SaHil: A Different Kind of Game || Chapter 4 Updated @ Page 8 - Page 6


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Gunjhun thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Hey all thanks for all the support you've given and the patience you've kept waiting for an update. Just wanted to let you know the next chapter is in progress and will be up hopefully by tomorrow or Wednesday!
fanraya thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Awesome story..πŸ‘πŸΌloved it so much.. Please do update soon..
ayat20 thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Update plzz waiting for it 
riaa234 thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
hey wen r u updatin???
do it asap plzzz...
this is one of my fav.
heena24 thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Lovely story
Amazing plot 
Update soon😊
riaa234 thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
hey u wer 2 update by wednesday
itz sunday
do update soon
pretty plzzz!!!!!!
Gunjhun thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
A Different Kind of Game


Chapter Four


** For the purpose of this story the second wife's name will be spelled Sanaam. The double a' is to distinguish her from our Sanam. **


Sunlight slowly streamed into the room, almost in a shy manner as it illuminated the two individuals residing inside. The light finally hit the closed eyes of the young man who furrowed his brow and gently awoke from his slumber.
Aahil slowly came back into consciousness and the first thing he registered was the stiff crick in his neck. He slowly, and cautiously, lifted his head from the bedside and gave a small yawn. It took him a minute to process the position he was in and in no time the events of the night before flooded back to him.
With a smile that could rival the morning ray's he gazed at his begum, who was still sleeping peacefully. He brushed a kiss against the back of her hand, the hand it had seemed he had kept a hold of the whole night, then raised himself to press a kiss to her forehead, stopping to inhale her scent.
He finally let go of her hand and made his way out of the room, stopping to look back at her with a loving smile.
Aahil rushed towards his own room, intent on showering and changing before Sanam awoke.  Before he could enter his room the door opened, almost of its own accord, and he was met with surprised black eyes.
"Aap?" Sanaam questioned nervously, staring up at her husband'.
Aahil stared at his so called second wife, but didn't deign to give her a response. He had no time to waste, he wanted to be by Sanam's side when she woke up. Brushing past the woman frozen at the door he walked towards his cupboard, grabbing a fresh change of clothes and went into the bathroom.
Sanaam sadly stared after her husband, pain and longing mixing in her heart. When he didn't return to his room last night she had guessed he had kept vigil at Sanam's bedside. She didn't know that when she promised to reunite the two that it would be so painful, and it wasn't the first time she had regretted the decision. She slowly made her way down towards the kitchen, to prepare tea for Begum Sahiba.
After a quick shower and a change of clothes Aahil bounded down the stairs.
"Lateef! Lateef!" he called. Irritated at the lack of response he marched over to his manservant's room, knocking on the door.
"Lateef! Lateef!"
The door flung open and the person in question stared back in comical horror, clutching a teddy bear to his chest. His hair was in a tangled mess and he regarded Aahil with fake tears in his eyes.
"What is this Aahil-baba?" he questioned dramatically. "You have to get a hold of yourself! You can't just knock on this delicate flowers door in such a way. What will the neighbours think? You're already married, why are you defaming me like this? Who will marry me now once word of this gets out! You have to control yourself! Main to hui chui mui!"
Aahil rolled his eyes, bemused at the rant. At his chuckle Lateef stopped, regarding his master. It was remarkable how things had changed so quickly overnight.
"Lateef hurry up and change," Aahil demanded. "Get a breakfast tray ready for Sanam and call me when it's ready. I have to make some phone calls, I won't be going into work today."
Seeing the childish joy on Aahil's face as he talked about the Chote Begum made Lateef's own features soften, and he nodded, determined to make this the best breakfast ever. After all he was better than Sanam and she would be blessed to eat by his hands this morning!

The lady in question stirred in her sleep upstairs. Gently yawning she pulled herself up, smiling at the well rested sleep she had gotten. Once her eyes turned onto the clock at the bedside table, she gasped in shock.
"Ya Allah!" she whispered, throwing the covers off and standing up. "It's morning already! What happened last night then if I was asleep?"
A sense of dread washed over Sanam and she hurried out of the room, intent on finding her sister and getting the details of what had transpired. Had their plan succeeded or not?
She walked out of the hallway, intent on going to the secret room when her phone beeped.
S: Meet me in the garden. Under the awning of the tree by the fence.
Sanam furrowed her brow worriedly. What was Seher thinking asking her to meet in plain sight so early in the morning? Shaking her head, the black haired beauty quickly changed direction and headed outside. 

