Arshi OS - The Third Person

Checkmatee thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
This OS is intended to be a sequel to Asrhi Os - Two Way Trust so you may wish to read that before this!  Happy reading :)

Arnav flew through the doors of Raizada Mansion and was greeted by Hari Prakash who quickly took his luggage and laptop bag. Arnav loosened his tie from its spot under his collar and took off his blazer and flung it over the curve of his elbow.

Thankful that no one was around yet to interrupt him, he hurriedly climbed up the stairs.

Khushi stood by the pool side, looking up at the sky. There were no traces of clouds and the full moon shone brightly and stood out against the darkness of the vast expanse. She hugged herself as a cool breeze swept through the realms of her haven.

Even before Arnav walked through the door, she felt his presence and stiffened.

" Khushi? " he walked towards her, turned her around and crushed her into a tight hug, wrapping one arm around her back and sliding the other around her small waist.

When he realized that she had not reciprocated his hug, he left her reluctantly, took a step back and inspected her, putting his hands on her shoulders lightly.

What he saw broke his heart.

His Khushi looked pale and tired and had tears in her eyes, her small form was shivering as tiny sobs rocked through her body. She bit her lower lip from crying out loud and looked away from his penetrating gaze.

Arnav hated himself at that moment as once again because of him she was hurt.

" Khushi, sweetheart, please talk to me. I am so sorry, I am really sorry! But you know I didn't do it on purpose, the- "

Her gaze snapped back to his
" Two weeks Arnavji. That's fourteen days. Don't even get me started on how many hours that equals to! " she said in an accusing tone

" Yes Khushi, I'm aware that you know your maths " he joked, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

Her eyes narrowed at his attempt and he sighed

" What can I do Khushi? I'm sorry. I really miss- "

" Missed me? Really? You sure have a weird way of showing it! " she said, pissed.

" Khushi, listen to me, I am really sorry, but the connection there wasn't good, I - "

She wiped her tears

" Arnavji I think you should get changed now. Everyone will be at the dining table shortly for dinner. " she cut him off

She tried to shake his hands off her shoulders but he held on tighter.

" Khushi, please, I'm sorry I had to go. Look you know I wouldn't have left if it wasn't important. And the connection there was bad, the area was still affected by the snow storm, that's why I couldn't call you the last two days. " he tried to reason with her

" Arnavji, you know how I feel about London! You went for two weeks Arnavji. And to make matters worse we couldn't communicate for two whole days! "

" Yes sweetheart, I know how you feel about London- "

" Then why couldn't you let Amanji handle it? You are always throwing orders around. He could have gone instead of you. London.. you know how I feel, the l..last time I.. I almost lost you " she said brokenly, shuddering as she remember the past

Arnav's heart broke again and he hugged her fiercely.

" Khushi, nothing is going to make you lose me. Absolutely nothing. What we have is stronger than some business trip sweetheart. And yes, I would've sent Amanji if i could but i didn't coz the delegates wanted a private meeting with me, the owner of AR before we sealed the deal. " he reasoned, pulling back from the hug, his eyes full of love staring back into hers.

She looked at the man before her, still amazed that they had made it through. Because the odds had definitely been against them when they had first started off.

And boy, had it been a bad start! But some how along the way, their rocky and unsteady relationship had blossomed into something very beautiful, so passionate and magical that Khushi almost couldn't believe her luck.

She still carried the constant fear around her that one day she would wake up to find that it had all been just a dream.

But she knew it wasn't a dream. Because it was real. This was real, he was real and his love was real.

And just by the way he was staring at her, love practically pouring out from his eyes, Khushi knew that theirs was a love that would be eternal.

" Sweetheart? " he spoke when she stood there staring at him, not responding as she continued her inner thoughts

" Sweetheart I missed you a lot, I know you missed me too and ... " he continued.

But Khushi wasn't really listening closely.

Because, well, Khushi was Khushi. And the organ called brain was having it's own thoughts

' Maybe just like other tragic love stories, like Romeo-Juliet. and Heer-Ranjha, theirs would be named Arnav-Khushi '
  she thought excitedly and started to giggle.

Arnav stared at his wife, shocked at her sudden change in behavior.

' My wife really is a one piece '
he thought amazingly
' One moment she's crying, the next she's pissed, and then she starts to laugh. Could she get any crazier? '

He looked at her questioningly and she was about to share her thoughts when her crazy mind took its equally crazy ideas to another place.

Arnav could almost see the wheels turning in her head and he braced himself for whatever his wife was going to say, and he knew it would be something weird coz her mind was definitely cooking up something and he could clearly see it.

