Virman os: Husband Or Friend? part 3 pg 34

Aenna thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
hii every1 m here wid a new os nd dats only for my bsties nd for d once who hv been telling me to update my stories but guys m sry m not sure for my other ongoing ffs becoz of my personal health nd other prob. Nd dis os is also for my friends just in advance return gift of my b'day .
off topic- if a person trys to end up her lyf nd for reason she get saved mostly ppl after sumtym think y i did try dat but y ppl lyk me cant think dat arggg m hating dis...
Well my story is also based on my thoughts of dese days.
So here..i goes..nd i dont no virman will meet or not...            


                      MANVI'S POV

He luvs me more? No no he luves me more !! No yar he luves me more! O god is luv gives so much confusion i mean seriosly yr i dont think dis luv business can ever be handled by me. But what to do man? my frends says dat m vry lucky to be luved by so many ppl nd ya most importantly d two ppl in my lyf.
Is m lucky or unlucky i do think dat dis all happens just becoz of me two lyfs r in risk just becoz of me . Whatever happens only i hv to suffer becoz i cant see d most important ppl in lyf in pain.

Ya two most important ppl in my lyf nd i only hv to choose 1 . How can i led down d other? Ya u all must be thinking who r d ppl i mean sum of my frends after listening to what i said they thought dat m talking about my parents as in dey r getting divorce nd i hv to choose 1.i tell u frends nd dere thinking..wierd..

M talking about my bst frend nd my husband umm i mean he is not my husband i mean he is.. i mean my whole story is vry confusingg i mean dat my husband he is actually not i mean he is but not properly as in for dat u hv u get to no about our wierd storyy..with dat husband part...

Let me introduced myself m Manvi chaudary... Daughter of my dad madan chaudary nd mom ankita chaudary dey r d bst parents but ya at sum point of tym i hv thought y my parents did dis to me i mean didnt they thought dat wat will dis lead to?? Ufff i think i hv now directly jumped to d conclusion before telling my story so let me first begin wid my lyf's wierd storyy...

Here my story begins wid d PRESENT

Manvi manvi.. A voice came from behind nd i came back from my thoughts nd looked behind only to find my umm ya u can call husband...
I was sitting in a cafe nd now he also joined me..

Manvi where r u lost yr i was calling u from d past 5 mins. He said

Umm nthg i was just thinking sumthingg nd by d way y were u calling me cant u come nd sit here directly y u hv to call me first?? I replied

u no wat manvi i dont want to come nd go anywhere without ur permission.. He said ( supressing his smile)

oh puleaseee... Dont say dat it doesnt suit u baby.. I replied

omggg did d manvi chaudary just called me baby uff my luckiest day i cant imagine dat dis happened u called me other dan dat ur old fashioned name which u call me... He said.

Calm down A.G come back from ur dream land. I said ( supressing my laughter)

plzzz manvi i hv my name yar why this a.g nd all lyk d typical wife dat too of earlier tym..

Now wat to do u no how badly i hate dis typ of marriages. So for sum fun i think its not a bad idea nd a.g suits u yar ( wink) i replied..

Oh stop it manviii.. Ok now tell me what happened y u were lost in ur thoughts?? He asked

nthg yar... I said sadly nd he guessed dat sumthing is wrong so he asked again.

Manvii plzz tell me whats wrong ?? Did u hv a fight with any1 umm with ur parents?

Parents.. Actually every1 knows dat if i had a fight in my house den it must be wid my parents. Its not dat dey r bad or sumthing nd even m not bad yar m toh sweetest person ahem i no it was too much.. Ok ok jokes apart i mostly use to hv a fight wid my parents dat too on d small small things nd dese fights just flew away wen my mom come to say sorry or comes nd luv me. Mostly my dad has no tym nd neither mom has but ya she is use to be wid me wen i need her.

Manviii sum1 screamed .. Oopsss i forgot a.g was with me

oh sry a.g i was just..( he cut me )

ya ya lost in ur thoughts as always ok now tell me wat happened btw ur parents nd u?

Nthgg happened btw my parents nd me dis tym it was my mom nd my bro. I pouted.

Ok so wat happened? He asked.

U no wat a.g they both were fighting becoz of sum reason nd mom nd u no dat i cant see dem fighting so also jumped               btw dem nd dey were lyk dont even care about me specially mom she was just cared about wat her son's saying argg i h8 all dis. I said with tearing rolling down my cheeks.

He got worried becoz he knows dat after every fight i hv with anybody i never cried but today i cried but sumthing hurted me alot he immediately came forward cupped my cheeks nd cleared my tears with his thumb nd said.

