Cvs!Please stop glorifying domestic violence... - Page 10


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**Tinkerbell** thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Domestic Violence:
"acts of violence or abuse against a person living in one's household, especially a member of one's immediate family."

I beg to can't be domestic violence because they aren't in a relationship or living together as family, they are two individuals who clash and continuously cross paths!!They exchange harsh words and yes arnav grabs her like it was mentioned earlier it's passion not abuse he's not beating her black and blue!!Khushi is just as insultive as he is so what is that not too Domestic Violence?She gives as good as she gets she yells at him and insults him and calls him what not the only difference is he is more physical in portraying his emotions they barely know each other so not domestic violence!!Some guys generally have a tight grasp..i'm not excusing his manhandling but i think it's tooo far fetched to call it abuse!!
I think your taking it a bit too seriously it's a serial if there was rape and he beat her then yes i'd agree but Arnav is not even close to being a perpertrator he's just angry and doesn't portray his emotions very well!!!The other way of looking at is Khushi is petite and very light i'm sure a normal push out the way may magnify it to you because she's so light she goes flying!!!
Anyhow if you want to speak of emotional abuse your threats are not appropriate and very abusive when all someone is doing is putting their point across!!i think Arnav's not the only one with temper problems you yourself need to calm down!!!
**Tinkerbell** thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: FelixFelicis

I absolutely LOVE this psychology!!!

Arnav manhandles Khushi...oh but he's the hero!
Arnav emotionally tortures Khushi...oh but he really didn't mean to!!
Arnav gloats about his 'aukaad' and Khushi's lack of it...oh but he paid the hospital bills!!!
Arnav treats the servant like vermin...oh but really, the poor guy has anger management problems!!

Its all  COMPLETELY justified!! How brilliant! I wonder whether it would have been so justified if he wasn't so droolworthy!! ðŸ˜› Who cares what he does to Khushi, he will change...i swear! No, there is absolutely no way that someone as unbalanced as him would remain like that...yes, of course, after marriage (which will happen with all pomp and glory and viewers swooning) our ASR will be the perfect husband!!! No chance whatsoever that he may in fit of rage hurt his wife, possibly worse (since by then he's extended his rights on her)...we'll carry on arguing that he's just being ASR...chill!!! We can all take a bit of kicking around like a beachball by someone who'll kiss us better again!!! Yes, yes, I know, he has issues to deal with...but love is blind of course!!! 

Oh and coming to Khushi's self-respect...who cares a toss??? I mean she'll get someone like ASR for a husband...what is she complaining for?! Besides, its a they can show us anything they like...we'll lap it right up...on one condition...the hero has to be uber-HOT...otherwise, not working!  Let's watch it unfold...let's all rejoice when ASR finally gets his property...oops i meant Khushi...and let the physical and mental abuse carry long as we are getting equal doses of romance!!! off to puke!

No disrespect but your taking the show far tooo seriously!!it would be appreciated that you didn't generalise the way member's think!!We aren't oblivious or stupid!!!irrelevant of the fact Arnav is a hottie IF he was abusing her then the majority of us would be against that because i'm sure no one atones domestic Violence regardless of wether the actor is good looking or not!!The point being he is not!!I agree he man handles her but that boils down to the fact he's a guy he's more physical than her..when he pushes her does she crack her head against a wall?Nope.A guys hold is generally much tighter than a girls!!
@bold when does he ever kick her around like a beachball?Are you watching the same show as the rest of us?clearly not!!yes he pushes and pulls her thats hardly domestic violence?!And as i mentioned earlier the emotional abuse which is infact insults are two sided they both give as good as they get!!i'll raise my point again it's not DV because they are not in a relationship they are two people who hate each other crossing paths and end up in a confrontation!!
I really think you need to reword what you've wrote it's not acceptable making remarks at the intellect of the members!who are you to judge?People have a differnet perception of domestic violence and what is being portrayed is definetely is not it!!And my decision is based on what i see not wether the Actor is a hottie or not that might be the way you think but the majority of us who have any sense are mature enough to tell the difference!!
FelixFelicis thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: DiehardBarunFan