Aahil distractedly listened to the man on the other end, rambling about something or another. Pacing his office he glanced towards the clock, grimacing as he noticed only five minutes had passed. Why was it everything felt so long when he was away from Sanam?
Just the thought of her brought a smile to his face. He rushed through his conversation, cutting off the poor man on the other end of the line with a rushed goodbye.
He made his way back to the kitchen and he was pleased to see that Lateef was almost done arranging the tray. Setting a glass of orange juice on the tray, the manservant assessed his work and made a pleased notice. He turned, surprised at the presence of his master.
"Are you done?" Aahil questioned, striding towards the counter. Lateef nodded.
"Yes, now I can go and take-,"
"No need," Aahil cut off, grabbing the tray himself. "I'll take it.'
Lateef watched Aahil leave with the breakfast tray, a small smile playing on his lips. Shaking his head he began preparing breakfast for the rest of the family.
As Aahil got closer and closer to the room he suddenly began to get nervous. What would he say when she woke up? Should he hug her or apologize first? Would she forgive him?
Just the thought of Sanam not forgiving him caused him to halt, and dread and apprehension began to fill his mind.
What if Sanam didn't forgive him? What if Salim was right and Sanam left him because he had been such an idiot to her?
Aahil paused as he got to the room and shook his head. Yes, he had messed up royally. But he would beg for forgiveness, and hopefully in her heart of gold Sanam would forgive him. He gently pushed on the door and peered in.
His brow furrowed as he surveyed the empty room, slowly walking in he sets the tray on the bedside table. Straining his ears he tries to listen for the sound of running water, wondering if his wife was in the shower.
"Sanam?" he called out, waiting for a reply in the silent room.
"Sanam?" he tried again, louder. But again no response.
Dread began to creep into his heart and his mind raced with hundreds of possibilities. He tore out of the room, calling for his wife.
"Sanam! Sanam!" he hollered.
His so called second wife appeared before him, looking shocked.
"Yes?" she replied.
"Not you," he snapped, continuing his desperate search for his missing begum. Sanaam flinched back, and watched her husband tear across the house, screaming for his wife.

Sanam stood in the garden, relishing the fresh air. She hoped the cool morning breeze would soothe her frazzled mind, as she thought back to the conversation with her sister she had a few moments earlier.
She couldn't believe her sister had tricked her in such a way! Seher had lied to her and while she was passed out cold, had gone through with a plan she would have never agreed with!
Which was probably why her twin had done what she had done in the first place. If Seher had told her to original plan in the first place there was no way Sanam would have agreed! Not only was it such a big lie, but also a bit ludicrous!
"Ya Allah," Sanam murmured to herself, gazing heavenward, "Please let everything be ok. Please let everything work out. Please-"
She was startled out of her small prayer at the shout of her name. Turning around, she regarded her husband with shocked eyes, staring at him from across the distance.
When his eyes finally found her a sense of relief washed over Aahil so fast that he thought he would collapse. Standing in the garden at that moment, eyes towards the sky she had never looked so beautiful. She still wore the same clothes as the day before and both the clothes and her hair was mussed but for him she was perfect.
As her dark eyes turned towards him, a pressing need made itself known. In an instant he ran the distance between them, stopping a hairs breath away from her. His eyes hungrily traced her face, from her dark almond eyes to her rosy lips. Then, without a moment's hesitation more, he pulled her into his arms, crushing her small frame to his body. He inhaled her scent, engraining the moment into his memory.
Sanam was unsure of her husband's reaction. The man he was today was so different from the man he was yesterday and she didn't know what to do. When Seher had told her Salim's visit made an impact she wasn't quite sure what to expect.
Aahil slowly came to realize that Sanam wasn't reciprocating his hug. He slowly released her, keeping her at arm's length. He regarded her nervously.
"Sanam, I-," he cut himself off, not sure on how to proceed.
Staring at her husbands, Seher's words flooded back to her.
Don't forgive him so easily. He needs to realize that you were hurt and this is the best time for him to learn that. Otherwise whatever we do will be in vain because he'll think that even if he does something wrong you'll forgive him easily. He needs to realize that there is a possibility he could lose you.
But more than that Sanam wanted to make her husband realize how much she loved him, and to do so meant she'd have to distance herself from him. It was like pulling at a rubber band, the farther and farther it stretched, the more quickly and stronger it came back together.
But could she do it?
Sanam regarded her husband. Could she distance herself so he would know her worth, so that when the time came he would fight for their love?
Aahil nervously regarded his begum, hoping she would say something so he could respond. When he said he would apologize her very well intended to, but saying something and doing it were two very different things.
His heart flinched when his beloved's eyes seemed to close off and she moved a step back. She stared at his face so coldly that he flinched back, it was almost like looking into a mirror.
"How can I help you Nawab-saab?"


Hey everyone! I am so sorry for the late update! I was planning on posting Wednesday night when I got hit with a really bad flu! Between work, classes and being sick this took a back seat! Thanks for your patience and I'm so sorry it took so long!
Raingoddess thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
What an exciting update! Wow! Cant wait to see how she goes about this! Aahil def needs to suffer and I am looking forward to how this distance makes him feel! Great job! Hope ur feeling better! Update soon if u can! 
evedallas1 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
I'm so happy you post the new chapter :) and I love it πŸ˜‰ Now is pay back time for Aahil and Tanveer. I really hope to see Sanam in her new element in the next chapter πŸ˜† She needs to show him all the pain and the humiliation she bore all these time when he was such a jerk !
He didn't want to hear her explanations ? So be it ! now Sanam would make him beg for forgiveness and why not interact with an another male in order to drive him mad of jealousy !
Hahahaha I'm so happy ! At least we will be able to see a redemption track with your story. πŸ˜› Thank you so much and I hope you feel better : I know what it is be a student with all the exams and catch a flu during the worse period. 🀒 Please update soon !
Edited by evedallas1 - 9 years ago
darkice7_12 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 years ago
Great to see that Sanam is going to make Aahil pay. Glad to see u back and sorry to hear about the flu. Feel better and update soon.