Imlie FF : Lakeerein ( Further Updates On Wattpad) - Page 2


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Ps143 thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Chapter 04: Ishaare 

The sudden outpour drenched all of Pagdandiya even as people ran to their houses in a hurry and the shopkeepers hurriedly covered their items. 

The children though, danced and jumped about in the rain. Joining them, Imlie danced her heart out. Rains had been her favourite since when she was very young. She loved getting drenched in the rain. It felt like getting the rain whom she considered a companion, it's affection.

The cold she would get the next day and the love-filled scoldings of her Amma remained forgotten like each time, as she danced freely to the tunes she wove, the symphony of each droplet akin to the taals of music.

Jumping and dancing about, she stilled when her hand got stained with a little of mehendi from a girl's hand, who had it smeared while playing. Her eyes immediately filled up and she violently rubbed the mehendi.

"No no no!" she murmured and ran off, riding her cycle at the fastest speed to reach home as fast as possible.

She reached her house and immediately started scrubbing her hand harshly with soap and water, just to get the mehendi off her hand. She was rubbing too hard, so much so that her skin peeled and blood started trickling down.

"Imliya!! What are you doing?? Have you gone mad?" her mother, Meethi shouted and ran towards her but Imlie did not stop. Her mother tried to push her hand away but Imlie continued her frantic endeavour. Not understanding any other way to stop this madness, Meethi slapped her hard on the face making her halt immediately.

Imlie looked at her mother in shock, her eyes tearing up. Meethi immediately engulfed her in a hug and caressed the cheek she had slapped, tears flowing down all the while and frantic shoutings of sorry being spoken out.

"Amma" Imlie whispered and hugged her tightly.

"I'm so sorry gudiya! Is it hurting too much? I'll make some lep (medicinal paste) to apply. I-I'm so sorry" Meethi continuously said kissing her on her cheek and caressing her hairs.

"Amma, when will you learn the ways of the world? People cry at their own pains and you, you are crying because I'm in pain" Imlie said smiling amidst her tears.

"I'm a mother Imlie and for any mother, her child's pain are as much her own. Now tell me, why were you doing this madness? Hey Sita Maiyya, what state have you brought your hand to! See it's bleeding and skin has peeled off as well! What had possesed you to do something like this?"

"Till a girl's hands aren't adorned with Mehendi, her fate and the lines on her hand are hers. But the day a girl puts Mehendi, all of this becomes of somebody else's!And I cannot afford that! Marriage is something I'll never get into! Never!" Imlie thought

"Nothing Amma, leave it....aah!"

Meethi immediately tore the pallu of her saree and wrapped it around imlie's bruised palm. 

"Go and take rest! Do not do much work with that injured hand. I'll get the lep in sometime. Tomorrow is a big day. You'll have to be there on time!"

Imlie nodded and moved inside.

"Though you'll not say it, I know Gudiya why you were so agitated today. I know what you think. Because of what happened with me, you think love is pain and marriage, something which you have to refrain from. This orthodox mentality of the villagers has made you resolve to succeed without getting married, just to show marriage isn't the ultimate thing. But this is just one phase gudiya! How do I tell you that marriage and love can be beautiful as well! I wish I could change this in you! Hey Sita Maiyya, I have just one thing more to ask from you. Please bless my daughter with a companion who'd be understanding, who would love and respect her and the one who's made just for her. Please never let her suffer the way I have and the way I am!" Meethi thought and sighed sadly.


"I was about to call you just now! The case we had been working on, we finally got a lead Mun!" Aditya said ecstatically.

"Wow that's great! Hearty Congratulations Mr. Reporter!" Malini said

"That's not it! I'll be going to Pagdandiya to interview Satyakam and sir has given few more days off so that I explore the beauty of that village too"

"Hmm...that's really great! When will you be leaving? When will you be back?"

"I'll be leaving today evening and returning the next week"

"Okay I'll be coming to your house then to help you with your packing"


"Love you"

Aditya smiled and said

"Me too"



He smiled at the phone again and got busy with the other works.

