Love is blind(SR ff) Chap 9pt 2 pg 28 - Page 15


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Neha_S thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
Okay, who wants to kill me? Everyone.. well.. um.. thats okay.. but um just remember if you kill me this story will NEVER get updated.. so there. you cant kill me..😳 But you can throw rotten tomatoes at me..I will take them..:)

@ Farrah: Best of luck. Have fun. Will miss your comments:)

Chapter 7
Part 2
Ridhima spun around to watch Arman stumble to the floor. The crash caused the majority of the dancing couples to stop and look for the cause of disturbance. It took a minute more for the whispers to start.

" You should go before it gets worse" Sid whispered to her. She turned to look at him. He was nodding towards the cause of commotion. His head was inclined towards the basic source of sound but his direction was totally wrong. Suddenly Ridhima wanted to cry out loudly. The anger rushing through her was too much. Here was Sid, who was blinded for life, and he was trying to move on, trying to hold onto whatever he could in life. He was concerned about what people though about Arman, about Ridhima, about Sanjeevani and there was Armaan. He seemed to take the accident as an excuse to hog even more attention and generally show everyone how miserable and guilty he was without caring how it affected her or Sanjeevani.

She gritted her teeth and resolutely grasped Sid and steered him away from the floor.

" Ridhima..." Armaan moaned drunkenly from the floor. She saw Yuvi moving towards him and pulling him up. She walked to a corner and let out a deep breath.

Sid sighed. "Seriously, Ridhima?"

" Seriously what?"

" Yow two are impossible. Nothing is ever simple for you. You have to make this an issue of ego. " he said shaking his head.

" This isnt about ego. Look at what he is doing, Sid. He is trying to make it seem like he was the one who was blinded. He doesnt care about how his actions are affecting me or anyone else for that matter. He is..."

" Upset" Sid rationalised gently. " You should go easy on him. Now go talk to him"


" Go or else I will stumble down the floor and say you pushed a blind man" he said with a grin.

Ridhima felt her lips twitch and she let out a reluctant giggle. She sighed and walked  towards Armaan, who was still calling drunkenly out for him. She reached him and whispered thanks to Yuvi.

"Ridhima.." Armaan whispered "I came.. I came even though I didnt want to.. because- you-s-s-a- wanted me to.."

Ridhima sighed and dragged him across to the alcove towards Sid.

" I came for you.." he slurred

" So what? You want me to thank you for drunkenly bursting in and embarrassing me infront of the whole hospital?" she asked impatiently.
Armaan closed his eyes.
" You are always mean to me...You dont know how much I love you.."

" This isnt about love, Armaan..This is about you. Its about how you never think of anything else but our love.." she clarified.

Sid cleared his throat. Ridhima flinched. She had forgotten Sid was there. She blushed and sighed.

" Sid, watch over Armaan. I will get him a glass of water."

Armaan perked up immediately and looked at him "Sid?"

Sid felt his way across the wall and slid down next to him. Armaan sighed excitedly.

" God, Sid. Dude, you are always ignoring me. Whenever I go to meet you, whenever I call you.. You never speak to me.." He looked down, his blue eyes shining with tears.

"You hate me" he pronounced pathetically

Sid shook his head "I dont hate you."

Armaan relaxed at that. "You avoid me."

" What would you do if you were in my position?"

Armaan hung his head in shame. " I 'm so sorry. I 'm sorry.. I didnt realise.."

" Yes, you did." Sid stated loudly " You may not have known the exact outcome but you knew what you were doing. And its okay.. I get it. I do.." He reached out and patted the man he called a best friend.

 "But does it really matter?  You are making a mess of things Arman. You want to make her happy and you are making her miserable. So get your act together before you hurt her more.."

Armaan shook his head. "I can't dude. I just cant.. Everytime I close my eyes.. I see the accident and I..."

Sid sighed. " Let it go, Arman. You need to let go."

