Our own Balram from the show, the famous Dau of his Kanha is subject of adoration of all the viewers. Shortly after the show started Balram emerged as one of the most endearing characters and made permanent place in our hearts. He is the coolest dude of entire Barsana and Vrindavan, a macho man with a soft heart. With unmatchable strength, he has so far ensured anyone who dares to take panga with him ends up regretting it. He seems to have a hobby of exercising and likes to utilize his pass time doing that. Kanha's Dau is also quite an eye candy .
He is the best elder brother (to his anuj) in the entire world and also acts as the executor of all of Krishn's plans. He often makes it easy for us viewers by asking right question at the right time to Krishn about his complex plans. In many ways he is the voice of viewers and represents our reactions to situations on the show. It is agreeable among the fandom that his mere presence adds charm to any episode. Our show Balram is the interesting combo all the cute qualities, overall he is a complete package and our ultimate source of maximum entertainment.
sare gaaon me dhidhora peet do, basanti is here to rise and shine 🥳🥳
...seeing Balram disguised as a girl would be highly amusing! Basant is such a handsome boy that I'm sure he would make a beautiful girl as well! 😊