 4m d window lukn at Asad n Ananya wid tears in his eyes. He still had not spotted Dilshad as she was far away.

"Ayaannn," called Asad loudly.

D car went out of his, Ananya n Dilshad's sight. He tripped on sumthn n was abt to fall but someone caught 4m behind to stop him 4m falling. He lukd behind to see it was Ananya wid a look of concern on her face. Still in tears, he fell in her arms hugging her.

"Anu, abbu tuk away Ayaan. He also tuk our house," said Asad.

"Ashu, lets go home," said Ananya hugging him back.

"Its not our home. He told us to leave d house by d evening," said Asad.

"He can't take away Ayaan n ur house," said Ananya.

"He did it, Anu. He did it," said Asad.

Dilshad reached them n spotted them hugging. She down on her knees n hugged both d innocent children before her.

"Lets go inside," said Dilshad.

"Ammi, where we will go?" asked Asad tearfully.

Ananya also started having tears in her eyes seeing both of them in tears.

"Why he tuk Ayaan away?" asked Ananya.

"Beta, he wanted to hurt us," replied Dilshad.

D trio went home.

"Wat happened? Will u live dis house?" asked Ananya.

Asad told her everything.

"I managed to keep some money and all the jewelleries in his home. He can't take those jewelleries as he don't own them. But I some of my money which is not in his name. I will rent a house n take tuitions. Dilshad has already got a professor job," said Sikandar.

"I will sew clothes," said Nazneen.

"Till u all get a rented house u all can live in my house. Mom n dad will not disagree. They like u all a lot," said Ananya.

Everyone agreed wid her. They loved how such a small child wanted to help them. Dilshad lukd at d house sadly which is not theirs anymore. She n her family has to live dis house till d evening for Rashid, his new wife Shirin n Shirin's family to live in dis house.

Ananya remained wid them till d afternoon crying wid them as she was also missing Ayaan. In their initial days, she n Ayaan cud not get along as they always fought wid each other to d extent of pulling each others hairs, calling each others names, beating each other n so on. But soon, they also became friends. They called each other Rabert n Mona after seeing some old movies where viillains were named after Rabert n Mona. Ananya told her parents abt everything. They immediately to let Asad's family live wid them. Asad's family left d house in d evening 2 hours before Rashid n Shirin's family came to live them. Since, both Asad n Ananya's family never went to dat house or cared abt them Ananya did not saw her future step-parents n step-siblings. It was a year after dis incident & 2 years before Ananya's family returing to Delhi dat Gaffur shifted to Delhi wid his family.

Asad's family moved in Ananya's house. Ananya's parents tuk great care of them till they lived there. A week later, Asad's family moved to their rented house.

-----Flashback Ends-----

"D house which ur abbu n my step-father is living in so luxuriously is ur grand-parents house. I want us to get back their rightful house," said Ananya.

"We will," said Asad, "Its time for them to suffer like we suffered."

"How can I forget dat day? Dat man brought us on streets," said Najma.

"We will get back at him. He don't even like Nikhat n Nuzhat since they r girls. He n his wife even lied to Nikhat n others abt Imraan's age," said Asad.

"Lets remove those bruise make-up off her before she wakes up," said Ananya.               

After removing d make-up off her face, they left d godown wid Heeba still unconscious.

Scene shifts to SM(Not SM but actually KM since Asad's parents r true owners of dat so its KM while d house brought by Asad is KV). Someone rang d bell. Wajid opened d door.

"Sahab, it's a courier man asking for u," said Gaffur.

Gaffur got up n received d courier. He was shocked to see d sender name as Ananya'. He went to his room n saw d property papers of KM which he is supposed to sign. He also got a note wid d papers. He read d note: Sign all these papers by d evening or else... . Gaffur got scared recalling her threats. He quickly signed d papers. He has to get Rashid now to sign them. But how? Will he agree? He has to trick him into signing it.

