IP REDUX ; Nupur !! Second thread

tanthya thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Heyy All ,

When I saw the show  Y'day...I was literally fuming and seething ... I was angry beyond  words  and could only splutter some  unforgiving words against the  makers and my choice for entertainment  ... If Anger was  one mode I was also immensely happy cos I had set Friday as the deadline for myself to quit IPKKND  ...This rather extreme decision was taken in view of the  sloppy direction, poor execution , unseemly rush and a confusing jumble of story lines ..Friday for me was the peak of it as I could not fathom the  logic of a 30 something woman  walking over shards of glasses without even wincing   and only a Aaah !! for the viewer's to understand that she was in pain ...It seemed absurd that instead of sitting on the bed and calling her chottey , she chooses to walk into the hall, It seemed quite unimaginable that off all the places, she would choose to  lurch precisely at the point  where Shyam had placed the live wire, it seemed Ludicrous that Shyam who was outside and his view obstructed by walls would suddenly develop X-ray vision and see thru to know when exactly to send the currents  and as if to add further coal to my mounting ire  was Garima's Vanishing act right from the middle of action area ...

BUT as they say , Even were u to leave IP, IP does not leave u , so after simmering down and calming myself...I saw not the execution but the story and it was astounding , Kudos to the PH for taking the calculated risk  and now , Could u get a most persuasive member into ur team and let him/her handle SP into giving u more  Promo's..and eye balls for ur promo's ...

 AS mentioned above , Even if u were to leave IP, Ip shan't leave u alone and that was the case with me..Even though I had stopped watching the episode with any focus or interest ..there were some pointers thrown out that  were leading to niggling thoughts , Nigglers that I could not ignore , it festered and grew and got itself confirmed during the Jhumka episode and that was the Feeling  THAT KHUSHI'S FATHER WAS ALIVE !! ..  That is when  The slap of Garima, the galti of Garima begun to make sense to me and also her willingness to take on a blame... As I was not doing analysis  nor was in a mind frame to do it , I dumped my hot potato on Dood's lap and  pointed out few scenes that were jarring and  asked her to check whether my surmise was correct or whether I shud head for loony bin  ... This Piqued her interest and she begin to delve deeper into the episodes and she hit motherlode when she found her own dhaar and found the truth and what she connected  convinced me that only this way could  Garima be coerced into doing things  that she never would have done...Not  just this she managed to create a pile of cannonballs with  one loose cannon I had  let loose and the story she narrated to me was absorbing, intriguing and wonderful !! I am sure when U hear it U'll be stunned too ...

Yes, to many it may seem fantastic and  beyond  logic to have a father suddenly springing up ... but lets just step back  and pose the questions that  I had posed  to myself when  I begin to smell the first whiff of rotten tomatoes ..The first question I has asked  to myself was ,  WHY WOULD A WOMAN WHO VALUES HER INTEGRITY, WHO RESPECTS SOCIAL NORMS  WILLINGLY ACCEPT SOMETHING THAT  IS A BLOT ON HER CHARACTER ??  ..WHY WOULD  KHUSHI WAGE A WAR  AGAINST THE MALIK's ? WHY WILL THE MARRIAGE COME UNDONE  ? WHY WAS THERE A TRACE OF SMUGNESS IN DADI WHENEVER GARIMA'S NAME POPPED UP ...

I could  not bring my head around to the fact that Garima  insulted the  Maliks, she does not have that fire in her , She is the quieter one and not a fiery one , She would act strongly but will not make a scene ..The Maliks with their clout, their Money Power could easily  squash her and yet they do not , WHY ?? Garima who could have easily  brought the Maliks down and yet does not exercise this option, WHY ?..  The years has elapsed and yet Garima is still afraid WHY ?? Is it bec she is scared  cos the  weapon of destruction is alive and kicking..if so what could it be ...Khushi...but Khushi has no memories  and  she just had a vague feeling of recognition when she saw Arnav's father's photo and there was no horrified  reaction implying that the memories are strong... Then WHAT KEEPS GARIMA QUIET !!  WHAT WILL BE THE FACTOR THAT WILL GOAD KHUSHI INTO TAKING ACTION ??

