LTL thread 1~repeated on Rishtey WU 117~p.148 - Page 45


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Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

                                            LTL Written Update

                                                      Episode ~54

                                                  11th March 2010


The  episode picks up from the point  when Aye Sahib identifies that one unmarried girl is short for the essential ritual  about to take place. Roops volunteers, but Kala as usual deters her younger sister from participating in the prayer ritual. The sisters are eyeing Babi and  Naku, looking for further reason to humiliate the mother and daughter. .. so eventually Leela marches towards the  Babi  and  Naku,  and addresses Naku in the usual derogatory name calling manner... hey dusky! get up  and do the puja! both Babi and Naku are taken aback,  Naku blurts, me?..Babi stands open mouthed and looks perplexed at  Leela , who reiterates , yes  her!.. Kala moves into the hunt. Leela, carries on with her caustic comments, well.. you never know by doing this puja you too may get married  soon  Naku .. and Kala who arrives at the spot, sneers too.. who knows  you and your mother may have already found a groom for you..may be he's around here somewhere. Babi looks in horror after she hears  Kala 's words.. and turns to look  at her daughter. Aye Sahib call   Naku affectionately , come  Naku..  Naku still dithers, but her mother , under pressure bids her daughter to do as she was told. Timidly Naku walks past Dutta and Supriya , who stand together,  and heads towards Aye Sahib.. who clearly says for all to hear,.. for you are blessed  and bring good fortune to Bhau when you are around him .. she  smiles at Naku. Dutta stands serious faced, with hooded eyes...but he does smile quietly, at his mother's words  about  Naku. Naku too gives a little smile , and Aye sahib  suggests, to Supriya 's mother, come let's start with the puja.  Aye walks with Naku to the area where the worship is meant to be held...Dutta briefly gives Supriya a sided look and they all follow Aye Sahib. Supriya's mother who follows her daughter is  a very happy mother.. this is all very ceremonial and sombre.. Dutta does not have to try much with his over all manner.. for he is forever stiff and coarse like an emery board.. chuckle chuckle.. ohhh his manicured , filed nails.. his hands and his gun are  always.. cleannn.. apologies going do la le..! cannot be serious on serious occasions..


                                                       The ceremony

The ceremony begins.. five unmarried girls sit in a row before the pearly white statue of Ganesh the family deity. Supriya 's mother starts with the act of ablution by washing and wiping and anointing the feet of the girls... Naku gives a sided look to all the actions taking place...does she worry that her colour may wash of her feet?.. she does try to cover her toes after the ablution.. obviously the action goes unnoticed.. probably taken as  Naku's general feeling of being misplaced. Dutta too stands with Supriya and watches this part of the ceremony. Aye Sahib stands and swells with pride as she sees her son with his future wife. Finally Supriya's mother performs arti of each of the five girls.The sisters, including  Sudarshan stand bored with the length of the ceremony perhaps. But Kishore rejoices in it spiritually.  Naku, looks at Dutta when her arti is performed and Aye sahib and  Babi watch and smile. next Naku along with  the other girls are given a platter with gifts on it , a sari, green glass bangles, a gulal pot..the closing prayer of the worship is offered and Dutta too ,soberly joins together in obeisance before Bappa .. lovely scene where Naku , looks at the gifts for her on the brass metal platter.. how she likes the bangles and then puts them.. how she feels the pot of vermillion .. she looks like a child excited on receiving a present..

The next section of the festivities carry on . Supriya's mother sprinkles holy water on the four columns of the mandap. The sisters especially  Leela,  looks sheepishly around, and overhead. Supriya and Dutta with Ravi tail ending.. arrive and the couple takes position under the pyramid mobile canopy of the ornamental mandap. Leela  yet again turns her eyes up.. and shifts around ,and casually approaches the column where the top section of the mandap is.. Kala watches her with her feline looks..something tells me Kala so very much wants  Leela 's plan to back fire.. Leela looks around furtively and then waits for the opportunity to loosen the rope.. and then casually grasps the  end, and pulls it.. and it comes loose.. as the weight of the canopy is heavy , the rope comes loose without much difficulty... the sisters watch as the mobile pyramid of flowers begins to rock slowly..

 Once the deed is done , Leela slyly takes  a few steps back and joins her sisters...waiting for the disaster to happen. Dutta and Supriya stand with their heads bowed, ..and Dutta at one point smiles quietly at his three sisters standing before him,  looking innocent and staid. Soon the ceiling of the mandap rocks and the four columns attached to it also shake violently..

