OS - Ishaan and Savi - A call of destiny called WEDDING - Page 18


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Posted: 1 months ago

Episode 41: Savi Confronts Ishaan

At Bhosle Mansion, Shikha and Asmita were preparing breakfast for everyone. Anvi and Durva entered the kitchen to see what was cooking. 

They found Shikha deftly flipping Aloo Parathas while Asmita tended to the steaming pot of Upma. Anvi's eyes sparkled with delight at the sight of her favorite breakfast fare, while Durva wrinkled her nose in disdain.

"Bland food, as usual," Durva muttered with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Who eats such boring stuff in the morning? Send me cereals in my room," 

Shikha felt insulted because it was her idea to come up with this menu. Anvi hugged her, saying, "Shikha Vahini, not one but make two parathas for me. The aroma is yummy."

Shikha cheered up, while Asmita watched their bond lovingly, cursing herself for Durva’s wrong upbringing. She made a mental note to have a heart-to-heart conversation with Durva later, hoping to instill in her the importance of empathy and kindness.


As everyone gathered around the dining table, Rao Saheb announced the long-awaited news. "We have finally received all approvals from the Board, including funds allowance," he declared proudly, prompting cheers and applause from the assembled family members.

However, Rao Saheb's jubilant expression faltered slightly as he addressed Ishaan. "There’s one minor issue to discuss, Ishaan. Please spare some time for a meeting with the board today between 11 AM to 1 PM," he requested, a hint of concern creasing his brow.

Ishaan responded with a reassuring smile, though inwardly, he felt a pang of anxiety at the thought of facing the board amidst the turmoil of his personal life. 

His phone buzzed with a text message from Savi, further intensifying his unease. "Ishaan Sir, what was that letter? Are you for real? I don't even know how to react. I'll come to your cabin around 12 PM," the message read, sending a wave of apprehension coursing through Ishaan's veins.

Ishaan felt tense. How would Savi react? How extremely she would be hurt? How extremely she would be angry? How would he manage the board meeting and meeting with Savi around the same time? 

He pushed back his chair with a little too much force, his hands trembling slightly as he reached for his belongings. He left the breakfast table and left for the college soon after. 


Arriving at the college, Ishaan's steps were brisk, his shoulders tense with anticipation. His gaze darted around anxiously, searching for any sign of Savi's presence. He met Shuklaji and requested him to book the conference room between 11 to 1 for the board meeting. He indirectly asked him to keep Savi busy until then as he wanted to meet her after 1.


Savi arrived at the college. Her face was straight and her walk was determined. Today, she had a silent but steady expression. Shuklaji informed her, as instructed by Ishaan, "Chavan, I need your help around 12 PM. I have some bank accounts to be opened. Can you help me understand the formalities and required documents? We can sit in the canteen and have a talk."

Savi thought to herself, "I asked Ishaan sir to meet around the same time," but then reluctantly agreed to meet Shuklaji first. She furrowed her brows in contemplation, muttering under her breath, "Chidkiya deserves to wait longer."

As the clock struck 1:10, Savi and Shuklaji wrapped up their work. Savi flashed a grateful smile at Shuklaji, expressing her appreciation for his assistance. With a nod of acknowledgment, Shuklaji bid her adieu, and Savi reciprocated the gesture, offering a polite farewell before making her way toward Ishaan's cabin.


Savi enters his cabin with a solemn expression, prompting Ishaan to glance at her hesitantly. His face wears a mixture of emotions—a sad, fearful puppy-like expression, knowing she has learned the truth, yet also tinged with a hint of happiness and contentment at her proximity. 

Noticing her attire—a sleeveless kurta in his favorite color, blue, with long earrings and a delicate white bracelet adding elegance, and white sandals completing her look—despite his stoic expression, he was captivated by her radiant appearance and couldn't help but steal admiring glances at her.

Savi places her bag on his table before settling into the sofa opposite his chair.

She explodes, 'How dare you write me a letter? Don't you have the courage to stand in front of me and confront me?'

Ishaan's heart sinks as he observes her anger. He feels a wave of confusion and fear wash over him. 

She continues further, “'I am very angry with you and don't wish to talk to you at all. I'm never coming back to your house, and once I complete my studies, I'll leave Pune and your Aai/Baba’s home too.”

Her angry tone gradually softens into one filled with tears.