Apparently weird was an understatement, because what she said next stunned him.

" Uh, Arnavji? Sorry to wound your ego, but I was not missing you. : she said happily as her snail-paced brain registered what he had said earlier.

Arnav's eyes widened for a moment. But he recovered quickly and smirked

" Is that right Khushi? "

" Yes! " she replied confidently.

He moved closer to her, wrapping his strong arms around her waist as he left no gap between them.

She started to hyperventilate and cursed herself for losing focus

' Concentrate Khushi! ' her mind screamed at her
' Do.NOT. get distracted by this man! Concentrate on the task at hand '

' How can I not be affected? I am not blind! I would literally have to be dead to not be affected by this Greek god in front of me!  And screw the task! '

" Khushi? " he whispered, bringing her out of her mind battle

She focused her gaze on his, trying to brush away her non stop inner chatter and focus

" Hmm? " she dreamily replied

His smirk got wider and he left her waist, moving back.  Missing the warmth of him immediately, she pouted

Arnav was chuckling now, his chest vibrating

Hearing his child-like chuckle her attention was fully drawn back and she put her hands on her hips.

" What? " she inquired

He shook his head, still laughing

" Nothing. Yeah, I can see that you didnt miss me at all " he replied sarcastically.

' You egotistical man! I'll show you. Two can play a game, Mr. Raizada '
she thought evilly

She laughed aloud, covering her mouth with the back of her hand as she tried to control her fake laughter, which she hope sounded real to him

His wide smile vanished slowly as he wondered what she would throw to him next

" Looks like I still got it! " she smiled widely

" Got what? " he asked, confused slightly

" Oh nothing, the good acting skills " she feigned non nonchalance and started to walk away when he grabbed her arm, pulling her back

" Acting what?! " he asked, getting slightly annoyed

" Oh c'mon Arnav. What did you expect? You make crazy love to me right after we get rid of Sheetalji, all night long you don't let me sleep, then the next morning before I wake up you leave for office, and in the afternoon you call to say something important has come up, you leave for London, two weeks straight you're gone, don't talk to me the last two days, come back here and expect me to give you the satisfaction of knowing how much I may have missed you? Did you actually think I would be pining away for you? Well if you did, you are wrong Mr Arnav Singh Raizada, coz Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada found something else that took good care of her while you, the man who claims he loves me, were away. And unlike you, he actually loves me. " she rushed everything in one breath

" He actually loves me "
" He actually loves me "

His blood boiled listening to her every word as he fought hard against the temptation of setting the world on fire.

" Oh c'mon Arnav. "
" Oh c'mon Arnav. "

For the love of god, had she actually called him Arnav? As in, without the ridiculous ji? Just ARNAV?

" WHAT THE- " he stopped halfway

' NO. No. There was absolutely no way. No freaking way. Khushi loves me. SHE loves ME. C'mon Arnav, you dumb nut, you can't believe her! She's Khushi! She talks nonsense all the time! You know, for a business man you're surprisingly dumb when it comes to Khushi. She's obviously just joking, probably trying to provoke you. Don't get tricked man. There's no one else. Let's play her game by her rules '

" I am hoping one of these days you will complete you favorite phrase. " she made fun of him

Praying to Khushi's god that what she was saying was indeed a joke, he replied calmly

" Is that right Khushi? Well, then that's good for you. I'm glad you were taken care of "

Khushi's smirk was wiped off and she froze

' Dammit! Why is he not responding like how I want him to? '

" Because just like you, " he continued, leaving her arm that he had grabbed, " I too found something that took good care of me. Someone, actually, not something " he corrected

Immediately Khushi's heart started to beat faster, furious at the direction this conversation was going. This was not supposed to turn out this way.

He was supposed to be jealous, on his knees, professing his undying love for her and regretting for leaving her like he had. This was so turning out the wrong way

" What do you mean " she asked, failing to hide the jealously

" I mean, that in your absence, she has taken care of me. And I know that she loves me too "

Khushi's heart almost broke but then she recovered.

She might have believed him. She might have actually believed him.

Only that even now, despite claiming that somebody else loved him, obvious love for her still shone through his eyes, ruining the effect of his intended purpose to throw her off balance

" Well, then, I am glad both of us found something good for us. Sad for you though, you had to leave her in London, while I still have him with me all the time " Khushi retorted, not giving up

Suddenly the direction of this conversation had taken a 360 turn from what her originally crazy ideas had planned.