Supriya 's father stands with folded hands  and says a word of thanks to Aye Sahib , we are very grateful to you, Aye replies, we haven't done anything, it's all the grace of Aye Jagdammba! Leela looks up at the shaking mandap with a big smile.. but Kala looks on apprehensively , dreading what will happen and when.. as although it was rocking it was taking a long time to come tumbling down.. Dutta looks down and smiles...suddenly his phone rings and he leaves the mandap to answer it, one minute he says to Supriya and moves out of the mandap...a timely disappearance , I wonder if   Leela considered this as well.. to catch Supriya alone?

Once Dutta leaves, Supriya stands all alone, her hands clasped and eyes down cast... but she raises them to meet Ravi's eyes.. Ravi   have to say is a great body guard !never  takes his eyes off her.. Dutta  attends to his call and Ravi lowers his eyes for one second.. but soon after he sees one of the pillars rocking and swiftly  after, his eyes move up to the top of the mandap  and then he looks at  Supriya 's figure underneath the rickety  embellished frame..  suddenly he sees it coming down but in time he pulls Supriya from  underneath it.. and it comes crashing to the floor!

Supriya 's mother screams!   Kishore screams oyeee! puja thalli crashes .. Dutta spins around with the sound... looks at the crumpled flower bedecked frame ! erect like a tent on the floor..  Baji eyes pop out! all look down and then up completely baffled by this fiasco! Aye Sahib nearly lost her breath.

Supriya lies shaken and sided on the floor.. she looks over her shoulder at the scene . Ravi  too lies nearby on the floor. Aye sahib calls Supriya ?.. Leela grinds her teeth and Kala puts on a distressed look.. Dutta 's jaw drops and he  goes to the spot  in a hurry. With a scowl on his face he looks above. And then goes over to Supriya , crouches beside her and holds her  up by her upper arm and back.. and she looks at him.. and he looks at the mandap, as his eyes shift .. Ravi too on the floor looks towards the scene and raises his bleeding hand.  Leela looks extremely worried. Supriya tries to turn and catch sight of Ravi behind her..  Dutta turns his face to one side with an angry scowl. Turns to look at Supriya lying on the floor.. much concerned , he looks over and notices Ravi's bleeding hand. Eventually, he pulls Supriya to her feet ,like a gentleman and asks politely, are you alright? She nods and both side parents, give thanks to their deity. Babi ,Ganpat and  Naku run to serve, and Dutta turns his head and growls , someone call the doctor!.

 Baji turns up and yells, which useless person has made this blunder!.. Dutta hears  Baji's voice and flares his nostrils enraged..and cranks his neck,  now I am to over see the dcor too! go and check who tied this mandap! this the second time it has happened, she could have lost her life!  he hollers. Baji looks shell shocked.. it seems that this will be seen as a lapse on  Baji's part...his guilt comes out very soon before every one..

Yes Bhau!  Baji responds and then yells at the BG'S , you! go get the guy who erected the mandap!

All wait for the man , and finally he is brought in forcefully , as he was some criminal ..  Baji grabs him by the collar and yells in his face, getting too big for your boots! is this the way  you put up a mandap! Baji gives him a back hand slap across his face and then attacks the man screaming at him, roughing him left right and centre as all watch,  you'll put up Bhau's mandap like this? and gives him another frenzied resounding slap ..  Kishore shouts  Baji !  somebody stop him!.. but  Baji carries on  with his slapping..  Kishore goes to Baji'side and pulls him away and attempts to restrain him..  Kishore says, at least let the man speak ! but  Baji continues bellowing .. and Aye Sahib calls out , Baji ! you stop now.. and go and check up on Ravi .. The dcor man runs and kneels before Aye Sahib , and cries.. as Dutta looks at him  and then walks over to Aye Sahib where the man stays kneeled at Aye 's feet. He pleads, I  checked every think was secure!I don't know?  someone here must have messed around with it ..all listen and become uneasy ,especially Aye Sahib. Dutta looks aside, and Leela looks worried and feels the sweat above her lip , and presses her brow with her hand.. and Kala glares, and sees  Baji , squirming in unease,  Sudarshan  confused, and  Naku too Kala thinking , no one will ever suspect us three sisters,  people like ,  Baji ,  Sudarshan and  Naku can be easily deemed as possible suspects?.. the man begs, I am telling the truth .. Aye Sahib looks at Dutta standing beside her for a decision... and Dutta decides, you can go he says to the man. The man much relieved leaves. Leela looks anxious and Kala gives  her a sided look with a remark, fix your face it looks a sorry sight  any one can suspect you. .. seen your plan, I knew it!  just don't know why I  went along with it! see! everything back fired ..  Leela  protests, Tai.. and Kala snubs her  be quiet.. next time never use your brains.. Roops chips in, Tai.. Supriya vahini's body guard is so good, he saved in   no time just like superman! so cute isn't he?.. Kala snubs her, if you think he's cute shall I get you married to him! she gives Roops a glare and turns and leaves in a strop. Roops grinds, lets go Tai ! and they too leave..