Manvi y r u crying i no sumthing hurted u alot but its ok let it be na y r u hurting urself??

U no wat a.g mom nd bro were really fighting nd mom was lyk if her son talked wid her so badly then she will die.. I mean she really dont care about me she doesnt think dat i need her... I dont wana live. ( i said crying )

He was first staring at me nd then said.

Manvi do u really think nobody care about u yar y dont u understand dat ur mom was hurt she luvs u alot plzzz dont u ever say anything lyk dying or sumthing.. Nd if u did then i will really not talk to u..

I cleard my tears nd smiled.
Ok ok a.g now plz dont be a emotional fool m not dying but ya m not ginna talk to mom till she apologise. I said

That i no queen Elizabeth!! That untill ur mom come nd say sry a few tyms nd hug u nd luv u till then u r not gonna talk dat i no about u baby..

i laughed nd spoke.
Ya ya i no u no me now dont start praising urself..

we both started laughinggg...   

manvii i luv u.. He spoke

M: hmm i smiled

do m getting a reply. He asked

umm i will think about it.. I said

u always say dis wen will i get d reply i want.. He said

now i dont no u hv to wait a.g. I laughed

Ok manvi so u r not gona go home ryt?? He asked

nope..!! I said

ok then lets go to my house u can stay there tonight..   

Umm.. I started thinking...

Oh hello u can come to my house nd by d way darling u r my wife u can come not only in my house but in my room too as in our room... (winks)

oh shut up.. A.g keep dreaminggg...

Ok ok now lets go to my house. He said ( taking hold of my hand )

He drag me towards his bike nd we drove to his house..

Yes His house i no u all must be thinking that if he is my husband den y we both dont live together.. I told u my marriage nd my lyf is totallyy wierd...

I will tell u d reason dat y we cant live together nd it is because we r not
18+ nd u no dat before 18 ppl doesnt approve d marriage..

Yes we r not 18 we r in skul i mean in 12 class after our finals or sum months we will be 18

i no after dis mostly ppl will be thinking dat it was a child marriage nd most them will be saying lyk this
hawww baal vivah in dis century d child marriage is still happening...

But its not lyk dat ya i mean we r married but not legally i mean we didnt signed d marriage certificate. Dis marriage is just btw our families nd my bst frends..

Ok let me clear dis marriage first..


It was 3 years back wen we were 14 nd were in 9th standard den dis thought of marriage came in our parents mind.
yes my family nd a.g's family our parents were bst frends nd we were family frends nd from d day we born dey decided to get us married. But wen we use to go skul we were always together but as we started growing up
My frend circle started changing i mean i was a.g's frend but i got more bst frends

nd wen we both came in 9th standard a.g started falling for me but i was least bothered nd was always busy wid my other frends but a.g doesnt lyk dat wen i use to get involve wid my frends speacialy with Viren. I hv my two bst frends i.e Viren nd Swamini.. ( lol ) swamini understands me vry well so does viren. But a.g always thought dat i was his nd nobody can seperate us .

One day there was a party in my house nd i called my frends also nd a.g's family was also present. In d whole party i was busy wid viren nd swamini nd even i called a.g but he refused. Ididnt knew den dat wat is his prob wid my frends but i didnt care den.. D party was going on in full swing i was dancing wid viren nd my frends but a.g was not liking it nd now wid a.g his parents were also not liking dat. So dey walked up to my parents nd said

Madan dont u think its d tym we shud get our children's married. Said a.g's father

what r u saying yar dey r still small how can dey handledis marriage nd all. My father replied.

I no madan but dont u think if we will not take dis step den sumday dey will choose a partner for themself without our permission.

No yar my manvi is not lyk dat she will never do such things.. She will get married only to a guy i select for her. My father said.

Ya i no dat but still they r not dat small they r 14 nd in dis stage u no how d children r dey mostly get attracted to a person vry easily nd i dont want our children to do so. See dere how comfortably manvi is dancing wid her frend (pointing towards me nd viren) i dont want her to attract towards a guy who is not good for her.

Hmm ur ryt vikram even i dont want manvi to choose any1 besides ur son VIRAT... He is perfect for her nd i no he will always take care of her as he do now.. But still marriage i mean let turn 18 den we will do it. Said my dad

I understand madan dat u dont want dis marriage to happen dat soon.. Nd i truely support u. M just saying let us make dem married but not do it legally i mean we will not get them sign dere marriage certificate till dey turn 18 nd as dey turn 18 we will get them married legally.. Said vikram uncle.

Ya i think dis will be ryt dey will get married also nd now dey can still act as frends. My dad said happily.