Arman stared at him and Sid nodded to emphasise the point "For Ridhima."

Arman stiffened and nodded. "You are right. You are absolutely right. I-I  am messing everything up."

There was a loud clack of heels and Ridhima appeared looking disgruntled. She handed Arman a glass of water and watched as he drank. She gritted her teeth and looked away.

" Why do have to make everything difficult?"

" I 'm sorry, Basket. I just - I love you." he murmured.

Sid cleared his throat. Ridhima straightened up and looked at him with narrowed eyes.
" Yuvi and Naina will drop you. I dont think you should stay in the party anymore. You need to go home."

Arman grinned "Dont be so strict, Basket. Let Siddy boy enjoy the party. Why does he have to leave now with Yuvi?"

Ridhima shook her head warily " I was talking about you, Arman. I am taking Sid home."

The grin disappeared. " What? Why? Why cant you stay with me and Yuvi take Sid home?

" That sounds good."Sid piped in quietly.

" No" Ridhima pronounced glaring at Armaan.

" Why the hell not?"

" Because I dont want to." She grasped Sid's arm and started leading him away. Arman followed them.
" What is wrong with you?" he demanded

"Nothing is. Dont make a scene." Ridhima pronounced.

" Ridhima.."

" Arman, shut up."

" Enough.." Sid said firmly "I dont want to play buffer between you two anymore."

Ridhima flushed with embarrassment. " Its not that. I came with you and I want to leave with you. Armaan will manage"

She grasped his arm firmly and walked out. She called her driver and waited with Sid,who was frowning at the pavement.

" Ridhima.."

Ridhima sighed. Armaan had followed them out.

" Look Basket, I am sorry."

"So am I," she said, and they began walking to the car. She helped Sid  in even though he slapped her hand away. She turned to her fiance, who looked down at her in confusion.

"Basket, please... I really am sorry." He said, his blue eyes pleading.

She took him in. He did look sorry but, then again, he always looked sorry. She was just tired of  fighting for them. Things were never easy with them. It was always screwed up.

"All I wanted was for us to start over. And you didn't even try." Her voice was thick because it felt like something monumental was ending. It was slowly crumbling before her eyes. She was too sad to even look at him. She closed her eyes and entered the car, closing the door behind her.

She was quiet as she rode next to Sid; she desperately wished her life came with a remote control. She would rewind so many things and delete others that made absolutely no sense.

Sid had taken off his mask and his eyes were slightly inflamed.

"Did you do your rinse today?"

His jaw clenched. He hated the rinses. She sighed because she knew he hadn't done them.

"I'll do them before bed." He turned his head away.

She studied his profile. The dance they shared was still burned into her skin, and suddenly nothing was making sense. She had heard parts and bits of their whispered conversation and it had piqued her curiousity. Ridhima was nothing if not curious and this seemed like a large pink elephant that everyone seemed hell bent on avoiding.

"What happened that night?" She finally asked him.

He turned his head to her voice and looked pensive. "I… can't remember. I just remember us in the club.He had a couple of drinks and then… I was… it's been so dark ever since."

She slid unconsciously closer to him and her gloved hand slid into his. He turned his head in surprise and she had an odd urge to cry. Without thinking she  gave in to the urge and kissed his cheek. She froze at the moment. What on earth was wrong with her?

Sid  was completely shocked and surprised. There was pin drop silence in the car until Sid spoke up.

"Ridhima, are you flirting with me?" His voice was low and husky.

She couldn't help but smile. "Not tonight."

He smirked. "Then what the hell was that?"

"You looked like you needed a kiss." She looked down, fighting a blush. "And I felt like giving you one. If you weren't here tonight, I'm pretty sure I would've been depressed."

