“Timeless Love: An eternity to heart” Chap 14 (III) updated 04/24/2021 - Page 12


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sm1308 thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Chapter 8

(Back at Jalal’s residence)

Jalal kept smiling on his ride back to home, he wasn’t sure when was the last time he had laughed so hard..”Nothing has changed..She is still the same..Shy and clueless, as always..Babbling nonsense, whenever I step in close..I can tell Jo, just looking at you, that you too feel for me..If I may dare to say, perhaps the feelings you harbour are very much the same as they were long back…Then why aren’t you opening up? What’s stopping you?? What’s with this resistance?? Why this denial?? Are you being sorry, for having left abruptly?? Cant you tell, that I’m still standing at the same place, I was ten years back?? If that’s whats bugging you, I wont even ask, the reason you left, ever…

Having you back is good enough..All the hurt pain that I felt for this long, I cant even recall them anymore, that’s the charm, the euphoria of your mere presence around me..I cant afford wasting a single second anymore, being angry or resentful at you..Now that I think of it, Was I really ever angry at you? or Was I just in pain? because I missed you like hell Jo..because the pain of losing you was unbearable, and yet I had to endure it…Its pointless fighting against my heart, and I would be a fool, if I let this time slip ever again…Just tell me for once, you want me, as much as I do, and I swear I would cherish you, as if I never lost you, in the first place..Please Jo, all you have to do is give in to your heart, and I’ll be there for you..Always and ever…

Despite not having had much sleep the previous night, Jalal had never felt this rejuvenated..As if a simple walk with Jo, the previous night, brought the zest and meaning of his life back..As if all that was needed, on Jalal’s part, was just a moment of sincerity…removing the hidden veil off his heart… being honest for once..Jalal could still feel, the sensations in his fingers that patted Jo’s cheek dry..The tears that were shed for him, by the woman he loved, washed all his decade long agony..As if only these gestures were enough, and neither explanations nor conversations were needed anymore between the two of them..Perhaps that’s what true love is..It heals you, even if you’re broken beyond repair..that too, in flick of an unscathed raw moment..

Barely managing to change and eat up, he left for his office..He had to see her again..He had to convince her that there was nothing in the entire world that she couldn’t tell him..that he would listen to her, if she wants him to…If she doesn’t wanna talk about it, he wouldn’t go that way…But he does want to know, what would make Jo happy?…Him being in her life??Or gone forever?? He will abide by her wish..All she needs is to be honest, not just to him, but above all, to herself...

(Back at COSMOS)

Jalal stepped on his floor, but Jo was nowhere to be seen..He recalled that she must be in a meeting with executives and Mirza and given the schedules, would probably get free in another ten minutes..He sighed, “Ahh..Its just ten more minutes, no need to get this anxious Jalal..Have a grip”, Will you??..I’ll have enough time to talk to her”..Mumbling to himself Jalal, entered his office, but was a bit surprised seeing Ruks sitting leisurely on his couch..

Ruks: I had been waiting for you for so long..Where had you been??

Jalal (plain tone): You should have called..

Ruks (smiled): Yeah! But I didn’t want to ruin the plan…Also, the ardent effort that your assistant had put in for the two of us, was astounding..I’m really impressed..

Jalal (irritated): Ahh! First of all Ruks, she is not my personal assistant to run errands for me or my friends….She is one of the brightest minds at COSMOS who simplifies some of the most difficult algorithms, we work on..And secondly, you sure should be impressed, the girl has got the brain that can crack any tech open..

If Ruks could breathe fire, she would have..But she gulped the anger and managed to pull a smirk..

Ruks: Ofcourse! All the more reason, you should not let her efforts go in vain..

Jalal: I’m really busy Ruks, lets talk in words, not in puzzles..What is it??

Ruks: Didn’t she tell you??Ahh! She must have wanted it to be a pleasant surprise for you…

Jalal looked at Ruks suspiciously..

Ruks: Don’t look at me like that..I did tell her, that you were busy, but she insisted that there would be nothing better for you in this tight schedule of yours, than to have a warm meal with the woman you love and adore…That being said, she requested to plan our lunch date…The girl was so persistent I couldn’t deny..

Jalal kept listening…Ruks left the couch and came next to jalal..She rolled a finger on his shoulder, pouting an apology, “I’m so sorry, I admit, I had been a tadbit jealous but the zeal with which she planned our date, I’m pretty sure, it was foolish of me to have thought otherwise..Right???”