Dutta  with a wrinkled brow turns and says, I'll be back  and leaves too.. Supriya's mother turns to Aye sahib , I am very scared, one after the other, inauspicious things are happening..

Dutta goes to Baji near the entrance, and they talk. Supriya takes the opportunity to get closer to Ravi , she looks at his hand and tries to reach out for it..but he holds it back, turns and walks away.. and Supriya stands looking very anxious... and then slowly leaves..


                                                          Kala's room  

Kala complains all the plans are failing! how can this be possible? have tried everything with this Supriya! but each time she is saved!  Leela complains, we have bad luck! otherwise how could Supriya be saved this time.. Roops says yes that's true Tai . Kala says defiantly , if that's the case then Kalavati will change her luck this time! this time I will hatch such a plan that Supriya  will not be able to save herself  .. you two just stay put over here for some time.. don't follow me, just wait till  I'll back..

Kala walks purposefully  past the guest room, it's almost  like she has a premonition  that she is on to something good..

Supriya's voice... Ravi on my account.. Kala pauses and eavesdrop..  leave Ravi, no! I can't bear to see you in this condition.. Kala strains to listen... Supriya says firmly , you  go back!

Kala peeps in,  from the gap, to confirm who Supriya speaks to and .. sees Ravi !

Kala cannot believe her lucky stars! ..episode ends, Hamlet53~ 9.11.13


Recap ~ each day is getting closer to the wedding, and you are telling me not to be rash! Ravi calms Supriya and explains, now listen carefully to what I am about to tell you..  Kala eavesdrops,  ummm love triangle, I think this is what one calls a love triangle.. umm Supriya,  you have made things so  much easier , now you watch! I'll help you get married to Ravi..


A good mix of flavours in the episode.. quick steps and pacey . I think yet another one of the reasons LTL 1 is liked, may be because , it bounces along..keeps one moving before boredom sets in.  Mind you there were instances where I felt more could have been done to joggle things up a bit.. tasha scenes... across the board.

The puja ritual and it's significance was interesting to watch. This has been seen as a strength of the programme,  where faith and common practice  traditions are interwoven into the plot  and used to the story's advantage..

 Naku ending up as the fifth unmarried girl is accepted by viewers as the will of the Gods. In the fairy tale realms.. almost seen as a step up in the rags to riches story .. ugly duckling taking a tiny step towards becoming a swan.

 Naku is yet again insulted , nothing new .. but on the other hand Aye Sahib  declares before all that  Naku is auspicious for Dutta.

The cold war between  Leela and Kala continues.. power struggle. With Kala it's all about CONTROL.  

Baji is made to look like he has cocked up security.. while Ravi is seen to be "superman" as Roops puts it..

 But the last section which shows Kala eavesdropping and coming across a vital piece of information has to be the highlight of the episode.


N.B..  thanks for reading the previous wu, ..warrie.. hmm.. so you finally decided to show up..  remember you..? ab main kya bolon forum pe ...comment  aacha tha, that's why I let you off you lazy daisy .. ivy,  good to hear from you , looking forward to your comments , bart enjoyed your comments about the bar scene and the  riti riwaj scene.. Dutta is a man who provokes thoughts in many.. aur  Naku.. profound simplicity.. saach... fassben, twinky~ multiple babies,  jedy, tammy many thanks.. keep reading.. 

Friday's wu will be posted on Sunday .. my OS.. set me back.. sorry..        

ivy_11 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Episode ~53

Tasha's comfort level is amazing. The simplicity of the scene and conversation  make it special. There is a bond between them and IMO opinion each of them is trying to make the moments linger without realizing it..atleast Dutta doesn't. No heavy duty drama here and the atmosphere is peaceful so different from the hustle-bussle of the rest of PN.

Baji the patent Roothi huyi Bibi..even Dutta acknowledges it😆 Now that Naku has started playing psychiatrist, Baji can concentrate on the work front.

