LTL thread 1~repeated on Rishtey WU 117~p.148 - Page 2


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swati2008 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
brilliant idea...i didnt watch initial episodes of ltl...i started watching after dutta i can catch up...just love u darling...update soon...and thanks for mentioning me in the post...
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
RHISTEY  LTL repeat .. written updates

Promo: Shows a girl called Nakusha, upleasing to the  eye, living in humble surroundings. Voice over, a pretty face has reason to remember it, for it tells a story.. Nakusha, no poetry can be written on her nor is she any creatives inspiration.Why would any one want to write about her? but why not a story about her?.. a male voice over says may be I can tell her story..

Promo.. close shot of fingers running through curly long tresses.. silhouette of a female figure, springy hair blowing in the breeze suitcase in hand.. against the horizon; walking away from seashore into the sea against the sunset; ; a falling of green red bangles. Voice over, Nakusha who will love her?.. but she too does not wish to be part of  anyones heart beats.Till suddenly some one comes and says, I will take her hand.On sea , in a trawler, nakusha in bridal wear sits at the bow of the boat. A stranger leans against the trawler boundary rail ,his gold ringed fingers clasped.. Voice over, and that day I decided I will tell you her story..Nakusha.. sounds strange... Montage of dark girl dressed in red as a Maharashtrian bride..

WU. Ep.1 ~ 28th December 2009

                                                                  Basti [fishing village]

Scene opens

 A sleepy fising village, flanked by the sea reflecting trawler lights on one side  under cover of darkness. Amidst  some low yellowing street lamps, against nocturnal chripping of crickets and barking of dogs, a lone figure of a man walks towards a  tap. He sits beside it and turns the tap on to check for water.Despondently he puts his ear against the pipe of water fighting off his sleep. He waits till he hears a few drops of water. Behind him a young churl urinates audibly.The old man chides him to which the lad replies, dont you know its the munipality tap flowing! A few lay abouts are asleep on the foot path in cot beds  who complain about the noise. A dog barks... these are clearly no affluent surroundings. Main issue no water in the local tap.

Day breaks, we get a view of the sea against the sound of a trawler.. so  water around ,but not a drop to drink. The street is buzzing with an extended queue of woman holding pots, buckets, babies toddlers, hot and bothered! all waiting for the arrival of consumable muncipality water. Top of the line of course the old man who reserved his place the night before.

 Loud complains from local water users since four days no water.The old man says bitterly, even death comes on time but  this tap never works on time. There is more conflict as women try to push their way forward to top the queque for the tap. One young woman consoles her young baby,and complains loudly she needed to go for work , this wait for water will make her late yet again. She decides she would head for Babis house to borrow two buckets of water.

                                                             Babis house.

Babi, the  female protagonist Nakushas mother introdutuced. She is a middle aged, loud, forceful hard working woman, seems she is in the business of preparing dabbas/tiffins. Its morning Babi carries out pooja before babaa scoffing him, that she worships him but he turns a deaf ear to her. She warns him that her name is Babi! and makes her supplications and requests of seeking blessings for her children, her work and the peace of her house. She reminds the babaa that she has been observed fasts, and as such expects to be blessed, she announces that she puts in hard work and expects to be rewarded. Her worship is interrupted by the whistle of her pressure cooker and with a complian she tends to it, plus yells for  her  Naku!. her daughter for assistance in the kitchen. Babi , returns for her pooja and continues with her moan that, she  rolls chappatis for people, her hands and feet get tired with all the cooking. With great difficulty she has collected money for this  ritual devotion.She  moans to babba you only listen to the rich, never to the poor. 


The woman in the queue, Mangala, Babis neighbour arrives to borrow some from water from Babi and adds that she will return the favour. Babi snubs her by saying no water tanker pays her a visit to give her water , but she says she can solve this water shortage problem. She yells at Naku, get ready while she sorts this water problem out!

Babi marches towards the queue and gets to the top. She seems to hold clout with all the women and none complains as she stopped at the top. The old guy first in the queue humorously remarks ...oh look here comes  the dako [bandit] Babi singh!.

Babi picks up a large stone and bangs it on the pipe of the tap while the rest of the spectators watch aghast at her banging action. She leans her ear against the tap pipe for noise! then she reaches out for a young baby and sits  it along the pipe of the tap and shouts..  aya ga! aye ga aye ga! and low and behold water gushes out of the tap into the bucket below amidst great cheering..!!  I  too was baffled  at her method. The only logical explanation that comes to  my mind is that  the pipe had an air bubble  which Babi burst by creating pressure?.. great cheers of  Bandit Babi singh long live! All fill water in their pots!


