The Perfect Painting l AR OS

U-No-Poo thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 13 years ago

I dunno why I'm writing this. Just wanted to write something. Anything. 

P.S - KaSh are both AR AND AS for me

The Perfect Painting
She was like the perfect painting. Every artist's dream - including mine. Everything about her spelled 'perfect'. Her lips curved in the most beautiful smile, her cheeks glowed like the morning sun, and her eyes still mystified me. They seemed different each time I looked into them. It was as if all the colours in the universe could be assembled only in her eyes.
She passed by me like a soft breeze every day, and just like the wind cannot be caught, she slipped past me like air and I just stood there, cherishing her scent for as long as I could.
I am an artist. I love it. Because I saw her. Being an artist gave me the oppurtunity to see her, to study the perfect blend of colours that she was. But I can't talk to her. You see, I'm an artist. I have the talent and I have the creativity, but I don't have the guts.
Standing on the bridge over the Seine river, with my canvas and my pack of paints, I looked at my watch. She should be here in 5 minutes. Her face is my inspiration. I've been observing her face for a while now. Her potrait would be my masterpiece. Every artist's life is marked by that one masterpiece. Mine will be marked by her.
I see her face emerge from the masses, and a smile touches upon my lips even before I know it. And like every day, the first thing that I notice about her is her eyes. They seem happy today. I associate blue colour with happiness. They were blue today.
She kept coming closer, and I tried my best to hide my staring. She passed by me, and I smiled. I knew I was going to be happy today.
What shade should I paint her with? I was in a dilemma. Should it be happy? sad? passionate? angry? I don't know. Whenever I came close to deciding the shade, it fell short of perfection. That night, I didn't sleep. I kept making a rough potrait of her in my mind, blending in different moods to capture her essence. By morning, I had had 5 cups of coffee and the all nighter had resulted in nothing.
And then I looked at a blank canvas. Then it struck me. Her perfection would lie in grey. The masterpiece would not be a colourful painting, it would simply be a sketch. No colour was adequate enough to capture her beauty. Charged up with excitement, I started working on it right from that moment.
2 weeks and 5 days later, the sketch was ready. By no means, was it perfect. But I had realized that perfection lies in imperfection. I was proud of one thing. I had managed to capture her eyes. They were neither sad nor happy. Not angry or passionate. Just..solemn. Quiet.
Later that evening, I waited for her on the bridge as usual. At exactly 5:30 pm, I saw her face. This was the moment. I was going to give the painting to her and let her know how much I admire her. The scroll felt heavy in my hands. I fidgeted like a small school boy about to submit his first project. I decided not to stop her in her path. I'd follow her to her destination, and so would my masterpiece.
She passed by me, and I started to follow her with a grin on my face. It didn't bother me as to what the distance might be. Afterall, this was the moment. I'd go to any length to make sure it's perfect.
As we turned around the corner, she stopped near a cafe and started looking for someone. Who was she looking for? My brows furrowed in confusion as my eyes followed her gaze. Someone came behind her and tapped on her shoulder. She jumped a little and turned around. Her hand went upto her chest and she said something to the man. Probably telling him how startled she had been. And then she smiled and hugged the man. After breaking apart from the hug, she said something to him. I understood those words.
And that is when my world came crashing down.
I love you. Such simple yet powerful words. She hugged him once again as I hung my head low and looked at the painting. The painting that was supposed to be my masterpiece, now seemed to have lost all it's value. It was just a mere piece of paper.
I looked up once again, this time, with tears brimming in my eyes. She had hooked her hands behind his neck and was kissing him softly. I slowly turned around, and walked back to the bridge. Staring down at the river, I held up the painting and threw it into the water without looking at it. As it dissolved, the sketch slowly faded away.
She was the perfect painting. I was just too smitten by it to see the painter standing right behind.
P.S - No names. I know. But it's AR. Remember that 😛
P.P.S - Inspiration from the song:
P.P.P.S - please comment even though it's trashy. it's dedicated to me since my birthday's coming up. haha.
P.P.P.P.S - My god. is it really that short? 😕
Edited by CZ.. - 13 years ago


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lil_desi_goddes thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago
wow! that was heartbreaking but beautiful!! it was a superb one shot, and i love the song you were inspired by... it was simply awesome!~
Posted: 13 years ago
Lol you dedicated it to urself since ur bday is coming up??? And ya it is quite short.

It's not exactly sad but it just makes you ponder. Hmm and well there are no lines and it's pretty much a narration hence it's a bit different.
Okay Armaan's a quiet painter who has been admiring her from afar and keeps obsessing over her? Seems very different from the DMG Armaan but nonetheless its a good characterization. Altho to me he seems a bit like a loser.

All in all though it was a very different yet good OS :)
And its not trashy.
pickytg thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

hmm...something it was...none of it felt like it came from you :D but it was a decent read!

It was AR allrite, now lets see you write AS/KaSh ...(they are not the same for me anymore and many others i would think)

nidha1983 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 13 years ago
woah Neetz its really touching one sad to know whom he likes is someone else love so sad

Edited by nidha1983 - 13 years ago
-Aria- thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 13 years ago
Neetz, that was AR all the way. Its kind of sad now the tragedy befits them like none other. But I was drawn to this like a hungry soul is to the single loaf of bread, because it had colors, and  then you went through his thought process of chossing what shade suits his masterpiece best - and voila! grey..i could see the sketch coming alive. The only part I didnt enjoy was when he threw it in the water, you could see it sink slowly as the lines dissolve within the water..its not like the man to do that..but it was an enjoyable reading. I loved the setting you choose, again perfect for the man that you described..watching her- admiring her from far away..The setting was perfect, I was imagining somewhere else but it was worth the read. You've got to write more here.
literally123 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago
Wow Neetz. my heart beats are fast after reading these. Heartbreaking but so...wonderful. Loved it Neetz, amazing job.
U-No-Poo thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: lil_desi_goddes

wow! that was heartbreaking but beautiful!! it was a superb one shot, and i love the song you were inspired by... it was simply awesome!~

Heya, thanks! 😃
ScatteredCastle thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago

I loved it. It was brilliantly written... It was just wonderful. I ran out of words after reading, but I had to appreciate.. So, I'm gonna write, each crap that come with the flow.

God, it was beautiful. It was short, sort of sad endings... but it was captivting and striking. I've been really looking forward to reading some of your stuff, down here... after being flattered by the talks about your previous works around my school... and finally, I got one fine chance to appreciate your recent works; btw, I so-recently posted my comment on your fic ... 'Dangerous Love', It's a superb work too.
Coming back, in simple and short terms- I loved it. It was beautiful and all-sort of wonderful. It was well written. Though, with no names... but I had first pictures while I imagined it was with AR... they're just so beautiful together and they suit exceptionally well, with the characters.
I could not find the words to express more, so it would be good-bye time for me. But, please PM me whenever you write more... It would be seriously great and I would be greatful. 😊
Pebblez thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 13 years ago
You wrote a OS and i dont know abt it? That just makes me sad :(

Oh btw, this is a reserve post :P
