Fan Fiction Section Features Wish List & Task List - Page 13

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Viswasruti thumbnail

Helping Hands

Posted: 1 years ago

Here is an issue regarding the 'Report' in Fanfiction site. 

After reporting against a chapter/FF, we cannot post a comment now.

There is no way to comment there. 

As FFEs, it is our responsibility to deal with the report, address the complaint, and then delete the report/comment. However, there is no provision for deleting the report, just like we do in the main forum reports. 

Please attend to this issue. 

Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: BrhannadaArmour

I just checked; the link from the Edit page's blue Request for Book Cover button still goes to thread #19, and oye_nakhrewaali wanted a link to thread #24:

Since oye_nakhrewaali is the FFEditor who enforces rules in the Fan Fiction Book Cover Shop threads, and she requested pareshif to update the link, perhaps she could make this request a habit: every time a new Fan Fiction Book Cover Shop thread is started, send the link to pareshif and ask him to update the Request for Book Cover button.

This has been fixed. Check now.

Edited by pareshif - 1 years ago
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: BrhannadaArmour

For one of my fan fictions, I was writing Chapter Two under the assumption that no one could see it as long as I had it set to Draft status.

When I added line breaks to the title page and clicked the dark grey Update button, Chapter Two suddenly changed to Active status. And anyone (member or not) could read that unfinished chapter with ideas that I hadn't finalized or developed into dialogue!

I quickly entered Chapter Two, changed it back to Draft status, and clicked Update. Then I logged out to check what anyone other than the author should see. Everyone can see that there is a Chapter Two, but clicking on it gets to an error page. That's not a pleasant experience for readers.

Could you please make it so that:

1. Retweeting a book will not automatically change Draft chapters to Active?

2. Even when a chapter's status goes from Active back to Draft, readers should be unable to see that the chapter exists?


This has been fixed. Please check now.

Edited by pareshif - 1 years ago
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: oye_nakhrewaali

Thank you so much to you and the team. However, there are some minor issues with the reporting. Regarding the shop links, I am sure the FFDT can figure something out or we can let the links be. (Or maybe, the two hyperlinks can be changed to two posts: one made by the FFG head and the other by BR head, they can maintain an index of the FFG threads and the HoBR threads in  their respective posts and the user just gets the link to the said posts and from that post is guided to the thread(s))

I have hid the names of the story and author for the privacy of the authors, however, I cannot access these reports. Maybe it's because they don't have a comment associated with it.New Project (1).png

M not sure who placed these reports anyway๐Ÿ˜†

But there were other reports posted using "other" from the dropdown list and which I could access and take appropriate measures.

(am I making sense?๐Ÿคฃ)

This has been fixed. Please check now. Report count on main FanFiction page will differ, will be resolved in next update.

Edited by pareshif - 1 years ago
DreamOfEndless thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: oye_nakhrewaali

The comment migration (especially for stories with more than 3 chapters) is wonky. Can this be fixed ASAP? 

I agree, although I do not know how the FFEs manage to migrate comments with so much patience.

I was thinking, often readers comment on a story thread after its comments have been migrated to the FF section. The FF section comment section also grows on its own.

Is it possible to bring comments on the thread in sync with those in the FF section? So that the comments can be periodically updated and no comment is lost or repeated. Like how files stored on a computer can be stored in sync with those on the cloud (I am just comparing the two processes, I have no idea about the technicalities involved).

Similarly for views and likes?

Edited by tournesol - 1 years ago
Viswasruti thumbnail

Helping Hands

Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: vijay

Well idea behind creating the Fan Fiction section is to have FF / Stories in a well organised manner.
I understand the issue with regards to Comments as a lot can be improved there. We are working on that.

IMHO going back and syncing the comments to the Forum threads will be like undoing the whole effort in some way. 

Open to suggestions though.

@Tournesol-- Is it possible to bring comments on the thread in sync with those in the FF section? So that the comments can be periodically updated and no comment is lost or repeated. 

Vijay, I believe she is requesting for the comments that will be posted following the initial transfer of the FF and comments to the new FF site.

If some forum members continue to post comments there on the forum after the comments have been migrated to the FF book site, the system will not accept the request to move such comments a second time. Therefore, is there any other way to move further comments automatically to the FF site without losing any comments in the process? That is what she is asking/requesting for. 

Posted: 1 years ago

Could we get a More button for the FF section's Featured Stories?

Right now, only four featured books are displayed at a time. Someone who doesn't know that there are more featured books has to refresh/revisit the page before s/he will realize it.

Having a More button would tempt viewers to click and find the full list of featured books.

That way, FFEditors could use Featured Stories for its intended purpose - promoting authors' work, at the same time as they display non-stories like rules and announcements in this space.

Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: oye_nakhrewaali

These look great!๐Ÿฅฐ

Are these two updated in the system? I have asked minionboss (cm) to assign them to respective users, if they are, she can do so.

Paresh add these.

Koeli thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Nush_Rat

I think locking the plagiarized stories is a really great idea. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

There should be an option for filing complaints if any member notices plagiarism or spamming.

However, I disagree with the idea of FFEs to have access to lock any story otherwise since a writer should have full liberty on how he/she wants to proceed with his/her stories as long as no rule has been violated. 

Locking stories is only applicable for plagiarism cases not for regular stories.

Nush_Rat thumbnail
Visit Streak 750 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Koeli

Locking stories is only applicable for plagiarism cases not for regular stories.

Okay. Thanks for clarifying. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