New SBS Segment- Aditya scolds imlie 😳 - Page 8


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AreYaar thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: mayuri099

Bold - I didn't think he was subconsciously in love with Imlie after the PD/gun-shot track. But, I did think he felt some sort of connection and he was beginning to understand that this girl somehow has a special place in his life. In last two episodes, all that progress has been wiped out. 

If the makers do have Adilie as an endgame in mind, they should be more careful about how they portray the relationship between Adilie and Adini.  If Aditya's relationship with Malini is perfect and complete (like they have shown in the last two episodes), if there is nothing missing in their relationship , if there is no invisible connection between Aditya and Imlie, then why would viewers even want/accept Imlie in the picture? Then Adini's and Imlie's paths are completely different and they should just go seperate ways. 

Oh I do understand why you felt that.....there were others here who did start to feel that Adi was in love with her but I was cautioning people even then that he's nowhere near that stage😆.....I had no idea that the writers would slam down even my own theory of Adi feeling emotional attachment for Imlie....even that's been wiped out in many ways this week😆. The writers want to prove all of us wrong, period😆

Adi-Imlie are definitely endgame....I don't doubt that. But yes, the writers do need to be careful with maintaining the balance if they want to hold back on progression for Adi-Imlie. 

Adi's relationship with Malini is not perfect ....he's clearly delusional and will get a rude awakening at some point. But I don't want Imlie to be made the scapegoat in the interim with all this demeaning crap being shown on her. The writers want to take it slow, not a problem....but I don't want it coming at the cost of Imlie being demeaned and constantly put down by Adi. That's all. 

pamk06 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: AreYaar

Exactly....they used to show these little bits of self-reflection from him before the gunshot track, and I naturally assumed that given his extremely emotional reaction seeing Imlie almost dying, they would ramp up the self-reflection in some form, tiny as it may be....but they totally stopped it😕

I mean it really is surreal that the writers expect us to totally forget that Adi was like this with Imlie in the ambulance


This Adi is now going to say he wished she had died? 😕

I don't have any doubts about what is the's obviously going to be Adi-Imlie....but the writers have definitely fumbled with the gunshot track if they were not ready to show some progression. Heck, progression chhodo, they have in some ways regressed Adi-Imlie even further from before the PD track. 

Adi's guilt regarding Malini was already omnipresent....there was no need to show Imlie being so self-demeaning when it served no purpose.....Adi CONSTANTLY scolds her....whether happy or sad....and I'm DAMN tired of it. There is no relationship to be built out of such an imbalanced could be funny 1 or 2 times....but it's not funny anymore that Imlie is expected to build her entire life cowering or grumbling over Babusahib ki "daant".

I don't get why it's even so hard for the writers....I mean all they need to do is show some scenes of Adi seeking out Imlie on his own just to talk about general things....everything doesn't need to be painted with a "romantic" brush and instantly go all up in arms labeled as "cheating" on Malini....they are being so OTT about it like Adi even sparing one thought for Imlie means he's "cheated" Malini😕

Exactly, this should be sufficed. Its just needs to be subtle to keep the connection alive. Flashbacks of the above scene will also do. It does not need to be explicit and I also do not get this  "deer caught in the headlight" look that Adi and Imlie wear whenever Malini intervenes. So even though we know there is nothing  going on, they are making us think that there is something going on.  

In this whole journey, Adi thought process is very important to see how he is changing, how his thoughts towards her are changing and for some reason, the writers have not even touched it with a long pole. Instead they are concentrating on how to turn the above care of Adi back to hate/dislike from before PD.

AreYaar thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: pamk06

Exactly, this should be sufficed. Its just needs to be subtle to keep the connection alive. Flashbacks of the above scene will also do. It does not need to be explicit and I also do not get this  "deer caught in the headlight" look that Adi and Imlie wear whenever Malini intervenes. So even though we know there is nothing  going on, they are making us think that there is something going on.  

