Abir-Meenakshi OS : Maybe (30/8/19)

ingenuity thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Abir - Meenakshi OS : Maybe

warning: it's super long!!

Love and fear are two very powerful feelings. Even more powerful is the fear of losing a loved one. Even after having experienced that loss, that void, once already, nothing could have prepared Abir for this particular moment. They had been both atop the human pyramids, music and cheers sounding from far below. It was just the two of them up there, away from everyone. She had looked at him with a grin, the glint of mischief shining in her eyes.

As she very smartly said the words, "I love you Abir" Abir had felt happiness surround him. Even though she had outsmarted him, her words weren't heard by anybody but them, the smile on her face made him forget about everything else. That was, until her smile vanished and eyes widened in horror. It took Abir too long to realise and it was only after the entire human pyramid holding her had collapsed that Abir understood what had happened. Everything around him ceased moving as his eyes focused on her body lying lifelessly on the ground. His team helped him climb down but he hardly paid any attention. Before his feet could even touch the ground, he jumped off of them and ran towards Mishti, who was now surrounded by everyone else. He could see people talk, panic settling everywhere but it was like he couldn't process any of it. He saw Badi Maa shriek and run towards Mishti, closely followed by Bade Papa. As he pushed away the crowd, he saw her, lying so peacefully, head covered in red, glasses missing. As Bade Papa's fear-stricken eyes looked around, they met Abir's, who looked like life had been sucked out of him. One pleading look and Abir was beside him, taking Mishti in his arms, running towards the car. He didn't know he was doing it, but he knew it was necessary. The fear was real. He could not lose her. Not so easily. They had just promised forevers to each other. He was not letting her go so easy.

As the Maheshwaris, Abir and half of her family was out of the gates, into their cars, Meenakshi came out of her thoughts. She had seen the look on Abir's face. The horror, the fear of losing Mishti so clearly visible. When had she become so important? It was when Kunal shook her a little that she finally started walking towards the parking space.

"Maa, do we really need to go?" Kunal looked uncomfortable. Meenakshi smiled sardonically. It was her doing, she realised. Her son had been harbouring a harmless anger against Mishti for her rejection but Meenakshi, in her paranoia had fueled that rage and led Kunal to lose himself. Now that Mishti's life was on the line, Kunal was going to have to take him time and realise everything that had gone wrong.

"You can stay back Kunal, I know you need it but Abir needs us. Even if he will not agree, he needs somebody right now."


Despite being given the option to stay behind, Kunal chose to join Meenu and drive her to the hospital. As they entered the building, she could see a lot of colour in contrast to the white walls. Of course, Janmashtami meant a lot of accidents. Her eyes searched for familiar faces. She spotted Kuhu sitting in a corner, her face void of any expression. Meenakshi swiftly walked to the terrified girl.

"Kuhu, where is everyone?"

"They were headed that way." She spoke, her tone not giving away any of her thoughts. Meenakshi walked to the direction Kuhu pointed but realised Kunal had stopped following her, probably trying to handle Kuhu.

As she walked to the end of the corridor, she saw Nidhi and Kaushal standing right in front of her, probably trying to give the Maheshwaris some space. Ketki sat by Rajshri's side who was crying uncontrollably, trying to comfort her along with Varsha and Jasmeet. Right in front of the ladies stood Shaurya and Nanu, both looking tensed. Vishambhar stood a little away, his eyes moving between the doctor's room and him. Abir. He sat alone, away from everyone, still looking like he had seen the worst of horrors. His face was a little white, eyes and nose red. His hair was a hazard. His eyes were stuck on the little glass window, hands forming a tight fist.

Meenakshi walked towards them. When she was near Vishambhar, he looked at her meaningfully. "Abir needs you. I hope you understand that."

Meenakshi nodded. In any other situation, she would have probably taken offence that he had implied her lack of understanding of her own son but she knew what this was about. Had it been anyone else, it wouldn't have been that horrible. But it was her. Mishti. Everyone knew how she absolutely loathe that girl. Everyone could see how shook Abir was. It would only take a fool to not realise the importance Mishti held in his life.

"Abir." she kept a hand on his shoulder.


She was okay. She was okay. She was okay. Abir could feel his clammy hands as he rubbed them together. She was smiling, just seconds before she fell. Smiling so brightly, he would have done anything she asked of him. While Abir knew he loved her, loved her so much, he never realised what it meant to love her. With all of that, the constant fear of losing her. He hadn't felt this three days ago when Bade Papa told him she was taking a flight to Mumbai. Back then, it was only this nagging feeling that wondered what he would do if she wasn't around.

Now, seeing her like that as the nurse rushed her on a stretcher, he had realised, he absolutely could not afford to lose her. She was as important as any other element to his life. He had held onto her all the way to the hospital, hoping she would wake up and maybe just smile at him. That would be enough. That would tell him that she was okay. But the stubborn, angry chorni had not moved a bit. She was a rag doll as he laid her down on the stretcher. Kept begging her to open her goddamn eyes.

