Aditya Raman Bhalla - The Lost Boy *UPD - Link to episode review* - Page 4


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-Silencia- thumbnail
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Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: -Anku-

Lovely post Nidoo 😊 

I've always felt a lot of compassion for Adi. For a long time he was hated here, and misunderstood. And yes there was a time when he was annoying, or an annoying factor in the story. So it was understandable that people wouldn't want him around. But if you see him as a real person, a child who could be someone next door or in our families you would feel the most for him. 

To be broken away from your family, from the solace of a father, grandparents and other relatives and to be taken to a house that holds itself only by material, riches and money and never by value or love. To be left alone in a boarding, without any pampering, care or concern. A mother who doesn't give him time, but only wants to provide the best of riches without him having to learn the value of it. To be poisoned against your father and family. And then ultimately to be abandoned by the only family, the mother he knew as a constant in life.. ALL THIS just in 11/12 years of childhood? It's heart wrenching. 

Adi was a good boy, only messed because he had a lack of love, concern and good upbringing. He was mislead and misguided by his parent. And so many years of that made him insecure and a person who takes time to trust. 

BUT with the right people, with the right guidance he's come out as responsible child who will slowly grow up to be like his father who can take up responsibilities of the family and be fair to one and all. As important as Raman's presence in his life was. Ishita's as a mother was pivotal too and yesterday Ishita made him assured of that. 

He meets Shagun now, but he's not deterred by it he is assured that Ishita is by his side. He realizes what it means to have a mother only now and does not want to lose it. 

I am so glad that in a show where we're complaining about sensitivity and detailing in some tracks. This track was bought up and concentrated on with such minute detail. Nevertheless, its commendable and I totally enjoyed it 😳

LOVEEE the post Nidoo. I couldn't write a lot even though had so much in mind to write individually about his relation with both his parents. But what you've said covers it all anyway. Totally agree with it 👏

I was about to quote your 'Reserved' post and say Unres soon, when you posted on your own 😛

Thank you so much Anku 🤗

@red - When you begin to understand why he was wretched when he was, when you look deep down and dive to the bottom of the truth of it all, you can't help but feel sorry for the child who never could get a family, who bore the biggest brunt of his parents' separation for years without even knowing about it. All he ever needed was pure love and the right guidance. All he ever got was spoilt love and no guidance. He became what anyone in his place would have become.

@blue - How apt! He couldn't even think about Shagun asking Ishita to not bring the new baby, despite not being happy with the development. As I said in another post, my heart went out to the little teenage boy scared of being his mother's 'step-son' when once upon a time he considered her to be an 'evil step-mother'.

The other reason I'm really happy about his track is because this is so sensible, so relatable. Goes on to show the power of writing these CVs still have, but choose not to expend it anymore, or rarely, like in his case.

Thanks for adding on to it wonderfully 👏 👏
.TIA. thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Lovely post Nidoo.😃
Nothing much to say coz u have pretty much covered my thoughts there 😳
Thanks 😊
-Silencia- thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: .TIA.

Lovely post Nidoo.😃

Nothing much to say coz u have pretty much covered my thoughts there 😳
Thanks 😊

Thank you Tia 😳
-Silencia- thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: mayasundar

Hi Nidhi, 

Sorry for updating this late.

Nice analysis on Adi⭐️ Thanks Maya 😳 😃


My take on Adi run along the same lines but I have a few more things to add. Wow! You managed to top up the length of my post 😆 Awesome! 👏


I totally loved the yesterday episode  but won't  gush about how Raman kept his hands on Ishita tummy and was talking to the baby I so wanted the scene to air and a kiss on the tummy too but I am happy with what I got OOPS sorry this thread is about Adi and I got carried away SORRY I can't help it when it comes to puttar Hahaha... That's the case with us all, so no worries 😉


I will take your cue and write accordingly.



I agree totally with you that Adi is the one who suffered most in his childhood. He was the one who was manipulated and used according to suit the needs of the people he was with. He was abused mentally and emotionally by the people he knew. 

