Surlie FF: Ajeeb Dastaan Hai Ye...

Mrs_Darcy_Shree thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 1 months ago

Hi guys, thanks to Gags k subtle taane smiley36, I've finally managed to fine-tune the first part my Surlie fiction. Writing fiction after almost a decade, so pehle hi expectations low rakhna... Disclaimer: Not much will happen story-wise in this part, just setting the stage... Here goes nothing... 



The air in the grand Chaudhary Mansion was thick with the strong aroma of incense sticks and the sorrow-laden silence that continues even weeks after Agastya Singh Chaudhary's tragic demise.


Senior inspector Surya Pratap Reddy, the unexpected and unwelcome interloper, stood amid the grieving family, acutely aware of the weight of their scrutinizing gazes.


As the Chaudhary clan continued to buzz with hushed conversations and wary glances, Surya couldn't help but feel incredibly sad... After all, the resemblance between him and Agastya was uncanny, a fact that, by now, was not lost on him or the family... 'This is not going to be easy,' Surya thought, and if he wasn't careful, he might just end up losing more than he bargained for.


Imlie, Agastya's young widow, who, till now, was sitting in the corner — her delicate frame wracking with silent sobs, suddenly lifted her head, her eyes red-rimmed and her expression a mix of grief and disbelief.


"So you're telling us that you're the reason my husband is dead? Babu was my life, and you are saying, you, a mere doppelganger — who is not even an equivalent to his shadow — are why he was taken away from us? You are why we won't be able to lead the life we dreamt of..." she accused, her gaze unwavering and voice trembling with barely contained rage.


Surya couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. He could empathise with this woman, even as he himself grappled with the recent surreal revelation of him having an identical twin and the very twin dying as an indirect result of his past actions...


Surya held her gaze steadily. "I can assure you, Imlie, I had nothing to do with Agastya's death. Yes, I'm partially responsible for it, as I let go of the goon who killed him, but I am not the one who murdered my little brother. Trust me... I'm just as devastated by this tragedy as you are. And the ones responsible will pay for this..."


Imlie's eyes narrowed, her gaze fixed on Surya with undisguised hostility. "And what makes you think we want your help, Rowdy Reddy? Babu's death is none of your concern."


Surya felt a twinge of frustration, but he forced himself to remain calm. "Imlie, I understand your anger and your grief, but Agastya was my twin. I may not have known him or ever even met him, but his death affects me as well. And anyway, as a police officer, it's my duty to seek justice, regardless of the circumstances."


Dadi raised her hand, silencing the growing discord between the two. "That's enough! Surya, I appreciate your offer to help, and I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. But understand this... if you so much as put a toe out of line, I'll have you thrown out of this house and this village faster than you can blink."


Surya hung his head low, his expression solemn. "I understand, Nanamma. I'll do everything in my power to honour Agastya's memory and bring his killers to justice."


He felt the weight of Dadi's words like a physical blow, and he couldn't help but wonder if he had bitten off more than he could chew.


This family was a far cry from the hardened criminals he was used to dealing with, and the emotional stakes were higher than anything he had ever encountered.


As the family continued to murmur among themselves and come to a decision, Surya's mind raced back to the day his life changed forever... The day he first stepped foot in this village and met Imlie...



Surya exhaled a long, weary sigh as he stepped out of the police commissioner's office, the transfer orders clutched tightly in his hand. Just when he had finally started to make a real impact in the bustling city, cleaning up the streets and putting away some of the most notorious criminals, his superiors had decided to send him packing. 


"Purvaiya!" he muttered under his breath, his brow furrowing in displeasure. "Of all the places they could have chosen, why this one?"


The sleepy village, nestled deep in the heart of the countryside, was a far cry from the fast-paced life he was accustomed to. Surya couldn't fathom what possible purpose this transfer could serve, other than to punish him for his unorthodox methods. His reputation for bending the rules and challenging the status quo had clearly rubbed the higher-ups the wrong way.


