AbhIya FF: And I will Be Waiting: B-2-Updtd- Pg131 - Page 101


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Ritzie thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Poco, I am eagerly waiting for the update with Daksh's party where Abhay does something awesome. When are you updating? 😳
MRS.SSO thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
when r u goinna update ???????????????
MRS.SSO thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
awesum story going wid alot of twist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i m glad abhay trying to knw the truth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
pooor mish baby !!!!!!!!!!!!!!abheer sure is a thng baby !!!!!!!!!:p
i wud love to sseee sam being jealous n ripping off abheer coz of misha 
n mathili shud    be graved plz he bores us i hate her 
TheBlackJaguar thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Dark Room, Zeenia's house.

The bowl now carries T's huraan contaminated blood. Zeenia removes T's hand from above the bowl and stops her chanting. As they all look on, Zeenia pours the blood into a crystal vial and looping it into a silver chain , she ties it on Misha's wrist in the moonlight.

Zeenia ( looking sharply at Misha )- T's blood will deflect all of Abheer's emotional hypnosis and the feeling magnetic field that he may direct towards you. Abheer cannot remove it from you because it is silver . He will not dare to touch this jewel. And you are NEVER going to remove it.

Sambhav ( coming forward )- Not until Abheer is in our lives.

T ( looking at her bleeding wrist )- Besides , the power of Huraan in my blood is more powerful than any other Bolshva's. Because I am a mutant Bolshva. Abheer's magic, at least as far as hypnotizing a person is concerned will be repelled by this vial of blood on you. Whatever he emanates will be absorbed by it.

Zeenia (nods )- So, get the picture, my pretty? The only weapon you will ever have against Abheer when none of us are around is this VIAL.

Misha ( looking at the vial on her wrist )- I get that. Am never removing it , not until Abheer doesn't get lost.

Piya looks at T's bleeding wrist and the black viscose fluid flowing out of her cut is an ugly painful sight to her. She comes to T and puts a hand on her shoulder.

Piya ( in concern )- The ritual is done, T. You can heal yourself.

Zeenia ( looks at T )- What are you waiting for? Vodafone Zoo Zoos come and sing you to healing? Zip the wound up . If you loose blood, I can't offer Misha and Piya  for food, puhlease!

Tanushree is forced  to smile at Zeenia's cute scolding . She puts her hand on the cut on her wrist and closes her eyes  to gather her energy and heal herself.

Sambhav ( bending and looking over her shoulder )- Should be gone now, right?

Tanushree opens her eyes and removes her hand . They all are expecting to see her flawless fair skin back but what they see shocks them. The cut is getting wider and seems to be spreading on her arm ' turning into an ugly wound and the blood continuing to flow out. They all look at her in horror.

Misha ( standing up and holding T's arm in alarm)- What the hell is this! Why' why is it spreading? Why are you not healing yourself?

Sambhav ( getting worried )- Tanzie! What are you looking at? J-Just heal yourself , you fool!...Tanzie?... ( shaking her by her shoulders )'. Are you friggin' listening to me?

Tanushree ( looking at all of them in numbness )- I-I don't know what's wrong. I cannot heal myself! Is something wrong with my powers as a vampire?

Zeenia ( trying to figure out )- Something is wrong'. Something went horrible wrong in the ritual! Something horribly wrong.

Sambhav blows his lid off and grabs Zeenia by her neck , pinning her to wall while the rest tell him to relax!

Piya( pulling him away )- Sam, NO! Leave her!

T ( anxiously )- Sam, stop it! Its not her fault!

Sambhav ( furiously )- Inhabiting Anushka's body is one thing and  applying her powers with finesse and skill is another! '.(pointing at T )'.do you know the meaning of this? The rest of the Bolshvas will find out what she did once they see her wound . And then? ' ( pressing her neck )'.I don't care how you do it! Just close that damned wound!  NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sambhav lets go of Zeenia with a jerk and she coughs to get her breath back as Sambhav, Piya and Misha rush to Tanushree on whom the cut is spreading like a cancer.