When he felt a hand on his shoulder, he only nodded. He couldn't care less. He had wanted to take his time, take their time to tell everyone that his angry chorni had said yes to him. Promised him a lifetime. But now, it didn't matter. What mattered was that she was safe. That she was alive. Even as a part of him kept telling him to expect the worse, Abir knew she was going to be okay. She wouldn't leave him so quickly. She had promised.

When the door opened, Abir was on his feet. Everyone followed suit but he was focused on the door, hoping it would open again and he would get maybe just a glimpse of her.

"We have taken an MRI scan and it looks like only a concussion in the brain. I'll let you know if there is anything else. As of now, she is out of danger. Her parents or family can come meet me in my cabin."

The doctor walked away. While everyone rejoiced, Abir stumbled a little. Taking quick steps, he was gone before anyone could notice.


Meenakshi panicked when she couldn't find him anywhere. Mishti was out of danger, the doctor had confirmed. Mishti should regain consciousness soon. She knew Abir needed to hear it, but where was he. She stood in the corridor, wondering where to search for him when her sight fell on the lawn overlooked by the hospital. Quickly taking the lift, she prayed Abir was there.

He was right there. Sitting on a bench, eyes closed, head leaned back. He looked tired, like he had grown a few years older in a matter of hours. In that instant, Meenakshi thanked the Almighty that Mishti was okay. When she had been planning to separate Abir and Mishti, she had expected him to break down but not like this. This was much, much worse.

She went and sat by him. He took notice but closed his eyes again.

"What did you feel like when Baba left?" The question was almost a whisper.

"There were a lot of things that lead to him leaving us. By then, our relationship was far too broken to be salvaged. It was terrible to be left alone but I knew I had my kids and my family who I could draw strength from. But yes, for a few days, I felt like nothing could go right anymore. I had married him because I loved him and he loved me. To be left alone when we hadn't lived even half the dreams we saw together, it did break me."

"All I remember is, he just walked out in front of me. Never promised to remember me, not even fake promises of his return. Just took off and didn't even look back. I guess, my habit to leave the house does come from him."

"No Abir. Your father left because he didn't love me anymore. You leave because you love me a lot but do not agree with me. And you do love with passion."

Abir looked at her with a small smile.

"She is amazing, you know."

When Meenakshi kept quite, Abir smiled to himself. "I know you don't see her the way I do. I don't even know what she has done that you are hell-bent on hating her. It's like, you refuse to see reason."

There was still no answer. What could she possibly tell him? She hadn't always hated Mishti. It was only a little dislike because of the stark difference in their views. Meenakshi knew she felt threatened by the impact Mishti could have on her family. How would she ever explain it to Abir? And to what extent? Ever since she had laid eyes on Mishti, Meenakshi wanted to not let her be a part of it. All of the planning and plotting, what could she possibly explain?

"Today, when I saw her like that, I literally felt like my heart had stopped beating. I couldn't see her crying but this. This was worse. I know what I feel for her but today, I…"

"You realised that losing her would make your life meaningless?" Meenakshi provided, familiar with the feeling of despair herself.

Abir looked at her, his eyes holding all the pain he insisted on hiding all these years. He wrapped his arms around her, taking her by surprise. It was when she felt the wetness on her neck that she realised he was crying. Rubbing an arm on his back, she let him. It had been long since he had hugged her, longer since he had cried.

They sat there for a long time, Abir letting it all off his chest. Meenakshi realised how important Mishti was to him. All the strength that he displayed had crumbled with the mere thought of losing her. How could she have ever kept them apart?

When he stopped crying, he pulled away, rubbing his eyes.

"The first time I met her, I didn't even see who she was. Just the two of us, sitting on top of the bus to Kuttch, backs facing each other. I didn't know Ketu had run away, much less that Mishti would be the one helping us find her. I took a picture of her as she climbed the roof, you know. One of my most favourite of her pictures."

Meenakshi smiled a little. She didn't even know when they had first met. Here she was, thinking only Mishti helping Ketki made Abir like her but her son had found Mishti even before Meenakshi had.

"Every time we would meet, I never could see her face. We only talked. She was disturbed so I helped her and she helped me. That's when I found her earring, you know. The one you were so intent on destroying." Abir chuckled, wiping at the few astray tears.

"When I had to paint for the exhibition, Parul Maasi suggested that I draw what my heart wants. I began. Eyes closed. There was this feeling that clutched me. It made me so happy. Just thinking of her. I needed no model, no picture. I painted her with my eyes closed." He had a wistful smile playing on his lips. "I mean, it wasn't perfect but you could tell it was Mishti. Imagine my horror. She was in a courtship with Nanko. I refused to believe it. Stupid Mishti ran behind me trying to know what I had painted. I only told her that the painting was important to me. And you know what she did? She jumped into the fire to save the painting. When the exhibition hall caught fire, Madam went to the other room to find the painting because it was important to me. How did she expect me to not fall for her? How could anyone let go of that?"