Who da HELL dared to justify Arnav ?? He is Bad ,Mean and da WORST but thats his character..Why da HELL do we need to change ?? None of da Arnav fans justified PLzz use ur brains

Oh...someone's not been paying attention then...tsk tsk! If you go back enuf...there are certain posts (highly childish and reeking of ignorance)...that attempt to justify Arnav's behaviour because he has 'anger management' issues...and also blames Khushi almost equally (hot tea and some such nonsense)! Your discussion with the TM is fairly amusing, but that's not why I wrote this post...i can sense you're in a gung-ho mood for silencing the TM...although I fear she may respond with further threats ðŸ˜†...but plz m'dear do not attempt to demean me by asking me to use my brains ...when you urself haven't said anything earth-shattering as far as I can see...i'm not commenting without having thought of what I've written and I'll stick by it...Peace!
Mitrashakti thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 12 years ago
@ fruark and diehardarnavfan or whatever your name is darling:

Stop this nonsense in my thread! I will be filing online character defamation suit against anyone who messes with my name and I do not need your information for that. Your online Id is enough...i find it below my discretion to converse with such ppl.

Anyways @ fruark : you said you are an IT professional...what are you doing here or you are out of work. My housekeeper is an IT professional. She works in my house now. She is a wonderful lady... My point is you have no business to come a accuse me in my own not bully me. I deal with ppl like you on a daily basis.

@ diehard: I do not converse with ppl who are worthless and bullies.

FelixFelicis thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: **Tinkerbell**

No disrespect but your taking the show far tooo seriously!!it would be appreciated that you didn't generalise the way member's think!!We aren't oblivious or stupid!!!irrelevant of the fact Arnav is a hottie IF he was abusing her then the majority of us would be against that because i'm sure no one atones domestic Violence regardless of wether the actor is good looking or not!!The point being he is not!!I agree he man handles her but that boils down to the fact he's a guy he's more physical than her..when he pushes her does she crack her head against a wall?Nope.A guys hold is generally much tighter than a girls!!
@bold when does he ever kick her around like a beachball?Are you watching the same show as the rest of us?clearly not!!yes he pushes and pulls her thats hardly domestic violence?!And as i mentioned earlier the emotional abuse which is infact insults are two sided they both give as good as they get!!i'll raise my point again it's not DV because they are not in a relationship they are two people who hate each other crossing paths and end up in a confrontation!!
I really think you need to reword what you've wrote it's not acceptable making remarks at the intellect of the members!who are you to judge?People have a differnet perception of domestic violence and what is being portrayed is definetely is not it!!And my decision is based on what i see not wether the Actor is a hottie or not that might be the way you think but the majority of us who have any sense are mature enough to tell the difference!!

My dear...I am not comments are based purely on some of the earlier comments I read of some truly childish nature...! If you are not amongst them, that's good for you! 

I am glad you do not see it as abuse...good, then you'd be ok with someone doing that to you...if you have that sort of tolerance, I am in awe of you...HONESTLY. As it happens, it crosses the line for me...and I say this because in a different context, i have faced the much so that such taunting remarks nearly drove me round the bend! I term that exactly asbeing kicked around like a beachball (figuratively of course...not literally as i'm sure u see). Hence, it is difficult for me to digest this! I haven't used the highly taboo DV term at any point in my post, I have merely expressed surprise of certain comments in this and earlier posts that have attempted to justify the character. I am unfortunately at a stage where if someone stoops beneath a certain level or crosses certain lines, they cannot redeem themselves, at any rate. I am stumped to think what cud Arnav do to make someone in Khushi's position forget the irrational hatred and harsh words (we'll leave the grabbing and pulling aside for now) that he's come out with. And please don't be so defensive...i wasn't heaping everyone in the same bucket in any case...not sure why you used the words 'members' and 'we' when i was only commenting on a certain type of philosophy that I have come across on this forum...i have no need to name the people who have these sentiments. ðŸ˜Š
frockstar thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Fascinator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
wow anumita sarkar...
you are soo funny!! i was ROFLMAO...