In this whole journey, Adi thought process is very important to see how he is changing, how his thoughts towards her are changing and for some reason, the writers have not even touched it with a long pole. Instead they are concentrating on how to turn the above care of Adi back to hate/dislike from before PD.

@bold: Word...I don't get that OTT reaction either😆. I mean we know they both generally feel guilty hiding the truth from Malini, but this constant guilty look over even breathing the same air together for 5 seconds is way too much

This is all stemming from an OTT focus on the gunshot, both Adi and Imlie's characters have been further aligned into groveling before Malini to make up for their extreme guilt. This is not allowing for any breathing room for them to have any general interaction.....I guess the coin scene was a brief exception but that also soon devolved into becoming Malini guilt trip drama. 

The writers might be thinking only this endless guilt trip will get them TRPs but I'm not sure how long it can be dragged out like this without any progression. 

Adi's thought process and self-reflection is badly needed.....we only get a few token scenes here or there of Malini pointing out how he's changing but those are few and far apart, sadly.

Snazzy_Naz thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: AreYaar

Exactly....they used to show these little bits of self-reflection from him before the gunshot track, and I naturally assumed that given his extremely emotional reaction seeing Imlie almost dying, they would ramp up the self-reflection in some form, tiny as it may be....but they totally stopped it😕

I mean it really is surreal that the writers expect us to totally forget that Adi was like this with Imlie in the ambulance


This Adi is now going to say he wished she had died? 😕

I don't have any doubts about what is the's obviously going to be Adi-Imlie....but the writers have definitely fumbled with the gunshot track if they were not ready to show some progression. Heck, progression chhodo, they have in some ways regressed Adi-Imlie even further from before the PD track. 

Adi's guilt regarding Malini was already omnipresent....there was no need to show Imlie being so self-demeaning when it served no purpose.....Adi CONSTANTLY scolds her....whether happy or sad....and I'm DAMN tired of it. There is no relationship to be built out of such an imbalanced could be funny 1 or 2 times....but it's not funny anymore that Imlie is expected to build her entire life cowering or grumbling over Babusahib ki "daant".

I don't get why it's even so hard for the writers....I mean all they need to do is show some scenes of Adi seeking out Imlie on his own just to talk about general things....everything doesn't need to be painted with a "romantic" brush and instantly go all up in arms labeled as "cheating" on Malini....they are being so OTT about it like Adi even sparing one thought for Imlie means he's "cheated" Malini😕

Aaah don't...whenever I see edits/gifs from those scenes, my heart hurts. What did these writers do? Where did it all go wrong? It's a complete shock to the system. 😭

@Red Instead of having him unpack and face the mountain of guilt he already feels, they think they need to add more? There are so many other harsh words that would have been sufficient to get his message across. I'm sure he has a vast amount of vitriol stored in his memory file labelled "ammunition to use on Imlie whenever the mood or should I say "moon" arises🤔). That moment when she almost died in his arms SHOULD be something almost sacredly untouchable in his mind, infact he should be terrified to tap into that because of the extreme trauma inducing emotions it clearly gave rise to. 

@Green Oh I have no doubts either that Adilie will be endgame.😊 It's obvious because they are clearly desperate to take it slow with them but at the same time, they don't seem to quite know when or how to press the play button on Adilie's progression. I don't even think the play button is visible to them cos they are too busy fumbling between the fast-forward and rewind buttons. I'm starting to get whiplash watching Adi sprint from one extremity of emotion to another where Imlie's concerned. 

@Blue Damn right! I was ok with it the first few times but now it's getting too repetitive for my taste. Writers think they are giving us variety by having him say "Jhalli" in the middle of his daant or having him speaking in a calmer tone only AFTER first shouting her. Calm down Mister. Speaking respectfully to someone doesn't mean you're ready to jump their bones. 