Piya ( urgently )- First , we need to find out if T's powers have stunted for herself or everyone!

She looks around and finds a wine glass. She breaks it and cuts her hand.

Piya (putting it forward to T )- Heal it!

Tanushree puts her hand on Piya's cut and it heals instantly. They all are taken aback.

Sambhav ( alarmed )- That means you can heal anyone except yourself?  Zee! What the hell did you do?

Misha ( tears welling up in her eyes)- W-We need to do something. Fast'.the wound is alive and it is going to eat up her whole arm at this rate.

Piya( cleaning the back blood off T  with a handtowel as she cannot touch it )- It needs to be healed immediately. If we take help of the Bolshvas, they will punish her. Do I call Abhay? He is a vampire and he can heal her, right?

T ( instantly )- No! I cannot be healed by Abhay. He is a Czen  and helping me will be against the laws and it will land both him and me in some real deep shit!

Sambhav ( frustrated )- Screw the laws! T , don't you see it? Your body is beginning to rot as it does by a werewolf bite , its only that it is happening at lightening speed. Piya! Call Abhay! FAST.

Just then, looking at the charmed knife , Zeenia looks struck. She realizes what has happened and she stops Piya.

Zeenia ( immediately )- Piya, stop! Don't call Abhay'. ( picks up the knife )'. Sambhav is right. I screwed up the whole thing . Put me into a tank of sulphuric acid for this , but 'the knife is the culprit. It is a charmed knife ' bound by pious threads and chants.

Sambhav ( struck with realization )- DAMN IT! No wonder. We used a pious and pure weapon to cut into T  and her blood is' ( hates to say the word )'.well, evil.

Tanushree ( horrified )- Y-You used an evil bloodline  to carry out a pious ritual for the safety of one's innocence. The piety of the knife has punished me. Evil cannot take whipping of the good!..its' its' black magic v/s. white magic. Can't you heal it, Zee?

Zeenia ( disturbed )- I can't. The knife is a holy weapon  and I cannot undo what it has done. I am in Anushka's body and am using her powers but since am not a sapphire witch , I cannot summon the powers as they will listen only to Anushka's 'voice'. The healing has to be internal. We need pure blood of a supernatural . Any supernatural will do!

Misha 'Are you sure?

Zeenia ( rolls her eyes )- Hell yeah! I am a Keeper and I have been around for thousands of years ' I may not have the powers but you cannot question my knowledge.

Sambhav (raising an eyebrow)- Any supernatural?

Zeenia ( nods )- Any Supernatural who can heal her internally.

Sambhav ( gritting his teeth )- Fine, then!

Before anyone can understand what he is doing, Sambhav bites the flesh off his wrist with his canines, making  his veins spurt with blood. He grabs T's neck and presses her mouth to his wrist , making her drink his blood.

Sambhav ( urgently )- The  spurt is enough, Tanz. DON'T BITE ME!

Misha ( screams and tries to pull him away )- SHE IS A VAMPIRE, YOU FOOL! What are you doing? Her instincts will make her bite you!

Zeenia ( her jaw falling open in shock )- SAM NO!!!!!!

Piya ( calming them )-  Chill! T will not bite him.

Sambhav doesn't budge even though Misha and Zeenia try to get him away. Finally, T coughs on his blood and Sambhav lets go. He bends down and holding her face, putting her hair back in place , he calms her down.

Sambhav ( scared for her and concerned)- Take it in. You are going to be okay. Trust me.

Tanushree nods and Sambhav wipes the blood off her mouth and normalcy returns to her. As they all take  a breath of relief , the ugly wound on T's wrist and arm , slowly dissolves and the skin layer returns to its original self. Sambhav looks as though life just returned to him more than T and he hugs her in relief ' holding her as though she was something precious who could be lost. Zeenia just slumps into a chair , her feet staggering in shocked relief. Misha and Piya look at each-other with tearful smiles and Misha pats T's head .