Ok then its done today after party let us get them married here in temple.

Ok done..

After party wen my all frends nd other guests were gone. Our parents came nd told us me nd virat both to get ready we hv to go to a marriage. Nd we asked day now at 10 pm which marriage is going to happen . Our parents said we will come to no soon... Even now our mom's were convinced my mom gave me a lehnga first i asked
dat mom is we r going in d marriage of vry close relative dats y u r making me wear dis. She said yes nd den we all got ready.

Wen we all came downstairs after getting ready i saw d whole mansion was decorated with flowers nd d priest ( pandit ) was sitting near d mandap.. First i thought may be sum1 marriage is gona take place in my house but as we get close to dat my parents make me sit near d mandap dat too wid virat. First we both were shocked!!

We both looked at each other nd den at my parents with questing eyes. Nd den before we ask dem anything virat's dad spoke.

Manvi virat we r getting u both married!!

We were shocked i quickly got up nd came near my dad nd virat also joined after me. Den i spoke in a trembling voice.

Dad what is dis y u r getting me married dat too dis early..

Manvi baby dont worry u dont hv to leave us u will stay wid us till u get 18 nd after dat also till u complete ur studies we just want u to get married to virat. My dad replied..

But dad y i mean we both r not ready nd virat is just my frend how can i get married to him i dont luv him!! I said straighty.

Manvi plzzz u hv to get married to virat nd i m doing it only becoz i dont want u to get attracted toward other guys nd now dis is my final decision nd even we will not tell dis to any1 to can live ur lyf normally we r not getting u married legally but we r just doing a formality only to satisfy ourself dat u both r only for each other.
My dad said..

We both me nd virat looked at each other nd he assured me with his eyes dat lets do it. First i was not convined but den i saw my mom she was requesting me to do so i agreed.
Thats how er both got married on 1 january.

And dis thing doesnt ended lyk dis. After dat whole marriage wen i started going to skul i met my frends nd dis tym virat didnt mind at all becoz he thought now i was all his. But sum how from dat day i didnt talked to anybody properly not even wid my bst frends smamini nd viren.

Virat noticed dis change in me nd after lyk 6 months of our so called marriage he called me to locked room first i refused lyk m doing from last 6 months but dis tym he said he wanted to talk nd its serious so i went to meet him.

We both were in d locker room i was not looking into his eyes but he was staring at me nd then he broke d never ending silence.

V: manvi look at me

M: tell me y u called me here?

V: manvi m talking to u first look at me den i will tell u

M: ( looked up at him ) ok now tell me whats ur prob y u called me here.

V: manvi plz calm down y u r behaving lyk dis from d past 6 months m noticing u dat u hv changed nd even u r not talking wid ur other frends u no wat swamini also asked me dis. Rell me what happened ??

M: its nthg its just dat i wanted to be alone..

V: manvi plz dont lie i no u from childhood u cant lie infront of me so tell me!!

M: i told u its nthg m going ( started walking)

V: ( hold her hand nd turned her towards him with her shoulders) manvi just stop all dis i no u r doing it purposely nd it is all happenening from d day we got married!! ( he shouted)

M: yes dis is all becoz of dat stupid marriage!!! ( yelled) u no dat how i hated being married nd now m married dat too before 18. I just hate every1 no one thought about my feelings our parents just wanted us to got married only becoz dey didnt wanted us to choose our lyf partner by our own!! ( crying)

v: manvi its not lyk dat i mean i understand wat u r feeling but ( was cut by manvi)

M: no u dont understand ( shouted )

V: oh shut up u r not married to any1 else its only me even i also feel d same i also didnt wanted to get married dis soon. ( yelled ) so plzz think twice before u speak

M: i no virat m sry but wat shud i do i cant hang wid my frends lyk before i cant do anything i hv no freedom..

V: manvi who told u all dat u hv all d freedom yar!! M with u

M: nd who r u to say dat??   v

V: m ur husband !!   πŸ˜‰

M: oh stup up virat i dont lyk dis !!

V: okok now listen to me carefully we r not legally married so if in future we dont want to be together or we find sum1 else den we both hv full ryts to live our lyf..

M: really virat.. πŸ˜›

V: yes nd by d way u will not get any1 except me . U no i can only handle d sherni.. ( he laughed)

M: oh plzz u just wait nd watch i will get d bst.. Nd by d virat thanx alot u r my bst frend now i can get back to my normal lyf...

V: its ok manvi we both r still frends nd will always be... Ryt

M: 100% ryt partner ( they hugged )

after d whole incident manvi was back to her normal lyf nd spends tym wid all her frends nd even wid virat also. She hv told swamini about her marriage nd she also supports her.