Jalal (calmly): Ruks??Did I ever say that I love or adore you as a man does his woman??

Ruks (shrugged uncomfortably): I’ve been long enough around you to know, that you aren’t that great at expressing..

Jalal (smiled): Is that so?? Are you sure??

Ruks looked at Jalal, not able to decipher the intent behind his smile..Suddenly the elevator made the ding and laughter of Abdul and Mirza echoed in the hall downstairs..Jalal realized that Abdul, Mirza and probably Jo were back from their meeting..He extended his hand for Ruks, “Lets get going..You have a lunch to go to”..Ruks smiled victoriously, and put her hands in Jalal’s to follow him out of his office…

Jalal came outside and saw the three of them next to Jo’s office..Abdul and Jo were smiling, but Mirza was overly excited..

Mirza (chuckled): Guys who else would be cracking the deal, if not we..God, this is good..This deal would be a gem in COSMOS’s crown..

Jalal (while still on staircase, Ruks behind him): You guys done? Did you like my edits..

Abdul (cheered): Who wouldn’t? You outdid yourself this time..(Later surprised) Aahh..Is that you Ruks??..What a pleasant surprise..Me n Mirza stopped by your hotel, yesterday..But you were nowhere to be found..Why didn’t you call back???

Ruks waved her hand at Abdul and Mirza giving a friendly smile..Jo on the contrary went pale, seeing Ruks, “Oh my! Did she tell him about the lunch? Does he look annoyed??” Jo looked nervously at the duo, while Jalal looked calm holding Ruks’ hand..Ruks was shining bright and glorious..The two came down, and Jo down casted her eyes. Suddenly feeling intimidated by his presence, she stole a quick glimpse at Jalal’s face, judging if he was about to errupt??

Jalal (staring at Jo): Did you like my edits??

Jo nodded her head in a yes, avoiding jalal’s glare…

Ruks (interrupting): We’ll get late..

Jalal (while still holding Ruks hand): Oh yes! I’ll keep it short..Ms. Heer, Ruks just told me, about what you said to her yesterday, and I couldn’t agree more. You’re right, there is nothing in this whole world that I would want more, than to share a warm delicious meal, with the woman I have always been in love, with every single being of my existence…So do me the honor and tell me, “Would you like to have that meal with me??”

Jo gasped, and Ruks seething in anger, tugged her wrist hard to free her hand from Jalal’s grip…

Jalal (turning back to Ruks): See?? Am I not good at expressing??But its okay for you to not know..It doesnt make you any less of a friend..

Abdul looked at Jalal amazed, while Mirza opened his mouth but words didn’t come off..Jalal placed Ruks hand mildly in Abdul’s, and looked at Mirza, “You two can enjoy your day out with Ruks here..And “lunch”, by the way, for all you three, is on me..Do not let Ms. Heer’s effort go in vain”..

Ruks pulled her hand roughly out of Abdul’s, glared at Jo and Jalal and left hurriedly towards the exit..Surprised by Ruks behaviour Abdul followed her calling her name out..

Mirza: What?? Why is she always fuming??

Mirza looked at Jo who was worriedly trying to look for retreating Ruks..

Mirza (holding Jo’s finger in reassurance): Hey genius! Don’t you worry..She has got a flaring temper..Abdul will calm her down..

Jalal spanked at Mirza’s finger, in an attempt to free Jo’s finger..

Mirza (to jalal): What? Jeez?? Already so possessive..You’ve nothing to worry..I’ve already “sister-zoned” her..

Jalal (nodded): Good for you..

Jo sighed, and rolled her eyes angrily at both, jalal and Mirza..

Mirza: Ahh! I think I should get going..I hate to see pretty girls raging..(Winking and whispering at Jalal)..That confession was so spotless..keep up the good work..

Jalal nodded with a smile, and Mirza left too..

Jo (sighing): You had no reason to anger Ms. Khanam, you did that on purpose, didn’t you, Mr. Mohd??

Jalal: Drop the honorific, please..I’ve a got a name, and it sounds amazing on your lips..

Jo glared back at Jalal, trying to look angry while still being nervous..

Jalal (smiled): Unbelievable! You have got the audacity to express your anger, after pulling that “lunch date” stint on me, that too behind my back.. It is me who should be angry..I still can not believe, were you trying to set me up with someone else?? Do you hate me that much??

Jo (looked apologetically at jalal): Why on Earth would I hate you..Its just that she is the only one you go around with..I thought..

Jalal: What?? You thought what?? Wasn’t I trying to clear this thing yesterday night?? You werent even interested in listening??Why would you think, I would let anyone else in??