"Well, they can't keep me there forever," Surya resolved, his jaw set with determination. "I'll do my time in this god-forsaken place, and then I'll be back where I belong — making a real difference."


With a resigned shrug, he made his way to the station's parking lot, ready to embark on the long journey to Purvaiya. As he settled into the driver's seat of his trusted police-issue SUV, Surya couldn't help but feel a twinge of resentment. This was hardly the grand homecoming he had envisioned for himself after arresting the corrupt minister's son, who had recently run over a labourer.


The drive through the winding country roads was a tedious one, with the monotonous scenery doing little to lift Surya's spirits. He drummed his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel, half-heartedly singing along to the song playing on the radio while his mind was racing with thoughts of the cases he was leaving behind, especially that of the notorious gangster, Guru Bhai. 


"Who's going to keep those scumbags in line while I'm gone?" he wondered, picturing the city's underbelly slowly creeping back to the surface.


Just as Surya was about to give in to the overwhelming temptation to turn the car around and head back, a signboard that read 'Purvaiya' came into view. With a resigned sigh, he steered the vehicle onto the narrow, tree-lined road that led into the village.


As he approached the modest police station in the village, Surya couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. This station could barely match the standards of the one he had left behind. The building itself seemed almost quaint; its faded paint and weathered facade a stark contrast to the sleek, modern structure he was accustomed to.


Surya stepped out of the car, straightening his uniform and squaring his shoulders. He may have been banished to this rural hell, but he was still a cop — and a damn good one at that.


'Dekha jata crime nahin, rone-dhone ke liye time nahin,' he thought, and with a steely determination, he pushed open the station's door and strode in, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.


"Keyka..." he grumbled as he realised that the interior of the station was equally unimpressive, with outdated equipment and a distinct lack of the bustling energy that he associates with police work.


A few curious eyes turned his way as he strode up to the front desk, where a uniformed officer, Ram Tripathy — the nametag read — sat, idly flipping through a magazine.


"Ei Chowpaty, main senior inspector Surya Pratap Reddy," he announced, his voice cutting through the stillness of the room. "Mereko idhar Hyderabad se transfer kiya. Papers to fax mein aa hi gya hoga ab tak."


The constable looked up, a hint of surprise flickering across his face. "Err... it's Tripathy, sir... And yes, we've been expecting you." He gestured towards a cabin door at the back of the station. "The commissioner is waiting. Aap andar ja sakte hain."


Surya nodded curtly, his lips pressed into a thin line as he zoomed towards the cabin. When he pushed the door open, he found himself face-to-face with an elderly man seated behind a cluttered desk.


"Senior inspector Reddy," the commissioner greeted him, a warm smile spreading across his face. "It's a pleasure to have you here in Purvaiya."


Surya nodded in acknowledgment, but his expression remained guarded. "Thank you, sir. I must admit, I'm a bit surprised to find myself stationed in a place like this."


Commissioner Indraneel Sen chuckled. 'Seems like commissioner Rao was right. Somebody is really unhappy to leave the city,' he thought. 


He smiled, gesturing for Surya to take a seat. "I can understand your apprehension, my boy. Purvaiya may not be the most exciting posting, but I assure you, there is plenty of work to be done here," he said encouragingly.


Surya settled into a chair, his posture still tense. "With all due respect, sir, I'm not exactly known for my patience or my ability to blend in. I'm more of a 'take-charge' kind of cop, and I'm not sure how well that will translate in a place like this." Surya went for the 'seedhi baat, no bakwas' approach.


The commissioner nodded, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I'm well aware of your reputation, senior inspector Reddy. And that's precisely why I requested your transfer here."


Surya blinked, caught off guard by his senior's words. "Requested my transfer? But I was under the impression that this was a punishment posting."


Indraneel leaned forward, his expression growing serious: "On the contrary, my boy. I specifically asked for you because I believe you're the right man for the job. Purvaiya may be a quiet village, but the problem at hand surely requires a strong, unconventional approach."