Aditya had found his soulmate in Malini, or so he thought for he was unaware of what fate had in plan for him! He was blissfully unaware that he hadn't found his soulmate yet and that he would be meeting his true soulmate, the one made for him, soon!

At Aditya's house 

Aparna Tripathi, Aditya's mother was seated in her room, lost in few thoughts. After quite a long time was she alone like this and she decided to utilise this time to ponder over all that she had pushed back in her mind.

Aditya and Malini had been together since 7 years. They'd be marrying soon. Malini was a really good woman, kindhearted and a woman with good values. They looked good together as well but somehow something seemed amiss! She had this feeling tucking at some corner of her heart that something really important was amiss! Something did not feel right. She had been feeling this since quite sometime but did not voice it out for a number of reasons.

"You're just imagining things Aparna! There's nothing like that!" she said to herself and closed her eyes. If only she knew, fate had started giving her indications of what was to happen ahead!



raaz19 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

This story has a beautiful opening loving the development but most of all the longing in each of imlie actions towards Aditya. So we are finally getting to there initial meet would love to see how and what happened that let them get married. 

Aww see both are at different ends of the pond where on yearns to be acknowledged and the other pretends they don’t matter. Seems the souls are connecting subtly through once actions, wonder when he will realise she has come mean more then he through she would ever be.

Love how a mother always feels the presence of danger before it has even come. Seems she always knew her son was missing love from his life even if she is not aware of it yet she will be soon. Afterall she will likely spot the silent connection they have before her son will ever now. Look forward to reading about this angle some more soon.

soulfully written. 

Edited by raaz19 - 3 years ago
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Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: raaz19

This story has a beautiful opening loving the development but most of all the longing in each of imlie actions towards Aditya. So we are finally getting to there initial meet would love to see how and what happened that let them get married. 

Aww see both are at different ends of the pond where on yearns to be acknowledged and the other pretends they don’t matter. Seems the souls are connecting subtly through once actions, wonder when he will realise she has come mean more then he through she would ever be.

Love how a mother always feels the presence of danger before it has even come. Seems she always knew her son was missing love from his life even if she is not aware of it yet she will be soon. Afterall she will likely spot the silent connection they have before her son will ever now. Look forward to reading about this angle some more soon.

soulfully written. 

Thanks a lot. Yes I wanted that in Aparna, to sense something isn't right. This FF takes its basic idea from the show but I have thought of a lot of twists ahead. Hope you like them too. 

Ps143 thumbnail
Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Chapter 05: Takkar Aur Inaam 

With his bag packed neatly with all due credits to Malini and goodbyes, Aditya set out to Pagdandiya, unaware of what was waiting for him there. After bidding a goodbye, Malini was back home.

"What happened?" her mother asked in a clipped tone.

"What happened?" Malini repeated confused.

"Did that guy say something to you?"

"Of course not Mom"

"Then why are you back home so soon?"

"Huh what? Why can't I be back home soon?"

"This is the first time in 7 years that you have gone to meet Aditya and come back so soon. So it's obvious I'll question you isn't it?"





"He's gone on an assignment"


"A small town at the outskirts of the city"

("I can't tell you Mom that he's gone to Pagdandiya. I know how you'll react to it!")

"Small town at the outskirts? This is something like Pag...."

"No! It's not that place Mom!"

Before Anu could tell anything, her phone rang and she got busy in attending the call, giving Malini time to run away.

Some time later

Stepping onto the land of Pagdandiya brought in the rise of many feelings in his heart. Something felt different! Brushing off these feelings for now, Aditya looked around to spot the guy who would help him meet Satyakam.

"Here Sahab" a young man dressed in orange kurta hurried towards him.

Aditya acknowledged his words and then the two set out to the interior of the village.

"Satyakam Dadda might be here today. Till then, pretend to be a tourist here or anything. As long as they don't mistake you for an associate with the police, you're safe. Because if they do, you'd be shot dead without any verdict or discussion" Janendra said as they approached the interior of the village.

Aditya nodded and looked around.

"You roam about for sometime Saab. When I get the news, I'll update you. You can just watch around till then"


Janendra left and Aditya started looking around and clicking pictures. 