' C'mon Arnavji, give me something. Anything. Something to show me just how much you missed me too. Anything at all. I know you're just playing along. But, God help me, i don't know how much longer i can continue faking this '

As if reading her mind, his face softened for a moment and her heart jumped with joy, thinking he might finally give in.

And then her heart constricted when his ASR face came back again.

He refused to be provoked, his face softened. But his control slipped when he heard the last ten words.

" While I still have him with me all the time "

And just like that the ASR in him emerged, replacing his softened gaze with his hardened features

" What the hell do you mean Khushi? What are you playing at? What are you trying to tell me? What do you mean you have him with you all the time? I leave you for two weeks and you've got me replaced? " he asked, hurt

She was about to retort back that he had said the same when she saw something flicker in his eyes.

' Was that genuine hurt I saw? ' she thought

' Hey Devi Maiyya, have i taken this too far? What if he actually starts to believe me? Oh, God Khushi, after the whole Shyam episode, how could you still play this kind of a joke with him?! You crazy, crazy girl! '

Wanting to end this stupid argument right away, Khushi stepped forward, took his right hand and covered it with her own hands.

" Ar.. Arnavji, I.. I am sorry, I did not mean to take this so far " tears pooled in her eyes and her lower lip trembled with fear

His face softened again

" See, back when you were telling me that you missed me and I missed you too, there was this crazy idea in my head about our love story- "

" Khushi shh " he used his free left hand and placed it upon hers

She blinked at him twice and the first tear made it's way down

" No Arnavji, please, I am sorry, I was just messing with you, I swear there is no one else- "

" Khushi, sweetheart, quiet "

" But- "

He silenced her with one finger against her lips

" Guess like my acting skills are good too huh "

Her eyes widened and more tears pooled in them

He sighed and moved her to the bed, sitting them both down

" Khushi, as much as I appreciate your acting skills, I kind of knew what you were trying to do. "

Fear filled her eyes

He recognized the fear

" No Khushi. There is no place for fear in our relationship. I trust you completely. So you believe me when I say that I know you were just playing with me. And I was playing along too. And no need to fear, coz I'm not angry with you. You have the right to be mad at me, I did leave you here for two weeks. I'm sorry Khushi " he said honestly

Khushi sat there, stunned to silence. She could not believe Arnav Singh Raizada's words

Here she was expecting him to explode at her for her ridiculously silly idea and there he was, trying to comfort her, apologizing to her, understanding her, while she was the idiot who had made a mountain out of a molehill.

Respect for this one man increased tenfold and just like that, more tears started to fall

Arnav immediately pulled her closer to him, she was half sitting on his lap and he held her close, letting her cry her heart out.

After a few moments when he sobs had died down, she sniffed, wiped her tears and looked up at him innocently

" Forgive me, Arnavji. You just came back from a business trip, you must be tired and hungry, and your wife left no chance to trouble you " she spoke quietly

He looked at her and smiled

" No Khushi, it's these things about you that I am in love with. How you can blow one matter into another completely different one, how you like to fool around and how you're always surprising me all the time with your ideas. "

She smiled

" But you are right about one thing though " he continued

She raised her eyebrows

" When you said I must be hungry? You were right. I am " he said innocently

Khushi immediately spoke

" Oh my! Arnavji I am so sorry, let me go and prepare for dinner right away " she said, trying to pull away from him

His grip tightened and she looked back at him.

Suddenly her throat went dry and she gulped at the sheer desire she saw in his eyes.

And suddenly she knew he was not hungry for food.

He was hungry though. Most definitely hungry. But for entirely different reasons.

He was hungry for her.

He leaned forward slowly, covering the distance between their faces when she quickly pulled back and stood up, blushing.

Arnav smirked and stood up

" Really Khushi? Blushing, again? God, you'd think that after making so much crazy love, you wouldn't still be this shy " he made fun of her, winking at his lovely wife

Her eyes widened and she blushed all over again hearing his words

He pulled her closer to him and snaked his strong arms around her waist.

" Why are you resisting me Khushi? " he asked with a pout

She laughed and then placed a kiss on his cheek

" Seriously? Khushi, I meant it when i said I was hungry! " he demanded like a small boy and she kissed his other cheek

He groaned and leaned into kiss her lips, again, when she pulled away from him, again.