Adi has kind of grown on me he has come a long way for me from hating him initially, then feeling sorry for him, hating him for turning into a pyscho villain, feeling sorry for never be loved and finally finding his place where he is now accepted. Exactly!


I slightly disagree with you Adi was never in a joint family before when he was a kid. Wasn't he? As far as I remember, Shagun wanted to live alone with Raman but he didn't agree. Or I need to watch the first 10 episodes again? 😲 Shagun lived alone with Raman away from Bhalla family as she instigated Raman against his family and his father was not in talking terms with Raman. Shagun manipulated Adi against Raman because she wanted a hold on Raman to come back if things didn't work out for her with Ashok and if it did she didn't want to release her hold on Raman because she knew Adi was Raman weakness so she poisoned his mind against his father. True! I also feel she did actually love Adi, and did not want Raman to have any impact on him at all. Adi idolized her so he even restored to framing others, harming himself, making others dance to his tunes just to see her smile but he was brutally betrayed by her when he came to know he was always a commodity to be traded for higher value even today he still has feelings for her as a mother but doesn't blinding trust her as before which shows he is finally getting good values in life. Yep, that's why he asked her not to say anything to Ishita that could destroy her (Ishita's happiness).


Adi always looked to Ashok as a dad because that is what his mom taught him right from young age but he found out the truth about Ashok during Shagun/Ashok marriage it literally stumped him that Ashok never really loved him he was always a tool to destroy Raman and when Adi found about that he was shattered feeling there was no one in the world for him except his mom that is when he seized being a spoil brat and took it upon himself that he has to provide for his mom needs that is when he seized being a child and become an adult trying to destroy Ishita life so that his mom needs will be taken care of Well said, Maya! 👏 That is indeed when he stepped up to be the man in his mom's life.

Adi/Param: I had totally forgotten about his association with Param. Thank you for bringing this up 😃

Param used Adi to harm Ishita when Adi found out about that truth he was confused for the first time in his life which was right and wrong  and when he was trying to find answers to the question Raman blasted him off which made him more afraid of Raman to open up to him that is when I felt sorry for him for the first time that he is the one who is so affected by the adult mess. Yes. For the first time, he realized the gravity of his mistake, but was so confused in his head, and as always hated his father for taking his (Raman's) other family's side that he shouted at him. But one could see the nervousness, fear and distrust clearly etched on his face.


It is nice to see how far their relationship has come from initial hatred towards Ruhi he is becoming protective of her during her cycle training. I guess he always hated Ruhi for being with his dad somewhere in the corner of his heart may be he thought Raman would fight for him and when that did not happen all the hatred got transferred to Ruhi so he did not leave a stone upturned to hurt Ruhi.  His change in equation to Ruhi was gradually shown from he moving into the Bhalla house and especially after the child swap. This Rakhi was beautiful he was so upset with her that she did not tie Rakhi to him first and when he said he liked to buy the gift from his pocket money I felt how much this kid loves his little sister He truly does love his little sister. My favorite Adi-Ruhi moments are from the track where they're trying to get Raman to confess. Truly felt like siblings 😳


Adi was happy when he heard the news for the first time about the baby but the surrounding made him doubt that once again he will lose the love he found in his family after a lot of  struggle but even when he was suffering when the time came he stepped up and the first question he asked was whether the baby was fine when they had a near miss with the car stole my heart even with all his insecurity about the baby he acted like a big brother. When he asked Ishita about the baby's condition, I was so touched. Its one of the most subtle, beautiful moments of YHM and it is always going to stay with me ❤️


Adi is slowly learning to be part of the family and he is learning that his family loves him a lot and whatever his mother told him is not true.


Adi was Raman weakness he would do anything for him Shagun and Ashok exploited this weakness by manipulating Adi to do their bid to hurt Raman even though he knew it came from Shagun/Ashok Raman did everything to fulfill Adi wish even though it hurts his family. He stood as a shield to protect him from the law going against his family breaking the small trust which was is in the making with his new wife but once he realized that the same love would turn his son into a criminal he opted for tough love and tried to teach him good values whenever he could even though he knew that his son would hate him more for this.