Surya's brow furrowed as he processed the commissioner's words. "And what exactly is this problem you need me to address?"


Indraneel's expression darkened, a shadow passing over his weathered features: "There was an extremely suspicious death of a businessman. The local police have been struggling to keep up, and I believe your skills and expertise could be the key to unraveling the mystery."


Surya felt a spark of interest ignite within him; his natural instinct for investigation piqued. "And what makes you think I'm the right man for the job?"


The commissioner leaned back in his chair, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Let's just say I have a hunch that you're about to stumble upon something much bigger than you could ever imagine. And when you do, I'll be counting on you to rise to the occasion."


Surya's eyes narrowed as he considered the commissioner's words. There was clearly more to this transfer than met the eye, and the prospect of a challenge — a real, juicy mystery to sink his teeth into — was suddenly far more appealing than the prospect of returning to Hyderabad.


"Alright, sir," Surya said, a faint glimmer of determination in his voice. "I'll give this place a chance. But I can't promise I'll play by the rules."


Indraneel chuckled, the corners of his eyes crinkling with amusement. "That's exactly what I was hoping you'd say, senior inspector Reddy. Welcome to Purvaiya!"


The sun had long since dipped below the horizon, casting the sleepy village of Purvaiya in a warm, golden glow, when Surya finally made his way out of the police station. As he stepped out into the quiet streets, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settle over him. The decision was made. But the idea of getting stuck in this god-forsaken place for an indefinite period of time, filled him with a growing sense of dread.


Surya ran a hand through his hair in frustration, mentally running through his options. Perhaps he could find a way to convince the commissioner to transfer him back to Hyderabad — or, at the very least, to a more exciting posting. But just as he was about to climb the steps to the police station, a commotion down the street caught his attention...

Intrigued, Surya quickened his pace, his instincts as a cop kicking in. As he rounded the corner, he found himself faced with a throng of villagers gathered around an upturned cycle trolley. Large utensils and piles of aloo-puri were strewn across the road and a woman, dressed in a stark white saree, was hunched over a now dented board that read 'Babu Aloo-Puri: Aloo-puri khao, Shut-up ho jaao'

Surya couldn't help but chuckle at the signage, but just then, he noticed a tempo rushing towards the woman who seemed unaware of the world around her. He ran as fast as he could, and just in the nick of time, grabbed the woman by her waist and dragged her out of harm's way. Both spun around a few times due to the impact...

"Marne ka itna shauq hai kya tumko? Saamne se itna bada gaadi aa rha tha tumko dikha nahi?" He screamed at the woman at the top of his lungs as his heart pounded uncontrollably, horrified at the thought of what could have happened.

But the woman, Imlie, had a war raging within her very being. She was too dumbfounded to respond to his screams.

As she steadied herself and caught sight of this man in front of her, her heart skipped a beat... her breath caught in her throat... Time seemed to stand still as her gaze locked onto his face, a face so hauntingly familiar... She stood frozen, too stunned by the uncanny resemblance. While her mind kept screaming that this can't be her Babu, her silly little heart refused to listen to that voice of reason, and her treacherous eyes, simply wouldn't tear the gaze away or even blink, lest her Babu vanishes again...

Her mind raced, unable to comprehend what she was seeing, grappling with a torrent of emotions — shock, disbelief, and a flicker of hope. Could it be... But how? But what if... Her world stopped, consumed by the ghostly visage of her beloved.

And before Surya could comprehend what was happening, the woman fainted in his arms. And for the second time in a matter of minutes, this beautiful stranger had kicked in his protective instincts...


Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:



So that's all for the first part... Like I said, nothing much happens...

Ab ande-tamatar ki baarish shuru ho sakti hai... smiley36 

With love,


Edited by Mrs_Darcy_Shree - 3 days ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

hurrom thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Nice......amazing.... .yaar.....update soon.... smiley1

Edited by hurrom - 1 months ago
joliefemme thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 1 months ago

I am speechless Shree....

