guddi01 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

So after all the dramas of the 2nd Funeral Wedding. Where are they going to.

Is it going down the only story that PB has the Mini the Great old self inflicted mental problems with her Mother, the great bond that they don't even talk to each other.

Both of them mother and daughter have the same issues with suppressed anger and lack of trust etc.

After Butchering all the Characters apart from NB, its hard to connect with the present HS to the old HS etc

PB should be renamed Mini mental hai.


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Annie_13 thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Just because some people haven't suffered from mental issues, they think it's disagreeable to portray on TV and don't even know that mental disorders just doesn't go away in some days. It takes years/ decades. It's just sad, that people nowadays just want to watch love stories and romance and nothing else. It's just so overrated.

guddi01 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago


I understand about mental issues but the problem here is that these are old issues that she has got from Childhood etc.

We have seen how in parts it has been shown that Babita has bern too busy to spend tome time with Mini and this has been shown as well and she has feed her the great  love of them etc and when the bubble broke it effected them both and the Khuranas have seen Mini pining for her Father but they ignored it and indulged and spoiled her instead of helping her.

Here old problems and new taunts about not being wanted by Babita and HS is plain stupid by agree to the Marriage in the 1st place, and HS has a valid point there, surely she is mature enough to see that after a Marriage some things will change.

But the biggest problem that I have with Mini is her fake smile and ability to lie easily and hid things and here I see HS getting blamed is plain stupid, where in reality it should be the Khuranas and Babita who are are at fault here from childhood.

Annie_13 thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

HS is to be blamed as well. He didn't have the courage to stand against his father and yet expecting mini to break all ties with the Khuranas at least Mini had the courage to change her last name . As NB said he made imarti serve his father but doesn't approve of Mini's relationship with her grandparents. What kind of hypocrisy is that ? How dare he tell mini that she always has to do what Babita likes ? Why should everything go according to what babita wills ? Babita hamesha apni marzi ki karti hai. Sab adjust kare sirf babita apni man ki kare hamesha! Why is that ? Babita is just selfish and needy and really annoying. And the fake smiles indicates that Mini has clinical depression. One can't help it. Mini is lonely, she needs her grandparents. But all Babita cares about is her image. How cruel is that. What options does she have rather than smiling and acting happy? Babita is using Mini to hide her insecurities and everyone thinks mini is creating problem in HS's marriage. Lalley has even lectured Mini. What is she supposed to do ? Talk to her immature selfish mother? Who would create more problems for her and HS if she got to know and blame it on her. what Kammo said is true. HS only cares about Babita. That's what happens in Second marriages. That's how it's supposed to be anyway. It's hard for the Kids to adjust. Things would have been smooth if Dadu biji left with lovely and Mini moved to NB's place. 

guddi01 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago


You are missing the bigger of little picture here.

You want to send her to the Khuranas who have damaged her in the 1st place by keeping her and Babes with them to serve them. And they knew how much Mini was missing her Father. And yes you cannot give them a free pass. Lol life is not like that.

They have too be held accountable as well.

Its Karma now that they complain about being alone now but have a memory loss of when Babita was on her own for 17 years and did not think of her being alone as well. Now that is selfish.

Yes they are worried about Mini, now when the damage is done but forget that Babita too was about Mini age plus 1 year when she was Married to Ashok and had a baby so young, no because she was not there daughter but daughter in Law. 

HS asked her for the CD and was hurt by it and has kept away from her and to maintain peace asked her to respect her Babes wishes regarding the Khuranas.

So why blame HS. Thats not right.

Lally has been butchered like everyone else on PB to justify Mini is not right.

Babita is suffering like Mini both have suppressed anger and emotional issues and this is due to the Khuranas for the 17 years and it was not just Mini but Babita as well who was Mini's age. Both of them need to learn to talk and not lie and hide things.

So please don't blame Babita for being a bad Mother but you should be looking at the Khuranas, as this is were the blame lies.

And age should not give them a free pass for the treatment of Babita and Mini.

Here Mini needs to ask her Grandparents why they treated her Babes that way and her as well. 

Its easy to blame Babita and let the Khuranas scott free is crazy.

So please don't suggest that Mini should move with Khuranas with Lovely the very people who made there lives unbelievable is silly. Sending her to the very people who have made her this way is plain stupid.

And to even to suggest that Babita is selfish is crazy.

Annie_13 thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Wtf ! When did I ever say that Mini should Leave with khuranas!!!????? Please read carefully before claiming that I said something. I said it would be more peaceful if They(Shammi and her husband) left for Dubai and Mini moved in with Naim Bi in her house. I bet HS would be much happier if Mini went to live with NB. And no Babita is not trying to adjust in this new relationship. Only Mini and HS are trying. So Babita is a terrible mother and a terrible wife. And has been a terrible friend. That's what it is. That's the reality. Idk why do you have a tendency to always blame the victim. Khuranas have been selfish but Mini needs them. So for the sake of Mini Babita shouldn't have told Mini to stop interracting with them. Khuranas are bad people right? Why should babita care what they think about her? It's just pathetic and HS is hypocrite. If Babita didn't want any change why did she even bother to marry HS. Now every time she will use Mini to hide her insecurities. You're saying HS is hurt by the CD incident but Mini was accused. So even in this case Mini is the victim. It's not Mini's fault that Babita is a terrible wife. Ab uska blame bhi mini pe aya.