The scenic beauty of the village despite and mostly because of its simplicity captivated him. The smell of the wet mud just like the petrichor of the first rains filled the atmosphere. The lush fields, cool and fresh breeze, the simplicity of life - everything mesmerized him. For a moment the thought of writing an article on this flashed in his head but he brushed it off immediately.

No words could capture the beauty of this place in it for none can contain the simplicity, it being too inexplicable to contain in complex words.

He went on to capture many photos which were candid moments of people and nature alike, the avid photographer in him at work efficiently. Just as he was checking the photos in his camera and walking ahead, he dashed into someone, the impact of it tremendous as he was knocked off his feet, landing on the hay stacked beside. It took him few moments to register that he had bumped with someone who was running as if his life depended on it! He managed to stabilise himself and stand up. That's when he spotted a young girl dressed in white and blue churidar run, her two braids swaying in the air. He kept watching her retreating form till she completely disappeared from his sight. He hadn't noticed that she hadn't even stopped to say a sorry nor was he angry or annoyed even one bit. This was unnatural for him considering he would lash out at all such people, reprimanding them for their irresponsibility. Yet again, weird feelings arose in his heart making him stand rooted at his spot, making an effort to comprehend them but failing to do so, he just brushed them off. 

With a person like her Nakli Nani, it was obvious she would reach late, especially on such an important day at school! Cursing her Nakli Nani, Imlie ran as fast as she could for she knew the announcement of who had bagged the scholarship would be made in the morning itself. Winning this scholarship was extremely important for her for it would give her an opportunity to move to the city for higher studies free of cost. This provision had been done by the government for those rural talents and gems who would otherwise be lost in the ocean of population with less facilities.

Being in a hurry with just the scholarship announcement in her mind, she did not notice a young man walking towards her. By the time she actually realised, she had dashed into him rendering him off balance, though she managed to stabilise herself. 

For a moment she wanted to help him get back on his feet and apologize but considering she was running extremely late, Imlie just hurried away, thus failing to register the slight fluttering of her heart!

Panting she reached her classroom just in time to hear her teacher announce

"And the student who has made us proud by bagging the scholarship is...."

Imlie immediately prayed to her Sita Maiyya that it would be her name that would be announced for it was aar ya paar situation for her.

"Imlie" the teacher completed and her eyes snapped open. A wide smile formed on her face even as loud claps of all her classmates echoed in the classroom. With tears in her eyes, she walked towards her teacher to receive the certificate.

"I'm proud of you my child! I knew it that you'd be the one bagging this scholarship. I knew it that you'd make a small school like ours proud!" the teacher said patting her head with pride and affection.

"This is all because of you Ma'am! Thank you so much!"

"No child, I have played a very minimal part in this. This success is due to your efforts and your passion along with your talent and dedication. This victory is completely yours!"

"Thank you ma'am" Imlie said.

Taking the certificate from her teacher's hand, Imlie couldn't put her feelings to words. It felt really wonderful. She felt on top of the world!

The first step towards her goal had been taken! Soon she would achieve her goal as well! If only she knew, there would be a cut right after this step for the time to reach the next step would be extremely long due to her fate which had been prewritten with difficulties and challenges!



raaz19 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Amazing update and I see there paths have crossed wonder  what happens next that leads there paths to be intertwined and more so how there journey of hate turns to soulful longing. 

cannot wait to see what lay ahead and like I said before a mother see all before it even happens wonder how Aditya will deal with this little storm of his. 

Love the post as always.

Ps143 thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: raaz19

Amazing update and I see there paths have crossed wonder  what happens next that leads there paths to be intertwined and more so how there journey of hate turns to soulful longing. 

cannot wait to see what lay ahead and like I said before a mother see all before it even happens wonder how Aditya will deal with this little storm of his. 

Love the post as always.

Thank you 😊❤️

Hope u love the journey ahead. A lot is in store for them 😊

Ps143 thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Chapter 06: Toota Dil 

The amount of happiness she felt could be seen clearly radiating from her glowing face and wide smile. Thanking all of the teachers and her classmates who congratulated her, Imlie could visualise the first step towards her dream being fulfilled.