T ( not letting herself cry )- Sambhav, am okay'..thank you. Thank you for saving me.

Zeenia ( flustered )- Thank you for saving my ass and Anushka's  pretty nose , Sammy boy! But how the hell did you know  or even think that your blood would heal T?

Piya ( equally confused )- Werewolf bites kill vampires or at least turn them as good as vegetables. Right?

Sambhav lets go off T and takes a good look at her to make sure that she is fine , indeed. He gets up and looks at his shredded wrist and then, at Zeenia.

Sambhav  ( calming down )- We are warm blooded, Piya. My blood in her cold blood helped her blood cells clot and the wound healed. Our blood is ACTIVE , not cold and lifeless like a vampire's. Since am a supernatural, the process was speeded up by my blood.  When we bite vampires , we release a virus that is in our saliva ' it spreads like a cancer in their bodies and they eventually die unless we give our blood  to them to drink . '.( smiles at T)'.Thank you for NOT biting me, Tanzie. Or else I would have to be killed  with a silver shard.

Tanushree ( looking at him deeply )- I didn't bite you is one thing but didn't you think even once before putting your flesh   under the teeth of a Bolshva?

Sambhav ( shakes his head )- There was no time to think. I only thought of saving you.

Piya looks at both Sambhav and T and she reads something that is making her clearly uncomfortable and alarming her. Misha thumps Sambhav's back playfully and he laughs.

Misha ( putting an arm around his shoulder )- Lolz. We should be named THE TRIANGLE. Tanzie saves me and Sam saves T. And who do I get to save?

Zeenia ( flutters her eyelashes at her)- Babe, for the time being you save yourself and we will be fine.

Misha ( pulling Sam's ear )- You got me so scared, you creep! T is a VAMPIRE and you actually took a  risk with her.

Sambhav ( smiles genuinely )- Who won? Your fear of her or my trust on her? Tell, tell.

Misha ( her heart sinks and she blinks her doe eyes at him)- Your trust'.

Just then, Tanushree's phone rings and the conversation is interrupted. They all are stunned , looking at the flashing screen in the dark ' Natasha The Bitch calling.

Piya ( alarmed )- Damn! Why is Natasha calling T? Does she usually call you T?

T ( equally alarmed )- Never. Until its bad news! '.Shucks, maybe they were trying to reach me but since I have blocked them out . She will ask me where am I .

Sambhav thinks for a second or two , then, signaling all of them to keep quiet . He picks up the call.

Sambhav ( teasingly )- Natasha, you are beginning to miss Tanushree in the middle of nights. All okay with your orientations? '( he puts the call on speakerphone ).

Natasha ( angrily )- Shut up, Sambhav! What are you doing on T's phone? Shouldn't you be in the jungle preparing for your transformation as 2.30am is your werewolf alarmbell?  Give the phone to her! I want to know why the hell she  blocked us out!

Sambhav ( winking at the girls )- She blocked you out because I asked her to. I mean what business do you have when a gorgeous man and a beautiful girl are together? T is sleeping right now. I will tell her that you were missing her and if you are wondering where are we, well , don't bother !

Sambhav ends the call and tosses the cellphone back to T.

Sambhav ' Tanzie, now you know what to tell her when she sees you next. Right?

T nods and Sambhav looks at the wall clock ' its 2am.

Sambhav ( picking up his cellphone and car keys )- Gotta buzz off girls. I will be a deathly danger to you all in half an hour. Misha, you go with Tanzie. Stay with her tonight so that if at all those nosey Bolshvas come looking , you will be there to support the lie I just slapped into Natasha's hot face.

Misha ( nods)- Suits fine. But what if those Bolshies come to bite poor me?