Now almost 2 years passed virman were now 16 nd manvi hv almost forgot about her marriage thing ya sumtym virat teases her as his wife nd also take it as a joke nd started calling him a.g

but she didnt no dat virat was head over heels in her luv but ya manvi was still d same she thoght him as a her bstst frend..

It was a valentines day nd virat decided to propose manvi he called her to his house on d terris. Dere he had arranged everything according to her taste he fav food her fav song flowers nd etc
wen manvi reached there she was surprised.

Nd den we virat proposed her.

V: manvi i luv u

M: virat what r u saying??

V: manvi its d truth m in luv wid u nd dat too before lur marriage nd now i just want to confess it dat i truely luves u nd only u will u be mine forever..( said with red roses in his hands )

M: virat i dont no i mean u r my bst frend nd i hv never thought of u lyk dat nd u only said dat i can choose any1 in lyf den y r u making things difficult for me??

V: manvi i no i said dat i thought if i will give u tym u will realise ur luv for me nd m not forcing i just want u to give a chance to our relation plzz just one chance plzz

M: umm virat i mean umm ok m ready for it.

V: thanxx manvi thanx alot i luv u reallyy ( hugs her )

this all happened nd after dat 1 year passed they turned 17 nd were still in relationship manvi started liking him but it was not luv.


virat took manvi to his house nd she stayed dere nd next day dey both went to skul together. Dere they met there frends virat went wid his 1 frend nd manvi was here with swamini nd viren.. Swamini knew dat manvi nd virat r now in relationship. Manvi is trying to adjust wid him. But viren didnt knew about all dis he called manvi nd said

Vi: manvi i want to talk to u can u plz come wid me..

M: ya sure lets go

they both went to d garden nd sit on d bench. Viren den took manvi's hand in his hand . Manvi looked at him confusingly den he spoke..

Vi: manvi i didnt told u dis before becoz i thought u dont think lyk dis but now i cant wait for all dis

M: what r u saying viren m not getting anything ??

Vi: manvi i dont wen dis happened but its true dat i luv u!!

M: ( suddenly stands ) what!!!

Vi: its true i luv u alot nd i cant live without u manvi if i didnt get ur luv i swear i will die!!

M: ( starts crying) plz viren stop it u r my frend i cant to dis plzz

Manvi always hv a soft cornr for viren but from d past few months she started liking virat nd now dis!! Wat will she choose ??

Vi: manvi plzz dont say dis i luv u i promise if u didnt said yes u will see my dead body!!

M: ( crying) shup up viren!! How can u say dis u no dat u r my bst frend nd i cant let dis happen plzz understand!!

Vi: manvi u hv to understand i luv u ok i will give tym . u can take as much as tym u want but plzz dont say no i will die ( tears roll down from his eyes also)

M: viren plzz i cant i hv a boyfrend ( spoke suddenly)

Vi: (shocked) what!!! Den y u didnt told me?? I dont care manvi plzz think about us just once plzz

M: viren how can i leave virat??

Vi: oh so its virat i knew it nd i no u dont luv him!!

M: who told u we r together from past 1 year!!

Vi: whatever i no u dont luv him!! Do u luv him tell me ??

M: umm i.. I ..umm

Vi: see i knew it manvi u dont luv him ok then y r u pretending i no u must be trying for him but plz manvi listen to u heart plz just once nd tell me!!

M: yes i dont luv him but i dont luv u either!! U r also my frend lyk him nd i hv started lyking him nd i no it will turn into luv soon..

Vi: manvi plz dont say dis plzz if u can give him a chance u can also give dis chance to us also plzz

M: plz viren m going m not interested in all dis!!

Vi: manvi plz stop i will die nd m serious..

M: plz viren do whatever u want m not interested ( said while walking )..

Manvi went to her class nd she was lost in her thoughts nd after d skul gets over she without saying bye to virat goes to her houst nd to her room..

      Manvi's POV

omgg luv and like luv nd like dono me solid connection hai boss !! I dont no dat do i luv virat ?? I no i dont i thought i like him. Nd now viren i dont luv him but y i felt lyk crying wen he said he will die do i like or luv.. No no i dont luv him either.. O god m so confused!! What shud i do ??

After sum hours it was evening 7 pm wen suddenly manvi got a col nd wen she recieved it she got d biggest shock!!!


Precap - Manvi: virat i think we shud end our relation...
               V: what??? But y ??

Guys dis os will hv 1 or 2 parts more nd i will only contnu dis after seeing d response
if i got gud response nd maximum lyks nd comments then only i will post d next part nd i dont want
d comment lyk nice or gud continu soon..etc i hate one liner comments so its up to u if u want it to contnu den press lyk button nd give a longg comment..

