~Love Excerpts~The Werewolf & Me (3)~29/06/2014 - Page 19


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Pumpkinn thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Great part ...
Loved it ...
Waiting for next ...
Continue soon ...
Roxxy47 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
OS # 1 :
That really was a Crazy one πŸ˜†...
Armaan getting scared of Shilpa , as in his Fan-Girl , How crazy is that 🀣...
Shilpa's transformation did transform his feelings for her either πŸ˜‰...

OS # 2 :
It was as interesting as the title itself πŸ˜†...
Half Arrange (Shilpa) & Half Love (Armaan) Marriage turns into a complete Love Marriage πŸ˜‰...
Nice use of Shilpa's Nick-Name *Confusion* *Confusion* πŸ˜†

TS :
Now that is something Great πŸ˜ƒ...
Honestly , this is one of the best super natural story i have read ...
Best part was Karan-His Wolf talk πŸ˜†...
I so loved his possessiveness ^_^...
The concept , Plot is very interesting πŸ‘πŸΌ...
The little Dhruv-Seher scene , it clearly explained the 'Mate' thingy πŸ˜‰...

All of these updates were Fabulous πŸ˜ƒ...
Loved all of 'em , Specially the TS ❀️...
Waiting for the last part...
N Thank you for the PM 😊.

Posted: 9 years ago
Who wants the epilogue????
OindrilaVirgoan thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Are you joking??? πŸ˜•

Who wants the epilogue??? πŸ˜²

I cant frigging concentrate on my studies because I have been waiting for that damn epilogue for like so many days and you're asking who needs it?? πŸ˜‘

Koi need kare na kare..I want you to write a seskee epilogue and send it to me..I will read and give you lots and lots of nutella and ofcourse..accha sa comment πŸ€£
A.Kh_20 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
I love you megha!!<3<3<3 And pls,update karde bachcho k liye!!
Posted: 9 years ago
That wasn't me who asked "Who wants the epilogue" thing..it was my sister!
Posted: 9 years ago

"Aarrgghh..." Shilpa moaned internally and tried to move her limbs but couldn't. Instead, she was hit by a soft white light, she found herself transported at an all together different place which was black everywhere. One couldn't tell its starting point or the ending.

"Hello sweetie!"  Shilpa turned her head towards that sound and spotted a snowy white, completely white and flawless wolf walking towards her.

"Who are you?" questioned Shilpa.

"You mated with Silver and he bit you..does that ring a bell?" the wolf asked.

"Who's Silver and by the way Miss White Fur, I mated with Karan, not some Silver or Sliver.." retorted Shilpa.

"Just like I had thought..you would be interesting to live with..I accept you as my human body and soul!" and by this she was felt a nagging pulling sensation and jerked.

Shilpa sat on the body, huffing and panting and sweating profusely. Glancing around she took in the interiors of the room she was in and felt relief flooding through her nerves when she smelt a scent. A scent so masculine that it could put all the men in the world to shame. That scent..it smelt woodsy and spicy, it smelt unbelievingly seductive, primitive and powerful.

What's that smell?

That's our mate, dumbo.


Yes, mate. Mine, mine, mine, only mine mate.

Who are you? And whom are you talking about?

I am your wolf duckie. Silver bit you remember?

"Who's Silver?" Shilpa exclaimed, frustratingly, and that was the moment Karan chose to enter the room.

"Mate" they both whispered and ran-jumped towards each other. Shilpa wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Karan, too, wrapped up Shilpa, tightly in his arms. The hug felt intimate, intimate to an unfreakingreal, unf**kingbelievable and incredibly fantastic level. 

"I was so scared..you weren't waking up..it's been three damn days.." blabbed Karan.

"Ssshhh..." shushed Shilpa, placing her index finger on his lips and kissing his neck, licking it almost.

"I am feeling...why I am feeling like this?"

"That's you and your wolf wanting to mark me, claim me as yours."

"Can I" she sniffed his neck and licked more.

"With pleasure.."

And she did, Shilpa licked, Karan's neck a little bit more and felt her teeth grew into long and sharp canines. It was pure animalistic instinct with what she bit Karan at the spot she wanted. Karan didn't flinched nor cried but moaned out of pleasure.

They both moaned and groaned and all this lead to another mating session, but this time it was really different, more intense, more pleasurable, more romantic and more passionate. They licked, they kissed, they sucked, they bit and after long hours of mating, making love, they laid together panting.

"Who's Silver?" asked Shilpa and trust the sharpened wolfie instincts, even in the darkest of the night, without a single beam of light, Shilpa could tell that Karan was all red, not in anger but because of blushing.