Jo (irrritated): Whats wrong with that..Is it not okay to move on??Why would you keep waiting for..

Jalal (interrupted): Waiting for you?? Didn’t you ever wish during all this time, that I keep waiting for you??

Jo went silent..

Jalal (held Jo’s shoulder with his hands): I need to ask you something..I need to know what you want, and I promise you..Good or bad, I’ll abide by your wish..So, just come and dine with me, tonight..Let’s talk this out..I’m absolutely clear and sure about what I want…But, let’s get sure of what you want Jo?? What your heart really wants…I need to hear it from you….An honest confession about how you feel for me, is all that you owe me…Nothing else..

Edited by sm1308 - 3 years ago
divyadaya13 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

I am truly amazed with this chapter. We are so used to overdramatization in indian shows and movies that it becomes difficult to digest the hero not mulling or keeps on crying abt his past and torturing the heroine to no end by acting like a brainless casanove in revenge mode😆

For a change i really loved this sensible jalal, who dosent want to waste any more time in confessing his feelings for his one and only lady love jo. Both the protogonists of your story are sensible and not egoistic fools. 

Thanks for not torturing us with revenge drama and rukka hukka tantrums. It was fun to read jala giving rukka hukka the taste of her own medicine.

Hope that you will give us lovely moments in the next chapter which will be posted soon i hope😳

Aishu.R thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: sm1308

That was a beautiful review..you summed up it all..n yeah..I think just because Jo isn't too sure of her condition she is keeping her distance..playing safe..but for how long can the temptation of your 'one true love' be delayed?? I wish she loses to jalals persistence,, soon..working on her defeat :p

Thanks again for the kind words..got an update for you lovely readers..


Yeah, how can one resist the temptation of true love😳that to of Jalal... Please make her defeat soon⭐️

Thanks for the update...


Aishu.R thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: sm1308

So sorry for the delay..here I'm ..



Saiyaa thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: sm1308

Thank you so much for the lovely review..I'm glad you enjoyed..n yup I brought in a quick reversal in jalals demeanor..I thought that a whiff of happiness that Jo brought him in that simple walk.. being a quick wit..he should accept that he wants more..I have tried to justify his reversal in this post..hope you like it..n just because he is adamantly Persuing Jo unlike before, Jo is being over cautious..

Not sure if the reversal is too quick to accept for the readers..let me know pls..if it sounds odd..

Thanks..and enjoy the fresh one :)

Maybe it did occur to me like that as we were quite under impression of what jalal revealed to us in previous chapters....😛

As u say he is quick wit , very well knows so what he wants so focusing on that , & jo behaviour also must hv convinced him hence taking confident steps.....😎

Desperate to read more....😆

Saiyaa thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 3 years ago

OMG , what a chappy jalal already making hid mind & then whoosshh what a lesson to ruqs....😛 she cannot play a fast one on jalal.....😆

Mirza...😆 , jalal all possessive but satisfied with the appreciation...😃...for his smart work.

What a love this man carries in his heart for his girl , already letting the unpleasentness go & wishes to make most of what he has now....

Come on jo , now ur turn just say out to him just reveal to him ur part he deserves the truth which u're not telling , he is still there with his love ready to take u with all ur woes , so go go get on with ur lovestory.....❤️

🤗to dear author.... we want full romance from now....😉😆

divyaJA thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Fabulous update
Waiting for jo answer

Aishu.R thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

This one is Fantasticsmiley39

Surprising though..

Jalal's all hurt pain he endured for whole decade faded by just a small gesture for him in flick of moment with Jo smiley17

I'm loving this Ja so much sensible, didnt held any resentment for her, he just made choice and then came streight forward confesionsmiley27 that was a hard blow to Rukssmiley36

And what he want in return just simple confesion from her whatever it may be not the explaination or Sorrysmiley42 he is ready to make it upto her for whatever they missed...

Now what Jo is waiting for when she got a loving hunk? 

Waiting desperately for their dinner date and Jo to reveal her story smiley1

Hoping Jo to express her heart ...

Thank you for this Lovely update...


mama17 thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Amazing chapters. I'm impressed with Jalal's frank talk with Jodha regarding his feelings. Thank God, there is no dragging in expression of feelings. Hope Jo will respond with same passion.

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Avid_reader104 thumbnail
Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Very mch surprising di hope Jo does not hurt jalal again and hope she 2 accepts him and continue their love story pls continue it soon di