Scene shifts to Rashid doing some work in d study. Gaffur entered d room.

"Rashid, I want u to sign these important papers regarding a project," said Gaffur.

"Which papers?" asked Rashid.

"U can read them if u have any doubt," said Rashid in a manipulating way.

"No, I don't need to read them. I trust u. Tell me where to sign," said Rashid.

Gaffur was relieved. Rashid signed d papers widout lukn at them while Gaffur lukd on helplessly feeling guilty on wat he is making Rashid to do. Gaffur left d study wid d papers after signing them. Rashid is clueless dat Gaffur tricked him.

Wen Gaffur went in his room, he got a call.

"Hello," said Gaffur.

"Did u & Rashid signed d papers?" came Ananya's voice.

"Yes," replied Gaffur.

"How u made Rashid sign them?" asked Ananya.

Gaffur told her how he tricked Rashid into signing d papers.

"Good," said Ananya, "One of my men will meet u near d post-office. U hand him d papers. Don't inform anything to anyone otherwise u know wat all I can do."

"Okay, I will reach there. I will not tell anyone. Now, release Heeba," said Gaffur.

"Not so soon, Dad. 1st let me get those papers," said Ananya n hung up.

Scene shifts to Gaffur reaching near d post-office wid d papers. A masked man who was actually Asad reached there. Gaffur gave him d papers. Asad checked them.

"U can leave now," said Asad.

He waited for Gaffur to leave in his car. He then called Ananya dat their job is done.

Scene shifts to KV. Asad had returned wid d papers. He gave them to Ananya. Ananya transferred Rashid's 50% to Sikandar n Nazneen which was their share.

"Only u both deserve dis 50% share not Rashid Ahmed Khan," said Ananya.

"Now, Rashid Ahmed Khan will know how it feels wen someone close to us betrays us," said Asad referring to Gaffur tricking him into signing d papers like he did wid his parents.

"I wished I cud give u entire 100% of dis property but since we need to carry d game Gaffur's share of d property sud wid me only," said Ananya.

"Anu beta, u don't need to dat. D share u gave us is enough," said Nazneen wid a smile n kissed her forehead, "U & Asad have made us very happy wid wat u did."

"Then I also want kiss like u did to Anu," joked Asad.

Others smiled amusingly. Nazneen kissed Asad's forehead too.

In d evening, everyone went to Ananya's house where she lived for 6 years. Abdullah family will now live there. Ayaan managed to come wid Humeira.

"Humi, dis is my house. Wen I was small, I lived here. Asad, Ayaan n Najma wud come to play wid me. Ammi too wud come here. Now my mausa-mausi will live here," said Ananya.

"Ur house is so beautiful baaji," said Humeira, "I want to see ur room."

"I wanted to stay in ur room, Ann. But I will not cuz wen u & Asad will visit here u both sud stay in dat room," said Rose.

"Dats so nice of u, Rose," said Ananya.

Ananya showed everyone her room. D house was cleaned but d some of d toys which she left behind before leaving for Delhi remained there. Her walls still had some of her family photos, her own photos n her photos wid Asad-Ayaan-Najma.

"Vo dekho, Anu ka soft-toys aur Barbie Dolls abhi tak yaha hai," said Ayaan.

"Sometimes, Asad, Ayaan n Najma used to come 4m my window to play wid me," said Ananya pointing to her window.

"Ur walls still has those old photos," said Asad.

"U all lukd so cute in childhood," said Humeira lukn at Ananya's photos wid Khan siblings.

"I am so happy dat u & Ayaan came here," said Ananya.

"We managed to come here by lying dat we r going to d library," said Humeira.

They talked for some more time n left d room. Ananya showed them d entire house while Ananya n Khan siblings recalled their childhood in dis house.

Everyone returned home after having tea n snacks.

Asad n Ananya decided to go to KM to claim d house n property.

