LTL thread 3~repeated on Rishtey Finale WUS 309 ,310 p.102 - Page 50


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sona89 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Hi Hamlet
Awesome ud...tasha phone convo too good
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: mirage123

hi hamlet hi mirage good to see you😊

fab ud
yes the best..enjoying them more this time round.. thanks  for commenting.. much love hammie

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: sona89

Hi Hamlet  hellooo sona..😊

Awesome ud...tasha phone convo too good
getting better.. next two.. great too, thanks for reading and commenting, much love hammie.

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

                                                 LTL Written Update 

                                                    Episode ~273

                                                   5th February 2011


                                                     Kala unmasked

                                                           Patil Nivas  

 Naku  heads to  Bappa.. and pleads, Bappa you can see everything, the past and the present, you can see Kala is warped by her madness, she is capable of anything! she wants to destroy and break this household! Bappa help me, in a home where you are worshipped, I will not let it disintegrate! help me to seek Saab.. she picks up the arti plate and performs Bappa's arti .FB images of the newspaper; his garlanded picture; her pulling off the garland; being struck by Aye Sahib; video about Dutta's death; Kala wiping off her vermillion; taking off her mangalsutra; Kala forcing her to become a widow; Dutta's phone to her;Kala asking her where Dutta was?.. her threatening to kill him!  Naku  continues with her arti ..

 Baji darts from the side behind her. Seeing her performing, arti he stops, takes his shoes off and join her before   Bappa!

 Naku turns to face him and beseeches,  Baji,  we have to get to this brothel as soon as possible .. get to Saab double quick!  Baji says, Naku I give you my word , that I will search out  Bhau, that's where I was going, when I saw you worshipping Bappa and today I too want Bappa's offertory as a blessing!  Naku gives him the offertory and applies tilak on him...and then turns to face  Bappa..  Bappa now you carry out your justice! if evil wins.. then we will never worship you.. for our faith upon you will be lost...and  Baji then leaves to look for Dutta.

                                                     Searching  Dutta..

 Baji drives around checking out dance joints and bars.. Kala on the other hand , keeps updates on the phone as to the whereabouts of  Sudarshan carrying on with his search of  Dutta. Both Baji and Sudarshan show Dutta's photo.. to the people out of  Patil Wadi. Kala paces impatiently at home..constantly checking her phone. While  Baji checks clubs, flashing Dutta's girl in a pub  gives some information..Sudarshan checks  the general public on the roads..

Kala gets a phone call, it's  Sudarshan, Tai I've looked everywhere around the highway, checked  the waysides, passer-by's, medical stores, clubs, can't find Dutta anywhere! Kala in a fit of rage  hurls her mobile against a vase in her room.

The phone rings downstairs, and Naku answers, Saab??, it's Baji.  Naku! there's good news that Bhau has been seen in the address of the brothel as well, I went there but it was locked! I tried to ask around, but nobody could say much.. A delighted Naku , bids him, ok so come home then? come home  Baji..he asks ,why?  Naku don't you worry this time I will bring  Bhau back with me..  Naku alerts him, if Saab has left that place,  Baji.. then there must be a reason.. the enemy must have got to him, and you never know ,they might be hounding you as well.. so   Baji be aware that because of us, Saab's life shouldn't be put at risk...and another think   Baji, we need to be extra cautious  in what we do just come home now! orders Naku .

 Naku muses, phone in hand, if the enemy is cunning and after Saab.. I need to do something ..and she looks at her phone..

                                                         Kala's den

Kala's deep rooted hatred ranging from a young male infant, to teenager ..finally to a grown man Dutta scattered all over her floor ..his close ups scribbled over with lipstick ..every curvy , rotating  scribble ,stands for the epicentre of  a hate festering within her, all her life.. that face.. this face of Dutta..once dead but now alive again? preoccupied with her loathing she  stands before her mirror sketching an outline of Dutta Bhau ..with her lipstick..FBs of his voice over the phone.. yes Tai I am alive.. kala's eyes lower when she recalls his voice and the unacceptable message  it look after my Nakusha, Aye Sahib and everyone else, I'll return soon.. she can hear and see his foot steps approaching. Dutta under cover of darkness moves towards her, now you don't even recognise your brother?..this is some sick joke, she says..I never joke! Kala sees  Naku's face.. you're doomed!