As if Evil Trio  was not enough that suds had to come in and put in his two bits. But the only sensible thing he has ever said... that though DSP's profession is filled with blood and gore his principles are that of a saint. Don & Saint quite an antithesis.

Great WU Hammie👍🏼

tamanna1391 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
tasha bonding nakku preffered lucky for dutta
-bharti- thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
As ever your writing makes up for any lacklustre in the episode,  you have said pretty much everything in your footnote  👏
Yeah agree with you the festivities, rituals customs have added greatly to the success of the show, Yet there was so much scope for improvement.  Dutta n baji were made to look almost helpless n useless in the face of the conspiracies.  They couldnt unravel a single plot hatched by evil trio.  That doesnt speak well of a powerful don 😲  Except for screaming against baji dutta did nothing much, Pretty lame i thought 😛
But naku,s acting as koel naku is praiseworthy.. She is innocence personified, ignorant too, sometimes stupid as well 😆 but atleast it fit her character.  Her surprise n delight being part of the rituals was so pure.  Babi,s shocked reaction to kala n leela,s out of the blue invite to naku was perfect.  She was stumped totally as if caught in the act at their words.
Thank you hammie,  no hassle with the slight delay..  On the contrary Im amazed that you can manage so much 😊
Edited by -bharti- - 10 years ago
twinkle-star thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Hi Hammie🤗
Awe..Such a wonderful update dear...Enjoyed it soo much...Specially loved your analysis about the episode..❤️.Your side comments also wonderful..Its such a treat to read hammiee..Thank you so much dear..Eagerly waiting for tomorrow...You brilliantly manage all your thread dear...Really amazing.⭐️⭐️⭐️...Hats off to you⭐️⭐️..Thanks so much  dear..🤗.

sona89 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Hi hamlet
awesome ud😊read all
ivy_11 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
My Shakespeare- Wali  Hammie😛 Thou art doing an awesome task ⭐️

This episode had a lot of masala for the usual serial followers..Puja and customs, Saazish behind the scene, drama and the good vs the bad characters. However it was a bit overwhelming for me  Anything beyond Tasha and Duji for too long and my attention span waivers. 😆

Your WU was crisp yet detailed enough to fill me in with the important stuff. Yes, you have rightly pointed out there exists a major sibling rivalry between Kala and Leela...and that maybe a reason for their plots failing so frequently. Though it would have been to Kala's advantage if Sups had died under the mandap crash, she cannot but help goad at Leela's failure. If these two didn't have their common target Dutta they would have thought nothing of plotting against each other instead.

Koel Naku is too white a character ...with a permanent halo shinning around her. She fails to see the intent of insult when she is asked to sit for the pooja. Its a wonder that living in a chawl and fighting odds daily have left her innocence untouched...that of a one year old perhaps. Babi on the other hand  (being older and wiser???) can sense the under current.

The way Baji was treated in these episodes was quite annoying. What can the poor guy do if he is given so many useless tasks (maybe he should learn how to delegate!)and the culprits are ET? It would be a mortal sin to accuse them of anything at this stage.

Thank God Ravi was there for Sups and we didn't have to jhalo them for much longer.

alex1 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: -bharti-

Alex, felt the need to give you my personal opinion or understanding as to what went wrong..  Actually thats a million dollar question n only colors channel bosses can answer 😃Atleast what we know or were made to know was firstly Mishal left as his contract came to an end  and he had extended his contract thrice b4 quitting so that the makers of the show could decide the further course of action.  Strangely rumours began floating even b4 he quit about his alleged misbehaviour or attitude problems on the sets of laagi etc etc..   which shocked not just the viewers but Mishal himself n many of his co actors n laagi technicians staff including    Basically for Mishal it became impossible to continue any further even if he wanted.  

Worse was the high handedness of the people at the helm of the channel n the manner the changes was forced.  Instead of addressing the issue amicably n continuing with the show in its original form they chose to change n chop.  They first bring Aadesh as digu with a twist in the storyline.  The twist was difficult to digest as the same character digu who was responsible for the vanishing of the most popular character Dutta was glorified.  When that failed to garner trps they brought back Dutta with shabbir.  

But both the actor n the storyline failed to make any impact.   

When the USP of the show the character of Dutta was changed beyond recognition, the storyline tampered on adhoc basis naturally any number of changes n twists, additions deletions, plots n subplots failed to save the ill fated show there upon.

Unfortunately the audiences who mattered the most were left in the lurch.  We were robbed of the logical culmination to a perfectly scripted show.   