Exhausted Babi returns home, sits on her bed and  questions her daughter, are you not ready yet? Nakus music plays as the female protagonist is introduced. A figure bathed in streams of day light peeping through the thatched palm leafed ceiling of the her home. A  show of curtains, and from behind them can be seen a rear view of a girl dressed in lime green shalwar kameez. She picks up her chunni and rests it on one side of her shoulder.She  folds her arms and grips her waist length curly hair from the back of her head in a small claw clip. Babi reminds Naku, if she is late her boss will tell her off,so shes better hurry up !

Outside Mangala  the woman who came to Babi for borrowing water, drags her son to Babis door step. Telling him off that every day you refuse to drink milk and make me late for work! Shall I call Naku?? she yells for Naku and Babi comes out  to listen to mangalas problem.. Babi says  Naku has other things to do than tell  coax her son to finish his milk. Mangala calls for Naku! with the belief that if Naku comes  her son will drink milk.


A hand grabs a curtain, and then a show of feet and then over Babis shoulder come a pair of flashing bold black eyes topped by  bi brows..all frightened the boy hides behind his mother and covers one of his eyes  as this witch life girl steps forth toward the boy and says.. your mother says you are not drinking your milk? She repeats and gives him the evil eye as she clenches her bony witch like hands..  threatening to grab the toddler. She warns do you know what Naku does to those children who dont drink milk?. The frightened boy shakes his head and Naku witch cackles like a witch ! Naku eats them alive!. And we see her discolored teeth on screen.. and like a witch she cackles as the frightened boy finishes his milk.

A delighted mother says well done to Naku , as only she can do this job of frightening children! making them do as they are told! why dont you start a business!  she suggests to Babi you can earn a lot of money!. Babi tells her neighbour off. Nakus face falls sadely, and Babi bitterly looks on at her daughter and says how she hates all this when people poke fun at her looks. Naku consoles her mother. Babi  asks Naku do you like it when every one laughs at you?

Naku says what does it matter if people call her Nakusha or by any other derogatory she has her Babi as a mother who loves her both women hug and cry...Naku says she recalls her grandmother named her Nakusha.. who no one wants.. but you wanted me she says to her mother, and you also know that I am a  good girl,so stop crying and get the pooja ceremony you have finished  sorted out.

Inside the house pooja preparation takes place. Babi notices sugar canes an important element needed for todays pooja is missing. She wonders where they are? Naku says she knows who could have taken the canes..


Sethji ,Nakus brother introduced playing cards with a group of friends.Naku and Babi arrive at he scene and demand to know where the sugar cane stalks are?he refuses to speak , as his mouth is full of gotka/betel leaf, his friends squeal on him. Panicked he spits it out  and Babi demands to know who gave him the money to buy gotka. Sethji says it was his father , when he sold the sugar cane to him. An irate Babi gets hold of a sickle vowing to teach her hushand a lesson shell chop him up in pieces!.major commotion on the street as Babi charges onwards brandishing a sickle in hand looking for her husband. Naku runs behind her mother, calls out to her to let it go...


Ganpat, female protagonists father introduced. Set in a derelict building site, is his  local  self- made liqour kiln ka adaa.. amdist fumes , and his drunken song stand a few  so to speak potential customers.They wait to taste his freshly brewed liquor. The booze ready ,he tastes it first and approves. Whilst others wait. He names it as Ganpat brand  alcohol! He says he dreamt he  would have his own business distilling his own darro! not local bozze but of international quality! an empire that his son  Sethji will run, thats why he named his son Sethji ..a business man

Ganapat promotes his booze to his costumers. who taste , and give seal of approval.

Babi arrives suckle in hand and  gets rough. Complains she collected money for mata pooja and here he has used the cane for making darru. He restrains her and suggests why dont you  give a few drops of my homemade booze to your mata as well!

There is running and chasing between  husband and wife till Ganapat restrains her and takes the sickle  out of her hand. She  cries to let her go.. Naku sees her mother struggle and runs to  rescue her mother. Ganpat, shouts at his wife, you plan to cut me up?  me who gave you and your daughter refuge! had I not? you both would be out on the streets doing dhanda!. They both fight and abuse each other. Naku begs them to stop. Babi shouts at him, that he is useless, a freeloader, who never works.. while she works and earns a living. She moans you never care about your children! and he replies back.. you are the one who brought a child with you from your first one!  More verbal abuse follows between Babi and Ganpat, and Naku tries endlessly to pacify her mother who starts to hyperventilate.. and the episode ends on a horrified Nakusha's face.  Hamlet53.~ 27.8.13.