“I have so many questions and concerns, but I am unable to utter a word now”, As tears threaten to spill from her eyes, she finds herself unable to voice a single word in the face of her overwhelming turmoil. With a heavy heart, she turns away from Ishaan's cabin, her steps heavy and uncertain.

To be Continued…(Rain, Thunderstorms, Dark weather, and them confronting and confessing)

Originally posted by: ssm97

Episode 40: Savi Receives Ishaan's Letter

Savi arrives at the college accompanied by Shantanu Sir. She is adorned in a beautiful orange kurta, high heels, and minimal oxidized jewelry, resembling a cute fairy. As she passes by Ishaan's office, she notices him standing near the door.

Savi, still harboring resentment towards Ishaan for leaving her at Aai Baba's house, makes faces and calls out to her friends, Shashwat and Preeti.

Savi: "Let's head to the canteen, guys! I'm craving some strong chai and samosas. And tonight, we're definitely catching a movie. It's been ages since we've had some fun."

Ignoring Ishaan's presence, Savi leaves with her friends, leaving him feeling a pang of hurt in his heart. He worries about whether her anger will escalate upon reading the letter.


Later, Ishaan meets his Baba in the conference room and hands over some books to Shantanu for Savi. As Shantanu takes the books, Ishaan's eyes briefly flicker with a mixture of concern and apprehension.

Baba: "Is everything alright, Bala? You seem upset."

Ishaan attempts to downplay his emotions, his voice strained as he responds, "Nothing, Baba. Just some work to attend to. I'll be off."

Despite his efforts to appear composed, there's a vulnerability in Ishaan's demeanor that Shantanu can't help but notice. As Ishaan turns to leave, Shantanu's gaze lingers on him for a moment longer, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken turmoil brewing beneath the surface.


Throughout the day, Ishaan anxiously watches the door, hoping for Savi's arrival, but she doesn't show up. After college hours, he spots her with her friends, ready to head to the movies. Feeling jealous and excluded, he clenches his fists in frustration.

Savi deliberately ignores Ishaan and sits beside Shashwat and Preeti in the auto. Kajal and Navya take their scooty, and the group heads to the multiplex.

After the movie and dinner, Savi returns to ISHANU’s home and freshens up. Inside, she feels upset that Ishaan didn't follow her for the movie, as she had hoped. Her unspoken expectations lead to frustration. Finally, she sleeps with anger, disappointment, and frustration of Ishaan not following her to the multiplex.


The next morning, Isha Mam enters her room with a glass of milk and a bunch of books. Savi, still groggy from sleep, rubs her eyes and yawns as she sits up in bed.

Isha Mam: "Savi Bala, Good morning! Have some milk to recharge, and here are some books Ishu wanted you to have."

Savi, feeling a bit more awake now, smiles warmly at Isha Mam. "Thank you, Isha Mam, maazi Aai," she says, taking the glass of milk from her.

Isha Mam gently caresses Savi's head, her affectionate touch comforting Savi. With a tender smile, she hugs Savi before leaving the room.

Savi sips on the milk, feeling the warmth spreading through her body. She can't help but feel grateful for the caring gestures of Isha Mam, who always treats her like her own daughter. As she finishes her milk, she sets the glass aside and picks up the books, eager to see what Ishaan Sir has in store for her.

Savi checks the books: "Macro Economics," "Corporate Finance," "Environmental Economics," and "International Trade." As she does, one of the books slips from her hand, causing an envelope to fall out along with it.

Curious, Savi picks up the envelope, noticing it's labeled "Ramtek Truth." She hesitates for a moment before opening it, her expression changing with each word she reads.

To be Continued… (Savi reads letters and decides to confront Ishaan)

PoojaaNair thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Wow pls continue. 

SamiO05 thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago


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Posted: 1 months ago

Episode 42: IshVi Confesses Love Under Rains & Thunderstorms

As Savi's tears threaten to spill, Ishaan's heart clenches with an overwhelming sense of helplessness. The weight of her unspoken questions hangs heavy in the air, and he longs to reach out to her, to offer some semblance of comfort or reassurance.

The weather was also reciprocating her inner turmoil, the clouds got darker with drizzling. Within a few minutes, the rain intensified, matching the turmoil raging within Savi's heart. The dark clouds overhead mirrored her inner chaos, punctuated by flashes of lightning that illuminated the sky with an eerie glow. The wind howled, whipping her wet hair around her face as if echoing her inner turmoil.