"You love her a lot, don't you?" Meenakshi stared into the distance. Abir spoke of her with such reverence. It made Meenakshi want to trust Mishti with her life.

"Of course I do. She makes me want to stay in a place. Makes me want to call a house my home. I love all of you but I love nobody like I love her. She has done so much for her family, even complied to whatever you asked her to do. I don't know how you convinced her but it made me realise, while she is strong enough to handle everything on her own, I want to be there for her. She doesn't need me to fight her battles but she does want me by her side. It makes me feel so lucky, Maa. You know, just before she fell, when we were at the top, she fulfilled the stupid challenge I gave her. I had asked her to confess to me in front of her and she did. She was so happy. I don't know what went wrong. If all this hadn't happened I would have probably shouted at the top of my lungs." Abir spoke with a child-like excitement, his next words a soft whisper. "I love you Mishti."

"Abir beta?" they heard a voice from behind them. Turning around, they found Vishambhar standing at a distance.

"Mishti has regained consciousness. I guess you would want to meet her too? She's been looking around not telling anybody who she is looking for. I don't think she'll rest till she sees you." he had an amused glint in his eyes as Abir awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. Abir looked at his Mother meaningfully, who nodded a little. Quickly getting up, Abir followed him, leaving her behind.

All this while, she hadn't stopped to think of Abir at all. She had been so convinced that Mishti wasn't right, she never bothered to see why Abir believed she was perfect. Meenakshi still didn't agree with Mishti's thoughts but for the sake of her son and his happiness, she could try. Maybe, she could try seeing Mishti from the lens her son had chosen. While there were a lot of hurdles to cross, her other son, Kuhu and her entire family was at line, Meenkashi knew she had to try. Maybe, just maybe, at the end of this, she would be able to be a part of the dream that Abir and Mishti had seen for themselves. Maybe.


So... I haven't watched today's episode but the spoiler of Mishti falling down and hurting herself made me think of this little something. I have written it only now and didn't get time to proof-read. I don't even know if it is good, if there is some major, gaping loop hole but just something I would want to see. I didn't cover the possibility of who did it, doesn't really matter. This is just me wishing for something that will never happen. Plus, there is the entire weekend for us to ponder over. God knows what happens next week.

Would love to know what you all think. Plus, what all do you expect from the track? Any particular scenes you wish for? I love listening to your thoughts!

Edited by ingenuity - 4 years ago


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Dotslover22 thumbnail
Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Anniversary 5 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Wow. It's wonderful. Show mein aisa ho toh sone pe suhaga

meen123 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

I thi k Abir needs to have a heart to heart like this. It'd be so amazing to see that.. I truly loved the line your gather didn't love me anymore that's why he left. You Leave because you love me too much but do not agree

Ugh, feels!!  I have said somewhere else, meenakshi could have been tje best mother if she gets past her insecurity and paranoia... She is very fierce, strong woman. 

ingenuity thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: Dotslover22

Wow. It's wonderful. Show mein aisa ho toh sone pe suhaga

Thanks❤️Haha, I hardly have any hope😆

ingenuity thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: meen123

I thi k Abir needs to have a heart to heart like this. It'd be so amazing to see that.. I truly loved the line your gather didn't love me anymore that's why he left. You Leave because you love me too much but do not agree

Ugh, feels!!  I have said somewhere else, meenakshi could have been tje best mother if she gets past her insecurity and paranoia... She is very fierce, strong woman. 

I know right? She could have been the best, even beat Badi Maa to it if she decides to. She has so much of potential to be everything that she can be... If only they let her go down that path :/

Also, glad you liked it and took time to comment💓

Fauzi thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

So beautifully written... ❤️he So obviously loves his mom but is against her opinions only... Wish we could see this happening in the serial.. 

fangirl1012 thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

OMG OMG this was epic. I was meaning to write an OS on this but you have outdone yourself. That Abir and BB conversation is something I have been hoping to see for so long. If only BB gives her son a little bit of understanding and love he will place the whole world underneath her feet. Abir and his Maa have the potential to have such an amazing bond I really hope someday in the show we get to see this heart to heart conversation you so beautifully penned out. Hats off to you👏

iamthat2019 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

So beautifully written. Could really feel it happening in front of your eyes.The pain.anguish,vulnerability.  So well articulated. Wooow ,

babhishahk thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

This is so beautiful. I wish there was more for me to continue reading. Please consider changing it to a ss

Prasanthi thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 years ago

Coming back to the forums after years....

I couldn’t stop myself from commenting after reading this heartfelt piece of work. You have just taken Meanakshi and Abir’s mysterious chemistry to another level. A mom knows everything about her children even without saying out loud... the child can only confide to his mother all that is there in the heart. This little poignant moment you have got beautifully captured with your words. Wish creatives read your work and incorporate in their story.