"Imlie, we have arranged for a small celebration here for your success which marks the school's success as well. Come with me" her teacher said

"Thank you so much ma'am" Imlie beamed. These were the instances the childishness her maturity and resolve masked, came to the fore.

The teacher laughed and hugged her. They all had a really great time after which she asked permission to leave early as she wanted to share this news with her Amma. The teacher gave her the permission and also asked her to take some food home to which she agreed readily.

"The news of me bagging the scholarship isn't going to bring any happiness to my great Nakli Nani. The only way to not hear her bitter taunts is to stuff her mouth with food. I'll give her this food and while she's devouring this like a glutton, me and Amma can celebrate!" Imlie thought.

Taking the packed food in a bag, she set out to leave for home.

Humming to herself, she was walking down the road when she heard someone shout

"Hey! Give back my camera! You haven't a slight idea how precious and costly it is!"

Frowning she moved towards the source to find a young man dressed in white shirt and jeans screaming at a boy swinging his camera in the air. It could be clearly made out that the man was from the city. For a split second she stared at him, a different sort of feeling engulfing her but snapped out of it soon.

"Hey Raju! Why are swinging Babusaheb's camera that way? Give it back to him now!" Imlie said sternly.

Aditya turned to see a young girl similarly dressed to the one he had collided with sometime back, sternly looking at the boy swirling his camera. The weird feeling was back again indicating this was the same girl he had collided with!

"Imlie Didi, this Shehri Babu called me gawar! That's why I was swinging my camera"

Imlie turned to look at him who was already looking at her. It took her a second to control the slight fluttering in her heart after which she spoke.

"Give the camera to me Raju and you can go"

Aditya stood confused at this interaction, in reality trying to focus on his confusion than that weird feeling in his heart.

Raju handed the camera to Imlie and ran away. Imlie placed the camera to her eyes and focusing on him, took his photo.

"Hmmm...the lens are really good in this camera. It can focus upto a wide range as well" Imlie remarked leaving him bewildered.

"You know about the camera?"

"We are surely villagers Babusaheb but that dosen't imply that we are uneducated. Learn to stop these prejudiced thoughts from frequenting your mind."

"Here take this camera Babusaheb" she said. He silently took the camera from her hand while she just smiled and walked away. 

This girl is surely different!


At Malini's house

Malini was seated at her desk, preparing for the next day's classes. That's when she heard sounds from the living room.

"Not again" she sighed sadly and moved towards the living room.

"What's the need to do so many unnecessary expenditures just to show off infront of your equally disgusting friends?" Dev said angrily.

"It's my money and hence my wish as to where I spend it! You are no one to interfere or question me!"

"It seems you have forgotten that I'm your husband Anu. Not some random anybody! And I'm just trying to stop you from wasting money on all unnecessary stuff! Why don't you save money like before? What do you get by shopping so much anyways?"

"Peace of mind! A diversion from pain! That's what I get! These inanimate objects provide a lot of comfort to my pain unlike people who are supposed to do so! And what did you say? Save money like before? My reply would be I won't! I used to save money because at that phase we were short on money. Now there's no need of it! And to make one thing clear, I hate this middle-class life! Extremely much!"

"Why?" Dev asked, guilt and desperation clear in his eyes 

"Your tour around was when we were middle-class right? Mr. Chatterjee, Papa's friend had sponsored this seeing your talent right. That was the time when we were leading a middle-class life! How much ever absurd it might seem, I hate everything of that phase! Everything!" Anu shouted, tears stinging her eyes and walked away angrily, leaving behind an ashamed Dev standing with his head hanging low.

Malini wiped the tears trickling down and moved towards her room, seemingly defeated. These fights were an almost daily occurrence, something which she has been witnessing since childhood, something which has left an unerasable and invisible scar on her heart and soul. They had reduced since sometime to just taunts here and there without any major fight. And so Malini thought, maybe they were finally resolving their issues. But much to her disappointment and agony, today's fight had just proven that they weren't on any such endeavour! Maybe this is how they are always going to remain! She had tried her level best to bring them together but none of her attempts had succeeded. 