yes... i am a poor IT professional who was working from home today and had the good fortune to read ur post and reply. and thanks to your info, incase i am fired i can get to be ur house keeper.
i soo envy ur house keeper.. lucky girl/boy.

and pls be my guest ... file a case.

btw do you want me to publish ur entire address, ur occupation, name and biodata in the next post ?
let me see what an IT professional can do?
Mitrashakti thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 12 years ago
Mods. Please close my topic because there are some members who are abusing this thread. I started it because Violence is a serious issue and I do not want my thread to be misused.

I am officially reporting members called Fruark and Diehardbarunfan. These two ppl have been verbally abusive. I want them reported and I will be filing an online defamation suit against them and I have to include India forums in it.

I have been a longtime forum member and I apologize for filing the suit but character assassination is a crime and I will not tolerate any kind of crime.

Close this topic!
Mitrashakti thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: fruark

wow anumita sarkar...

you are soo funny!! i was ROFLMAO...

yes... i am a poor IT professional who was working from home today and had the good fortune to read ur post and reply. and thanks to your info, incase i am fired i can get to be ur house keeper.
i soo envy ur house keeper.. lucky girl/boy.

and pls be my guest ... file a case.

btw do you want me to publish ur entire address, ur occupation, name and biodata in the next post ?
let me see what an IT professional can do?

Go ahead! My case will be easier. Go ahead I insist.Wow an online hacker who steals identity. Identity theft is so out there!Edited by anusarkar - 12 years ago
Posted: 12 years ago
I keep my reality away from fiction and don't really get into the drama on IF.But I do have to point here that many many of us(you might think we are jobless) here have read your post and replied to you. Many of us chose to make valid point but never did get any reply from you. You did choose to reply to those you could have ignored.There is something called being a bigger person when situation calls for it..
Just chill Anu. Its a reaction to what you started. I don't care if you want the topic to be closed but yes this topic was important. Maybe few did understand what is Physical abuse.
**Tinkerbell** thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: FelixFelicis

My dear...I am not comments are based purely on some of the earlier comments I read of some truly childish nature...! If you are not amongst them, that's good for you! 

I am glad you do not see it as abuse...good, then you'd be ok with someone doing that to you...if you have that sort of tolerance, I am in awe of you...HONESTLY. As it happens, it crosses the line for me...and I say this because in a different context, i have faced the much so that such taunting remarks nearly drove me round the bend! I term that exactly asbeing kicked around like a beachball (figuratively of course...not literally as i'm sure u see). Hence, it is difficult for me to digest this! I haven't used the highly taboo DV term at any point in my post, I have merely expressed surprise of certain comments in this and earlier posts that have attempted to justify the character. I am unfortunately at a stage where if someone stoops beneath a certain level or crosses certain lines, they cannot redeem themselves, at any rate. I am stumped to think what cud Arnav do to make someone in Khushi's position forget the irrational hatred and harsh words (we'll leave the grabbing and pulling aside for now) that he's come out with. And please don't be so defensive...i wasn't heaping everyone in the same bucket in any case...not sure why you used the words 'members' and 'we' when i was only commenting on a certain type of philosophy that I have come across on this forum...i have no need to name the people who have these sentiments. ðŸ˜Š

I apologise if i spoke out of context only you generalised and din;t really make out you were referring to certain posts/members rather than everyone. Anyhow it's a shame to hear that you experienced such abuse but unfortunately the world is full of jerks.i agree he manhandles...but what i don't agree with is that people are labelling his insults as abuse when Khushi too insults him and both go far below the belt!!They both share the same hatred and harsh words the difference being Arnav is more physical. I don't agree with the manhandling but i do understand that rather than get the words out he's pulling and pushing which isn't necessary but also for me not really abuse either. It's part of the complex character that he is..the day he raises his hand then i will have something to say at the moment it's passion and frustration but not endangering her in any way which is what abuse is.
Anyway again people's views are different so we will leave it at that...