-luv aenna. 😊


PART 2 - pg 19

PART 3- pg 34

My virmanish collection... by Aenna - 10 years ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

kulsum_virman thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
this was really interesting one with suspence and its different ...
its awesome and very well writtenπŸ‘
and the AG thing is soo cute πŸ˜Š
and swamini concept was just hilarious mein toh shock ho gayi padh kar ke manvi's frend swamin πŸ€£

update next part soon and so pm me πŸ˜Š
want to know whom manvi will select ???
and viren sach mein pagal hai
 i hope manvi ko emotional blackmail na kare πŸ˜‘
Edited by kulsum_virman - 11 years ago
Tuba_KSG thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Heyy Aennaaa !! 😊
Really nice n different OS yrrr πŸ‘ ..
Ek shOck lga mjhe is stOry me πŸ˜› . Swamni n maanvi = Frnds that too best frndx 🀒, OMG .. how can this be Possible πŸ˜²πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜† lol .. " My Over ReactiOn " πŸ˜‰
Well the Update was awesOme , I lOved It 😊 .. in the biggenning  i was hell confused yrr πŸ˜• kaaafii Confusing thoughts hn Maanvi ki 😲 , half of the time , i was like  πŸ˜³πŸ€“ .. lol πŸ˜ƒ , but i love it cox  Story unfold bht Awesomely kra  tmne πŸ‘πŸΌ ...
Very well presented ..😊
πŸ˜‰ ..
Plz Plz continue Soon , i want part 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 .,.,.,.,... ! πŸ˜ƒ
Nd ThnksSh for the PM .
Edited by Tuba_KSG - 11 years ago
PyaasiChudail69 thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Aww virman r married ❀️
Swamini maanvi frndz 😲 okay thts nw for me πŸ˜† viren urghh
Poor viraat
Hpe maanvi choose viraat 😭
Plz cnt sn and do pm meEdited by copypaste - 11 years ago
virumanu thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Amazing is the friend of reaction after seeing sb as manu friend was πŸ€ͺ man I m going mad...thks god no was near me other wise they would hav sent , me to de metal hosiptal ...plzzz continue soon...plz make ur work color full it brings more interest ...and make the words size lit big tooo ...continue soon
Aenna thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: virumanu

Amazing is the friend of reaction after seeing sb as manu friend was πŸ€ͺ man I m going mad...thks god no was near me other wise they would hav sent , me to de metal hosiptal ...plzzz continue soon...plz make ur work color full it brings more interest ...and make the words size lit big tooo ...continue soon

lolzzz.. i no what will every1s reaction after knowing d fact dat manvi nd swamini r bst frends lol..
nd thanxx alot i will definately consider ur suggestion thnqq 😊
devilaonmoon thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
awsm os... swamini is manvis best friend.. ha ha.. aaisa toh main sapne mein bhi nahi soch sakti but..ha ha.. waise th concept is great.. manvi is in such a confusion.. virat is in head over heels in love with his a.g, viren is literally blackmailing manvi to love him back-not right.. looking forward to whom manvi chooses!!!..   cont soon...:)
Aenna thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: devilaonmoon

awsm os... swamini is manvis best friend.. ha ha.. aaisa toh main sapne mein bhi nahi soch sakti but..ha ha.. waise th concept is great.. manvi is in such a confusion.. virat is in head over heels in love with his a.g, viren is literally blackmailing manvi to love him back-not right.. looking forward to whom manvi chooses!!!..   cont soon...:)

virat not luves her wid a.g. its a typical word which a wife calls his husband wid nd manvi calls him dat.. nd thanxxx alot...
mystery75 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
omg in the start i was hell confused...πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜• but then as the story progressed it starts to make sense...n i must say a very wll presented story keeps the interest till end...n it is related to reality so much...virman married already...n viren n ""swamini🀣"" r her bff n swamini understands her the most i m to dead🀒
manvi hesself is hell confused b/w love n like n now another confusion viren or virat really manvi is in a big mess who to chose n what to chose...
this story is totally iutstandingπŸ‘
plzzz cont soon

.Yamin. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Awesome update Aenna..really loved it... ⭐️ is really interesting...superb concept... πŸ‘πŸΌ ...swamini is the best friend if swamni... πŸ˜† ..i was like.. 😲 is really funny... πŸ˜† ...amazing start aenaa...really looking forward to read part 2...will be eagerly waiting...thank u so much for the pm...n plz take care Aenna..hope ur problems sort out soon...take care... 😊