T ( laughs )- I will slice their necks off! Trust me. Come on.

Sambhav( tapping Piya's shoulder )- You want me to drop you back to the hostel? It is just 10 minutes away. Or even better T and Misha can drop you.

Piya ( shakes her head )- No, no. I will stay here with Zeenia tonight. Its 2 already.

Misha ( taking T's arm and going out )- See you , guys and thank you for getting that Toxin called Abheer out of my system.

Both the girls leave and the door bangs behind them. Sambhav waits till he hears the wheels of Misha's car screech and leave the premises of Anushka's house.

Zeenia ( blinks her eyes at him )- What? Go, dude. I don't want werewolves doing tap dance in Anushka's house.

Sambhav comes close to Zeenia and suddenly  lifts his hand to feel the back of her head. Piya looks at him curiously and Zeenia pouts questioningly.

Zeenia ( puzzled )- Are you mistaking me for your chihuahua  that you are petting me?

Sambhav ( seriously )- No. I was just seeing if you have a swollen head because I banged you against the wall , grabbing your neck. Hmm. It didn't hurt much' ( puts his hand down and looks at her searchingly )' if I ask you something , will you tell me the truth?

Zeenia (reading him)- You don't have to word it. I can say it in your face. Yes, I knew that Tanushree was in clear danger before I told you to get her. I knew that there was a huge risk that she would get infected. But , let's face it. Misha is our own and we were desperate to protect her against Abheer'(pause)' I have nothing against T. Infact, everytime I meet her, my respect and hope for her grows by leaps and bounds, but if you are asking me who would I choose from the edge of a cliff, it'd be Misha. I cannot overrule Anushka's orders and my job is to protect her loved ones. That's that. So, what are you going to do now? Strangle my neck again?

Sambhav just looks at her with an expression of half-betrayal and half-understanding on his face.

Sambhav ( turning to leave )- No. Just do me a favour. Never tell Tanz that you knew the repercussions before the ritual. Yes , we will always choose Misha over her but'. (deeply)' I never want Tanz to feel that her life is not important just because she is apparently an evil vampire.

Sambhav , without another word, leaves the house. Piya looks at the door even after Sambhav has left.

Piya ( thoughtfully )- He really was scared of losing T, wasn't he?

Zeenia ( shrugging her shoulders )- Or maybe he was scared of losing 'a cause' that T has become for him. Only he knows.


Piya's Hostel, Next Day

Next morning, Piya came to her hostel walking , from Zeenia's house. It was a breezy morning with clouds hiding the sun and Piya smiled at the sky. Ah, well. Soon, it will be Monsoon . At least something to be happy about in this dark life of hers. And then, as her eyes were closed, the image of Abhay swam into her eyes ' smiling , his dimpled grin and his playful melting ice blues. Damn! That face was such a rare sight these days. All she had was a raging , ranting , threatening , accusing and sexually overpowering loose cannon who looked less like the Abhay she loved and more like a gun on her head to either tell him the truth or be shot dead. And the way he made her heart skip beats, she was sure that one of these days , if Abhay came within 5 inches of her, her heart will forget to beat and she will die of a heart attack. Shaking her head she opened her eyes.

Piya ( thinking about him )- Abhay'. ( just then her eyes fly open in shock )'. Abhay? Oh no! That's ABHAY!

Gaping at taken aback , she sees Abhay standing outside her hostel, wearing a brown jacket over his casuals and his hands in the pockets, looking out into the horizon, like he always did.

Piya ( walking towards him and he senses her )- What is he doing here so early outside my hostel? I hope no more questions and threats or else am gonna have a nervous breakdown.

Abhay looks at her and as she smiles at him unsurely, he smiles back at her ' a big beaming smile and the long forgotten twinkle back in his gorgeous eyes.

Abhay ( smiles )- Goodmorning, Piya. Morning walk or something?

