Baby (page 1 to 3) || Thin Lizzie (page 4 onwards)

annihilation thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 8 years ago
Dearest IF's SPN fandom,

This episode makes you go the following.


lots and lots of feels. 😳

Edited by .annihilation. - 8 years ago


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HaymurS thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 8 years ago

We are home.

Sam Winchester - 11x04

~*sindhu*~ thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
I think I really really want to burn down the Bunker.
I finally realised why Kripke was maniacally happy to burn down the Roadhouse and they weren't even living there. They used to just drop in from time to time and he wanted that out of the picture. I think he would have used the grenade launcher for the Bunker 🤣

These Winchesters needs to be on the road with the Baby. This is where u get to see a glimpse of their life from time to time. You get to hear them actually communicate rather than finding an escape in their respective rooms. Kripke really did think about this story on a completely different level then what these people do. They got them a real home but they took away a lot cause of it. 

I m sorry if this is not what u guys didn't wanna read but yeah this is what I was feeling. Its been ages since I saw them actually talk like before. 
annihilation thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 8 years ago
I absolutely loved the episode, there's no denying that. It took me back to the old good times and was a great tribute to the Impala whose been a rock solid support of the Winchesters since day one. I loved Chuck's narration back in S5 finale showing how Impala isn't just a car but actually a home to the boys and I loved baby's own perspective too.

As much as I love the Impala and how its been their home since forever and will continue to be so, I wouldn't burn the bunker down. I remember the look Winchesters had on their faces when they entered the bunker and realised that its all theirs. I'd say Impala's their first home and bunker's, the second. To me both Impala and bunker have their own significance and role to play in the Winchesters life and I wouldn't take any of the two away from them.

I loved though how Impala always brings the boys closer together and bridges the gaps between them. They had a heart-to-heart, they eat and drank, they slept and were being the brothers they had forgotten to be all this while. Here's to baby! *Three cheers* The one support the brothers and the fans can always fall back on. <3 I don't know who wrote the episode but whoever it is, is probably from the Kripke era. 

We usually don't get enough material to praise but this episode gave us some good deal. So, everyone on the show's team, brilliant job! 
~*sindhu*~ thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Its by Robbie Thompson. He is not from Kripke era. He came in season 7. 
annihilation thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: ~*sindhu*~

Its by Robbie Thompson. He is not from Kripke era. He came in season 7. 

Oh, Charlie was also this man's character. Ah, he's good. 
~*sindhu*~ thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Yeah he did and cried buckets of tears when they decided to kill her 😆.That poor child. He also wrote fanfiction last year.
annihilation thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 8 years ago
^^ Rightly so. We all cried buckets too. #Stillnotoverit. 😳
Aren't we going to talk about the episode? We already we did, still are. I mean, discuss things we loved the most? No, wait. I loved the entire episode. Ah, never mind. I'm still going to mention whatever I can 😎
annihilation thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 8 years ago
Car wash - I'm sure when Jared said they're going to get a car wash scene, they so did not imagine the one we got in the episode. People must be pissed. 🤣

Smoothies - I loved the death glare Dean gave to Sam and the scared puppy look Sam gave in return. 🤣 Also, what's netfilix? Poor adorable Cas. 

annihilation thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 8 years ago
Night moves - There's no way Jared was in the backseat too. They probably just used his voice to given an impression that Sam was lying under. There's no way you could fix two persons in the backseat of Impala when one person is Jared giantlecki. 😆 After so long, after dead or alive, they sang together again, they teased each other, and then then they ate together. That's real material for going this - 

Goose eggs - Okay, that's heart-breaking. 😳 The fact that both Winchesters know they aren't the domestic material and yet deep down, both of them crave for something more deep down. The only difference is Sam admits it, Dean doesn't.

John/Micheal - I'm so glad Matt Cohen's appearance was just limited to one line. I have always liked that guy as both John and Micheal and it was good to see an old character's return. I don't really think it was John more so because of the 'God helps those who helps themselves', its either Micheal (even if its really Micheal, I don't understand how he's able to talk to Sam from inside of the Cage and why would he do so) or its God himself (or like Sam said, opposite whoever/whatever is the opposite of darkness) delivering messages through visions of people Winchesters know or relate to.

The talk - When is Dean ever going to learn that whatever happens to them always have had a greater meaning to it? Darkness, I believe is no exception either. The dreams though, Dean dreams about John and Sam dreams about Mary. How befitting, Dean yearns for the acknowledgement from John of being a good son and Sam yearns for his mother's love.

Jerk/bitch - FINALLY. Like, finally. AH! I'm pretty sure Jared's legs were either hanging down through the window of door towards his legs or the door itself was left open. I can't imagine him fitting inside in any other way. 😆

Werepire - Jefferston starships, anyone? He looked so offended when Sam refused to say it with him. 😆 Also, handing down your car to vallet parking does have its own advantages. I almost expected Jessie to crash the car somewhere but she didn't.

Deputy decapitated - The scene was hilarious, wasn't? 🤣 Trust Supernatural to turn gory and bloody into funny. Cas though, agreed, he's adorable. But can he please get to do something other than being adorable, getting beaten up or being an information desk? I miss the all mightily powerful Cas. 😳 Dean should have heard him say werepire, he would have been so proud even when it wasn't a wirepire at all.

Sam's nerdiness - Dean's right, Sam's nerd quotient doesn't know any bounds. If I could be half the nerd that Sam is, I'd have accomplished something. 😳

Mrs.Markham - These two could do with using their instincts/gut feelings a bit. That lady and the deputy, both seemed like a bad news to me at the very first look. 🤓 Doesn't matter though as Dean 'the best damn hunter in the world' Winchester springs into action moments later. 

Okay Mom - Baby listens to Dean in times of need and doesn't give him away. Dean's 'okay mom' to Sam when Sam ordered that he'll only let Cas fix him if Dean lets Cas fix him too had me in a puddle of aww's. ❤️ 

Edited by .annihilation. - 8 years ago