Bharti, thank you for giving more insight.  LTL1 was the 1st serial and more so the 1st in any fiction show that had held my interest for more than one or two episodes I had ever watched.  I did not and still do not understand much about how TV shows, especially Indian TV shows work, their TRP system, what drives their viewership, who or what the decision-makers are, so obviously because I had never watched Indian TV before or any other fiction show for any length of time, I am less knowledgeable about the practices, persuasive strategies, persuasive arguments, or methods in this business and even if and when they are/were being used.  Most important, I wouldn't even know if these practices are being used deceptively clever or not.  Regardless of the circumstances, the initial and final decisions, egos and what not, the audience/fans, then, ongoing now and maybe the future ones, I agree @bluebold above.


Edited by alex1 - 10 years ago
Warda. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Hi hammie thanks for another wonderful ud. ..very well described you never miss a single  expression from the episode :)
Interesting ritual performed and unexpected entry of naku too made it more interesting. ..though evil trio forced naku to join to  insult her but AS words that naku is auspicious for dutta overshadows their bad behaviour.

To some extent pre wedding episodes were dragged and miss more of tasha...hmm another fail plan of evil trio ...gosh what if dutta didn't move away from mandap what was leela thinking actually 🤔. tells a lot about kala'S Nature that she can't even see her own sister winning...

Highlite as you mentioned has to be the important info about ravi and supriya...kala ki tu lottery nikal aae she should start some solid work pleajjj jaldi I cant wait for tashas wedding 😉

Thanku hammie loved reading every bit of your ud next episode soon 😊
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

                                         LTL Written Update

                                              Episode ~55

                                            12th March 2010


                                                   Guest Room

Episode starts from the point where Supriya urges Ravi to leave.. Kala puzzled stops, takes in the conversation, plus manages to confirm that it is without a doubt the body guard Ravi ,that  Supriya is having a heart to heart with..Kala is literally gobsmacked.. as Supriya pleads, Ravi why have you come here?..  a stressed Ravi argues, Supriya how can I leave? your father.. and she interrupts , you should have refused my babaa.. and he reiterates, Supriya I wanted to see you for the last time.. shouldn't I have done this much for my Supriya ?..outside a fascinated Kala muses, Supriya vahini and this body guard... hmmm.. seems like they are quite close..   Supriya cries, what difference does it make  Ravi ? you won't be able to tolerate it.. I'll  compromise  with my fate.. if you stay before me , then I'll become weak.. Kala gives a sarcastic smile..  seeing others in pain and misery gives her some kind of a kick.. Ravi  comes up to Supriya and begs , don't ask me to leave Supriya! she rejects his arms and cries, then what should I do? you weren't  present in the village when the proposal came... the happiness on Aye and babaa's faces, I saw! didn't know what to say?I  couldn't stop them!.. I was frightened as soon as I heard it was Bhau!.. she weeps and Ravi pulls her to his chest and closes his arms around her to console her. Kala peeps and has her tongue in her cheek.. at the close proximity between Supriya and Ravi .. she thinks I don't believe this.. another new twist.. a new story, Supriya loves Ravi.. and Bhau loves Supriya .. and the servants daughter,loves Bhau, hummm.. love triangle, I think this is what one calls a love triangle.. umm Supriya,  you have made things so  much easier for me , now you watch! It'll is my responsibility to get married to Ravi.. wow Kalavati what luck you have, being at the right place at the right time.. let me tell those two dimwits.. actually no.. hold on Kala muses, if Supriya herself is going to leave Dutta,  which is exactly what I want ..  then now no more plans and  conspiracies  have to be hatched..  judges  Kala ..  