 BAUJI or Khushi's PAPA !! Yes, he can be the reason for Khushi to become Durga !! He can be the trigger for Khushi to wage a war,   Garima's  reveal will only make her sad and devastated  ..To provoke the anger something else has to happen ..Imagine being cheated of ur father's love , Imagine growing as a Orphan, Imagine  living in fear of darkness, of being abandoned , Imagine  always smiling even when all she wants to is  cry her heart out, Imagine  of never having come alive * except recently*  ...when U understand that all  this  happened bec of one family and their abuse of power, When u grasp that one family and one family alone wreaked her life , then  fury will descend.. All those years of guilt, sorrow, despair, fear will crystallize into cold fury..The need for redressal of grievances  , the need to correct the wrong will become imperative !! This  can happen if Papa is alive but  beyond their reach !! This can happen when she comprehends that she has  lost her childhood bec of  of a family's flagrant disregard for rules..

"Part of me wants justice for this. Part of me wants to never cause harm to another."
Ken Scholes

Two individuals deeply devoted , focused , quick witted , ruthless, glib and sly in their approach  ... united , A union with a purpose  , A union  that is based on sham ...Such is the union of Shyam Manohar Jha and  Anjali Singh Raizada  ... Shyam  fanatically devoted to his cause, focused  on  paving his way into  the doors of RM ... Anjali , deeply committed  to her husband, incapable of seeing beyond him , loving him , trusting him  exceeding every other emotion  , surpassing all relations...

Anjali Manohar Jha ; A woman fated to receive blows   from her loved one's, from people whom she trusts ...She had her first setback when  her Mom committed Suicide , Fate dealt  her a cruel blow when subsequently her marriage stopped ...Her trust crumbled when  she was thrown out of her home, the only home she knew and was also apparently rejected by her Dadi ...A protected child, she was suddenly thrown into the open wide world  where she withered and wilted like a  delicate creeper placed under a scorching sun, nothing to support her, Nothing to shade her , A figure of ridicule , A person who was the butt of many jokes,sniggers, snide remarks ...Anjali  bore this stoically, her  ever loving heart  slowly turning dry  n brittle, her hopes fading to nothingness when into her life came a man  who n his wake brought in the dignity she had lost, brought the respect she had wanted, brought the Smile that had vanished, brought the home that she craved...He became her focal point, her sun ..Like a Sunflower, she always turned to him, attuned to him, his every moods.. In due course of time, Shyam  made  himself indispensable , insinuated  himself so thoroughly in her life  that Anjali actually  freezes at the thought of living without him ... Shyam to  her is of vital importance, much more important than the air she breathes ...He is the Man who removed the blot on her  mien, who gave her the status of wife, who made hr the mother, He gave her the acceptance that she craved, the respect that she yearned, He was the outsider who accepted her whole as his  despite her disability...He was the angel who had been sent by Gods ..little did she know that He was angel Alright but he was a dark Angel, he had come to dispel darkness but by setting her world on fire and turning it into ashes ..Unaware of his malevolent intentions She sets about to save the man who saved her  from ignominy, from humiliation from pity !! What will happen when she comprehends that the  man she worships never existed , It was a Maya , A Illusion to befuddle her mind..

Shyam Manohar Jha ;...A man of charm, wit , intelligence, confidence.. Is articulate , Always keeps an eye on the moment and seizes  any opportunity and turns it to his advantage ..A Man of passions, focused , determined , ruthless ... A man who harbours hatred towards  Raizada siblings ..A man devoted to a cause so passionately that he has forgotten to live, his every waking moment in thinking up plots to further his mission , A man so committed  that he has submerged his humaneness ..A man on war path ,  A Man so blinded by hate that his  reddened eyes are unable to differentiate  between his own blood and the blood of his enemies..A man  driven by the need to right a wrong and in the process perpetrating many wrongs himself , A Man fed on hate that he fears love  ..A Man who is  hurtling towards victory not realizing that in his biggest victory lies his  defeat.. A man  who has planned his own destruction ...A man  to be pitied for he never lived !!

Coming to the episode ...

Despite  many blooper's ..it was quite well paced out  maintaining the Bollywood  Aura and also  the flow of the track continued unimpeded ...The brief second where Khushi stops  Anjali from meeting her doom illustrating the fact that Khushi will always be the watch dog for Anjali  and will  be on the look out for her...

The Phone call  from Garima talking about medicines just when  Dadi  comes ..quite a illuminating moment ...

Will Win ... of the ambulance ...