Kala gulps down a bottle of wine! as she stands before the mirror..  and carries on sketching Bhau on her mirror with a khol pencil...Dutta Bhau..Ratnagiri's Bhau! Patil Vadi's Bhau! my Aye's Dutta Bhau!  Baji's Bhau! nakushaa's Saab!  then what are you to me? how are you related to me! that you keep coming back to me? are you playing a game with me? she says to his sketch on her mirror.. a game of hide and seek! She takes another swig from her bottle, you don't know, when you couldn't even blow your nose, I have hated you! I used to take you far away and leave you under cover of darkness! but even then too you'd return snivelling , and  hug my mother and cry!  my mother? why did you do that?  now! why don't you return once more..and then watch what I do to you!.. Dutta's picture is pinned to the table with the point of an upright daggar!  This time when you return, I'll stab you multiple times! first of all I'll rip out your guts! then here...she draws a red circle on the left side of his chest! stab right in your heart!  and then before all of Patil Vadi, I'll behead you!  do you understand this!  she yells at his sketch on the mirror! and she sees his reflection,  standing behind her in the distance! She turns around,but finds the door closed! and no one is about she is alarmed.. drunk she turns to look at the mirror...and lo and behold she seems him there in the reflection, with his head tilted slightly to one side.then she turns to look away from the mirror to the door and asks, who is over there? I am asking who is it over there? what do you want? you and  Nakusha are playing a game with me? why don't you leave! she screams hysterically, throwing things at this image of Dutta.. she looks at her mirror and he's still there behind her in the shadows.. she comes flying to Dutta in her room, you won't take heed this way! and she pulls out the dagger from the the picture on the table.. and shows this apparition the dagger order to frighten it away! and away she goes out of her room screaming down the staircase ! brandishing the dagger screaming in top of her voice.. dutta!  Dutta! where are you? show me yourself! Dutta !she screams.. The whole of her family come to the semi darkened hall.. and suddenly she sees his footsteps, and hears his footsteps as they progress toward's her.. she can now see the broad ,dark, frame of Dutta Bhau  walking towards her down the hallway.. the figure stops and stands with his legs slightly apart.. Kala screams, whoever it is! reveal yourself before me! you and  Nakusha trying to frighten me? but I am not scared of you! because I fear no one! I command , show yourself, your deceitful self!  Dutta replies firmly ,Dutta is not a deceiver, Kala Tai.. Dutta hates cheats!.. Kala    holds her dagger and says, if you hate cheats, then why are you afraid to come before me? dont play this hide and seek game with me, Dutta! because you are NOT Dutta! HE IS NOT ALIVE! BECAUSE I GOT HIM KILLED MYSELF! so Dutta cannot be alive!  he cannot be! Kala confesses,  and challenges. The figure says in Dutta's voice, can't you recognize your brother Kala yells, just come before me I'll expose who you are! but you are such a coward! if you have guts then come before me!.. dutta replies, why would I be frightened of you Kala Tai? and she says like one possessed, because you  fear me! and Dutta replies as he moves to her, why would I  fear my own sister? and  she screams, you're scared of me.. because your Nakusha has informed you already, that your life is in danger! that 's why you fear me! that's why you hide yourself,.. if you are not afraid then show yourself..dutta replies, a sister will take the life of her brother? Kala screams, brother, sister! utter nonsense! I have no relation with you, I loathe you! yess! did you hear that, I hate you! today you are before me ! today I will smite you! and she lunges forward towards  Dutta but he grabs hold of her wrist and, they struggle, as Dutta with his free hand wrenches the dagger out of her hand and throws it across the floor! Then pushes her aside!forcefully! and she falls on the floor...she glares at  the figure of Dutta standing feet slightly apart.. and the machete slides across the floor.. she looks at  the they move toward's her slowly...she sees Dutta...itsss...the only man who can do Dutta's job... BAJIRAO!...kala stands up and demands, where is Dutta?  duttta! come before me!  I will not spare him today! where is he? she screams at   Baji who gives her a sarcastic look.. amazing Kala Tai! what luck Bhau has! he's looking for his enemy outside his house, whilst his greatest foe resides in his very house! ..kala questions him, so all this was your doing? you did it with Nakusha's help... such a snake in the grass you are,  how dare you! she accuses  Baji... Naku comes from the side and shouts at Kala, Baji is not snake in the grass but you are! such a serpent who feeds on her own  children!.. Kala  looks at their faces and says, so both of you played this game with me! huh.. playing children's games with me..Nakusha?..naku replies.. what else could we do? except resort to lies to expose your reality! ... Aye Sahib comes from the side and says loudly, and the reality of your true face behind your mask is hideous Kala! so much hatred!..the light is turned on suddenly and  Kishore,  Madhu,  Leela ,Roops all come into the hall.. staring at Kala..

