ARHI FF: MasterClass: Part 59 new thread - Page 43


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Nidsubh007 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 11 years ago
That was just amazing!!!!  Loved how he proposed as the sun was coming up and she whispered her answer.  OH MY!!!!  Beautiful and perfect for Khushi and Arnav.
Please continue...
Nidsubh007 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 11 years ago
That was an amazing update! Loved how he ended up proposing as the sun was coming up.  I'm so glad there wasn't some over the top, money can buy the very best proposal.  This was truly Khushi and Arnav style.
Please update soon,  i'm so excited for the next chapter.
.Saraa. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
when i read end..i jumped up in Joy..finally he prorposed and she said really happy..i knew they would get through..
Loved the update..
Khushi was right at her pov..and then she was in dilemna.and u penned down that v well..
Loved how he eased it all..
Loved the every bit of the update.
P.s good luck
urm21 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
brill, they will come up with a plan
warriorprincess thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 11 years ago
Chapter 54
Arnav leaned forward, 'Khushi Kumari Gupta will you marry me?' he asked taking her hands in his.
As dawn broke over the mountains, Khushi gave Arnav the answer that would ensure that all their future dawns would be witnessed together.
'Yes.' She whispered as her heart thudded in her chest. Was this really happening? His words from the penthouse came racing back to Khushi, '...... I'm not religious. I don't follow rituals... And I don't believe in marriage either...' she couldn't help but ask the question again.
'Arnav, are you sure... are you sure that you want to do this... I mean I understand what you just said...but are you sure?' she asked again even though she was silently petrified that he could change his mind.
Arnav smiled as he spoke, 'Khushi do you really need me to answer that? Actually I see that you do... Ok I'll try and be as specific as I can be...first, I love you Khushi. This is a fact and not likely to change. Ever. the last two months you've turned my world upside a good way though and I want you with me every day and every night from now onwards and I'm very sure about that. As for the other things worrying you, everything else like the wedding.. time, place, guests, dates...jaleebi junction's location etc etc is open to debate and compromise, but this is not... I'm ready to make the commitment to you for the rest of my life... does that sound clear enough and sure enough Khushi?' he said quietly as he stared into her eyes.
Khushi stared as Arnav in surprise. 'How did you know what I was thinking?' she murmured. Arnav pulled closer to him, 'Khushi...I'm about to become your husband. Why wouldn't I know...I think I'm beginning to know you pretty well now don't you think?' he said with a lopsided grin as he silently delighted in the sound of the word...husband.
Khushi suddenly found herself to be slightly breathless and had to clear her throat before she could speak; had Arnav just referred to himself as husband? Devi Maiya, this really was happening to her wasn't it! Her babu-ji had always promised her that she could achieve her soul's desire if she was strong and trusted her heart. Khushi closed her eyes as she tried to convince herself that this was really happening. At the core, her soul's desire to find her one true love, to be cared for and to care in return; make a family, to have children, to raise those children, and then to grow old next to a wonderful man'it looked like her dream was finally coming true.
Khushi looked into Arnav's eyes as she placed her hands on his chest. His heartbeat was strong and amazingly steady; reassuring that's what it was.  Khushi found herself fighting a smile and then laughter as excitement began to replace the panic inside of her; is this what endless happiness felt like? She couldn't help herself as she stood on tip toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. Thank you Devi Maiya she whispered silently as she buried her face into his neck.
Arnav took a breath as he took stock. they.... had done it; Khushi was his, never to be lost to another. He couldn't help but laugh with Khushi, her unrestrained joy contagious and her laugh highly infectious. Yes, this was really happening. Something struck him and Arnav pulled back, his voice low and mesmerizing as he spoke, 'Khushi, it think we are forgetting something...' he whispered.  Khushi leaned back as she studied him and then it struck her and her eyes widened 'we have to tell everyone!' she squealed. Arnav groaned 'that's not what was on my mind' he murmured. 'Khushi, you've just agreed to become my wife...but I think we still need to officially seal the deal...' he said with a cheeky half grin.
Khushi knew he was going to kiss her even before he bent toward her. She couldn't say how she knew, only that anticipation tightened her stomach and she forgot to breathe. Nothing else mattered but the feel of his lips on hers and the nearness of his body. He slowly slid his hands around her waist as his arms tightened around her and he drew her close. It was like coming home. There was an immense sense of belonging and safety; she had never experienced anything like this before, the feeling was so sweet, so perfect that she never wanted to be anywhere else.
She almost swooned as his lips made gentle contact and then his mouth was moving on hers and Khushi got lost in the kiss, distracted by the feel of his hands moving up and down her back, the heat of them, the way their bodies pressed against each other, her body melting into his making it impossible to tell where she ended and he began.  Khushi put her hands on his upper arms and explored his muscled strength. Without thinking, she rose on tiptoes so she could press herself against him more fully. She tilted her head and kissed him back, teasing his tongue with hers, she couldn't help but moan and when he licked her bottom lip before slipping inside. Arnav kissed her deeply, exploring all of her. She put her hands on his shoulders, as much to steady herself as to touch him. There was something even more magical, something more phenomenal about his kiss today. Khushi smiled against his lips...Arnav Singh Raizada was going to be her husband!!!