Malini was aware that her father had done something serious that resulted in many happenings on that unfateful day but she had no idea what he had done. And the reasons she had tried to guess by herself alarmed her immensely as she couldn't ever think her father would ever do such a thing! So Malini had given up on trying to guess, knowing very well she wouldn't be able to tolerate the truth.

Sometimes it's better to live in a false bubble for truth might be too harsh and bitter for the person to bear!



Dreamer007 thumbnail
Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Ps143

Chapter 06: Toota Dil 

The amount of happiness she felt could be seen clearly radiating from her glowing face and wide smile. Thanking all of the teachers and her classmates who congratulated her, Imlie could visualise the first step towards her dream being fulfilled.

"Imlie, we have arranged for a small celebration here for your success which marks the school's success as well. Come with me" her teacher said

"Thank you so much ma'am" Imlie beamed. These were the instances the childishness her maturity and resolve masked, came to the fore.

The teacher laughed and hugged her. They all had a really great time after which she asked permission to leave early as she wanted to share this news with her Amma. The teacher gave her the permission and also asked her to take some food home to which she agreed readily.

"The news of me bagging the scholarship isn't going to bring any happiness to my great Nakli Nani. The only way to not hear her bitter taunts is to stuff her mouth with food. I'll give her this food and while she's devouring this like a glutton, me and Amma can celebrate!" Imlie thought.

Taking the packed food in a bag, she set out to leave for home.

Humming to herself, she was walking down the road when she heard someone shout

"Hey! Give back my camera! You haven't a slight idea how precious and costly it is!"

Frowning she moved towards the source to find a young man dressed in white shirt and jeans screaming at a boy swinging his camera in the air. It could be clearly made out that the man was from the city. For a split second she stared at him, a different sort of feeling engulfing her but snapped out of it soon.

"Hey Raju! Why are swinging Babusaheb's camera that way? Give it back to him now!" Imlie said sternly.

Aditya turned to see a young girl similarly dressed to the one he had collided with sometime back, sternly looking at the boy swirling his camera. The weird feeling was back again indicating this was the same girl he had collided with!

"Imlie Didi, this Shehri Babu called me gawar! That's why I was swinging my camera"

Imlie turned to look at him who was already looking at her. It took her a second to control the slight fluttering in her heart after which she spoke.

"Give the camera to me Raju and you can go"

Aditya stood confused at this interaction, in reality trying to focus on his confusion than that weird feeling in his heart.

Raju handed the camera to Imlie and ran away. Imlie placed the camera to her eyes and focusing on him, took his photo.

"Hmmm...the lens are really good in this camera. It can focus upto a wide range as well" Imlie remarked leaving him bewildered.

"You know about the camera?"

"We are surely villagers Babusaheb but that dosen't imply that we are uneducated. Learn to stop these prejudiced thoughts from frequenting your mind."

"Here take this camera Babusaheb" she said. He silently took the camera from her hand while she just smiled and walked away. 

This girl is surely different!


At Malini's house

Malini was seated at her desk, preparing for the next day's classes. That's when she heard sounds from the living room.

"Not again" she sighed sadly and moved towards the living room.

"What's the need to do so many unnecessary expenditures just to show off infront of your equally disgusting friends?" Dev said angrily.

"It's my money and hence my wish as to where I spend it! You are no one to interfere or question me!"

"It seems you have forgotten that I'm your husband Anu. Not some random anybody! And I'm just trying to stop you from wasting money on all unnecessary stuff! Why don't you save money like before? What do you get by shopping so much anyways?"

"Peace of mind! A diversion from pain! That's what I get! These inanimate objects provide a lot of comfort to my pain unlike people who are supposed to do so! And what did you say? Save money like before? My reply would be I won't! I used to save money because at that phase we were short on money. Now there's no need of it! And to make one thing clear, I hate this middle-class life! Extremely much!"

"Why?" Dev asked, guilt and desperation clear in his eyes 

"Your tour around was when we were middle-class right? Mr. Chatterjee, Papa's friend had sponsored this seeing your talent right. That was the time when we were leading a middle-class life! How much ever absurd it might seem, I hate everything of that phase! Everything!" Anu shouted, tears stinging her eyes and walked away angrily, leaving behind an ashamed Dev standing with his head hanging low.