Inside Ravi tells Supriya ,  don't do anything hasty, he is the Bhau .. Bhau .. Supriya recalls .. FB, Aye sahib says once you wear the ancestral bangles, then the girl belongs to this household.. child these ornaments will remind you that you have become part of Nagesh Rao's family...Dutta ShreeRam Patil's wife! alarmed Supriya stands up and cries, each day is getting closer to the wedding, and you are telling me not to be rash! Ravi calms Supriya and explains, Supriya please do you trust my love? do you? then.. now listen carefully to what I am about to tell you..  at the moment the atmosphere is very volatile.. to enrage Bhau now , is like putting your hand in a beehive!.. Supriya cries, as she looks around, Ravi don't tell me anything! just take me away from this place!.. Kala has a smirk on her face.. after she hears Supriya's desperation to flee from Bhau and his habitat!.. but Ravi puts out Kala's fire by saying in affirmative to Supriya .. no yet! Supriya not right now!  if we get caught now , we can never be together..  Supriya argues, then what am I supposed to do?, Ravi advises her, you need to win every one's trust!.. outside Kala  smiles tongue in cheek.. and Ravi continues, you need to win every member's trust  in this house.. Supriya walks away confused, and how am I supposed to do that?.. Ravi I don't even wish to talk to anyone here.. she sobs... and Ravi walks up behind her and says emphatically , Supriya you need to win Bhau's heart! convince him that you love him!, Supriya looks terrified by the idea .. and Ravi continues, once this security is loosened, we will surely run away from here! I assure you.. Supriya dismisses the idea, what are you saying Ravi ? I only love you.. how could I  with Bhau.!yuck!I hate the very sound of his very name! the truth is even his hands smell of blood! [Grrr saying that about Dutta's slender hands!] when he comes in front of me I loathe him! Ravi comes to her side and convinces her.. this is the only way! won't you do this much for our love?. Kala rattles at the word love.. vahini  Sahib  only the foolish fall in love ! but she muses,  you are making my work easier, so why shouldn't I help you, I'll surely help you. ..then you'll understand both good and evil, and slowly you'll understand Kalavati as well... and smug as a bug she turns and leaves..


                                                   Out house

 End of the day Naku as par usual stands beside the window looking out.. Ganpat arrives, singing songs it's clear he is tipsy.. under his shirt to the side is a bulge.. his singing gives  both  Babi and  Naku the message what state he is likely to be in... humming he sits on the chair and gives his wife a sided look, before he takes out a large bottle of alcohol, from his side.

Nothing goes past  Babi, and she yells, hey Ganpat where did you get the bottle from?  Naku turns from the window and looks at her father annoyed. Ganpat rolls his eyes and  Babi says, I know you stole it from Bhau's bar, didn't you? you thief!  and he  goes, hey don't talk like a complete idiot! I work hard !  I don't steal! and what do you think that Bhau is an angel? he's not! but a robber! There's no difference between him and Morey !. Naku turns her face the other way in anger.. and  Babi shouts , you can't be loyal to any one! don't look at Bhau's job look at his character! he does so much for poor people like us, how can you compare Bhau with that  sick Morey !. Ganpat argues, hey I've seen the world very closely , you know! don't talk to me !..seems that when Ganpat gets drunk nowadays he comes out with same parrot fashion comparison between Morey and Bhau !..  Ganpat quotes the proverbial saying, one reaps what one sows! and he fills up his glass.Babi comes towards him angrily .. while he carries on.. didn't you see what happened today! I can tell you this marriage isn't going to happen! 100 %. will not happen! Babi shouts back at him, you have such a bad tongue saying negative things. Naku looks alarmed by her father's prediction .  

But Ganpat laughs, it's not that ,it's Bhau's luck that is bad. Naku chides him , babaa ! Sethji is asleep and he has school tomorrow. Ganpat as usual gets weary of Naku.. so he changes his tune,  you know I come here to relax ,after work! but you people don't seem to get that.. and  he heads towards the bed...and yells talking to women is simply a waste of time! all you do is yap and bicker ..and he flops at  the edge of the bed where  Sethji  sleeps..  the noise  wakes him up .. whose there? he yells half asleep , and Ganpat tells him,  it's me!  go back to sleep.  Babi argues ,  me ! me! who are you any way?  and he replies.. I'll tell you some other time!..Babi loses her temper , right now ! you move out of here! and he says to her , completely drunk, let me go out of my way!  and he leaves muttering you spoiled my mood , just one minute...and returns for his glass...and starts bowing his head to Babi,I bow to you oh goddess  he and reverses out of the room... what men in this house do under the influence of alcohol.. Dutta bust Naku's forehead!  and  Ganpat talks gobbledegook !

 Babi shuts the door once her drunken husband leaves.  She calls Naku , let's go to sleep. Naku says yes.. and briefly pauses, and then pinches  the top of her hand... distressed she decides, no! no more dreaming! She looks at the  giant teddy sitting on the chair  and  mutely walks past it.. things are pretty definite between  Saab and Supriya there is no pointing of thinking about him.. also I suspect..  Naku  has decided to suppress her sentiments for him.. for now she sees her main task is to ensure she gets them together..