Lost in her thoughts and with tears in her eyes, Savi walks along the deserted streets. She was all wet but tears were still more prominently running from her eyes to her cheeks. 

Suddenly, she feels someone grab her arms. Startled, she turns back, her heart pounding with shock.

Savi jerks her hand away. "Leave me, Mr. Ishaan Bhosle."

Ishaan, almost drenched, winces, feeling as though an arrow has pierced his heart. 

"Savi," he pleaded, his voice barely audible over the roar of the storm, "let out your frustrations, but allow yourself to feel lighter. I didn't know how to share my burdens with you. Imagine the weight of the burden I carried alone."

Savi's anger, fueled by a sense of betrayal and hurt, erupted once more, "Burden, burden, burden! Am I just a burden to you because of my Tai? Am I not a BIWI to you? You can marry me at your will at your time, at your mood but can't accept my feelings. What about me? Am I just a toy you can play with and throw away?"

Struggling to comprehend the depth of her emotions, Ishaan walked closer to her, and held her shoulders, out, his touch gentle yet determined. He lifted her face with his fingers tracing the lines of her jaw as he sought forgiveness amidst the chaos surrounding them.

A huge thunderstorm passes in the sky. 

"Savi, have you forgiven me for what happened at Ramtek?"

"Stay away from me, Mr. Ishaan Bhosle," Savi says, her voice trembling with emotion.

Ishaan holds her gaze, his own confidence waning as he searches for a glimmer of forgiveness in her eyes. He knows he has hurt her deeply, but he's determined to make amends, to prove to her that his love is genuine.

"Savi, please," Ishaan implores softly, his voice tinged with desperation. "I know I've made mistakes, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right. I can't bear to see you hurting like this."

Savi's anger melts away, her voice trembling with vulnerability. "Ishaan Sir, you know very well that I've lost my entire family. We're still unsure whether and when Tai will wake up. I've started to develop feelings for you. I was grateful to the Almighty, thinking I could find my entire family in you—the way you pamper me, the way you caress me, the way you hold me in your arms. But foolishly, I never realized that I'm just a BURDEN handed over by Tai."

Ishaan's expression becomes serious as he listens to her words. "No, Savi, not at all. You are not a burden to me, you are my sweetest responsibility which I want to fulfill my life long. You are the person my soul has always craved for. No woman has ever come this close to me, touched my soul, and shown me enlightenment. How could you be my burden? You're mistaken, big time. You mean everything to me. You've taught me how to live despite the thousands of struggles that surround us. “

The rain picked up the highest speed with lightning all around, they both were fully drenched, her blue kurta was flying in the rainy air and hairs were waving here and there. 

Ishaan continues, “

When you smile, it lights up my world

When you look at me, it feels like time stands still, frozen in the warmth of your gaze."

When you sit beside me, the world fades away, leaving only the echo of our shared heartbeat."

When you laugh with me, it's as if the melody of your laughter fills the air, turning ordinary moments into magic."

That's it, I don't know further how do I put it up.

His eyes and voice get emotional, he can't control but hugs her tightly.

“I don't know if this is called love, if so, yes I love you, I love you Savi and want you to be with me, forever!”

After Ishaan's heartfelt confession of love, Savi stands frozen, her heart torn between conflicting emotions. The rain continues to pour down around them, mingling with her tears as she struggles to process his words.

For a moment, there is only the sound of the rain, the thunder rumbling in the distance, and the rapid beating of her heart.

With trembling hands, she reaches up to cup Ishaan's cheek, her touch gentle yet filled with raw emotion. "Ishaan….Sir," she whispers, her voice barely audible above the roar of the rain. "I... I don't know what to say."

As she gazes into his eyes, she sees the vulnerability and sincerity reflected back at her, and in that moment, all her fears and insecurities melt away. With a shaky breath, she leans forward, pressing her forehead against his, their breaths mingling in the cool night air. She keeps crying. 

"I love you too, Ishaan.. Sir," she finally confesses, her voice choked with emotion. "I've been so afraid to admit it, but I can't deny it any longer. You've shown me what it means to love and to be loved, and I don't want to spend another moment without you."

Ishaan winks at her, “Call me Chidkiya or Ishaan, no more Sir sir.”

She laughs and fits herself in his embrace. 