Malini wiped the tears trickling down and moved towards her room, seemingly defeated. These fights were an almost daily occurrence, something which she has been witnessing since childhood, something which has left an unerasable and invisible scar on her heart and soul. They had reduced since sometime to just taunts here and there without any major fight. And so Malini thought, maybe they were finally resolving their issues. But much to her disappointment and agony, today's fight had just proven that they weren't on any such endeavour! Maybe this is how they are always going to remain! She had tried her level best to bring them together but none of her attempts had succeeded. 

Malini was aware that her father had done something serious that resulted in many happenings on that unfateful day but she had no idea what he had done. And the reasons she had tried to guess by herself alarmed her immensely as she couldn't ever think her father would ever do such a thing! So Malini had given up on trying to guess, knowing very well she wouldn't be able to tolerate the truth.

Sometimes it's better to live in a false bubble for truth might be too harsh and bitter for the person to bear!



good one let it keep coming I hope Adi finds a much better connect in your writing with Imlie than wht currently is been shown ...hope they have more of their moments and they hash it out clearly wht they want from each other ...

Edited by Dreamer007 - 3 years ago
Ps143 thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Part 07: Do Pal Ki Khushiyan 

"Imliya? What happened? Why are you crying?" Meethi worriedly rushed towards Imlie seeing her come home crying.

Imlie did not say a word. She just hugged her mother and sobbed more.

Meethi held her tight simultaneously trying to guess what could have made her so upset. And then, it suddenly struck her.

"Imliya, today they were supposed to announce who bagged the scholarship right?"

Imlie nodded 

"Then did you not.....who got it then? I don't think anybody is more brilliant than you, then?"

"You are right Amma! There is no one more brilliant than me and that's why I have bagged the scholarship!" Imlie shouted, dropping her facade of crying.

Meethi's mouth dropped in surprise, happy tears filling her pools. She hugged Imlie tightly, feeling immense pride surge through her heart. Her daughter, the illegitimate daughter of an unmarried mother had made her proud! She had achieved the scholarship, all due to her brilliance and hardwork!

"Hey you two! What's the occasion that you witches are celebrating?" Nakli Nani shouted coming out of the house.

"Aagayi hamari khushiyon ki chandrama par grahan lagane" Imlie muttered, earning a playful smack from her mother.(Here she comes like an eclipse to the moon symbolic of our happiness)

"Ahh Nakli Nani! Thats not of much importance. But there is something which is of very much importance for you"

"And that is?" Nakli Nani asked raising her eyebrow

"Imlie ran and came back with a bag full of packed food. She handed it over and said

"This is for you my dearest Nakli Nani. A packet full of food to feed this mound.... sorry..your stomach hehe"

Nakli Nani made a face and grabbed the packet of food. Settling down on the bed nearby, she opened the boxes and began stuffing her mouth.

Imlie rolled her eyes at her behaviour and turned towards her Amma who had the exact same expression on her face. 

"Inka kuch nahi hosakta!" Both conveyed to each other through their eyes and giggled silently.

(Nothing can be done about her)

"Amma, just come with me. Let us celebrate in peace for sometime and for that we have just the time till this glutton devours her food" Imlie said making a face at Nakli Nani.

"Imlie!" her mother hit her back in mock anger. 

Imlie giggled and the two walked to the side. Imlie opened her bag and took out the scholarship certificate.

"Close your eyes Amma" she said and when her mother closed her eyes, she placed the certificate in her hand. Meethi opened her eyes and the sight of the certificate reduced her to tears of joy and pride. She caressed her hairs affectionately.

"You have made me proud my child! I knew it that you aren't any sin or curse like the people called you. You are the light in my dark life. May Sita Maiyya fulfill all your wishes" Meethi said emotionally.

"Amma, why are you becoming so emotional! Come let's celebrate it before that oversized panda comes about looking for us! Where are my motichoor laddoos?"

"You'll remain incorrigible forever!" Meethi said shaking her head while Imlie giggled. Meethi wiped her tears and was about to feed her motichoor laddoo when it was rudely knocked off her hand!