Piya ( looks at him suspiciously )- Umm, no. I was at Zeenia's place for the night , so just returning to hostel. I have an early lecture today , so I thought I should rush.

Abhay ( nods pleasantly )- Great. Well, I will come straight to the point, Curly. I wanted to call it CEASEFIRE.

Piya looks at him calm and serene face in disbelief. Ceasefire? I mean, really, ceasefire? He was suffocating me with all the pressure and making me guilty with al his pain and suddenly, its ceasefire? Aargh! What neuron did Anushka twist in this man's head that he is a new colour everyday. How do I deal with this now?

Piya ( clearing her throat )-Ceasefire?

Abhay ( starts walking around her as he talks calmly and in a friendly honest manner )- Yupp. I was thinking about this the whole night, Piya. I think you have a point and a valid one too. Maybe , am feeling this chemistry , this connection because you are Maithli's identical image. I am '. I am so sorry, Piya'. ( makes an innocent sorry face)' I have hurt you so much because of my screwed up brain and I must say IMMORAL feelings for you.

Piya ( stunned )- IMMORAL?...( gets a hold of herself )'.I mean, immoral, is not the right word. You were just' just'

Abhay ( making a baby face )- I know , I strayed, right? I mean even looking at you with those eyes' touching you and ' oh, now I realize how disgusting it must have been for you. Your aunt's boyfriend seducing you, kissing you and what not. I am so sorry, Piya.

Piya's head is reeling with this lamb-avatar of Abhay as he holds her hands gently and looks at her with pained eyes. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH HIM! He feels disgusted because he looked at me  and touched me?

Abhay ( pleads )- You can forgive me, right. Am sorry for being such a 'man' to you. I know I was almost characterless, trying to stain your innocence , your 'true love' for a great poet and even thinking of being unfaithful to Maithli. But , you can give me another chance , can't you?

Piya knew that there was a lump rising in her throat and an invisible cord  tightening around her heart. Abhay was behaving 'nice' and she HATED it! Where was the passionate and aggressive vampire who had threatened her that he would find out the truth, come what may? All those rising feelings in him that had both scared her and made her hopeful that Abhay will find his way back to her had gone with the wind? Was Abhay really ashamed of what had happened between them? Piya felt her knees go weak and her feet wobbly . For once, Abhay. For once , do something ever since your memory loss that doesn't hurt me!

Abhay ( sweetly tapping her shoulder )- Piya?

Piya ( looks up at him and sounds like a water filled trumpet )- Huh? Oh, y-yes, am hearing' hearing you. Its okay, Abhay. Never mind'. ( pulling her hands away from Abhay )' errm, I mean' oh , what were you saying? Oh, yes, yes'. Sorry. You are sorry. G-Great! Its , umm, good' I mean, good to be sorry . Its okay, perfectly okay. Happens. I mean, who am I ?...I-I just look like Maithli. Its all good.

Abhay ( blinks his eyes )- Piya, are you okay, sweety? You look anxious and fidgety , all of a sudden.

Piya ( moving away from him and turning away )- I am fine! Now, if you will excuse me , I need to go and get ready and leave for my psychology class. See you.

Without looking back at Abhay again, Piya almost runs into the hostel, her face crumbling into tears. Abhay watches her go and his mouth curves into a wicked smile as he walks back to his car.

Abhay ( sitting in his car )-Let me see just how far you can run, Miss.Jaiswal. And this, is only the beginning'..


Living Room, Dobriyaal Mansion

The lovely miniature crystal vial hanging from her delicate wrist in shining silver , Misha enters her house , whistling to herself. It had been a long eventful night but both she and T had been saved. She and T had spent the night watching Audrey Hepburn and Amitabh Bachhan movies over coffee and popcorn after they left Anushka's house. Finally, all seemed well. At least safe, for sometime. Misha enters the house, using her own key. As soon as she enters , she feels a chill in the air that alarms her. Her eyes go running all over the huge living room and what she sees makes her gasp and her heart genuinely skips a beat'.