"Anu, we decided dis move but we will not live there. It will not good for u to live around ur step-father n recall d painful memories of ur past," said Asad.

"I knew dat u will say," said Ananya wid a smile, "We will live there only. We have to enjoy their plight as we trouble. As for me, I will not be alone there like I was planning to live wid Qureshis in anger. But u, Ammi, Najma, Dada, Dadi, Ayaan, Mom n Humi will be wid me so I will not be alone in dat house. So, u sud not worry abt all dat."

"Okay fine," said Asad wid a smile.

D same evening, Asad n Ananya's wedding reception was held. Asad dressed in a black sherwani while Ananya wore a blue lehenga for d ceremony.

Only few guests were invited like on their wedding yesterday. D guests showered them wid gifts n blessed them for their happily married life.

Next morning, Zoya's family left for their house while Asad's family reached KM. Even though, it was not even 2 days of their marriage Ananya decided to wear western since she wanted to have a shocking impression on d people of KM. She wore a red tank top n blue ripped skinny jeans. She wore short black heels as she did not liked high heels n an aviator.

"Now, d fun begins," said Najma as they all reached d KM door.

Najma was wearing a knee-length blue dress. She wondered how her father will react on seeing her in a dress since he did not know dat she now wears modern clothes.

"Ammi, be strong," said Asad.

"Don't worry, beta," said Dilshad wid an assuring smile.

Dilshad rang d door bell. Wajid opened d door n called everyone. Everyone was shocked to see entire Khan family.

"Wat u all r doing in our house?" asked Rashid.

"Not anymore, Mr. Rashid Ahmed Khan. Its our house now," replied Asad.

"Wat nonsense?" asked Rashid angrily.

"Luks like saala has not yet told anything to his jeeja," said Ananya amusingly.

"But I transferred all d property to Ananya how u all say dat its ur house?" asked Gaffur shockingly blurting out d truth.

"Ur step-daughter Ananya gave 50% of share dat is Mr. Rashid's share to property to us. We got a courier 4m her so we never saw her in person. Luks like she is not really a bad woman but actually wanted to hand over d property to d rightful owners dat is my grandparents. But since Ananya hates u, she tuk ur 50% share wid her. We can't even transfer d property in ur name as Ananya informed dat if we do so then dat 50% property will go to trust. So, we can't give back d property to Mr. Rashid. Even if we cud we wud not have done since he tricked my grandparents into getn dis property. So, he deserve them. D house u all r living in belongs to my grandparents not him," replied Asad.

"How come d property wen to ur step-daughter, Gaffur?" asked Rashid cluelessly.

Gaffur guiltily told him how he tricked him. Rashid was shocked. Asad went near Rashid.

"Sud I tell Nikhat n Nuzhat dat Ayaan is their step-brother?" whispered Asad.

Rashid was shocked. He shook his head in No'. Asad smiled amusingly n went back to stand wid his family. No one has any idea dat Anushka n Ananya r one n the same. Rashid, Shirin n Gaffur were shocked to see Najma n Ananya's modern clothes.

"Wat kind of clothes u girls r wearing especially Anushka being a married woman?" asked Shirin in disapproval.

"We can wear wat we like n its not new to wear these clothes," replied Najma.

"Where its written dat married women don't wear these clothes?" asked Ananya.

"Ur jeans is so cut n torn in many places. Luks like u r wearing d same jeans 4m so many years," ridiculed Shirin.

"For ur kind information, its of last week only. Its called ripped jeans," said Ananya.

"Let it be, Anushka. She don't know anything abt fashion. Kuve(well) k mendak(frog) ka kya pata ki baahar ki duniya kaisi hoti hai," joked Asad wid a smile.

"Asad, talk properly. She is ur elder," said Rashid.

"As if u know how to talk to ur elders. U tricked ur own parents into signing their properties to u. So, don't teach me how to talk wid whom. U told me while leaving wid Ayaan dat u r not father of me n Najma. But u brought wid Heeba's proposal to me since I got successful n became rich. U wanted to hurt ammi by snatching me 4m her," said Asad.