@Orange Adi and Imlie just behaving naturally and cordially around each other without a romantic/guilty element became impossible the moment their forced wedding happened. Pre-forced wedding pagdandiya Adilie is a magical memory I cherish. Now they can't even have a simple beautiful scene without the phantom "moon" arriving to loom over them to make them place every interaction they have into guilt/denial/suspicion/irritation boxes. 😒

Edited by Snazzy_Naz - 3 years ago
Snazzy_Naz thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: AreYaar

Adi's relationship with Malini is not perfect ....he's clearly delusional and will get a rude awakening at some point. But I don't want Imlie to be made the scapegoat in the interim with all this demeaning crap being shown on her. The writers want to take it slow, not a problem....but I don't want it coming at the cost of Imlie being demeaned and constantly put down by Adi. That's all. 

Adi is clearly overcompensating for something. There's no love or real depth to any of these Adini scenes. I'll never believe for 1 second that there is or has ever been actual romantic love between these two. They're already turning Imlie into the scapegoat because they don't dare show Adini naturally combusting from within. Instead of showing Adi's feelings inclining towards Imlie because of their clear yet unspoken connection, they'll now have Adi blame Imlie for actively (yes they are making her do stupid things) coming in the way of his and moon's "sukoon". Malini will progressively get wary of Imlie and the more that happens, the more Adi will treat Imlie harshly. It's like a vicious cycle they don't want to break cos these shows thrive on predictable and nonsensical drama. 

Edited by Snazzy_Naz - 3 years ago
naadanmasakalli thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

I do agree with you ladies @AreYaar @snazzy-naz

That was such a big declaration coming from adi ke ab hum zimmedari nibhayeinge and zimmedari doesn't  mean ke romance kar le ya pati hi ban jaaye but ek basic respect toh dila sakta hai na ek basic stand to le na.. zimeedari doesn't  mean ke bas ghar main ek extra human hai toh pada rahe as a furniture.. zimmedari ka matlab thoda concern and normalcy  hoti hai.. that was such a big step that ok itna kuch ho gaya I will atleast try to support  do what u are expected to do but then they totally forgot about anything.. initially I was also thinking  ke abhi toh waapis aaye hospital se he needs 2, 3 din to process the events and then things will change but nahii.. it is like now he doesn't  even acknowledge ke.she exists as naukrani either .. the hell was humari zindagi main sukoon hai so Don't  mess with it...    and live like you are used too..  bhai that is no way to take responsibility.. 

Nobody is asking them to rush to love like 2 mins style that is common these days but develop them keep growing on the initial hard is for them to show basic concern as humans and become civil and actually bond as peers /friends regardless of the whether the shaadi happened or not..  but nahiii it is too much to ask ..

mayuri099 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Fascinator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: AreYaar

Oh I do understand why you felt that.....there were others here who did start to feel that Adi was in love with her but I was cautioning people even then that he's nowhere near that stage😆.....I had no idea that the writers would slam down even my own theory of Adi feeling emotional attachment for Imlie....even that's been wiped out in many ways this week😆. The writers want to prove all of us wrong, period😆

Adi-Imlie are definitely endgame....I don't doubt that. But yes, the writers do need to be careful with maintaining the balance if they want to hold back on progression for Adi-Imlie. 

Adi's relationship with Malini is not perfect ....he's clearly delusional and will get a rude awakening at some point. But I don't want Imlie to be made the scapegoat in the interim with all this demeaning crap being shown on her. The writers want to take it slow, not a problem....but I don't want it coming at the cost of Imlie being demeaned and constantly put down by Adi. That's all. 

I know. :)

As it is, the plot is pretty tricky. A guy being (technically) married to two women is not something I would usually sign up for. It's just the story-telling has been beautiful so far. Imlie's characterization, Pagdandiya, Aditya in Pagdandiya, Satyakam, Mithi - all these got me attached to the show. Honestly, when Aditya and Imlie are in Pagdandiya, they are like a breathe of freash air, their equation is just completely different. In Delhi, it's just not the same. I guess Satyakam was right when he said "Shaher ki log gao main ake khudko bhul jate hain, ar shaher main jake gao ko."