There he is , clad in casual denims and a black T, standing near the book shelves , looking at the books, the roaring lion on his arm looking out at Misha as though she had entered his territory and not her own house. Misha feels her feet go ice cold and her lips part'

Misha ( in a croaking voice )- Abheer?

Abheer shuts the book he was looking at and lifts his hypnotic greens to her white face ' a naughty , bratty mischievous grin taking over his chiseled features.

Abeer ( turning towards her and raising an eyebrow )- Misha'.its good to see you again'..lamb!


Edited by Pocahontas - 13 years ago
WiseGirl thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
res! I have to eat lunch!

Wow, it took me a long time to eat lunch! 😆 Actually, Poco, I'm sorry I didn't reply earlier, but I had some school work to do, and then I totally forgot to reply, because I thought that I had! But, this was awesome! 👏

It's kind of sweet to see how much Sam cares for T. But then, I think about how T will have to betray him, and then I get all sad. I mean, he will sacrifice his own blood to a vampire, and a Bolsh at that, just to save her life. Sam's love for T almost makes me want a happy ending for them, but that will not happen, since Misha and Sam are meant for each other. I think the attachment that he has for her isn't just her emotional powers, but also, he has learned to trust her, and has also fallen in love with her on his own, no matter what he thinks or says. I have conflicted feelings about them, Poco! But Zee is right. Misha is more important than T, because T literally has evil running in her blood, and her life will end in tragedy.  It isn't her fault that Natasha made her into a vampire though. She can't help being what she is, and she takes it so well, that it gives me so much respect for her. I really hope that Abheer doesn't find a way around the charm. That would be the worst thing that could possibly happen! Abhay is really evil! Not really, but... Can't he see how much he is hurting Piya, or is he just absorbed so much in finding out her secrets that he is not even giving a second thought to Piya and what she is going through. Doesn't he understand that if she is not telling him what is going on, it must be something that really hurts her to talk or think about?! I don't hate him or anything, but I really wish that he would think more about Piya before he acts. I guess that his upcoming 666th birthday is making him more evil, being the devil's number and all...

Sorry Poco, if my thoughts don't follow a coherent train of thought, but I typed stuff up, then went back and read it again, then added stuff in between, so it might not make sense... Anyways, update quickly!
Edited by AbhiYa_luver - 13 years ago
NidhaA thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Superb job Pocs!...I was honestly scared for T...and seeing Sams concern for T makes me wish even more that T was a normal human...I mean the guy actually feels so much for her...Misha's heart still beats for Sam so much...aaargh why is love so difficult???????...Abhay has started his games...coool...letssee where this takes our Mr.Raichand and Ms.Jaiswal...hope the charm works on Sbheer and his hypnotic effect does not work on Mish...loved itsweets...updt sooon
sosweetsumi thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
oh uh abheer again
oh no now what he is gonna do
zeenie was right between misha and T all of us will chose Mish
as far as sam is concerned he really cares
abhay is getting wicked day by day
do continue
bye sumi
Tahani01 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
poco  no joke i was actully crying and awww sambhav he was so cute the aggression i know it sounds weird but the aggresion was so cute and he and T have a beautifull bond no joke awww only misha can be cheerfull after a whole series of incident honestly fantastic update and welll just too good
_Klaroline_ thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
lovely update
I loved abhiya part
I neeed more abhiya part pleeez ok
Abhay is using her his nice side to find the truth
I like it
Love u
sonu.p thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
hey poco!!!
k so im back from vacations...!!
read ur last few updates!! i absolutely...LURVEEED them!!!
i mean i dunno what to say! ur portrayal of abhiya or the sam- misha-T relationship is absolutly flawless! Abheer is truly freaking me out! i mean he seems all hot and everything, but u've shown the creepy side of him really well!!
i just loved it!
do update soon!!