                                                     Kala's room

  Leela paces impatiently up and down in Kala 's room..the door eventually opens and in swans Kala looking very complacent, and she gives Leela a scintillating smile... both sisters move in towards each other , and  Leela says, Tai where have you been , I've looked everywhere for you..  and we promised each other that we would share , everything we find out in this house. She probes Kala , but Kala  evades the subject with her usual charm.. oh yes..  Leela , you now I am feeling very feels like I  haven't slept in ages ... I suggest you too go to sleep as well, hummm , she says with a little pat on  Leela 's cheek...and walks to her bed.  Leela watches her move to the bed, and confused says, what's happened to her? sometime back she was dying to have Bhau's marriage stopped..and now? I'll see for how long she will conceal it from  me...muses  Leela


                                                   Dutta's Den

New day begins at Patil Nivas. Naku comes up the wooden stairs to Dutta's room with a dusting cloth. Ummm.. ok.. Dutta's bare back revealed.. he's busy shoving his arm in his  steel blue he wrestles to get his other arm in, his athletic back is on show.. by the time  Naku walks in, he has pushed his head in through the collar opening and is pulling his shirt to fit his tall lean body. An embarrassed Naku briskly turns her  whole body  the other way.. with a quick spin he turns and looks at her distant figure with narrowed eyes probably wondering how much  has she seen...she walks away.. and he calls,  Naku !.. without turning to face him him she says yes.. and she fumbles.. he asks , what's happened? Saab , Aye Sahib asked me to  come up and clean your room.. she says with lowered  eyes..  Naku is avoiding even looking at him... Dutta looks down and then nods, ok do it, remember one thing,  don't disturb my things .ok?.. Naku keeps her eyes lowered , and says ok  Saab.. now it suddenly occurred to me is she trying to be quiet in keeping with what he said I like talking to you , but when you talk less..?  he  turns from her and does what he was meant to do..  she now looks up with her big bold eyes, and sees the gun on his bedside table,  and an open brief case loaded with money on the edge of  his bed. Naku blinks her eyes. Dutta comes towards her with his phone in hand.. her eye falls on his collar buttons, his hairy chest is evident. After some thought she says Saab and he looks quizzically at her , one eyebrow raised.. haan, for a second she goes quiet , and he says,  now say something and looks at her wondering when she was going to  say what it is.. , and she says, one of your buttons is missing.. he looks down at his open neck and his mouth gapes in a bit of quandary.. she offers, I'll fix it Saab, and he looks at her and says, you know how to fix it?..  she says yes , and after a brief thought with hooded eyes, he goes,  ok,  the needle and thread is in the cupboard.. wow I am impressed his lordship  has a sewing box.. but why? a man shooting off pistols would  having anything to do with haberdashery?..

He moves aside, what a gentleman.. and let's her get to his wardrobe. She gets it and turns around to look at him.. he is totally immersed in his phone. She moves past him and meticulously sets the box down on a table where he stands. He puts the receiver to his ear, with pouted this scene his pout is a real starrer.. very defined..ummmh.. eye catching.

A  wholly content  Naku , sits near his feet and threads the needle with her fingers, while his fingers, eyes and ears, are focussed on his business related call.. she steals a glance at him.. but he is busy.. is Dutta making the call to ease the activity she was about to undertake on him.. like making it less awkward .. stitch him.. me chuckling.. Naku  stands up  ready ..he turns his face to one side as she does the job.. constantly he is on the phone , eyes hooded, arm folded, attending to the phone.. while Naku  hears the tunes of love vibrating in her fluttering heart.

She steals glances at him and pricks herself and startles .. he looks down at her and tells her off, you're not paying attention, got pricked?.. show me,  but she says it's ok , and he growls, show me!