"Well..who told you?"

"Weird it is, but true too..now..My wolf?"

"Silver..it's my wolf's name" he blushed more.

"Aaww..." Shilpa chuckled.

"It sounds girlie...that's why I never told you."

"It's OK, I love that name too.." she giggled.

"So we are together?"

"You having doubts?"

"What about your parents Shilpa? Will they approve our relationship?"

Shilpa tensed and sadness overcame her happiness, "I have no parents Karan, I am an orphan. The only parent I remember is the head of the orphanage, she gave me her surname Swaminathan, I.."

"Sshhh...you aren't alone anymore, I am with you, Seher, Dhruv, Adam, the whole pack is you family now."

"I love you Karan.."

"I love you too.."

One Week Later

"Mom you are looking gorgeous.." gushed Seher, she looked beautiful. Seher and Dhruv had also completed their mating process and Seher, now a werewolf too, healed completely. It was the occasion of Karan-Shilpa's marriage. When asked by Seher, Shilpa gave her permission to call her Mom.

"You sure Seher? I am quite nervous. What if something wrong happens?"

"Mom..don't be nervous! Everything will be fine, perfectly fine." Seher said, putting the veil over Shilpa's face.

Karan and Shilpa were going to have a Christian wedding. Shilpa was looking beautiful in her wedding gown. The gown had lace-y embellishments, silver sequins and was paired with a long veil. It looked perfect, just like Shilpa wanted it to be.

 Shilpa was still feeling nervous, what if she tripped over her dress or something? What if Karan didn't like the gown she was wearing? What if..? Shilpa's chain of thoughts was broken by Dhruv's voice.

"Hey pretty lady, it's time. Lets walk you down the aisle or else Karan will come and take you there by himself.", that made Shilpa chuckle. She's aware of Karan's primitive caveman skills more than anyone. Hooking her arm with Dhruv's, they started walking.

There he stood, looking handsome as ever, dressed in black dress pants, paired with plain white shirt and a black blazer. And that dimpled smile, that overwhelming, traffic-stopping, heart fluttering smile.

Walking towards her mate, the love of her life, Shilpa remembered about the day she woke up as a werewolf..

"Try to imagine how your wolf looks like, let her overtake your senses..try baby" Karan said, rubbing Shilpa's arms lightly.

"I'll try.."

Shilpa closed her eyes and focused on the image of her wolf. Relaxing completely, she let her wolf part took over her senses. Moments later she felt cramps, pain shooting through her body like a bullet. Shilpa let out a cry. Karan took her in his arms and started murmuring sweet encouraging words to her.

Shilpa relaxed for a moment but then again, another shot of pain went through her body, making her shiver. Shilpa fell off Karan's arms and bunched up on the ground. It felt as if her bones were cracking. After few minutes of bones cracking and shaping, Shilpa's cries grew muffled. The transformation had completed, and now in Shilpa's place, there laid a beautiful white wolf.

Karan looked awed; he too transformed into his wolf and nudged Shilpa's wolfie shoulder using his snout. 

Get up baby

Karan mind linked with Shilpa. Shilpa tried to stand up on her new four feet but wobbled and fell on the ground again. It took half an hour for Shilpa to stand up on her fours. Once she did, together they went for a run.

After running and exploring for a few hours, they both stopped to take rest. Karan was extremely happy, his daughter won't die, he finally found his mate, mated with her and she's now a wolf too. Only a little part of the whole story was left.

Mind linking with Shilpa again, Karan licked her facial fur and said, "This might not be the perfect way, not the perfect place, but it's the perfect time to ask; Will you marry me?"

Shilpa whimpered in response, her eyes clouding with tears. She nuzzled Karan's fur and replied back, "Yes! Million times yes!"

"Hey.." Karan's voice brought her out of her thoughts. Dhruv placed Shilpa's hand in Karan's and lifted up her veil.  

The priest offered them genuine smile and started the wedding rituals;

"Do you, Shilpa take Karan as you lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold; from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death."

"I do." Said Shilpa.

"Do you, Karan take Shilpa as you lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold; from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death."

"I do." Karan replied.

"Now you may exchange the rings.." the priest said.

Karan and Shilpa's rings were similar to each other. The rings were made of platinum and had half hearts engraved on it. The only difference was that Shilpa's ring had a solitaire attached to it.

Exchanging the ring, they both said their vows. After prayers and proclamation by the priest, they were pronounced husband and wife.