The two turned to see Nakli Nani standing, glaring at the two.

"Amma?" Meethi whispered, shivering slightly.

"Oversized Panda huh?" Nakli Nani asked fuming, making Meethi gulp. But Imlie stood fearless. 

"That's one of the most decent names I can come up with for you. Else, you are worth a lot more names" Imlie muttered.

"Did you say something?" Nakli Nani asked, fuming more at hearing what Imlie had uttered.

"You wouldn't want to know Nakli Nani!" Imlie said out aloud.

"Bahut zubaan chalne lagi hain teri kalmohi! Abhi dikhati hoon!" Nakli Nani said and snatched the certificate from her hand(Your mouth seems to be running a lot nowadays. Now I'll show you!)

"No Nani/Amma" both screamed but it was too late as she had torn it to shreds. 

Imlie felt her world collpase at the sight of her precious certificate reduced to mere shreds. This was an opportunity, a once in a time opportunity which she had worked hard for and now it lay shattered, all because of her Nakli Nani who had made it her life's mission to make her and her Amma's life as miserable as possible!

"This is what you get and this is what you deserve! A piece of filth like you dosen't deserve to move ahead and shine. You are the result of a sin and sin is always black. Don't ever dare to dream of light or to be the bearer of light!" Nakli Nani poured out venomously, thus revealing that it wasn't her anger at being called names by Imlie but her evil intention of stopping Imlie and putting her down as much as possible!

"What Sita Maiyya has written in each ones fate, one dosen't know Nani! Just by tearing this certificate, you cannot stop me from moving towards my dreams! You cannot stop me from reaching light or being the bearer of light because that's what is written in my fate. And I'm not a sin. You are one! Your entire existence is more blacker than sin. You know why? Because you derive happiness from others destruction, you live only to derive sadistic pleasure from others pain and sorrows. Your existence is of no use to anyone! So you can clearly see who cannot move ahead in life! And remember one more thing, the more you push me down, the more shall you encourage my spirit to move ahead!" Imlie said and left from the place. She needed sometime to herself to cry her heart out but she wouldn't do it infront of her Nani! No she wouldn't give her that sadistic pleasure! She ran as fast as she could, wiping her tears which were flowing down freely. The more she wiped, the more they flowed down. 

Drowned in her agony, she did not see Aditya walking by and ran past him leaving him puzzled.

"Does she plan to run in a marathon or something? Everytime I see her, she'd be running!" Aditya thought to himself and shaking his head walked away.



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Posted: 3 years ago

Part 08: Aapke Hone Se 

Climbing the water tank as fast as she could, she reached up and collapsed on the ground crying. Why couldn't she stay happy even this bit? She was so happy when she received the certificate, was emotional when her Amma spoke about her pride in her and then everything good had transformed into sadness all because of the woman who had God knows why made it her life's mission to make their lives miserable. 

What she had told Nakli Nani were indeed true. And she knew it. She wasn't crying because this was the supposed end of her dreams. She was crying because it hurt her that her own grandmother had ruined her happiness. And after all, Imlie was still a lot young. And anyways, it wasn't the first time she was hiding her tears from others!


Satyakam had returned to Pagdandiya for a short two day visit. Being a tribal activist, fondly called Dadda by the villagers, he was a revolutionary person who was like a protector of the locals who were being exploited. Satyakam was a man of morals. He was a man with immense courage and dedication and also love. After seeing what had happened with Meethi, whom he loved, Satyakam who was an ordinary farmer decided to become empowered and empower others so that no "shehri babu" could ever exploit them in anyway possible. 

But since he was an activist, he was much wanted by the police and hence wasn't stationary at a particular place for long. 

Satyakam loved Imlie as his own daughter and knowing it was the day her scholarship was to be announced which he knew with surety would be given to her only, he had come down to Pagdandiya.

He walked towards Meethi's house only to find her crying holding few pieces of paper. His eyes then fell on Nakli Nani, sitting on her cot and stuffing her mouth with motichoor laddoos, looking very happy. 