Mhrw Raghvi GIF - Mhrw Raghvi Drunk GIFs

When I was reading the TS, all I could imagine was a nice cozy novel I am reading. You do have a flair for writing. How many parts are there to this?

I am pretty excited reading Surya ka characterization and back story. We did not have much of Imlie but I am sure a lot of it will come. 

Saishi Shivangi Khedkar GIF - Saishi Shivangi Khedkar Cute GIFs


Mhrw Pallu GIF - Mhrw Pallu Thankyou To Banta Hai GIFs

Gags05 thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago

Wait wait wait....

Are we getting served.. 🥹😱

Shreeeee yaaaa.. 😍

Jaldi se padkar comment karti hu.. 🤌


Edit : Sooooo Agatha Christie's Fan, are we? smiley42

Kya mast likha hai Shree.. In the beginning I felt, I am reading a cosy mystery set up in a village, and that meet-cute (from Surya's pov) was proper Romcom material.. smiley31

(The way you have described the sweet village Purvaiya, and the entire journey from Hyderabad to reach there, & Surya's inner contemplation.. *Chef's kiss* )

First of all, I am so so glad, tumpe meri persuation ki adaaein chal gayi.. smiley43 (I shall now convert more ppl, buhuahahahhahahsmiley15)

I really was feeling meh after watching aaj ka episode, and this has made my day.. Toh uske liye, ek flying kiss le lo.. smiley9

Secondly, jo pyaar tapak raha hai ladki, for SPR in this story.. I get it.. I get it.. Wo hai hi pyaaru, cutuie patootie.. But what I am really liking here, is the emphasis of his inner thoughts, and his nature of being a Robindhood cop that you have carved.. While in the show, it took us weeks and weeks, to really decode, ki ye aadmi hai kya cheez.. smiley37

Thirdly, I can see and feel the uphill task you have taken upon yourself, to move the story forward from this to their next stage, or whatever you have plans for, ain't gonna be easy....

But I am here for the ride Gal! This is gonna be interesting..

Edited by Gags05 - 1 months ago
Mrs_Darcy_Shree thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: joliefemme

I am speechless Shree....

Mhrw Raghvi GIF - Mhrw Raghvi Drunk GIFs

When I was reading the TS, all I could imagine was a nice cozy novel I am reading. You do have a flair for writing. How many parts are there to this?

I am pretty excited reading Surya ka characterization and back story. We did not have much of Imlie but I am sure a lot of it will come. 

Saishi Shivangi Khedkar GIF - Saishi Shivangi Khedkar Cute GIFs


Mhrw Pallu GIF - Mhrw Pallu Thankyou To Banta Hai GIFs

Teen parts mein sab raita sametne ki planning hai... Fingers crossed... Glad you like it so far... smiley9

Mrs_Darcy_Shree thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: Gags05

Wait wait wait....

Are we getting served.. 🥹😱

Shreeeee yaaaa.. 😍

Jaldi se padkar comment karti hu.. 🤌


Edit : Sooooo Agatha Christie's Fan, are we? smiley42 Damn right

Kya mast likha hai Shree.. In the beginning I felt, I am reading a cosy mystery set up in a village, and that meet-cute (from Surya's pov) was proper Romcom material.. smiley31 uff...smiley9

(The way you have described the sweet village Purvaiya, and the entire journey from Hyderabad to reach there, & Surya's inner contemplation.. *Chef's kiss* )  smiley9smiley9

First of all, I am so so glad, tumpe meri persuation ki adaaein chal gayi.. smiley43 (I shall now convert more ppl, buhuahahahhahahsmiley15) Lagi raho, Gags behna smiley36

I really was feeling meh after watching aaj ka episode, and this has made my day.. Toh uske liye, ek flying kiss le lo.. smiley9smiley9smiley9

Secondly, jo pyaar tapak raha hai ladki, for SPR in this story.. I get it.. I get it.. Wo hai hi pyaaru, cutuie patootie.. But what I am really liking here, is the emphasis of his inner thoughts, and his nature of being a Robindhood cop that you have carved.. While in the show, it took us weeks and weeks, to really decode, ki ye aadmi hai kya cheez.. smiley37 ye tedhe ladke ko samajhne mein itna time laga, to socha thoda prem chalka dein smiley37

Thirdly, I can see and feel the uphill task you have taken upon yourself, to move the story forward from this to their next stage, or whatever you have plans for, ain't gonna be easy....