Rashid was shocked n speechless. Razia, Humeira n Ayaan were enjoying d show.

"I saw how u brought dat Heeba's proposal for Asad. U tried to snatch Asad 4m me n his family. At dat time, we both were dating each other," said Ananya lying abt dating part.

"We will let u all live in dis house as we have problems wid only u, ur wife n Mr. Gaffur Ahmed Siddiqui. Of u all do any mistake or create any problems then we will throw u out of d house like u threw us out of dis house 15 years ago," threatened Asad.

Ananya lukd at Razia n Humeira n smiled.

"U r Razia aunty na?" asked Ananya, "I heard abt u 4m Asad.

"Yes," replied Razia not liking Ananya calling her aunty but she understood.

"Luks like u r only d sane person among elders in dis house," said Ananya wid a smile.

Razia smiled at dis.

"Why r u so smiling so smiling wen she insulted us?" asked Gaffur angrily.

"I never thought dat Razia aunty needs ur permission to even smile," replied Najma, " think u apologized to her on TV n told dat u will never hurt her again."

Gaffur was shocked n speechless.

"If Ananya gets to know dat u r still d same then God knows wat she will do," said Asad.

Gaffur immediately lukd scared hearing Ananya's name. Asad n Ananya lukd at each other n smiled as they enjoyed Gaffur's scared face.

"We wish we cud meet Ananya n thank her for helping us getn dis house back," said Najma.

"I can't believe all dis happening," said Rashid helplessly.

"Wat goes around comes around," said Sikandar wid a smile.

"U made us suffer a lot n now its ur turn," said Nazneen wid a smile.

Asad told d servants to keep their things inside. Asad n his family lukd around d house.

"I & Anu will take dis room," said Asad.

"But dis is Heeba's room," said Gaffur.

"Before dat, it was my room. So, I & Anu will live here," said Asad.

"Humeira's room was my room," said Najma.

"I will leave d room for u," said Humeira.

"No need Humeira, we can share d room. We r even same class in college," said Najma.

"Okay," said Humeira.

"Leave me n Anu alone for some time," said Asad.

Others left leaving him n Ananya in d room.

"Iss kameeni Heeba ne itne saal tere room me rehkar tera room ganda kar diya. Such a bitch was living in ur room. She even painted d walls of ur room in pink shades. D curtains, bedsheets, tables, chairs n other furniture r also pink," said Ananya annoyingly.

"I know yaar. I will set it alright," said Asad annoyingly.

Asad lukd at d room wondering wat all changes he has to do.


#Ananya releases Heeba teln her dat lots of surprises r waiting for her at home.

#Heeba enters KM n is shocked to see Khan family as owners of d house. She gets angry on seeing Anushka. She tries to strangle her by pulling d dupatta of Ananya's suit around her neck for marrying Asad. Ananya pushed her n threatened to throw her in jail by showing d CCTV of her mehndi n sangeet if she tries to do anything again wid her.

Like for PMs😊

suearmaniac thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Pichli bar b pehle thi unres kiya ni
sry juhi 😆
m free ab toh
teen updates ek sath padhni h
tym de
suearmaniac thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
To pg ka samapan hota h yaha 🤣
nilusoni thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
thanx for pm
muskaan17rocks thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Amazing chapter dear
loved reading it
The flashback was painful
Hate rashid for what he did and is still doing😡
Glad to see ananya in full force
The precap seems interesting
Looking forward to know what happens next
Please continue soon
Thanks for the pm😊
suganti thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
awesome chapter.
now the khan's payback time begins.
excited for the next chapter.

-ABI- thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
anopama thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Very nice update 
So slowly but surely justice is being served 
As they say karma is a b**ch 
Still can't believe they believe anu to be anuksha 
Waiting for more