7 Years Later

"Ekaansh did..."

"Advay stepped on my..."  

"Kavya messed with..."

Shilpa sighed and looked at her 5 year old, triplets. Ekaansh, Advay and Kavya, 3 little boys, 3 little wolfs, full of energy. Shilpa crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at three of them. The triplets had fought again, for no reason in particular. But there fight had created a huge mess in the room.

"1 hour, and I want this room spotless.."

The triplets immediately started cleaning the mess. They were 5 years old but they were wolves, so they were more intelligent, more sharp than humans. Ekaansh started picking up things, while Kavya started moping the floor clean and spotless, while Advay was just sitting on the bed passing orders to both Kavya and Ekaansh.

"He's already showing signs of an Alpha.." Shilpa got startled by the sexy voice of her amazing husband.

Karan wrapped his arms around her waist and together they looked at their children. Though they were born on the same day, but Advay was the first one who kicked entered the world. Being the eldest one, even if it was a matter of few minutes only, Advay was practically the Alpha, if in future Karan steps down from his position only Advay would have a right to it, if not challenged by anyone else.

"Thank you.." whispered Shilpa, kissing Karan's cheek.

"For what.."

"Many things..for coming in my life, meeting me, telling me that we are mates, holding me when I cried for my parents, making me laugh, marrying me, loving me, caring for me, for being the best friend I could ever had and for giving me such an amazing family.." she whispered the last part looking at her three little boys, who were cleaning their room.

"Then, thanks to you too.."

"For what.."

"For the same reasons as yours, wifey.." 

They smiled and hugged each other tightly, soon they were joined by the triplets and all together they had a family hug. And they lived happily ever after...

The End

P.S. Click this link please!! : https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/topic/4076735

Edited by dmegha - 9 years ago
OindrilaVirgoan thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago

This was beautiful to say the least..am actually at a loss of words!! And I've happy tears in my eyes :')

And so totally worth the wait!!!

You have no idea how many times I have visited this particular page no. 32 in the past few days!!

Right from the moment her transformation began..and awww poor Karan was sooo worried that she wasn't waking up for the past 3 days!! 

And Shilpa's convo with her wolf was endearingly hilarious!! Miss White Fur..hehe..sassy Swaminathan πŸ˜‰ And how when she caught that masculine smell her wolf started chanting mine exactly the way Karan's snarky wolf had done πŸ˜‰

And awww their hug..intimate and sooo very schmexee β˜ΊοΈ

And how cute was that when she licked his neck and she wanted to bite him and she's still confused and says- "why am I feeling like this" haha πŸ˜†

And awww Silver..that's Karan's wolf 😳..and double awww he was blushing β˜ΊοΈ and he didn't tell her that because he found it girlie..I could keep on awww-ing β˜ΊοΈπŸ˜† Karan's legit adorable πŸ˜ƒ

And poor her..about her parents that is..but now..no tension..just as Karan said..now she has a whole troop behind her!! 

And yayyy about Seher and Dhruv as well..soo sooo glad that she's absolutely fine now and that they mated as well β˜ΊοΈ

And Shilpa's gown..I could totally imagine her wearing it and looking sooo ethereal and beautiful!! 

And how very awesome that Dhruv walked her down the aisle!! πŸ˜ƒ

And how Karan was with her throughout and when Shilpa let her wolf take over her completely..it was brilliantly described ..and the way he proposed her for marriage..sooo very dreammmyy and sooo very perfect β˜ΊοΈ β€οΈ

And that pic of the wolves..it was totally like Yin and Yang..☯️ Shilpa's the yin to Karan's Yang and vice versa..and that is why they are perfect together!! πŸ˜ƒ

And yayyy they finally got married πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

And ohmyGod they had triplets..hooow cuuute are they..fighting unnecessarily and yet like obedient kids listening to their Mum..while the elder one bosses them around..and then Karan says that he's showing signs of being the Alpha..woootothefreakinghooo 

All in all..it was a fabulous update Megzzzyy..I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and it will definitely go to my bookmarks wala list cos its one of my fav stories ever, honestly!! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ƒ

And now I'l try my best not to flood your wishlist..haha πŸ˜†
Edited by OindrilaVirgoan - 9 years ago
A.Kh_20 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Ur surprising us each day whatsup with u?? Love ya gal.. Seriously!!<3<3<3<3
OindrilaVirgoan thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Oh and I forgot to write and I dont know why people get so psyched about this..but now that they do so even I will do the same and say that- "Yayyy am the first to comment..yayyy yayyy"