But I am here for the ride Gal! This is gonna be interesting..

Fine tuning the next bit is going to be tricky and aakhri part pe to kaam shuru hi kiya hai abhi... Fingers crossed 

Sunaina7 thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: Gags05

Wait wait wait....

Are we getting served.. 🥹😱

Shreeeee yaaaa.. 😍

Jaldi se padkar comment karti hu.. 🤌


Edit : Sooooo Agatha Christie's Fan, are we? smiley42

Kya mast likha hai Shree.. In the beginning I felt, I am reading a cosy mystery set up in a village, and that meet-cute (from Surya's pov) was proper Romcom material.. smiley31

(The way you have described the sweet village Purvaiya, and the entire journey from Hyderabad to reach there, & Surya's inner contemplation.. *Chef's kiss* )

First of all, I am so so glad, tumpe meri persuation ki adaaein chal gayi.. smiley43 (I shall now convert more ppl, buhuahahahhahahsmiley15)

I really was feeling meh after watching aaj ka episode, and this has made my day.. Toh uske liye, ek flying kiss le lo.. smiley9

Secondly, jo pyaar tapak raha hai ladki, for SPR in this story.. I get it.. I get it.. Wo hai hi pyaaru, cutuie patootie.. But what I am really liking here, is the emphasis of his inner thoughts, and his nature of being a Robindhood cop that you have carved.. While in the show, it took us weeks and weeks, to really decode, ki ye aadmi hai kya cheez.. smiley37

Thirdly, I can see and feel the uphill task you have taken upon yourself, to move the story forward from this to their next stage, or whatever you have plans for, ain't gonna be easy....

But I am here for the ride Gal! This is gonna be interesting..

you wrote what I exactly wanted to write for the review.  

It had full mysterious plus forbidden romance wali feeling set in purwaiya that we had gotten accustomed to during masked man Track. 

Loved the way you beautifully described dainty Imlie and how Surya was feeling strange connection With her

Also I got emotional whenever Surya referred Agastya as his little brother 🥺

Sunaina7 thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 1 months ago

Tum log itne ache writers ho. yeh skill humse chupa kar kyon rakha tha. Atleast koi toh meri ladoo peda ya chaand Sitara wali fantasy puri kardo. Please 

Tum logo ko SPR ke black vest ki kasam Hai 🥺

Sunaina7 thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 1 months ago

Aur ladoo peda ya chand taara se Mera Matlab yeh nahi hai ki I want to read the 18+ content.  I want to actually read how Agastya/Surya and particularly Imlie accepts the motherhood phase of her life. She and Surya think they were abandoned by parents while Agastya had to bear the trauma of illegitimacy tag.  How they can protect their own kid from the pain they suffered  

Gags05 thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: Sunaina7

Aur ladoo peda ya chand taara se Mera Matlab yeh nahi hai ki I want to read the 18+ content.  I want to actually read how Agastya/Surya and particularly Imlie accepts the motherhood phase of her life. She and Surya think they were abandoned by parents while Agastya had to bear the trauma of illegitimacy tag.  How they can protect their own kid from the pain they suffered  

Yahan ghar basa nai hai.. tum aa jao lootne pehle 😂😂

They should first come in one frame together...You know I searched the entire internet for their pics and frames together for my story, and there's hardly any..

Galti se Holi episode me kuch tha..

Basically first show me toh kuch progress dikhaein, phir we get inspired, apne dimaag ke ghode daudane ke liye 😂😂

And Sunaina.. Mujhe aisa kyu lag raha hai, tum bhi kaamal likhogi.. Give it a try na.. 🤗