Given that neither of them had had a wink of sleep and despite Khushi's visibly excited state, Arnav declared that they both had to get a few hours of sleep. After arguing and saying that there was no way she could possibly sleep, Khushi had decided to let Arnav think that he won the round when in reality she was the clear winner because she countered and said that she'd only sleep if it was with him. Now back in her suite, Khushi had finally opened the black suitcase that he had placed there the night before. A handwritten note in his distinctive script sat on top of contents.
I hope you like my choice...
Khushi rummaged through the contents discovering a range of casual suits, designer evening wear, warm shawls, footwear and a bag of expensive toiletries sat in the corner. Also included were a pair of blue Levis, warm tops, walking boots and a jacket. Khushi blushed a deep shade of red as she saw a selection of inner wear all in the correct sizes; how had he known her size she wondered. Ehemmm excuse me, said the voice in her head, you're wondering about how he knows your that case, let's not even mention the fact that Arnav Singh Raizada was shopping for your underwear missy...that means each time you're with him, he'll have a pretty good idea of what's underneath your clothes! At that moment Khushi discovered that it was possible to beat her own record for reddest blush of the day contest. She groped around and pulled out a pair of red pyjamas. Khushi momentarily despaired because her face would be matching her pyjamas but on the other hand she was grateful and sent up a thankful prayer to Devi Maiya because for a second she had been worried that she was going to have to beg him for a t-shirt to wear to bed she thought as she stepped into the bathroom to freshen up.
Khushi opened the door to her room and stepped out into the suite. Arnav was nowhere to be seen. He must be in his room she decided as she walked towards his door. She was just about to knock when she heard his voice behind her, 'nice pj's Miss Gupta...' Khushi turned around to find Arnav walking towards her. He was clad in black sweat pants and a charcoal grey sweat shirt and his hair was wet and slicked back. Khushi cleared her throat, 'I.. ummm... thank you for all the clothes...and things..' she murmured.
Arnav watched her as he walked towards her, she was as red as her pyjamas and he wondered why? Was she afraid that he might try and progress their intimacy now that their relationship status had changed? He could see her chest rising and falling more rapidly with each step he took towards her. He came to a standstill in front of her, slowly slid his arms around her waist and drew her against him. Khushi couldn't keep but relish how he felt; he was warm and hard and she loved the feel of him so close. 'Khushi...ready for bed?' he asked innocently, his eyes twinkling. She swallowed, his voice was so deep and low, and Khushi found herself getting lost in the sound and forgetting the question. He took her hand in his and rubbed her hand with slow, steady movements. That was nice, too, she thought as she felt herself relaxing. She raised her gaze to his and found him watching her. With their eyes locked, he brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her open palm as he opened the door to his suite.
Khushi gasped. It was beautiful. A large four poster bed sat majestically in the middle of the room, it was covered in cream-colored linens inviting her touch, a netted canopy of gauzy curtains offered the illusion of privacy. It was illuminated by soft lighting from two bedside lamps. While she could smell fresh roses, she couldn't quite see them in the dim light. Arnav stood behind her, his lips against her ear 'Like it?' he whispered. Khushi couldn't help but nod silently, 'last night I was hoping you that you would pick this room because I thought you would love it...I guess it's a good thing that you didn't because you wouldn't have really noticed its beauty after our big...umm...discussion...' he murmured. Khushi turned her head to face him, 'you mean our big fight' she said with a smile, 'our first official big fight...' she said as she placed a kiss on his cheek 'it's ok to call it a fight Arnav...' she said. Arnav groaned, 'Khushi, I think I need to help you forget last night!' he said decisively as he swung her into his arms and carried her into the room striding purposefully towards the bed before placing her on the right side of the bed. 'I normally sleep on the left side of the bed...just thought you should know for future reference...' Arnav smiled as he recalled just how flippantly he had made that statement not realising at the time how prophetic it was to become. Perhaps even then he had subconsciously wanted her to claim the right side of his bed for life but had been too afraid to extend the offer to her.
 Relax and enjoy the warm breezes
Arnav slid into the bed next to Khushi and drew the covers over them both. It was only about 5:30am, the morning light just beginning to peep through the cloud cover and through the curtains into their room.  Arnav pulled back and stared at her for a moment; he had been so busy being impressed by her intrinsic characteristics that he had never taken the time to admire her properly and without restriction.
Khushi couldn't quite tell which was hotter; his intense gaze or his hand as he traced her forehead, then her eyes, cheeks, nose, jaw bone and lips. 'Khushi... as cheesy as this sounds... Have I ever told how beautiful you are?' he said softly before kissing her cheekbones, her nose, her forehead, then her jaw. Beautiful? Her? She had seen her reflection a million times. Sometimes she thought she might be pretty, but most of the time she knew she was just an average girl like everyone else. But today, the way Arnav was staring at her made her feel she was the only woman that he had eyes for. '...and you smell delicious Khushi,' he murmured as he nibbled his way down her jaw to her neck as his had slide down to her waist pulling her closer. His stubble tickled and his lips aroused, so Khushi stayed very still, wanting him to continue forever.
The question was would he carry on, or would he stop?

