Checkmatee thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
Khushi stood there, shocked over what she had heard Sheetal say.

She calmed her racing heart down and walked away in a daze, not realizing when she had bumped into the man she loved.

Arnav was reading through his files and walking along the corridor leading to his room when a soft body clashed with his. Releasing his files immediately his hands flew to her waist and steadied her.

" Khushi? What - " Before he could complete his sentence Khushi bent down, collected his files which laid scattered on the floor and stood up, grabbed his wrist and pulled him into their room.

Arnav felt uneasy looking at his Khushi who would usually have been talkative, but he noticed a slight change in her behavior and started to worry.

Khushi put the files on the bed and Arnav came to stand in front of her. She looked at him with tears in her eyes and immediately Arnav panicked.

" Khushi, why are you- " he reached to touch her shoulders but she moved a step back

" Why Arnavji, why? How could you do this? " she asked

" Khushi, relax, stop crying, tell me what happened " he tried to calm her down

" Relax? You expect me to relax?? After what i just heard? Arnavji why did you lie? Did you think i would not understand? How can you keep such an important matter from me! " her voice rising as she spoke

Now Arnav was really confused

" Khushi, sweetheart, I - "

" Don't! Do you call her sweetheart as well? "

" What the? Khushi what are you- "

" Stop it Arnavji! I know the truth. I know everything. And i am not going to be in the way anymore! He deserves you Arnavji, he has a right on you! "

Khushi was speaking unusually loud

" Khushi, just who in the world are you talking about! " he demanded

" YOUR SON. Your.Son. I am talking about Aarav Singh Raizada! "

Arnav felt his anger rising and prayed to Khushi's Gods to keep him in control

" Khushi, we have talked about this before. He is not my son. Dammit Khushi, Sheetal and I never shared that kind of a relationship! Don't you think I would have remembered if something like that  happened? And what are you basing this on? Just because that kid does things like me? "

" That kid, is your son Arnavji. Calling him 'that kid' is not going to change that fact. And no, for your information I am not that dumb to assume such a big thing based on mere similarities between the two of you. "

She walked over to the closet, shuffled through her clothes and produced a slightly crumpled envelope. She unfolded the paper inside it and flashed it in Arnav's face.

" I am basing that on this " she waved the paper at him

He snatched it from her hands and scanned through the reports, his eyes resting at the bottom of the paper that declared the DNA of Aarav's matching with his own, stating the conclusion that they shared a bond. He stared hard at the paper, stunned to silence.

" You deny having such a relationship with her. Are you going to deny this as well Arnavji? "

Arnav turned to look at her and got an even bigger shock. In front of him, his wife stood with a bag in her hands.

He looked bewildered.

 ' When the hell did she even pack? '
He looked back to the closet to see only a few of her clothes left hanging on the rod.
' What the! Was i staring at the paper long enough for her to pack? '

Forgetting the DNA paper and concentrating on the fact that it seemed as if his wife was going somewhere, he quickly grabbed her with force and pushed her against the wall

" Khushi, the bag, where do you think you are going? And the reports, Khushi i swear i can explain- "

She jerked his arms off of her and stood her ground.

" Now you will probably deny this report and say that there's a mistake and that you and her never shared that kind of a thing "

" Yes Khushi that is exactly what i am going to say, because its true, I - "

" Arnavji, i told you so many times that i will be with you throughout this. No matter what the consequences, I will be there. But you still hid it from me " she fidgeted with her shawl.

" Dammit Khushi, I did not hide anything from you! There was nothing to tell Khushi! What am i supposed to say when nothing happened in the first place! The reports - "

" Enough Arnavji "

Grittng his teeth he said " Stop interrupting me Khushi "

" I will. And i honestly dont think you are in any position to tell me what i should or should not do.  Anyway, I have had enough. Can you imagine what i must have gone through when i found out the truth? To think that after all we have been through, you would have trusted me with the truth Arnavji. But you didnt. You chose to hide it. And i am done with this whole trust thing. If you cant even trust me, how is this ever going to work? " Khushi asked, trying hard to control her tears as her eyes kept looking above Arnav's shoulder.

Looking at her tears Arnav felt as if someone was stabbing him. Hearing her words, he felt like life was being sucked out of him.