Edited by Hamlet53 - 10 years ago
tamanna1391 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
start love the first scene eve  i still laugh on that introduction fab remembered ltl going to see first episode

twinkle-star thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Thank you - these words are not enough to say how I feel today...I'm totally speechless...I missed  these episodes in Tamil & I Can't understand the convo in Hindi...But I can't believe this...Honestly Your update is equal to watching those scenes at live...Hats off to you Hammie...Superb Update...BRILLIANT JOB...You didn't miss anything dear...Your update is totally mind blowing...Your description,you writing style ,every thing is wonderful  dear...Enjoyed each & every words...starting scene is funny...Me tooo wondered Why Babi is doing like that???...But you solved that doubt too...Loved your Scientific explanation..๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ...Ohhh...Villagers used Naku as a evil is little bit painful...Ohhh..Ganpat scold Babi with bad words๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก...Then Why did he marry that poor Babi ???...๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก...

Hammieee!!!!!...Totally enjoyed your update dear...Mommy too says Thank you to you...She also doesn't know Hindi..She too likes your update a lot dear...sooo sweeet of you ...Aweee...eagerly waiting for Tomorrow's update...Thanks a lot Alex ji...Thanks sooo much Hammieee dear...eagerly  waiting for the next update dear...


Edited by twinkle-star - 10 years ago
alex1 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
@Hamlet53 - Thank you Hammie, even though I have not read thoroughly thru the WU I truly appreciated the way you have done the WU giving a snapshot of the episode and followed by the more detailed WU. I will read thoroughly thru, soon.
By the way Hammie, is Ristey TV in the UK showing English subtitles for this show like they do for Colors India TV shows now?

@all  - I know many are reading, so would it also not be a very nice gesture to give thanks to Hamlet53 for using some of her precious time to do this WU and that too so timely?  A few words/comment or even hitting the like button would suffice hai na!  Much appreciated.  Alex

-bharti- thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Firstly hats off to you, for the courage to open yet another front to your already packed schedule.   Your untiring support to the show n to the cause of the forum is unparalleled. ๐Ÿ‘
Its a strange feeling reading for the first time the WUD of the first episode after more than 3 1/2 yrs of its telecast.. till now had only checked YT videos for the earlier episodes.   I had got hooked to the show during the now legendary 'gun-point wedding', joined the forum much much later in sept '10,   by which time had missed much of the first half of the serial...  also not to forget the downside of paying a price of that one decision to this day...  unable to get over, nor able to appreciate any other show lol..
Reading your written UD one can forget the YT video,   instead let the imagination set rolling as your words capture every shot infusing life to it, its so vividly described, brillant indeed.. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
Coming to the episode n mainly the promo which caught my attention, its more an offensive/controversial take on the life of a girl predominantly harping on the looks or of the girl..   the cynical words on the fate of a girl sealed even before it begins as she,s portrayed to be "ugly"  due to her skin colour n her overall appearance...  Then a shining knight claiming to help her only adds insult.  
What saddens me is the widely prevalent attitude where a girl is made to feel apologetic of her looks n more  she needs a saviour as such.  Why cant any girl just be herself n why not her character her goodness or her work speak louder than her looks. Nevertheless the show was only mirroring a sad reality.  
Hmm, even  her name had a story,  'Nakusha' meaning unhappy/unwanted shockingly was given by her own grandmother (another woman) cause she was born a girl as if it was all her fault.  this was in itself a revelation to me that such a practice actually existed.  
To compound this girl,s woes is a namesake step father who can do nothing but add misery on their already impoverished lives.  But the bold brash brimming with energy dabang babi injects life into the show.  
Also noteworthy was the realistic portrayal of the economically downtrodden parts of our big cities, not to forget the quirky humourous irritating characters adding colour n spice.   
Thank you hammie, hope you enjoyed the telecast on the big screen.  Take care ๐Ÿ˜Š

Edited by -bharti- - 10 years ago
Banjaaran25 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
Salute girl!

i salute your spirit and your love for the forum mate..
i have given up on serial and the cast totally for my own sanity and peace of mind. but now looking at your efforts i think it would be selfish on my part to not contribute a bit from my side towards your journey and cause..
so yes i would join you and all the wonderful forum members in reliving the saga called Laagi tujhse lagan..

salute once again lady. take a bow..
and big hugs to every LTL'ians for your undying spirit. 

