abhiya ff "love n deception"BK-2,note pg 95 - Page 27


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heena_mehta thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: shafaq_abhiya

lovely part dear it was soo good..thankuuu so much dear. ijust loved it yaa..;glad u loved it dear jeh likes pia... hmmm intresting... hope he controls himself he wl try his best nd want pia nd jeh to be very good frds ..soon this track wl also b cmng. update soon l try

heena_mehta thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: afsanakhanak

Lovely update.Thanks 4 the pm.

thankuuu so much dear
n sending pm is my pleasure
heena_mehta thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: piya_abhay_love

nice update thanx😊 thanx for pm ma pleasure

heena_mehta thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: MyAngelAbhay

Awwssum update heena! πŸ‘ thankuuu so much rukhsar u r shaping up da story very well.Pia n misha convo was really sweet! glad u found it sweet n piya blushing while saying 'niece! nt nephew'dat was cho chweet! 😳 n i knew da person who saved piya 4rm falling was jeh! n i luvd jisha fight!  wel i can c a new couple in da making! πŸ˜‰ Aint i right? cn't say yes so soonπŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†jeh's story was heart-touching! felt bad 4 him!
wud luv 2 c jisha! Abhay has 2 face tough times..yup
update soon sure wl try-luv u. πŸ€—        luv u tooπŸ€—        

heena_mehta thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: priyaks12

Hai heena 😊 i m new for this forum welcome to this forum n my thread also dear, may i knw ur name??.. this s my first post😊😊😊 for u nd ur loverly updateπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— www dats so sweet n kind of u dear Wt an amazing updates yr.. Interestin, beautiful,awesome,fantastic,heart touching  story.  i just loved it..πŸ€—πŸ‘ omg, how lw hold so much appreciation, i m feeling wowww, thanx alot dear u r just a wnderful writer heenaπŸ‘πŸ‘ PlπŸ€— i m totally humbled bu ur words dear please update soon..sure wl try  waiting  eagerly ...PLEASE, do pm me when u update..😊 ya sure😊

heena_mehta thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: sweta-mony

Awesome part dr, 

loved it.

thanx dear n glad u loved it😊😊😊
heena_mehta thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago

note: guys , i m aving my xams nxt month, so may b i wl gt late in posting nxt update, although i wl try my best, bt pls bear wid me till 30th november, after dat i wl b here at ur service wid regular updates,,,promise