For me, the morning scene where Aditya puts sindoor on Malini's forehead, was too intimate. I really hope they don't keep on repeating such scenes as they make me question Imlie's place in Aditya's life. They need to tone down these scenes. 

Edited by mayuri099 - 3 years ago
AreYaar thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Snazzy_Naz

Aaah don't...whenever I see edits/gifs from those scenes, my heart hurts. What did these writers do? Where did it all go wrong? It's a complete shock to the system. 😭

@Red Instead of having him unpack and face the mountain of guilt he already feels, they think they need to add more? There are so many other harsh words that would have been sufficient to get his message across. I'm sure he has a vast amount of vitriol stored in his memory file labelled "ammunition to use on Imlie whenever the mood or should I say "moon" arises🤔). That moment when she almost died in his arms SHOULD be something almost sacredly untouchable in his mind, infact he should be terrified to tap into that because of the extreme trauma inducing emotions it clearly gave rise to. 

@Green Oh I have no doubts either that Adilie will be endgame.😊 It's obvious because they are clearly desperate to take it slow with them but at the same time, they don't seem to quite know when or how to press the play button on Adilie's progression. I don't even think the play button is visible to them cos they are too busy fumbling between the fast-forward and rewind buttons. I'm starting to get whiplash watching Adi sprint from one extremity of emotion to another where Imlie's concerned. 

@Blue Damn right! I was ok with it the first few times but now it's getting too repetitive for my taste. Writers think they are giving us variety by having him say "Jhalli" in the middle of his daant or having him speaking in a calmer tone only AFTER first shouting her. Calm down Mister. Speaking respectfully to someone doesn't mean you're ready to jump their bones. 

@Orange Adi and Imlie just behaving naturally and cordially around each other without a romantic/guilty element became impossible the moment their forced wedding happened. Pre-forced wedding pagdandiya Adilie is a magical memory I cherish. Now they can't even have a simple beautiful scene without the phantom "moon" arriving to loom over them to make them place every interaction they have into guilt/denial/suspicion/irritation boxes. 😒

@bold: LOLL good pun on moon there😆

I totally agree with all your points here.....especially the point that talking to someone with basic respect doesn't mean you are ready to jump at one time, I even got the sense that Adi is extra rude to her so that he can keep a wall up between them and keep her at a distance to prove his 'loyalty' to Malini....but post the gunshot, even that argument didn't stand as strong anymore given what all he said about zimmedaari and the way he looked so emotionally is no longer credible for him to still use all these defensive tactics to unload his own guilty frustration on Imlie by constantly berating her. 

Thing is, if they wanted to make this a typical story of a guy confused between two women, why even bother with establishing the nuance in Adi-Imlie's relationship in the first 60 epis? That is the confusing part to me.....if tired cliches is what they always wanted, they should have just set up the usual story of sasural filled with negative characters, scheming sautan, abla FL and confused/abusive ML constantly berating her.....such shows are a dime a dozen.....Imlie could easily have joined the crowd from day

I still think they have potential to have the pre-forced wedding dynamic back b/w Adi-Imlie if only they bothered with showing them doing something in life other than Malini worship.....They could talk about his work, what her education dreams many things....all this can be side by side balanced even now with the usual Malini and Mrs. C drama.....the writers are deliberately choosing not to. Oh 

NazGM thumbnail
Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

yıldız pulas anket açmış. 

'aditya kiminle daha iyi bir romantizmi paylaşacak'

lütfen imlie yazarmısınız.malinie diyende çok.eğer malinie olursa fanlar showu bırakacak

Angel_Shweta thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

I will say one thing, we all should not bother too much now. The makers are clearly confused with the storyline. I don't see any progress in the show. I don't feel like talking about this show. 👎🏼