Banjaaran25 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
will be back tomorrow. *pinky swear*(time out here)..

edit... i am back and instead of edit as usual i clicked quote..
but hey i commented hu๐Ÿ˜ณ..
Neeche *points down*
Edited by .nimmi. - 10 years ago
swati2008 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
hamlet...brilliant updating...first epi was good...not so exceptional...poor naku..feeling bad for her...but water pipe scene was funny๐Ÿ˜†...the epi will be boring till dutta's entry...i wish i could watch too...๐Ÿ˜ญ...keep updating๐Ÿ˜Š... Edited by swati2008 - 10 years ago
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

                                                  LTL Written Update ~ 2

                                                   29th December 2009


Scene picks up from the previous episode where Ganapat and Babi stop fighting due to Naku's timely intervention. Babi feels hard done by her husbands ill ways, his abusive and violent manner towards her, she cries and feels victimized. Naku brings her  highly disturbed mother home, sits her down offers her water and tends to her. Reminds her mother to keep her anger and excitability at bay as she has breathing problem.

Babi complains her pooja that she had planned for, had not taken place due this incident with Ganpat. Naku assures her mother that she would ask for an advance payment  from her mistress and would return home early from work. Plus on her way back from work she would pick up the essentials flowers and fruit for the pooja and that it would take place tonight, hence not to worry. After counselling her mother, Naku leaves for her housemaid job. In her hurry she forgets to take her lunch, which worries Babi more.



 Outside young useless eve teasers sit at a table engaged in arm wrestling. One of them says remember whoever loses at the game, says I love you to Naku. All laugh at the lewd idea . Naku passes by en route to work , undisturbed by their presence. They call out for her , and she replies she has no time today, she will come later, but one of them insists just come for a couple of minutes! She stops on their behest. Then the group ,challenge the guy who lost to go talk to Naku. The loser, Pakya approaches her and  kneels before her and says I love you Nakusha will you marry me?. His friends laugh heartily at the spectacle.

Naku looks down at the kneeled young man ,unclenches her palm raises, her palm pulls it arm back to slap him, but freezes her palm near his cheek. His friends hold their breath and she taps his cheek lightly with her palm and says ..say it with a smile not with a sad face you're not going to really marry me isn't it?. so smile.. and they all laugh loudly.

The embarrassed boy leaves and his friends jeer and poke fun at how the situation turned out for him .While Naku smiles , shakes her head at their worthless activity and leaves for work, taking everything  in good nature...


Naku arrives at her work. She is told off for arriving late so her lady ship has finally turned up! She is ordered to mop the floor speck and span. Naku, dithers and delays and eventually  timidly asks for an advance, explains she has pooja at home. But her mistress refuses flatly, and adds give you advance so you can run off!. Dejected Naku, clears the table, carries soiled plates to the kitchen sink and cries at her fate. The other maid Sangeeta asks her why she is so down? Naku  sobs that the poor have no one in this world, they have to beg for small favours, she tells Sangeeta that her Aye works so hard takes orders from as early as ,cooks for others, if the family has a roof over their heads its due to her slogging day and night! here I  thought  today I would take some stuff for my Aye's pooja but the mistress said no! for everything minute too I have to cry. Naku cries bitterly and invokes  sympathy from Sangeeta , who consoles her and says look come with me after work, I'll see what I can do to help. Naku looks weary, and asks where? and Sangeeta assures her trust me,  I won't take you any where that is seedy.


Sangeeta takes Naku to a photo studio to meet her  photographer friend champak. She asks Naku to wait in the reception area, while she goes into the studio, and gets close and personal with this man. She asks him if he still looking for a female face for that job?. He says as a photographer he's always looking for models. Sangeeta says come I'll show you what a stunner she is.. tongue in cheek. He  keenly follows her to check out this girl in the foyer.