                                                 LTL Written Update 

                                                     Episode ~273

                                                  5th February 2011~ continued           

 Leela speaks out at Kala , Tai we only wanted to control Bhau, for our own luxuries and comforts, but since when did you plan this game of death? and that too against Bhau?aye Sahib, we did support Kala , but we didn't know that she was  playing a dangerous game! and me and roops are not that sordid that we will taint our hands with Bhau's blood!.. Roops says, Tai for ages we both become party to your conspiracies ,and god knows  how we ill treated Naku vahini! and you did all this? today both your sisters hate themselves! Kala turns to her mother, Aye Sahib you misunderstand, I haven't done anything! this is all Nakusha's doing. she's trying to blame me for Bhau's death! and she raises her hand to slap  Naku.. Aye Sahib grabs her hand, and  pulls Kala  away from  Naku and makes her face toward's herself and says, I am can't be manipulated by any one! whatever is the truth I have heard it all!..

Suddenly Sudarshan turns up,talking to someone on the phone, what do you mean you haven't found  Bhau? find him otherwise? ..kala is relieved to see him..and she gives him a visual message of be prepared to cover me..he feigns, he says to her, Tai I was thinking  Naku vahini has been looking for Bhau so I should support as I've put people on the job..he lies. Kala is impressed by him.. and he asks every one noticing the silence,did I do something wrong? and Aye Sahib shouts, yes wrong things have been happening in this house!today I found out who is responsible for all the wrongs in this house! kala! I carried you in my womb for nine months..and look  I gave birth to a viper like you! woe be upon me for being your mother! it would have been better if I had been barren instead!  Sudarshan  says,Aye Sahib you misunderstand, Baji stops him, Sudarshan all of kalavati's reality has been exposed.. and any doubt has been clarified by your arrival! It was you too wasn't  it? who helped kalavati to take Bhau's life?.. kala turns to look at  Sudarshan but Aye forces her to face her,  tell me then Kala I want you give me an account of the term I carried you in my womb.. nurtured you! loved you!  tell me ? is this how you repay your mother? I need answers, Kala  answer me!

kala shouts back at her mother, I will give you the answers!  for carrying my burden for nine months in your womb.. you want an account of my life? when you were busy  looking after and loving other people's children, then you never thought of asking me! you forgave my father's killer when he shed a few tears! then you never asked me for answers? because at that time you wanted to be the great maternal image before the whole world! you wanted to show the world what a big heart you have! a heart that could fit all the children of this world, except your own! and you are asking me for an account? today I will give you an account of all in my life!

I killed my father's murderer! I  didn't do wrong did I Aye Sahib? after him, I tried to kill his son! now I didn't do wrong did I Aye Sahib? if I avenged  my fathers murder, then what wrong did I do Aye sahib? I am Kalavati shriram Patil, that man has been using my father's name! Dutta shriram Patil!  and I have hated him all my life!what wrong did I commit Aye Sahib?    

 Yes! I tried to destroy his happiness! and you was I who erected  a wall between you and Dutta!  that he should find out your true face  on his wedding  was also my conspiracy! you  Nakusha were very proud of your love! see how shattered it in one blow! you were denied of his love and he of yours!  I actually wanted you to be tortured! but you  Nakusha forced me to kill him! by mocking me.. defying me!..she goes to her sisters.. you both were my sisters, you should have stood by me! but noo! you want to stand by your father's murderers! Dutta is not our brother! you all hear me loud and clear! I did no wrong ! whatever I did I was for myself.. and I did all this so I can get Dutta's power! his status! his wealth!  and I did nothing wrong Aye Sahib!  