Edited by Annie_13 - 4 years ago
sunaina02 thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Why do we blame the old Khuranas for not sending Babita to London? What they could have done  - just ask  Ashok , nothing more .

Ashok is the one who is responsible for taking or not taking his wife and daughter to London. But it all depends on what type of visa he had and how much he earned . The real problem is not taking Babita with him but not being faithful to her , not  sharing  his London life with her, communicating  with her regularly , loving and caring for Mini .

Babita is again and again portrayed as a very selfish and rude person , and a very bad mother. I am not sure whether the CVs realize that . Now, along with her,  Hanuman Singh is also turning into a selfish and rude person . 

abhi786 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 years ago

I agree that HS accusing Minnie on CD issue and also his siding with babitha on not meeting khuranas is wrong...

But is Minnie in right in all these ? Why Minnie didn't question HS on CD fiasco after marriage ? What she herself backed away didn't walk with Babitha with babitha told to walk with her during gruhapravesh cermony ?

Why 2 days before marriage Minnie force HB meeting secretly at night ? Why she force babitha to voice out against Lovely that day? Didn't then HB have their own rights ? If they want to live separately an do marriage according to the elders why forced them ? That day when Babitha voiced out her anger against Lovely & Biji Minnie was so happy and on marriage day when Babitha showed her anger on khuranas and lovely Minne felt bad for them ?   So Babitha has to voice out when minnie tell to voice if not she will be unhappy ? Why she has to go to khuranas house on the middle to wedding to console what selfish khuranas and Lovely who did nothing to them?

What khuranas did to Babitha and Minnie after they came out from home not only they gae any money, but supported sided with Ashok even broke their ties with her when Minnie removed her surname..How can Minnie forget this same Biji forgave her only after she touch her feet SRI DHAN case. Now these Khuranas are family and apna to Minnie ? Why Minnie didn't question khuranas and Lovely for hurting Babitha all these ? Forget babitha has tomake dishes for lovely kitty party also ? 

Why Babitha one single outburst they are ready to not attend the marriage? Why Minnie has to ask and plead them to come to Babitha marriage who served them as a servant for 17 years ? Khuranas keep saying that Babitha is a beti so did they see her as beti or bahu ? Do they do same if role is reversed with Babitha and lovely ? Tommorow they will welcome Ashok forget all because it's KHOON ka ristha now Minnie is also selfish KHOON ka rishta doing with Khuranas?

Atleast HS is not hypocrite, while Minnie removed her surname , encouraged Babitha to voice out and behind back pleading them and even telling them that they are so good to her and they are family ? What this family did to help them ? It's only HS who stood by them in that time and his one accusation make her go away while so forget all khuranas did and now also they are family ? What a DOUBLE STANDARD Minnie become ?

If PB is surely a developing serial Minnie represent new generation means her voicing out the injustice against khuranas and telling them Khoon ka rista is not only that even telling HB how wrong they are now and tell HS that he will be his Uncle for now even though he is married to her mother..That will be a progressive Minnie a new generation, now this sulking Minnie feeling herself as an outsider and becoming a Gopu Bahu who will smile even they hurt..I didn't understand what message PB CVS want to give with this serial that don't go for second marriage ? Step daughter and family will never love selflessly as Khoon ka rista is the one ? 

Edited by abhi786 - 4 years ago
Annie_13 thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

people just assume too much. I never said babita shouldn't have lashed out at them. In fact I have no issue over that incident. I don't care if She's being rude with the khuranas or plotting murder. . What irks me is that  Babita told mini not to meet with the Khuranas when all the while she was trying to give HS and Babita some space. She doesn't have to keep the relation with them in fact she shouldn't but she can't just decide that for Mini. That was just rude. Minni is wayy mature for her age. But Babita is always using Mini as an excuse. It's disgusting. Even in todays episode she tried to use Mini as an excuse. She told NB that she married only for Mini. I felt like giving her a tight slap the moment those words escaped her mouth. She's trying her best to make HS suffer and put all the blame on Mini. Babita has never been independent. She always blames others, doesn't have the courage to take responsibility for her own actions. 

abhi786 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: sunaina02

Why do we blame the old Khuranas for not sending Babita to London? What they could have done  - just ask  Ashok , nothing more .

Ashok is the one who is responsible for taking or not taking his wife and daughter to London. But it all depends on what type of visa he had and how much he earned . The real problem is not taking Babita with him but not being faithful to her , not  sharing  his London life with her, communicating  with her regularly , loving and caring for Mini .

Babita is again and again portrayed as a very selfish and rude person , and a very bad mother. I am not sure whether the CVs realize that . Now, along with her,  Hanuman Singh is also turning into a selfish and rude person . 

Yup CVS destroyed Babitha character and now HS character also, but didn't glorify Minnie character as she herself becoming a victim instead of voicing out her angry which is very much need for PB a realistic serial where New generation don't snub themselves and fake smile be mahaan instead voice out against any one and every injustice, in a second marriage a child might get a happy family without any insecurities.

I blame old khuranas for not controlling Lovely hurting others it might be Babitha, Meeta, Meeta parents also. But daadu biji and Sufiji never told lovely to not hurt babitha or even Meeta why they are bahus while she is beti of the house ? Instead CVS brushed it as lovely is hurted by inlaws and in pain as she is childless, but that doesn't give her a freeway to insult the others as they also human being they also feel the pain..If Lovely is hurt why can't she insult her husband and her parents why others especially bahu's and old khuranas both were silent never voiced out or shut lovely there itself...