Naku mean while as she waits looks in some shock at the displayed photos of semi dressed pretty girls in revealing dresses,like Marilyn Monroe showing her legs in her famous shot of white dress blowing upwards! . Sangeeta introduces Naku to  the photographer as her friend, He leers at Naku's face much taken aback, she is far from what he expects from his model.  He examines her face and is gobsmacked ,then changes his mind and turns to Sangeeta where did you find this item? Finally he says this girl seems not from this world.. Sangeeta meanwhile, explains to Naku, that this man who is like a friend to her will give her money, and all she will have to do is get a photograph taken. A terrified Naku thinks of the sorts of near indecent photos she has seen on display. She hesitates , but later asks about the money first. He explains he wants to take her photo, and asks her how much  money would she want? Naku says 500 rupees.. but Sangeeta says no Naku will take  1000 rupees for the job. Champuk he says fine! now all you need to do is get a photo taken...and the three of them part curtains and proceed into the studio. Audience is left wondering what kind of photo will it be?.


                                                    Naku's home

Evening  approaches, hooting trawlers return home. Ganpat, lounges in his arm chair, Sethji sits idle in the door way dealing cards on his own .Ganpat asks his son to get a quarter of booze for him. But the boy refuses and says no way as Aye gives him the beats!, his ears are still sore with the box he received from her earlier. Ganpat bribes him with money to buy himself some gotka betel leaf. Babi arrives and sounds off yeah sure get some gotka! Rot your teeth! get a pack of tobacco! a bottle of booze!  too! Ganpat tells her to shut her motor mouth! He is brain dead  due to her constant nagging.

 Sethji! yells excited Naku is here!! and he warns his parents to stop fighting. Naku returns carrying sugar cane stalks on her shoulders. She enters the house with shopping bags. Babi wonders where the stuff has come from. Naku replies she did say by evening she would sort out everything. Sethji complains what did you get for me and she rebuffs him be quiet cane thief!. She gives her mother, flowers , cane, and sugarless meethie here since you have diabetes this is for you and she feeds her mother the  sweetmeat. Babi says get away only the rich can afford this! and Naku replies, why my Aye is not less than any one!. Sethji begs for his gift and Naku gives him new clothes and he dances with joy. Naku then gives her mother a new sari as well ,who is hysterical with joy. Naku sends her off to get changed for the pooja. During all this gift giving time Ganpat watches and sulks and eventually sadly says to Naku you never got any thing for me? you forgot your babaa? and she says no I did she gives him a deodorant and new clothes. He laughs when he sees it and says is this my age to wear scent[me laughing].. Naku sends him packing ofF to change for pooja. Overall a delightful scene of family bonding..despite all odds .. this family soldiers on..


Pooja takes place Babi ,Naku and Sethji on the floor before their deity. Ganapat comes and sits on the edge on the bed behind them to be part of pooja. Naku turns to her father and light-heartedly enquires how does Aye look?.. Babi sits all dressed in a mustard sari, with red white flowers arranged around the bun of hair at the back of her head. She giggles when Naku draws Ganpats attention towards her and she pulls her pallu to the corner of her mouth shyly.. He replies like she does every day ..however he blesses Naku on her head and says to her may you live long to be 100 and may you earn lots of money.. Babi turns to  glare at him for the terse remark! but Naku stops her and bids her to continue with the devotional ritual. Naku then coaxes her father to sit beside her mother on the floor, and herself sits behind the three. Babi applies the tilak on Ganpat's forehead,  and then instructs him to pick a flower from the pooja thalli and place before the deity. Much amused Sethji watches his fathers subdued sober moves, with one eyes open! Then all four join their hands in obeisance and Naku pleads in prayer that Bhagwan please answer my  mothers prayers, and maintain the peace and harmony of my household. Pooja ends.

 The family all retire to their beds in the same one room. Babi has a nightmare... male figures, voices shouting, whistling, dancing with glasses in their hands, a woman dancing and paper money fans swirled on her head.. again a young girl is shown dancing with a mobile revolving mirror orb over her head, money under her dancing feet, a man comes towards her..Babi screams and sits up startled. Naku comes to her side and Babi looks at her daughter's face and the shot freezes..

Precap:  Sethji screams tai's photo in the news paper! Iske tu nikal pare!.. Babi excited calls out let me have a look and she sees Naku's picture printed opposite the picture of a beautiful model.. Babi's eyes are horrified... Naku looks on..

Episode ends. Hamlet53~ 28.8.13


N.B. dear all, many thanks for your likes and comments. Alex, yes Rishtey is only in UK, and yes the episodes have English subtitles.

Nimmi, Swati,  so wonderful to see you. Bart, Nimmi,tammy thanks for  your super comments.. xx hammie.


Edited by Hamlet53 - 10 years ago