He kisses her forehead and rubs her back. 

Tears stream down her cheeks, mingling with the raindrops as she wraps her arms around him, pulling him close in a desperate embrace. 

At that moment, as they stand together in the midst of the storm, Savi knows that she has found her home – in Ishaan's arms, where she belongs.


When in the heavy rains, two love birds were finding solace in each other's arms, 20 km away in ISAHNU home, Shantanu was busy hiding the first half of the letter written by Ishaan which he had torn before handing it over to Savi. 

To be continued… (IshVi starts fresh)

Originally posted by: ssm97

Episode 41: Savi Confronts Ishaan

At Bhosle Mansion, Shikha and Asmita were preparing breakfast for everyone. Anvi and Durva entered the kitchen to see what was cooking. 

They found Shikha deftly flipping Aloo Parathas while Asmita tended to the steaming pot of Upma. Anvi's eyes sparkled with delight at the sight of her favorite breakfast fare, while Durva wrinkled her nose in disdain.

"Bland food, as usual," Durva muttered with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Who eats such boring stuff in the morning? Send me cereals in my room," 

Shikha felt insulted because it was her idea to come up with this menu. Anvi hugged her, saying, "Shikha Vahini, not one but make two parathas for me. The aroma is yummy."

Shikha cheered up, while Asmita watched their bond lovingly, cursing herself for Durva’s wrong upbringing. She made a mental note to have a heart-to-heart conversation with Durva later, hoping to instill in her the importance of empathy and kindness.


As everyone gathered around the dining table, Rao Saheb announced the long-awaited news. "We have finally received all approvals from the Board, including funds allowance," he declared proudly, prompting cheers and applause from the assembled family members.

However, Rao Saheb's jubilant expression faltered slightly as he addressed Ishaan. "There’s one minor issue to discuss, Ishaan. Please spare some time for a meeting with the board today between 11 AM to 1 PM," he requested, a hint of concern creasing his brow.

Ishaan responded with a reassuring smile, though inwardly, he felt a pang of anxiety at the thought of facing the board amidst the turmoil of his personal life. 

His phone buzzed with a text message from Savi, further intensifying his unease. "Ishaan Sir, what was that letter? Are you for real? I don't even know how to react. I'll come to your cabin around 12 PM," the message read, sending a wave of apprehension coursing through Ishaan's veins.

Ishaan felt tense. How would Savi react? How extremely she would be hurt? How extremely she would be angry? How would he manage the board meeting and meeting with Savi around the same time? 

He pushed back his chair with a little too much force, his hands trembling slightly as he reached for his belongings. He left the breakfast table and left for the college soon after. 


Arriving at the college, Ishaan's steps were brisk, his shoulders tense with anticipation. His gaze darted around anxiously, searching for any sign of Savi's presence. He met Shuklaji and requested him to book the conference room between 11 to 1 for the board meeting. He indirectly asked him to keep Savi busy until then as he wanted to meet her after 1.


Savi arrived at the college. Her face was straight and her walk was determined. Today, she had a silent but steady expression. Shuklaji informed her, as instructed by Ishaan, "Chavan, I need your help around 12 PM. I have some bank accounts to be opened. Can you help me understand the formalities and required documents? We can sit in the canteen and have a talk."

Savi thought to herself, "I asked Ishaan sir to meet around the same time," but then reluctantly agreed to meet Shuklaji first. She furrowed her brows in contemplation, muttering under her breath, "Chidkiya deserves to wait longer."

As the clock struck 1:10, Savi and Shuklaji wrapped up their work. Savi flashed a grateful smile at Shuklaji, expressing her appreciation for his assistance. With a nod of acknowledgment, Shuklaji bid her adieu, and Savi reciprocated the gesture, offering a polite farewell before making her way toward Ishaan's cabin.


Savi enters his cabin with a solemn expression, prompting Ishaan to glance at her hesitantly. His face wears a mixture of emotions—a sad, fearful puppy-like expression, knowing she has learned the truth, yet also tinged with a hint of happiness and contentment at her proximity. 

Noticing her attire—a sleeveless kurta in his favorite color, blue, with long earrings and a delicate white bracelet adding elegance, and white sandals completing her look—despite his stoic expression, he was captivated by her radiant appearance and couldn't help but steal admiring glances at her.

Savi places her bag on his table before settling into the sofa opposite his chair.