He looked back at her

" What?  You won't give me anything more than a kiss on the cheek? "

She nodded

" Why? Because of your other lover boy who, unlike me, actually loves you? " he teased her

She nodded again, averting his gaze and blushing harder

He did not understand why she was blushing so hard

" Oh, so you're putting this third person before me? " pretending to be hurt

She looked at him, with tears in her eyes and immediately he panicked

" Khushi, I was only kidding, why are you cry- "

She moved in between them, grabbed his wrist and placed his palm on her lower stomach

Still confused by the movement, he looked from her eyes to where his hand was and back to her eyes again.

And when she smiled, with the tears in her eyes, realization dawned upon him. Those were happy tears

His eyes widened and she nodded at his silent question again

For a full minute his body went rigid

" Ar.. Arnavji? Remember before you left? After we had kicked Sheetalji out? You said something to me? "

He recalled the words he had said to her


" The kind that will cause us to have a third person between us? "
" Third person as in.. as in.. ? " Khushi looked up shyly at him
Arnav nodded, pushed her onto the bed, got on top of her, placed his palm on her flat stomach and said

" As in this "  he confirmed


His eyes widened again as he  nodded at her question

' So that's what she meant when she said she will have a part of him with her all the time. And that he loves her. Wait, how does she know it's a him? ' he wondered

" Khushi, that's why you looked so pale and tired, no wonder you were crying so much and your mood changed so quickly! Wait, how do you know it's a him? How do you know our baby loves you? He loves me too right? Our.. our baby? " he stammered

" I just feel it Arnavji, it's going to be a boy, im sure of it. And yes he loves me. Just like how he loves his daddy too " she smiled proudly, resting her palm against her belly protectively

Then suddenly he broke into a wide smile, lifting her by the waist, he twirled her around and she let out a small shriek as placed her palms on her shoulders, hanging onto him

She laughed, tears of joy streaming down her face when he finally placed her down and immediately cupped her face

" Ohmygod Khushi, I am so stupid, so sorry, did that make you dizzy? Are you feeling okay? Do you want to rest? " he asked, concerned.

She smiled

" I am absolutely fine Arnavji. How can I not be fine with you by my side? " she cupped his face

" third person.. you meant.. you meant.. that you are.. " he stammered

" Yes, I am Arnavji. I meant that I am. And you are. Going to be a father " she spoke softly

His heart swelled with joy, knowing the love of his life was carrying their love within her

" Oh god, Khushi " he said and kissed her sweetly

He pulled back, resting his forehead against her.

" Thank you so much Khushi, you have no idea how happy I am! Thank you for giving me the greatest thing in my life " he said while placing one palm against her still flat belly.

She smiled with love and kissed him on his lips

 " Thank you too, for giving us this blessing "

He kissed her fiercely, moving her back, the back of her legs hitting the edge of her bed and before she could fall, he gently laid her down, still kissing the breath out of her. He balanced his weight on his hands as he got over her and pulled away 

" God Khushi, can we still.. I mean with you pregnant.." he trailed off

" It's fine Arnavji. We could go slowly "

She yawned slightly and he smiled

" That's okay Khushi. I noticed how tired and pale you were looking when i came in. Lets go down, join the rest and have dinner. Besides we have to tell them this fantastic news too! So lets go down first, and eat properly Khushi. But keep some space for dessert " he winked and she laughed as he stood up and helped her up too

He took her hands in his as they made their way down, announcing to the world about the third person that would enter their small world soon.


My Index

Edited by Checkmatee - 11 years ago


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Frequent Posters

Mrs_Darcy_Shree thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 11 years ago
beautiful os
loved it yaar
nishu_shorna thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
wow..really sweet one...
allegro thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Aww. sweet OS.
Thanks for the PM. πŸ˜ƒ
fangurrl thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
it was fantastic
i was awww-ing while reading
loved it
vandana1965 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
that was really beautiful. thanks so much.
chavvi16 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
now that third person is finally here huh
awww that was so cute and funny at the same time
what the hell were they doing
well what she said was true in a way
but not the way you thought it was
gosh what do we do with these two
they are always hell bent on making the others crazy for sure
loved this cute little os
they are gonna be parents soon bless

srishti_jain thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Amazing OS! I simply loved the fact how you so wonderfully depicted Khushi's mood swings and her crazy antics! This was beautifully written! I loved how you so wonderfully described their love for each other, Khushi's concern for Arnav, Arnav,s and Khushi's possessiveness for each other, how one's tears affect the other so deeply!! In short, brilliant work! Looking forward to your future stories! May god bless you! πŸ˜Š πŸ˜Š
zohakhan7 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 11 years ago
i understood who was the third person only by reading the title of os πŸ˜†
amazing os
-Aniisha- thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
Awww it was so cute πŸ˜³
loved it...