"What has happened Meethi? Why are you crying?" he questioned in his deep baritone causing both the women to look up. While one sighed in relief, the other sat still in fear. Satyakam was the only reason Nakli Nani hadn't tried to kill Imlie again, when she was in Meethi's womb and he was the only person she feared.

Meethi stood up and narrated all that had happened truthfully, making him glare hard at a shivering Dulari (Nakli Nani).

He picked up the pieces and fixed them with tape, all the while pride gleaming in his eyes. This made Meethi smile as well, seeing Satyakam's orbs glow with a fatherly pride. He fixed the certificate and said

"Meethi, make some more Motichoor laddoos and something nice to eat. We'll celebrate this occasion. I'm going to bring Imlie." Satyakam said

"I know where you'd be now Imlie" Satyakam smiled and walked towards the water tank.

Satyakam reached the tank and saw Imlie sitting on the ground and sobbing. 

He moved towards her soundlessly and kneeling down behind her, closed her eyes.

"Dadda!" Imlie exclaimed and removing his arms jumped onto her feet immediately, simultaneously wiping her tears.  Satyakam stood up too. She immediately hugged him tightly. He caressed her head with fatherly affection.

"Dadda! You here? When did you come?"

"I came here because I knew I was needed here. And I have something for you!"


"This" Satyakam said and showed her the torn certificate he had fixed. Her eyes twinkled and a wide smile lit up her face immediately.

"But Dadda, this was...."

" It was torn but I fixed it. Nothing in life is impossible to fix Imlie. Yes, it might be difficulty to do so but remember always, difficulties are what truly make you move forward. They are what shape you. You'll encounter many such people who wouldn't be happy with your progress, who would put you down. But they can't stop you as long as you want it because the power to stop us or destroy is lies with us, not with others! This road is your struggle to make an identity for yourself and it won't be easy at all. You can't shed tears at each loss. And I know, you are my strong and brave girl." Satyakam said and Imlie smiled, motivated immensely by his words.

"Thank you so much Dadda! You are my inspiration! Without you, I wouldn't have been able to take this first step as well!"

Satyakam smiled and put his hands into his pocket and took out a rupee note and a coin. Imlie looked on, her eyesbrows slightly frowning and curiosity in her eyes 

"This is a rupee note but it's nothing without this shagun ka ek rupaiyaa! You are my ek rupaiyaa Imlie and you are very precious! Very very precious! Remember that each time somebody tries to put you down" Satyakam said to which Imlie nodded with tears in her eyes and hugged him tight.

"Now come let's go home. I have asked your Amma to make something special for you. We'll celebrate this achievement of yours!" 

"Sacchi Dadda! Thank you sooooo much!!!" Imlie squealed while Satyakam chuckled.

(Really Dadda)

And then the two headed home. 


(Trigger warning)

Sitting on his stool, his eyes fixed at a painting of a young woman, Dev sat, his eyes red of having cried for sometime. This wasn't the first time he had cried but each time the pain was just the same if not more.

"I'm really sorry! I'm really sorry!" he murmured brokenly. 

"I shouldn't have! I shouldn't have done that! I...I was a coward! I am a coward! I-I ruined two lives! It-its because of me she became like this.....and you...I can't even imagine.... can't imagine how you'd be! How you'd have managed! I..I exploited your innocence! I..I don't deserve to live! I don't! A despicable soul like me dosen't deserve to live! No! I don't deserve to live! I don't!" he said and stood up. Looking around frantically, he grabbed a knife and was about to slit his wrist when he heard

"Papa? Papa? Are you painting something? Can I come?" Malini's voice called out and the knife dropped down immediately. He slumped down dejectedly trying to calm himself down. Malini, his daughter was the only reason his hands had stopped each time he attempted to kill himself! Malini was the only reason he and Anu were still together because he knew, his mistakes and sins couldn't ruin his daughter's happy life!

"Papa? You there?" Malini's voice called out, this time appearing closer.

"Y-yes beta! I- give me 5 mins. I- I'll come to your room. You go"

"O-okay papa" Malini said and walked to her room.

"They had fought again" she tried to push back her agony and went to her room.