She explodes, 'How dare you write me a letter? Don't you have the courage to stand in front of me and confront me?'

Ishaan's heart sinks as he observes her anger. He feels a wave of confusion and fear wash over him. 

She continues further, “'I am very angry with you and don't wish to talk to you at all. I'm never coming back to your house, and once I complete my studies, I'll leave Pune and your Aai/Baba’s home too.”

Her angry tone gradually softens into one filled with tears.

“I have so many questions and concerns, but I am unable to utter a word now”, As tears threaten to spill from her eyes, she finds herself unable to voice a single word in the face of her overwhelming turmoil. With a heavy heart, she turns away from Ishaan's cabin, her steps heavy and uncertain.

To be Continued…(Rain, Thunderstorms, Dark weather, and them confronting and confessing)

PoojaaNair thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Omg pls update soon...

SamiO05 thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago


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Posted: 1 months ago

Episode 43: A New Day, New Life For ISHVI

Shantanu’s flashback:

When Ishaan hands over the books to him and leaves the conference room, he receives a call from Isha. He answers, “Yes, Isha, I met Ishaan but couldn't decipher what's hindering him from accepting Savi. He has given me books to hand over to her, but that's it, nothing else.”

Isha replies, “He is my blood. I sense him, he is going through a hidden turmoil of pain. He will suffer and won't care about the outcome, but he will never hide anything so that Savi should not suffer in the end. Let's meet at home. Take care. Bye.”

Shantanu always had regret in his mind for never being able to stand up for his rightful wife, Isha, and due to which, Ishaan had suffered the most. He wants his son's happiness, which right now lies in Savi. He checks the books and finds the letter. He is shocked and realizes everything—why Ishaan has been upset since he returned from Ramtek and where he stands now.

Knowing Savi's nature, who is a replica of Isha, she might not accept him and end up hurting herself too. To save both from the void in their lives and deprive them of love, he tears the first half of the letter and retains only this portion:

"Harini Tai sought me out, ... Ishaan"

He decides to hide this truth from everyone, including Isha.


Late at night, Ishaan and Savi arrive home in their car. Romantic songs play in the background throughout the journey, giving both of them goosebumps and excitement. With lots of eyelocks and handholding, they reach home. It is very late, so everyone has already gone to bed. Ishaan takes out the duplicate keys from his pocket and opens the door. Both step inside, and he closes the main door properly. Savi starts walking towards the room, and Ishaan says, “Wait, Mrs. Bhosle.”

She looks at him lovingly and asks, “What?”

He approaches with a naughty smile, lifts her up in his arms, and carries her to their room. She locks eyes with him throughout the walk.

In the room, she says, “Now, put me down. I am all wet and feeling cold. I need to freshen up. I definitely need a hot shower.”

Ishaan suggests, “Let me join you and help you feel warm.”

She gets down and playfully pushes him, saying, “No, not now,” then runs to the bathroom and locks the door.

Murmuring to herself, she reflects, “Ever since I left my parents, today I genuinely felt happy from inside. I feel complete now. Thank you, Ishaan Sir... Ishaan,” ending with a shy smile.

She emerges from the bathroom wearing a white t-shirt and pink dhoti, looking like a doll even without makeup. Meanwhile, Ishaan has freshened up, wearing his usual maroon t-shirt and gray track pants.

Approaching her, he notices her shyness and says with a smile, “Savi, your dreams and aspirations are now my dreams and aspirations. Nothing will happen without your consent. Feel free to focus on your studies and college. In fact, enjoy your college life to the fullest. These days never come back, and we miss them forever. As for us, we are together forever, till eternity. I can wait for ages to see you as my bride.

Savi, with grateful eyes, gives him a side hug and then teases him, “Ishaan Sir, today it's your turn to make a pillow wall between us.”

Ishaan breaks out of her side hug and playfully retorts, “Savi ki bachhi, today is your turn to tease me. I'll wait for my turn and then see you!”

Savi laughs and challenges, “Okay, see me now.”

He whispers in her ear mischievously, “One fine day, I'll see you completely,” then walks towards the bed with a bunch of pillows in his hand.

To be Continued… (New Board Member Gets Introduced)

Originally posted by: ssm97

Episode 42: IshVi Confesses Love Under Rains & Thunderstorms

As Savi's tears threaten to spill, Ishaan's heart clenches with an overwhelming sense of helplessness. The weight of her unspoken questions hangs heavy in the air, and he longs to reach out to her, to offer some semblance of comfort or reassurance.