Miserable faced Supriya comes up the stairs with Ravi beside her.. and  they hear Dutta's growl.They pause before Dutta's room and she looks around and looks at Ravi and then unwillingly goes into Dutta's room. Dutta who looks down at Naku's hand suddenly looks up at Supriya with a serious face. She continues to move forward towards Dutta and  Naku ... and calls , I'll sew the button. Dutta turns his face towards her suspiciously , while Naku too looks at Supriya.. Dutta  briefly looks at his phone in hand and says, it's ok! Naku 's doing it already. Supriya lowers her eyes and adamantly progresses forward anyway, and says to  Naku,  Nakusha  you leave, I'll do it now..  Naku nods and gives the threaded needle to Supriya. Dutta just  looks down at the handover..  as Supriya moves closer to Dutta and Naku , looks  at her briefly and then slowly and resignedly leaves the room.. Dutta turns his face the other way, while Supriya carries on.. then he turns his face towards the door glaringly and comments,  you don't really have to do all this... I know why you are doing all this? and she looks down and replies , no it's not how you think, your anger is justified,.. he gives her a hooded  look, not really believing her.. he has a FB, of the time when he  smashed the lampshade in her room... she looks up into his eyes and confesses,  , it's just that I got unnerved. He looked down at her hands, and then asks her directly.. are you afraid of me?. she stares back at him, moves her eyes to the side.. probably Ravi who stands in the shadows. and then lowers her eyes without really replying. He moves to his bedside table and grabs his gun, shoves it towards his back, reaches for his waist coat, pulls it on, and says , that's how I am, and that's how I'll stay.. he moves to the bed, leans to  close  his brief case.. grabs it and stands before her with a stern face and states clearly to her.. you have to decide.. what you want...he gives her one final tough look and walks off to work.. leaving her standing alone in his room. Supriya watches his back.. episode ends.. Hamlet53 ~10.11.13


Precap: Ravi moans at her, you can't even do such a small job!.. she protests, that's it! I cannot do this anymore! either you take me away from here, or I'll  poison myself! but I am definitely not! going ahead with this marriage! .. fed up he grabs her wrist, and pulls her down the corridor!

N.B ~ many thanks for your feedback on the previous WU.  Ivy, warrie, bart, tammy, alex, sona, twinky.

Ivy.. loved your description of  Naku.. too white,  halo on her head.. so true..  and that she fails to see the insult involved in her being involved in the puja.. however it's  rather faith based, as many believe that the gods, look kindly upon a person who is humble, almost with childlike simplicity and innocence that Koel Naku does have.. when coming across deceit.. it's like  pay back evil with goodness.. but have to say I do understand the worth of divine wisdom, can we say  Naku is blessed with her Bappa's divine wisdom, in the face of the evil trio.?  Shakespeare of course talks about "fair is foul and foul is fair".. "all that glitters is naught gold"..

Warrie loved your comment about Kala ... she can't even see her own sister winning... many thanks for your feedback.. just whizzed thro'it abhi.. keep them coming..order your siggy.. was meaning to say..

Alex I am so pleased you got to read bart's comment about your query regarding the show.. she has expressed  it  so  objectively.. my answer would have been  a volley of abuse for the channel in question...and now would you believe it, as Fassben pointed out on Akki's thread.. colours gives promos of LTL1 on Rishtey like mad. I mean really.. when it was on it was as many laagi members put it colours step child.. well old is gold. It is still  highflying on Rishtey repeats.

This episode was bound to be captivating.. what with the precap.. Kala on to something juicy.  But what stands out more clearly now is how all are out to get Dutta ..

Take a peek into the liaison between Ravi and Supriya. Their meeting in the beginning of the episode wants me to make me compare their meeting with Naku's and Dutta's bar meeting.. Ravi Supriya although lovers, are in conflict with each other , as to how to deal with this mess Supriya is in.. she is cracking up urging him to elope with him or else!  He urges her to persist.. and conspires .. win Dutta's trust..  so more plotting.. against Dutta .

Dutta Naku in the bar scene.. although not lovers.. but they still warm to each other's company,  he talks and she listens and gives him little problem solving tips.. yet in all this too is Dutta remains a tragic figure.. all conspire against him.. Ravi /Supriya, his sisters, sadly Naku too, by concealing her true appearance.      

 Then in the episode there's Kala, who leaves the guest room precinct with great satisfaction.. the reason being  that the man she hates the most,  i.e her brother Dutta! is hated by the woman he is about to marry.. the situation is furthered spiced up more to her liking,  by the fact that Supriya has a lover, about whom Dutta is unaware.. sheer joy for her.

 Then there is discomfort  to note the degree of revulsion Supriya has for a man who is nothing short of a god both in his home and the area he resides in.. of course she goes by his trade.. makes me think.. is Supriya rebelling against his acquired, status , wealth power.. or is she simply a woman who shuns Dutta , for she loves another..

 Then comes Ganpat who too is anti Dutta. He comes out with his repeated comparison between Dutta and Morey ..  so over all  the episode is  an attack on Dutta.. all the conspiracies that are carried around his person.       

However, the episode does have some moving Naku trying to convince herself she will not be dreaming about him  anymore.. and then in the button scene she literally drools over him.. Dutta , telling Supriya exactly  what to do with herself!..  take it or leave it baaabbby...

Hamlet53.. 10.11.13.


Edited by Hamlet53 - 10 years ago