Kishore  yells angrily..if I had the power I would wipe off the vermillion from  your forehead! she looks at him disdainfully and says to him, who are you anyway a mere nobody! for your cheap vermillion..I can't forgo my hatred... so Aye Sahib, you still have one chance to show, will you stand by your daughter whom you see as a burden...or will you stand by your  son?? Aye Sahib gives Kala a resounding slap before all! shocked and shaken Kala says, don't hit me Aye Sahib... Aye Sahib gives her another tight slap on the other cheek! she reminds her mother not to hit her.. her mother squeezes her daughter  face  between  her  hand, are you threatening me? what are you going to do? what are you going to do to me huh? aye Sahib continues to shake her daughter! Aye Sahib screams I will kill you today! I will not spare you.. screams a hysterical Aye Sahib, as she shakes  Kala by her shoulders. Kala stops her mother, Aye Sahib enough!  just stop before I do something that will make you regret , that why did you give ever give birth to me!..aye Sahib pushes her and orders, get out of this house! this house does not need you anymore! leave rightaway!..  Baji  intervenes to support Aye Sahib, Aye Sahib she will not heed this way! this Kalavati needs to be kicked out !and he goes to grab kalavati by the hand,let's go kalavati!!

 Sudarshan who watched suddenly pulls out his gun and points it to  Baji..ayeee!and  Baji pulls his gun out at  Sudarshan !..all look at Baji and Sudarshan guns pointed at each other!.. sudarshan mocks  Baji..ohh I am so  frightened..sudarshan pulls out another gun out of his trouser pocket and points the second  gun at  Naku.. Kala wears  smirk on her face! now speak  Baji?  Baji says, you'll pay for disrespecting  Naku..  Sudarshan full of hatred says to  Baji ,shut up mouse! be thankful to Kala Tai  who  granted you  your life! otherwise I would have killed you then when I paired with Kala Tai and conspired the accident of Bhau's car! all are shocked to hear that  Sudarshan is in it with Kala..  Leela is very upset.. Sudarshan you  can sink so low? but  Sudarshan  tells her to shut up! before I shot you right here! worked hard to get to this stage! now do you think I'll let go of  it?  Baji calls , for  kale!  shinde! they come with guns pulled out and  Baji orders, don't look at my face.. arrest him..  Sudarshan smiles as it's seen that the BG pull guns out at  Baji , Naku and Dutta's family..and Kala tells her mother.. if I can plan to kill Dutta , then I can also  raise an army against him! and she looks at  Baji and orders, now put your weapon down otherwise  Sudarshan will be forced to fire a bullet! Kala goes around Aye Sahib and moves to  Baji and takes his gun from him.. and  Sudarshan gives  Baji a tight slap across his mouth!  Naku feels for  Baji and Kala goes over to her smirking.. what's the matter  Nakusha? hurts does it?till now you don't realize what pain really were playing a dirty game!now you watch what happens to the person who supported you in playing this dirty game with me..kala looks at  Baji  Naku warns, you still have time kalavati throw your arms,  so Saab can minimize your punishment other wise..  

Kala shows  Naku her gun ,points it upward[Dutta style] and fires a bullet! otherwise what  Nakusha? can't  you see now I have a gun in my hand!  Sudarshan says, Tai who are you wasting your time with? let me just shoot her right now! Kala says...NO   Sudarshan,we have to look after this foldespecially her .. TO CATCH A BIG FISH LIKE Dutta WE NEED TO USE A BAIT LIKE  Nakusha!..and she  lowers  Sudarshan  gun down.. and looks at her mother and says.. Dutta will come for all of them.. especially for you Aye Sahib! he's your favourite isn't he?  take them away now.. once they leave Kala rubs her cheek, as the BG take them upstairs and open an unused attic room and roughly push Kishore , Baji and the women in too...Leela warns   Sudarshan but he slaps her and pushes her into the room to and shuts the room and tells the BG be on guard.. ..inside the attic  Dutta's two youngest sisters,  Madhu and Roops rest their weeping faces on each of their mothers shoulders.. Naku looks at  Baji.. episode ends Hamlet53~ 17.9.14  

 Two episodes of revelations about the two traitors within the fold.. and then open mutiny and hostage taking by Kala.. all in a bid to capture Dutta                                       

With Baji's search it's the passion of looking for his Bhau.. for Sudarshan it's a boring command given by a deluded Kala Tai.. but then in the end  Sudarshan acts how Kala wants him to.

This has to be one powerful soliloquy.. Kala face to face with a guilt ridden Kala..  more so beaten.. the reflection in the mirror has to be the real Kala with all her venom for Dutta.. she is delirious .. with terror of him returning.. and crest fallen by defeat.. for as she always envisaged.. Kala was born to rule.. here she stands today  beaten by a dead man who is strangulating her gradually..