He slowly smiled. Those smiles she saw only once in a while. Without thinking much of it she lay her head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her.

fri42911 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
awesome update!!!!!!!
loved it!!!!!!!
indian_beauty thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
Nehaaa welcome back ðŸ¤— OMG Finally u updated so happy u did😃

as usual fab update...I really liked Sid-Armaan convo..Sid is the one who suffered so much from this accident n yet he just "let it go" and is telling the same to his friend the same guy who's responsible for Sid's pain *SIGH* Siddhant Modi is just one great man no wonder we all still love him<3333

I am so glad Riddhima left with Sid instead of armaan...I just hope she ends her relationship with him soon & he goes far far far away from Siddhima's life

Last SR scene was really sweet...she kissed him ðŸ˜² and he wrapped his arms around her  Really looking forward to see how SR's relationship grows!

And this time plzzz continue super soon
RestlessWriter thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Neha ðŸ¤—

Awww... That was such a beautiful update.. I like how Sid's and Riddhima's awkward nameless relationship is progressing into something beautiful without either of them realizing...

As for Armaan, well, the one thing I absolutely love love love in your stories is the fact that you make Riddhima sensible.. In a way that she never was in the show.. Whether it with outside help (like in Meeting Me) or just by making her a sensible female who can see things and people for what and who they are like the Riddhima in this story..

This was such a wonderful update that I am going to save the rotten tomatoes for now... But if the next update does not come soon, you'll be getting a lot more than just rotten tomatoes from me!!!

Do continue soon...


nikita_88 thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Aww for the end! 

Yay for finally updating! 

 And ahhh for you to continue soon!

Btw I loved Sid at the party he so wanted to stay out of the AR mess... He always knows what to do when... I miss Sid 
aamirkhanfan thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
nice update
as usual armaan trying to hog the limelight by creating a scene

-Harshu- thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
Beautiful update!
As usual Armaan trying to hog the limelight by creating a scene :x god he's pathetic :x but I liked Riddhima's reaction..this time Armaan's antics didn't affected her..she did what was right & left the party with Sid ;)
Sid is Sid ..he's the one who is suffering still he let go things . I liked his convo with Armaan .
Last scene was awww so cuteee :)
Can't wait for the next part
Do continue soon...
whispa thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
First of all I completely agree with Neet when she says she loves your 'sensible' ridhimma and so do I. i think the most frustrating thing for me in DMG towards the end,  was how they showed Ridhimma to be so totally clueless, gutless and so totally aimless. But I dont want to talk about 'that' Ridhimma.
Your Ridhimma is lovely. I love her concern for Sid and also the fact that she's beginning to act on her concern. I actually giggled at the part when Armaan thought she was talking about Sid when she asked Naina and Yuvi to take him home.😆 And the scene he caused at the party doesnt surprise me either...its just so Armaan.
You still havent told us exactly how the accident happened but you've hinted that Armaan was drunk. I guess Sid must have tried to stop him. Im waiting for the  total revelation.
I loved the last  scene. They were so comfortable with each if they belonged together.😳
Oh and like Nikki, I miss Sid!
Beautiful as always Neha.
mala1108 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Awesome update!!!! Love SR scenes, especially the last part... continue soon
btalwar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
Hey Neha
This is Bhanu. I recently joined IF and am an SR fan. I read your other FF "Meeting Me " and I just loved it ... In fact, I have read it more than 2 times till now and still have not had enough of it ...
Needless to say, as soon as it was finished, I tried to find your other works and came across this beautiful piece ... a different concept from DMG and wow such a wonderful idea ... the way you have described the progress between Sid and Ridhimma's relationship is simply awesome ...
And I totaly agree with Neet ... its a relief to see Ridhimma acting sensibly in your FFs 😊😊.  I loved her character when this show had started but towards the end of it ... more than hating her ... I pity her character because it was brulatlly butchered by the creatives ... as if they were on some gunpoint ...
anyway ... that pretty much happened to all the three protagonists towards the end ...
So its really a breath of fresh air to find Ridhimma as a believable and responsible character ...
Great work ... Please continue this great job and please add me to your PM list ... I will love to see how this story unfolds