The weather was also reciprocating her inner turmoil, the clouds got darker with drizzling. Within a few minutes, the rain intensified, matching the turmoil raging within Savi's heart. The dark clouds overhead mirrored her inner chaos, punctuated by flashes of lightning that illuminated the sky with an eerie glow. The wind howled, whipping her wet hair around her face as if echoing her inner turmoil.

Lost in her thoughts and with tears in her eyes, Savi walks along the deserted streets. She was all wet but tears were still more prominently running from her eyes to her cheeks. 

Suddenly, she feels someone grab her arms. Startled, she turns back, her heart pounding with shock.

Savi jerks her hand away. "Leave me, Mr. Ishaan Bhosle."

Ishaan, almost drenched, winces, feeling as though an arrow has pierced his heart. 

"Savi," he pleaded, his voice barely audible over the roar of the storm, "let out your frustrations, but allow yourself to feel lighter. I didn't know how to share my burdens with you. Imagine the weight of the burden I carried alone."

Savi's anger, fueled by a sense of betrayal and hurt, erupted once more, "Burden, burden, burden! Am I just a burden to you because of my Tai? Am I not a BIWI to you? You can marry me at your will at your time, at your mood but can't accept my feelings. What about me? Am I just a toy you can play with and throw away?"

Struggling to comprehend the depth of her emotions, Ishaan walked closer to her, and held her shoulders, out, his touch gentle yet determined. He lifted her face with his fingers tracing the lines of her jaw as he sought forgiveness amidst the chaos surrounding them.

A huge thunderstorm passes in the sky. 

"Savi, have you forgiven me for what happened at Ramtek?"

"Stay away from me, Mr. Ishaan Bhosle," Savi says, her voice trembling with emotion.

Ishaan holds her gaze, his own confidence waning as he searches for a glimmer of forgiveness in her eyes. He knows he has hurt her deeply, but he's determined to make amends, to prove to her that his love is genuine.

"Savi, please," Ishaan implores softly, his voice tinged with desperation. "I know I've made mistakes, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right. I can't bear to see you hurting like this."

Savi's anger melts away, her voice trembling with vulnerability. "Ishaan Sir, you know very well that I've lost my entire family. We're still unsure whether and when Tai will wake up. I've started to develop feelings for you. I was grateful to the Almighty, thinking I could find my entire family in you—the way you pamper me, the way you caress me, the way you hold me in your arms. But foolishly, I never realized that I'm just a BURDEN handed over by Tai."

Ishaan's expression becomes serious as he listens to her words. "No, Savi, not at all. You are not a burden to me, you are my sweetest responsibility which I want to fulfill my life long. You are the person my soul has always craved for. No woman has ever come this close to me, touched my soul, and shown me enlightenment. How could you be my burden? You're mistaken, big time. You mean everything to me. You've taught me how to live despite the thousands of struggles that surround us. “

The rain picked up the highest speed with lightning all around, they both were fully drenched, her blue kurta was flying in the rainy air and hairs were waving here and there. 

Ishaan continues, “

When you smile, it lights up my world

When you look at me, it feels like time stands still, frozen in the warmth of your gaze."

When you sit beside me, the world fades away, leaving only the echo of our shared heartbeat."

When you laugh with me, it's as if the melody of your laughter fills the air, turning ordinary moments into magic."

That's it, I don't know further how do I put it up.

His eyes and voice get emotional, he can't control but hugs her tightly.

“I don't know if this is called love, if so, yes I love you, I love you Savi and want you to be with me, forever!”

After Ishaan's heartfelt confession of love, Savi stands frozen, her heart torn between conflicting emotions. The rain continues to pour down around them, mingling with her tears as she struggles to process his words.

For a moment, there is only the sound of the rain, the thunder rumbling in the distance, and the rapid beating of her heart.

With trembling hands, she reaches up to cup Ishaan's cheek, her touch gentle yet filled with raw emotion. "Ishaan….Sir," she whispers, her voice barely audible above the roar of the rain. "I... I don't know what to say."

As she gazes into his eyes, she sees the vulnerability and sincerity reflected back at her, and in that moment, all her fears and insecurities melt away. With a shaky breath, she leans forward, pressing her forehead against his, their breaths mingling in the cool night air. She keeps crying. 