Kala stands baffled by the mystery figure! She screams for it's real identity ..all her life she has kept her own reality hidden from all.. until now..

Kala now fears Dutta.. even though within her mind she sees herself as an eight year old ..old enough to frighten the toddler Dutta of yester years!

It's a sick eight year old girl's cry in the end before a tormented mother.. so sick was this girl, who had seen a lot.. that she kills all who wronged her... propelled by a warped sense of justice!

The sad bit is there is no remorse only confession..

This was a saturday episode shown in 2011.. on rishtey it was shown in two parts.. monday/tuesday..

N.B~ thanks for reading the previous wus..mirage,fassben, sona,  Naku, bart, daya,twinki, tammy., naila..





Edited by Hamlet53 - 9 years ago
uwith thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
hi hamlet
awesome ud...dutta & naku luv shone in this crisis😳
tamanna1391 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
nice e[pisode now kala face revealed now it will bring very tough time for dutta totally true that he kept eye on everyone but forgot to look his enemies in his own house
Iridescence1 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
Hey an episode of revelations! 
Kala's family is now aware of just how crazy and evil she is. That her hatred goes soul deep and no amount of words can make a difference however displaced that hatred is...and you're right. Kala does fear Dutta and she should for he'll finally see where his true enemy lies. 

And those he sort of shunned ie. Naku and Baaji. They are his pillars of strength. And he took them for granted. But we all know he's realized that mistake..gadha! 

There are two powers at work here. One of complete devotion, love and strength and another of pure hatred...and we already know where this is headed and who comes out a winner...

Thanks for the WU's Hammie :) 
twinkle-star thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Hammie lionπŸ€—

Awww such a lovely update dear...Enjoyed it sooo much.πŸ€—..Dutta couldn't able to see clearly...

err seema grabbed the opportunity & rested her hand on his shoulder..aww dutta angrily shrugged her hands off from his shoulder..

aww Dutta-naku phone convo ...naku begged  him to return home ...suddenly chaskar knocked the door   & dutta got shocked......

chaskar & Seema's torture.....suddenly seema looked up & OMG Dutta dutta bhau on ceiling fan ...What is this??....CVS make fun out  of Dutta's character ??......

aww dutta didn't allow Seema to bandage his hand & he tied the cloth with naku's memory.such a lovely scene hammie lion......


 At last naku informed baaji that Dutta is alive.....Aww thank you soo much for the sweetest update hammie lion...enjoyed it soo will finish her home works soon......soo sweet of you.πŸ€—.big teddy hugs from germ baby Twinky...

Nakusha thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Hi hammieee
loved the ud...kala is spitting venom...leela AS & everyone else too couldn't fathom it...naku came out stronger...😊
-bharti- thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Hi hammie, kaise ho πŸ˜‰ 
I dont understand the contradicting ways of naku, firstly she reveals it to kala that dutta is alive n now warns baji to remain careful as it would alert the enemies,  now who is dutta,s biggest enemy bigger than kala??  She comes across as naive n utterly stupid
She has set the enemies behind dutta in full force n she expects bappa to save him.
So, kala has touched breaking point, continues to be haunted and is not just devastated but losing mental balance due to repeated failures in defeating her biggest enemy, Dutta.  This has to be the most memorable act of kala in all her wickedness, front of the mirror.  Must say kala has taken it to a new level, added a new dimension to female protagonist.
But i was surprised that it was a ploy by naku n baji, the shadow game.  Didnt expect the two had it in them to strategise.  And we finally see the real kala,  the facade the mask is off.  The entire family or atleast AS sees first hand the daughter she gave birth to,  aise aulad kisi dushman ko bhi nahi mile.  Ofcourse dutta as always is left out, will be the last one to know the truth of kalwati.  
But the two sisters roops n leela,s confession of being in the dark of kala,s plot to finish dutta seems hollow cause they were part of every evil ploy of kala.  
As you rightly pointed hammie it has all come down to the twisted sense of justice of kala.  Which eight year old can carry a grudge to such demonic proportions ?  
She continues to give it all as she thinks its a fight to the finish.  No half ways about it.  She has taken on literally everyone, doesnt see the futility of it all.   Now since the entire family is neutralised including baji we are heading towards a clash of titans, dutta n kala.  
There is a saying,  jab shaitan ka anth aata hai toh woh saare hadd paar kardeta hai.