" Khushi, you cant possibly be serious, dammit woman i trust you! I trust you with my life, more than my life! " he argued

" If you ever did trust me, or love me, or had any positive feelings for me, you will let me go right now. " she spoke quietly, occasionally glancing to the poolside. Sensing that Arnav was about to turn to check what Khushi kept looking at, she forced him to look at her by placing both palms to either sides of his cheeks.

" Do this for me Arnavji. Please. " she pleaded

Arnav noticed her voice was desperate and but her eyes were suggesting something else altogether. He couldnt quite place put a finger on what exactly she was trying to tell him. He was so very confused, annoyed and lost for words when, thankfully, Khushi helped him out.

" Trust me, Arnavji. Please trust me now " she whispered so softly that he might have missed hearing her words if they were not standing so close.

He looked at her even more confused, wondering why she was suddenly whispering and was about to explode at her and demand her to tell him what the heck was going on when he stopped and told himself not to repeat the mistake twice.

He had not trusted her once before and the results had sucked. This time, no matter how crazy the situation was, he was going to show her just how much he trusted her and would play by her rules.

He kept silent, looking at her with no words.

She let her hands fall back to her sides, walked around him to the bed and lifted her bag. She walked near the door of the room and looked back over her shoulder.

" I will be back some time to get the rest of my clothes. I am leaving in a hurry now coz i cannot stand to be here for even one more moment. I wish you all the best with your new life, with your son and.. and h..her " she said before walking out the door.

Arnav looked at the empty space before him, not believing that just a moment ago his wife was standing there. He looked on, not knowing what to do. He was certain that Khushi was trying to tell him something, but he just could not fully understand what.

He wanted to run after her but something made him stop himself.

' What was that look on her face before she left? Why did she only take some of her clothes? Why the hell was she talking so loud throughout? Why did she whisper to me asking me to trust her? '
he thought to himself.

Before he could blink, there was some movement at the poolside and suddenly Sheetal appeared in front of him.

" Arnav, baby, are you okay? " she asked

Arnav focused on her and upon realizing she was there he snapped at her

" Sheetal, now is not a good time. Please leave. And dont call me baby "

Sheetal started to tear up and this pissed Arnav off even more

" What do you want Sheetal? " he snapped again

His eyes widened as he grabbed her shoulders and shook her

" Is Aarav okay? Did something happen to him? " he asked in a softer tone

She wiped a tear and sniffed

" Your son is fine Arnav. "

He immediately released her and took a step back. He wanted to smash something so badly and used every ounce of will power to not do anything damaging at that moment.

" Aarav is not my son. " he growled the words.

Sheetal's eyes flashed with annoyance for a moment before she smiled wickedly and said

" Whether or not you accept this fact, it wont change it. I am sure Khushi must have shown you the reports by now. So no point denying it Arnav. Aarav is your son and it's time you accept him "

Then she took a step forward, reached between them and held his right hand.

" I know this must be hard for you Arnav. With Khushi leaving. "

When Arnav raised his eyebrows she explained

" I saw her leaving with her bag. I figured she must have left after finding out that the three of us are family. " she continued and Arnav's blood began to boil and he jerked his hand away

" Aarav is not my son. He can't be. Dammit Sheetal we did not do anything at all!! How the hell can he be mine?! And Khushi, Khushi she just.. she just left and its all just a big misunderstanding" asked Arnav, his eyes spitting fire

" Arnav you were extremely drunk that night. At our graduating party? I was with you and you just wouldn't let me go.. and i didn't stop you coz you were finally coming closer to me.. anyways i knew you wouldnt remember a thing about it, you were too drunk. Forget that Arnav, we should move on now. Now everything is right. I know Khushi left, but she had to leave sometime Arnav, you know how she is, she would never deny Aarav his rights. You shouldnt either. And since she is gone, you should accept us. I thought i could be his mum and dad both, but I need you Arnav- we need you, Aarav and I need you " she quickly corrected herself at the last part

Arnav knew that she was lying, he had pretended to be drunk so that his friends would not  force him to drink. He knew despite his high alcohol tolerance, once he started drinking it would get tough to stop. And he did not want to reach home drunk again like before and hear a lecture from his sister who would have gone on for the next ten years telling him how inappropriate that kind of a behavior was.

So why Sheetal was lying about that night, he did not know. But he was about to find out.

Sheetal suddenly twirled around.