Surprise!!! you thought you wouldn't be getting a chapter did you πŸ˜†
Clearly I am more addicted to writing this story than I had realised...    the thought of a big serious interview with a panel doesn't seem to be scaring me enough into not writing!! go figure...πŸ˜•
Anyway... you guys might as well enjoy the fruits of my errant brain in the meantime πŸ˜‰
p.s.  given the length of the last two chapters you are not allowed to complain about the length of this one πŸ˜›
Edited by warriorprincess - 11 years ago
Omoraboti thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 11 years ago

See who res'd first! πŸ˜†

Sorry Darling, for not being able to update my last comment.😳 So here goes my 2in1!
I just loved the way Arnav reacted to the news (JJ in Lucknow) - it was natural, totally in character, manly. I am rather happy that you did not show him all sensitive, understanding to the news .. Not only Arnav, any man would have reacted this way .. especially when he is planning to propose his woman. As always, brilliant characterization, Naina! 😊
And the confrontation ..amazingly written. The way Khushi reacted and the way he understood .. girl, you do know your characters well! Those who are yet to go through these stages in life, should read your story to know what to expect! πŸ˜†
"Will you marry me?" - the ultimate four words came out with such spontaneity. I have always felt writing on the ultimate proposal is as hard as to do in real life. And you have really pulled it beautifully dear. Were you nervous about it? πŸ˜‰ Tellz me, tellz me!
Khushi's reaction was really good .. I could visualize her with all those expressions and dialogues!  But .. but .. the speech from Arnav that followed stole the show ... you totally floored me there! Any girl would be floored by a speech like that .. beautiful!
Husband .. & Wife more adorable can it get! But the man is already lingerie shopping?? πŸ˜† And you want me to tell you if I want him to stop? Hell No!!! But if Khushi wants him to stop .. what else can I do! *sigh* Why don't you let them celebrate their first official fight followed by a perfect proposal & a perfect response in a befitting manner??😳😳😳
By the way, darling, this time was a cliffhanger! 🀣 And I don't hate you for that .. πŸ˜› .. take your time to decide whom to stop and what to stop! πŸ˜†
Have a wonderful interview! And may it come positive if it is the best for you. 😊
PS: The Menu .. you are a foodie, aren't you?? πŸ˜ƒ
Edited by Omoraboti - 11 years ago
ashi.1 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago





Edited by anandjiwala - 11 years ago
Dalmuthuya thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
I felt like I was being proposed to :') 
ipkkndfanforeva thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago

And u had to end it like that!

The way he proposed the way he pushed all the fears out of her mind and they was he kissed her...Haayyye...She almost swooned, but im swooning and twirling!😳

I just love Arnav, hes like the perfect gentleman and a life partner one could want!<3

PS - All the best for ur interview! :)

Edited by ipkkndfanforeva - 11 years ago
rrd29 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Lovely and such a romantic proposal...awww...waiting for the next update