here is d nxt update
part- 25
jay was lying down on his king sized bed, he was rewinding all d moments of today's event in his mind, d moment she held her in his arms, he found , dat for few moments everything gt stopped, it was nt he didn't av ny idea abt pia-abhay's arrival, bt he was nt prepared for that sudden face-off wid her,frm d day abhay had a talk wid him n he said yes to his deceision, he was in delima, he was nt sure dat whether he was ready to see her again, to see her wid him all happy carrying his half vampire half human child in her womb, their sign of pure love, he didn't want to break all those barriers he made for himself, he didn't want his inner animal to take over his humanity, bt then he took his decision n finally he said yes to abhay...
N today when i saw her after so many months, i felt those emotions which i burried somehwere deep inside my heart started exposing n i realised dat somewhere i m still there in my past n then suddenly i saw her getting down, holding her head head n then i realised where i was standing n how much things av changed nw, d moment i held her, she went all uncouncious, for d first time in my whole hundred years f life i felt scared, scared of seeing her like dat , scared of loosing her, bt y, i av already lost her, i wouldn't av come out of my long thoughts, if i hadn't heard misha's scream-piaa n then his name frm misha's mouth, brought me back on d earth, when she said- omg jay i need to call abhay n there when she took dat name abhay, i felt guilty of my own thoughts, d pia which was there wid me, was HIS !!!
i was pretending to b all normal, she was lying on bed still uncouncious, abhay was sitting nxt to her, d pain of seeing her like dat was visible in his eyes, nyone one could av sense his pain n love both for her n then after almost half an hour of long wait, she opened her eyes n d first name came out of her mouth was abhay, i was happy dat she was fine, bt there was sumthing pinching me inside, wasn't dat so human, even after knwing d reality, i felt bad dat she took his name, it was very obivious, bt still i was feeling helpless infront of my human feelings which i was getting at dat moment!!
n then i saw dat uneasiness n disappointment in her eyes, when abhay said, he was going to drop misha, even for once i didn't get abhay's behaviour, bt then i thought he might want pia to b comfortable around me, coz only then i would b able to treat her, bt i was thinking dat how cn someone get dat big heart dat abhay has, even widout aving a heart in reality, he knws very well dat i loved pia at some point of time in my life or dat i av those feelings still alive somewhere in my heart, bt for him nthing is more important then her n i just wish, dat i would b able to keep his trust on me, coz i cn fight wid my mind bt nt wid heart!!!
pia was sitting comfortably in abhay's arms, her head was lying on his chest, there was an unwanted silence prevailing in their room, both were struggling frm their inner fears, bt finally abhay asked-pia, how did u find jay pia??
pia while looking towards their entwined hands n politely said-he is a nice person n if u trust him, then there must av something in him, dat u went out leaving behind him wid me!!
pia's last few words, were enough to tel him, dat she was upset, coz of this veiled stuffs going around her!!
abhay while kissing her forehead softly, said- pia, i m sry, i knw few things r disturbing u n i need to xplain them!!
pia looked into his eyes, while separating herself a little, so dat she cn read his expressions-hmmm, coz i knw there is something terribly wrong , which u r trying to hide me!!
abhay saw those eyes filled wid fear of loosing him, he held her hands in his n asked- promise me, u wl nt let ur emotions overpower u!!
pia still holding her gaze at d same place, she said- i wl try!!
abhay- promise,
pia- promise!!
abhay- bt first u tel me, how did u faint there??
pia- i dunno , wat happened, i was feeling restless n it was like angel was more restless than me, i thought she might b hungry, so i had a piece of cake, bt i couldn't take inside n after dat coming back frm washroom, misha was holding me, she went back to take her phone n at dat moment, i found everything went black infront of my eyes n bf4 dat i would av held myself, i found myself going down n after dat u knw much better than me!!
abhay- i m sry, it all happened coz i left u there alone, pia remained silent this time as if she wanted him to knw this afct!!
after few minutes, she asked- where did u go abhay???
silence was playing on his lips, like he was struggling wid words to come out of his mouth n finally after a pause he said- mathali called me up!!!!
pia's expression remained same, nt even a slight change in them, like she knew his answer already!!
abhay felt bad at first n then thought, it was obivious, pia knws him in n out, even his supernatural acts cn't defeat her human instincts!!!
this time while moving his gaze far away frm her love n trust filled eyes, he said- she wants me to forgive her n again he went all quite, pia's heart gt filled wid an unknown fear of his rest few words which were still on d way to come out, she clutched his hands tightly n asked while keeping herself normal- wat else abhay ??
abhay turned his gaze again towards her n said- she wants me to come back!!
suddenly there was a killing silence gt spread all there in room!!! pia's emotions took a sudden toll, bt somehow she managed them. bt her grip on abhay's hand gt loosen automatically which was telling something else!!
finally gathering herself again she asked- wat do u want abhay???
pain was visible in her eyes n it didn't go unnotice by abhay, he replied to her answer, bt there was strange hesitation in his voice- pia i cn forgive her, bt ofcourse i cn't go back to her!!
coz i m ur responsiblity at present- pia asked this question as soon as he completed his sentence!!!
abhay felt his dead heart gt broken into pieces, although he knew somehwere his own action was resposible for dat, bt he neither wanted to hurt her nor to lie, he himself was confused bt d moment she said dat "coz i m ur responsibilty at present", he gt clear answer of his confusion, he cupped her face in his cold hands n said- pia how cn u say dat, u r my love pia, i love u, i knw u r my resposibilty bt it doesn't mean dat this is d only relation v share, my love for u is nt coz u r carrying my child in ur womb , its all coz i love u pia, u n angel r only d only reason for my existence nw, i cn't even think of leaving this dark life widout d only shine of my life, dats u pia...i agree dat, for once i drove down by my emotions, bt dat just coz i saw d guilt in her eyes, bt xcept forgiveness there is nthing i cn give her!!!
tears started falling down her cheeks n she hugged him like a child, she was holding her most precious gift in her arms!!
she wanted to stay there only in his embrace for rest of her life!!!
shhh, shhh pia- he said while creasing her back n kissing her hair , abhay said to himself- pia i told u all this, coz i cn't lie to u nymore, bt i m sure, this time mathali has gt some big plans n if i m nt wrong, she has already placed her condition in exchange of dat ring!!!
pia's words brought him back , she said- abhay i cn understand, how difficult it must av been for u, coz no one forget her/his first love, its impossible, even dat person's betrayal, cn't let u hate him!!!
abhay realised dat wat pia wanted to say, coz she herself couldn't hate him when she found his n mathali's truth!!
she continued , this time her words were nt coming out of her throat, she herself was nt sure, dat watever she wl say nxt moment, she reli wants to say dat or nt, her heart felt d pain of her thoughts , bt finally she said- abhay, i knw i cn't live widout u, bt i cn't b selfish, i don't knw i want to say this or nt, bt still if u want to go back, u cn go!!
abhay felt someone pierced his dead heart, this was d last thing he wanted to hear , he brought pia's face infront of him, found her baby brown eyes, all filled wid tears n pain of saying those words, abhay couldn't take it more, he cupped her face n wid all tender ness, he kept his lower lip on hers n pia closed her eyes n tears roll down her cheeks, letting his upper lip met wid hers, he just wanted to tell her how much he loves her by his soft n love act, pia didn't respond at first, bt abhay'a love made her do dat, slowly she responded to his kiss, her hands automatically moved to his neck, bringing him as close as he could, dat moment dey didn't want nything else, nt even d air, they just wanted to feel each other, to d atmost xtent they cn, he just wanted her to overcome her fears, atleast for d time being n she just wanted to feel his touch all over her!!!
abhay controlled himself, d moment he realised dat she was going weak, he felt irregularity of her heart beats, pia was feeling all numb, she rested her head on his shoulder n her eyes were still closed n d very second she realised she was there in abhay arms outside der house, in their garden, he made her sit on d beautiful wood slats carpet, pia was still trying to hold her heart beats!!
abhay sat infront of her n said- don't u dare bring dat thought again in ur mind, pia if a day wl come where i av to choose mathali over u, dat day my heart wl die once again, coz u r n u wl b my love forever, u r my everything pia, u r beats of my dead heart!!
finally pia smiled n said- i love u abhay!!!
abhay while kissing her forehead- i love u too pia!!
abhay-pia laid down their only nxt to each other, holding each other hands, they both were looking up towards d beautiful dark sky, covered wid all bright stars, enjoying cold breeze on their faces, when pia asked abhay while looking towards sky only- abhay who was jay's love??
abhay;s grip gt automatically tighten on pia;s hand, he was nt xpecting this question frm her!
pia found some uneasiness there, bt after few minutes when he didn't reply , she asked again- abhay u didn;t reply to my question!!!
abhay- who told u abt this pia, abhay asked while turning his face towards her!!
pia- actually misha was telling me dat jay used to come our clg, nt for alina, bt for somone else, bt no one knws who was dat someone else, i thought u might b knwing her!!
abhay kept looking at her for few seconds n then replied- pia, dats true jay was in love few months back, bt no one knws who was d gal, even i don't knw, this time abhay tried his best to cover up d things n actually he gt succeeded!!
pia- wat do u mean abhay he was in love, he doesn't love dat gal nw??
abhay- i dunno pia, may b he still loves her, he said looking deep down her eyes!!
pia -hmmm, i hope he wl find his true love one day, while saying this she entered in her heaven of his strong arms!!
abhay while wrapping his arms around her , kept thinking- pia, u urself don't knw wat av u demanded for him, coz unknwingly u av demanded urself for him, coz U R d one who he once loved or still loves, abhay closed his eyes, d moment he thought of last few words of his own!!!
Edited by heena_mehta - 12 years ago
.SmokeySilence. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago

sorry I'm again late πŸ˜³

will start from Jeh. Aww.. my poor hottie.. still have feelings for Piya. I love how he was struggling his feelings, thinking about his animailistic vs humanity thing πŸ‘ You always portray Jeh differently. I loved in your mini FF and here as well πŸ˜³
Abhiya convo was amazing, very emotional and touchy 
when Piya said to Abhay, "Because I'm your responsibility" it broke my heart as well. It much be really hard for him to say this line as well. Im glad atleast Abhay told Piya that this time Maithli is upto something big.
So Abhay knws Jeh loved Piya and still he is relying on him. Piya's last line made me worried..."what are you planning?" πŸ˜• 
The entire Abhiya convo was very emotional. 
Overall, supperbb emotional update πŸ‘
luv u πŸ€—
Edited by princess_xeelan - 12 years ago
shivanirajput thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago
hey that was a very intense part
u make me seriously shed tears this time
pia and abhay's pain is really heartbreaking
i hope soon everything will be alright
but why is abhay hiding truth of jai from pia
i mean he wants her to be with him after he will leave her so why not tell her
i m wondering what will she do when she will come to know about it
how will she going to deal with this especially in her present condition
but heads off to her only someone s selfless as her can ask abhay to leave if he wants that was really touching
thanks for pm
and yaa we know u can't update soon but  at least try to update once in ten days
its just a request no one is forcing you best of luck for your exam
Edited by shivanirajput - 12 years ago
Deepi20 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Awesome update! That was super sweet and brave of Piya to tell Abhay that if he chooses to go back to Maithali he can! I'm glad Abhay told her that he only loves her and his heart would die if he ever choose Maithali over Piya! Poor Piya she doesn't know she unknowingly asked herself for Jeh when she wished that Jeh's true love comes back to him! I feel bad the most for Abhay! He has to deal with Maithali and has be a bit aloof from Piya! It also must be super hard for Jeh to see his love with someone else! I hope Jeh keeps Abhay's trust on him intact regarding Piya! Looking forward to the next update! Continue soon 😊