The sound of a force filled movement of a palm connecting with flesh resonated through the air

The next moment she  jerked to the right, her right palm cupping her right cheek, her hair covering half the left side of her face as she got slapped

She looked up, she jaw dropping as she saw Khushi who looked like she was ready to kill someone

Arnav was shocked to see his fiery Khushi in front of him

Before anyone could say anything Khushi slapped her again and Sheetal almost fell to the floor

" The first slap was for lying through your teeth. The second one was for playing with my emotions, making me go crazy with guilt as i thought i was in the way, making me insecure that i was an extra around here and jealous! " she exclaimed

* Slap *
" And this is for stooping so low and trying to separate me from my husband! " Khushi declared

Sheetal, whose head was now spinning from three consecutive slaps looked at Khushi with disbelief.

" You are probably wondering how your plan fell apart right? Well let's fill you in. You were executing your plan well, it was working. I had truly believed you when I had come to you earlier this afternoon and saw the reports and I was ready to leave so that Aarav and you could get the positions you deserved "


" Sheetalji, I need to talk to you. " a hesitant Khushi made her way to Sheetal's room

" Yes Khushi, what do you need to talk about? "

" Sheetalji, I need.. to know who.. I need.. " Khushi took a deep breath and spoke

" I need to know who Aarav's father is. "

Sheetal started to cry and narrated her story, how she and Arnav got too close, how she got pregnant with Aarav and how Arnav had no clue because he had been too drunk. Then she had presented her final weapon - the DNA reports.


" After showing me the reports you begged me to grant Aarav his rights and you knew that's exactly what i would do. And i was honestly considering to leave. So Ms Sheetal, exactly what went wrong? " Khushi asked, folding her arms across her chest.

" What went wrong is that i overheard your little chat with the doctor later this afternoon when i had stopped by again, intending to talk to you about how this whole situation should be handled "


" Yes Doctor Mehra, thank you so much for altering the DNA reports! You have done me a huge favor and you shall be rewarded generously " Sheetal spoke into the phone.

Sheetal then moved over to her closet and picked up a piece of paper.

" So sad Khushi, your copy of the report is the fake one and mine is the original. But I cant let you know the true results now, can i? Afterall my aim is the one and only, Arnav Singh Raizada! " she spoke to herself, rejoicing victory far too early

Khushi stood there, shocked over what she had heard Sheetal say.

She calmed her racing heart down and walked away in a daze, not realizing when she had bumped into the man she loved.

And she quickly cooked up a plan


Khushi looked from Sheetal whose eyes were popping out to a silent Arnav who was listening carefully to her.

" So why all this drama of me leaving, you must be wondering? I only did this because I knew you would be moving fast to get to your target, my Arnavji. So without delay, I went ahead and did all that to make you believe you had won. I let you see what i wanted you to see and while you were happily trying to fix yourself up with my Arnavji i went into your room. And look at what i found! "

Khushi produced two pieces of paper. The first were the original reports of the DNA which were negative and the second one were adoption papers.

" Of course Arnavji isnt Aarav's father. Of course he doesnt remember anything about that night you two had supposedly spent. Of course not! You know why? Coz Arnavji is not Aarav's father! And neither is Aarav your son! "

* SLAP *

" How could you do this?! To an innocent child? Making him believe he had his family?? Feed him lies?! " Khushi asked with hot tears running down her cheeks.

" We welcomed you into the house, you and your supposed son, let you live here, and you? You go ahead planting seeds of doubt in my head? You alter reports and pretend Aarav is diabetic? You train him to act like my Arnavji? You create the illusion of a happy family with my Arnavji and a boy who is not even yours? " shouted Khushi

Sheetal shook her head frantically and turned to face Arnav

" Arnav, you got to believe me, that's not true! Aarav is ours, Arnav! " she took his hand in hers

All this while Arnav stood silently, watching with pride as his wife did the honor of revealing the woman's truth, who had once upon a time, been his friend.

" I dont suppose you would like to be slapped again, Sheetal. So i suggest you leave my hand this instant and make your way out of this house and our lives. " he looked at her with disgust

Sheetal immediately removed her hand, recognizing the threat in his voice and words

" Aarav will remain with us. He is certainly not staying with a disgusting piece of an excuse like you. You may get out. " Khushi calmly said while wiping her tears.

When Sheetal still made no attempt to move, still dazed by the fact that her plans to grab Arnav and his money had flopped, Arnav yelled for his security guard who came rushing in.