The  good Bye Hug  of the lover's... loved it...

Link to the ANALYSIS ;

Edited by tanthya - 11 years ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

Posted: 11 years ago

I liked the episode. Yes there I said it.

A (supposed?) Miscarriage rather premature delivery happened, which might have led to the child dying or being saved?

Dunno about that, but let us just say the tragedy happened, here is the thing, this is not the first time Any Indian TV PH has resorted to something like this nor will it be last.

This PH needs to buckle up in terms of numbers and it did just that.

It combined a happy moment with the tragic.

Did it work? Yes.

My heart went out to Anjali.

Dadi wohi dekhti hai jo woh dekhna chahti hai.

Arnav mallik-Singh Raizada to Khushi Kumari Gupta.

He did the same thing not seeing Khushi for who she was and NOW

Anjali did the same thing.

She did not see the entire family supporting and loving her, She only saw the person she wanted to see, her husband who she thinks Loves her.

So blinded by the fear that he might be caught, she was not careful and paid the price.

What is a good episode?

Did it keep you hooked the time it was on, at the end of it did you like it or hate or love it rather than being bored - Then such an episode works IMHO.

Everyone went through the above emotions and maybe more, No one can say they were bored.

I loved the happy moments.

Finalllyyy, we saw the family moments. The incredibly sweet Arnav Khushi moment of finally finding each other and looking forward to their future together.

Till Tragedy struck.

Again the hospital scene, where the entire family gathered up, supporting each other, WAS really good to see Payal taking care of Nani, Akash taking care of rest of the family, Khushi standing by Arnav watched by Nani... Again beautiful moments, very nicely executed.

Performance wise it was excellent episode, every single one came through.

Execution wise it was much much better than Expected.Ofcourse the odd editing errors, blooper continue to bring the quality down by a notch. Can they pay serious attention to those things.

Still overall a good episode. A dramatic episode which set up the tracks for future.
Edited by Shwetha! - 11 years ago
Jhalak29 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago

Page 1

Doodles::: I am simply in awe of you, not bcz u can predict the story but with the sharpness & intitutiveness u posses, A bow to u gal for ur Brilliance⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Bush::: U r toh already my Comedy queen and ur observation powers are beyond the ordinary A superb heady post one which lets u hv a dose of laughter and hv your brain ponder the serious ⭐️
Koel::: A day will be incomplete if I cant read you, u hv a amzing talent of extracting the most succlint and complete gist among the small actions👏👏👏
Nia::: U hv defined the right and wrong of love so beillinatly, its takes a great effort to love but it takes the complete existence of a person to love rightly
Naz::: I can feel sorry at the loss of a beautiful woman young, but these are the horrors of life we all hv to face, and so has Anjali to face it to.. we might hv all felt her pain
Cute barun::: I know you removed ur thoughts but I am amazed at their honesty, Kudos to u gal, its a personal desicion to quit, yet I would say rethink,
Shiela::: Ur the lady take the crown with ur jabber as u say, its honest and perfectly balanced
Page 2
Huma::: I am in so agreement with U, I have always believed Anjali has a inate strength which is at he moment misplaced but the day her priorities are set correct, she will be like durga but a mother loss is beying comphrehending
Areeba::: will wait for ur Update
Supna::: U hv captured the pain of a innocent live lost so beautifully, am in with you in all the emotions here👏
Sia: the post which is satirical is appluadable and the other one delves into the depth
Edited by Jhalak29 - 11 years ago
trintring thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
hello 😳 oohh I see Poetry ..Thanks Sathu 😃
Supna9 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Hi hi 2nd threadwa
of Nupurwa wah wa wah wa wah waEdited by Supna9 - 11 years ago
DiamondLife thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: Supna9

hi doc ab u satisfied or ab bhi nt if nt then tell us what can we do 4 u. Just tell us

show me babies😆
tanthya thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Prolly  next month !!
Supna9 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

what the kis k babies cats k or ducks k or chicken k or lion k or horse tell me
DiamondLife thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
out of context:

Does anyone know ...passion fruit..which part to eat???😆
sorry for dumb Q😕 i am fooled twice
Edited by Shastradhari - 11 years ago
DiamondLife thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: Supna9

what the kis k babies cats k or ducks k or chicken k or lion k or horse tell me

human..anji's babies😆