"I love you too, Ishaan.. Sir," she finally confesses, her voice choked with emotion. "I've been so afraid to admit it, but I can't deny it any longer. You've shown me what it means to love and to be loved, and I don't want to spend another moment without you."

Ishaan winks at her, “Call me Chidkiya or Ishaan, no more Sir sir.”

She laughs and fits herself in his embrace. 

He kisses her forehead and rubs her back. 

Tears stream down her cheeks, mingling with the raindrops as she wraps her arms around him, pulling him close in a desperate embrace. 

At that moment, as they stand together in the midst of the storm, Savi knows that she has found her home – in Ishaan's arms, where she belongs.


When in the heavy rains, two love birds were finding solace in each other's arms, 20 km away in ISAHNU home, Shantanu was busy hiding the first half of the letter written by Ishaan which he had torn before handing it over to Savi. 

To be continued… (IshVi starts fresh)

PoojaaNair thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Woww nice 

SamiO05 thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago


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Posted: 1 months ago

Episode 44: New Member at Bhosle Institute


The sun filters through the sheer curtains, throwing a direct warm glow into the cozy kitchen of Ishanu's home. The aroma of freshly brewed tea and Puri-Bhaji fills the air as Isha sets the table with care, arranging plates of breakfast delicately.

She waits expectantly for Shantanu, her husband, who enters the room with a newspaper in hand, his attention already captured by the headlines.

ISHA: (with concern) What happened, Shantanu? You seemed distant yesterday. How was Ishu? And why didn't Savi return home along with you? I hope they patched things up.

Shantanu hesitates momentarily, his eyes flickering with uncertainty before he offers a strained smile.

SHANTANU: (with forced cheerfulness) Oh, everything's fine, Isha. Ishu and Savi were together during lunch break at college. You know how it is with newlywed couples; they have their ups and downs, but they always work things out. Well, I am busy as we have an important meeting today concerning the grant that the university is going to offer us, excuse me.

And he leaves!

Isha senses the tension in Shantanu's response but brushes it off, attributing it to his busy schedule. Her inner happiness of Ishaan Savi being together was greater than the awkwardness she sensed with Shantanu.

She also heads off to her routine.



Savi was ready for the day but Ishaan was still in his deep sleep, she sat beside him, gently touched his face, and let her fingers trace fully to make patterns in his messy hair.

He grumbles sleepily, half awake as he responds to her affectionate gesture.

ISHAAN: (half-asleep, teasingly) Savi, you're not just making things difficult for me with these gestures, but for yourself too. If you keep this up every morning, don't you think, we may end up doing ........

SAVI: (interrupting, playfully) Oh, stop being so clever! Now get up, Mr. Bhosle. It's already 8 AM, and you've missed your gym session today.

Ishaan jolts awake, a hint of panic in his eyes, before he catches Savi's gaze and responds with a wink.

ISHAAN: (grinning) Oh no! (teasingly) Well, I did have quite the workout last night, had a good walk in the rains and heavy weight lifting after reaching home.

Savi hits him with the pillow.

The playful banter continues as they tease each other, eventually, they prepare for their day and head off to the college.


Bhosle Institute of Excellence - Conference Room - Morning 11 AM

The scene is set in a spacious conference room, where eight members of the Bhosle Institute's committee sit anxiously, accompanied by three stern representatives from the education board. The tension is palpable as they await the crucial decision regarding the university grant.

As the representatives from the education board enter, their authoritative presence commands attention. They waste no time in delivering the news.

EDUCATION BOARD REPRESENTATIVE 1: (with authority) As per the terms outlined in the email, the university has approved the grant. However, there is a condition. Twenty-five percent of the stake must be allocated to a member appointed by the university. This individual cannot be affiliated with the Bhosle Institute in any capacity.

A wave of apprehension washes over the committee members as they absorb the implications of the condition. Professor Ishaan exchanges a meaningful glance with his colleagues, silently acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

RAO SAHEB: (nervously) This is a critical moment for the institute. We must tread carefully.

PROFESSOR ISHAAN BHOSLE: (calmly, but with concern) We must consider the implications carefully. Our autonomy is at stake.

NISHI SIR: (agitated) But how can we agree to relinquish control over a quarter of our stake? It's unprecedented!