He pointed to Sheetal and said " Out, now. Once you kick her out, make sure she never shows up again or you're fired. " the guard nodded quickly, not wanting to lose his job.

" And after that, pack all of her stuff and throw it out" The guard obeyed and took Sheetal by her arm, leading her away from the house.

Khushi found herself crushed into a tight hug and she relaxed against Arnav and started to sob

Arnav held her gently in his arms, trying to digest everything that had taken place in the span of such a short time.

After a while Khushi's sobs died down to soft sniffs and she shifted in his arms to look at her husband.

" I.. I'm sorry Arnavji " she spoke, her body trembling a little

" Shh Khushi, don't apologize. " and sealed her lips with a breath taking kiss that almost knocked Khushi out of her senses. She moaned into his mouth, feeling good to be back home.

His lips left hers and made their way to her forehead, planting a soft kiss there

" Khushi, sweetheart, you have no idea how much you scared me! I honestly thought you.. you left me "

" Shh " Khushi silenced him with one finger against his lips.

" I am sorry for scaring you. You know me and my crazy ideas right! " she smiled

Things started to click into place and Arnav spoke with amusement

" So that's why you were speaking so loud and constantly kept stealing glances to the poolside? Let me guess, that witch was listening to us? "

" Yes, I knew she was there, by the poolside, so that act was for her benefit, to get her to believe I was leaving you " Khushi said while wrapping her arms around his waist.

" And your half taken clothes? " he inquired

" Arnavji, when i told you to let me go, i saw the look in your eyes, I saw the vulnerable you. And i hated myself for doing that to you, so i tried to drop hints. I told you i would be back to get my remaining stuff, it was kind of my way to tell you i wasnt leaving forever " she said sheepishly

" Damn, woman! " he laughed out loud

" And the whispering, god, Khushi i am so glad i listened to you when you asked me to trust you. I knew i could trust you and i did. " he smiled at her lovingly

" Yes Arnavji, thank you for trusting me. It made me more confident. "

" But when i saw you walk away, my heart almost stopped beating Khushi "  he said with a pout

She leaned in and kissed the pout off his face

" I will never leave Arnavji. If anything, this whole incident just made me realize how difficult it will be to walk away from you and I will never do that. No third person will separate us Arnavji, no third person "

Arnav's heart soared at her words, his entire being finally at rest having his wife in his arms

He decided to tease her since she had frightened him so much earlier on

" Uh Khushi? You still did frighten me a lot. Don't you think maybe you should be punished? "

Khushi's eyes widened and she stammered

" Wh.. what kind of punishment? " she tensed up

" I dont know, maybe the kind that will cause us to have a third person between us? " he smirked at her

At first she didnt understand but when he started to kiss her neck and remove her shawl she blushed as she got his meaning

" Wow Khushi. One moment you are so fiesty and the next you blush? " Arnav asked with a wink

Khushi playfully hit him on his arm

" Third person as in.. as in.. ? " Khushi looked up shyly at him

Arnav nodded, pushed her onto the bed, got on top of her, placed his palm on her flat stomach and said

" As in this "  he confirmed

Khushi blushed again and hid herself in the crook of his neck.

" Khushi you trust me right? "

She nodded and said " I do, as you do I "

Arnav dimmed the lights and celebrated their trust with passion, all night long.

Sqeuel --> The Third Person

My Index

Edited by Checkmatee - 11 years ago


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kria1996 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Awesome os !
Loved it ™!!!!!
archa2810 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
aww... they r so cute... khushi n her crazy plans as usual
Posted: 11 years ago
Mind blowing and lovely OS
Mrs_Darcy_Shree thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 11 years ago
loved the slaps 😆
n 3rd person part was so romantic
vandana1965 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
 I always hated sheetal. nice OS. thanks so much.
chavvi16 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
wow that was just beautiful
am so glad he finally trusted her on this one
because if he hadnt then this wouldnt have been easy for khushi to flush that witch out
but he did and so did she
did ya really think you could turn her so easily when this is khushi we are talking about
she did believe ya but you ruined your own plan
hah in your face stupid sheetal
Downhill thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
simply amazing.loved itc
..MorningStar.. thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
Awww...this was so freaking cute and well written...loved it..<3
pink.lotus thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
very good story..
well written, and the slaps were perfectly deserved!
great job👏