RAO SAHEB: (resolutely) We may not have control over who is appointed, but we can control how we navigate this challenge. Our commitment to the institute's mission remains steadfast.

Looking at the representatives, he adds: How soon we would be able to know about the newly appointed member?

EDUCATION BOARD REPRESENTATIVE 1: (with authority) On signing the agreements and submitting of required documents, we will process the grant in your bank accounts, and during the same time, within a week, we will share the details of the new member, who will not only be a stakeholder but an active acting member too on our behalf.

A week later!

A week later, all formalities are completed, and the paperwork is duly submitted. A meeting is convened in the same conference room, with the board members and the new committee member stepping through the glass door. The new member strides confidently into the room, impeccably dressed in a tailored suit and polished shoes. As he approaches, the Bhosle family members (Yashwant Rao, Nishikant, and Ishaan) exchange bewildered glances, their expressions betraying a mix of recognition and disbelief. It's as though they know him, yet his presence catches them completely off guard.

To be Continued… (Savi’s parents' death anniversary and ISHVI's trip to _______)

Originally posted by: ssm97

Episode 43: A New Day, New Life For ISHVI

Shantanu’s flashback:

When Ishaan hands over the books to him and leaves the conference room, he receives a call from Isha. He answers, “Yes, Isha, I met Ishaan but couldn't decipher what's hindering him from accepting Savi. He has given me books to hand over to her, but that's it, nothing else.”

Isha replies, “He is my blood. I sense him, he is going through a hidden turmoil of pain. He will suffer and won't care about the outcome, but he will never hide anything so that Savi should not suffer in the end. Let's meet at home. Take care. Bye.”

Shantanu always had regret in his mind for never being able to stand up for his rightful wife, Isha, and due to which, Ishaan had suffered the most. He wants his son's happiness, which right now lies in Savi. He checks the books and finds the letter. He is shocked and realizes everything—why Ishaan has been upset since he returned from Ramtek and where he stands now.

Knowing Savi's nature, who is a replica of Isha, she might not accept him and end up hurting herself too. To save both from the void in their lives and deprive them of love, he tears the first half of the letter and retains only this portion:

"Harini Tai sought me out, ... Ishaan"

He decides to hide this truth from everyone, including Isha.


Late at night, Ishaan and Savi arrive home in their car. Romantic songs play in the background throughout the journey, giving both of them goosebumps and excitement. With lots of eyelocks and handholding, they reach home. It is very late, so everyone has already gone to bed. Ishaan takes out the duplicate keys from his pocket and opens the door. Both step inside, and he closes the main door properly. Savi starts walking towards the room, and Ishaan says, “Wait, Mrs. Bhosle.”

She looks at him lovingly and asks, “What?”

He approaches with a naughty smile, lifts her up in his arms, and carries her to their room. She locks eyes with him throughout the walk.

In the room, she says, “Now, put me down. I am all wet and feeling cold. I need to freshen up. I definitely need a hot shower.”

Ishaan suggests, “Let me join you and help you feel warm.”

She gets down and playfully pushes him, saying, “No, not now,” then runs to the bathroom and locks the door.

Murmuring to herself, she reflects, “Ever since I left my parents, today I genuinely felt happy from inside. I feel complete now. Thank you, Ishaan Sir... Ishaan,” ending with a shy smile.

She emerges from the bathroom wearing a white t-shirt and pink dhoti, looking like a doll even without makeup. Meanwhile, Ishaan has freshened up, wearing his usual maroon t-shirt and gray track pants.

Approaching her, he notices her shyness and says with a smile, “Savi, your dreams and aspirations are now my dreams and aspirations. Nothing will happen without your consent. Feel free to focus on your studies and college. In fact, enjoy your college life to the fullest. These days never come back, and we miss them forever. As for us, we are together forever, till eternity. I can wait for ages to see you as my bride.

Savi, with grateful eyes, gives him a side hug and then teases him, “Ishaan Sir, today it's your turn to make a pillow wall between us.”

Ishaan breaks out of her side hug and playfully retorts, “Savi ki bachhi, today is your turn to tease me. I'll wait for my turn and then see you!”

Savi laughs and challenges, “Okay, see me now.”

He whispers in her ear mischievously, “One fine day, I'll see you completely,” then walks towards the bed with a bunch of pillows in his hand.

To be Continued… (New Board Member Gets Introduced)