Adi was hurt that Raman didn't fight to keep him with his family as he did Ruhi and he was also easily malleable by Shagun who didn't leave a stone unturned to instigate him against his father. Adi slowly started seeing the good in Raman when he stayed in Bhalla house and when he asked whether he has to go during Rinki marriage fiasco showed how much he started respecting Raman.

In a sense Adi/Raman are same they always keep what hurts them inside they never reveal it to a third person but luckily for them they got Ishita who never leaves a stone unturned to see what hurts them and brings them out of their misery.

True. Like father, like son. They build a wall around themselves and lash out at anyone who tries to break this wall. Lucky for them, Ishita knows exactly how to crack this tough exterior and has been able to transform them both with her love 😳 😳

Yesterday scene with Raman was super Adi acted as a shield for his mother against his father rage and his father understanding the unspoken question in Adi eyes promised him he would not shout at his mother was subtle at its best by CV.

Adi is slowly turning into Raman taking care of other needs without them asking him of anything.

From being Raman's weakness, he's stepping upto be his torch-bearer, be his strength 😳


Yesterday when Adi said that when the accident was supposed to happen he realized he loves Ishita the most that triggered me to write such a long post. Why does he love Ishita the most than his family because everyone I have mentioned above loved him because he was family or used him as a tool to hurt some one but Ishita is the one who loved him unconditionally even without any ties.

She was the one who opened the door for him into the Bhalla house so that he could connect with his papa, sister and his family.

She was the one even though he tortured her never complained about him but always showered love for him

She was the one who for a second did not even think before coming into danger to save him even though she was hurt at time.

Adi realized her selfless love from her and caring nature and accepted her as his mother. The talk that he would be treated as a step-son when her baby is born took me to the day when he taunted her for being a step-mother how far he has come that he cannot even bear the news he will be treated like a step-son and Ishita opening up to him saying that she feels only complete with both Adi and Ruhi and this would be their third child was nice to see.

He is slowly learning that a mother is always their to meddle in your life if you need it or not.. He likes her caring and meddlesome nature just like his father even though both complain outwards that she is a bother both enjoy her love secretly.

So Adi saying he loves her most in the world is true because she is the one who opened doors for him to feel like a family.

I have nothing to add here, Maya. You've said it all so beautifully 👏 👏 👏

Anyways I have finished my long lecture hope I did not bore you guys with this and hope it kind of made some sense to you. LOVED your thoughts completely 😃 You brought in so many angles to this discussion 😳 😳

Gautham has portrayed Adi character very well kudos to him and his acting skills have improved a lot.👏👏

Thank you so much, Maya, for sharing this 🤗 I'm glad I could create a space for you to put forward such beautiful perspectives here 😃 
mayasun thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: -Nidoo-

Thank you so much, Maya, for sharing this 🤗 I'm glad I could create a space for you to put forward such beautiful perspectives here 😃 

Thanks Nidhi,

Shagun, Raman and Adi lived in a separate flat it was shown in one of the flash back why his  father was not talking to him. Raman parents come to their house to take care of Adi since Shagun/Raman are out. Toshjii wants some medication so Bhalla takes the car which was given by Ashok for Shagun use to the store when Shagun comes home she doesn't like that he took the car and talks rudely with  Mr.Bhalla and when Bhalla was replying something she sees Raman coming inside and fakes tears and says something to him about his parents(I don't remember the dialogue properly) Raman instead of hearing what actually happened has a fight with his father that why Mr. Bhalla was not talking to Raman until IshRa marriage. Toshjii leaves saying that you already took Raman from the house then why are driving wedge between Raman and his father before leaving and Shagun smirks this flashback was shown during apartment election I don't remember the exact date but those episodes I still remember them they were so unique when they were airing at 11:00 PM slot sometimes I wish they never changed the time slot we would got the mature love story instead of all these crap stories. Till the time slot change we had ample IshRa scene with all the side characters had their own story too but here we are crying to get just one IshRa scene
-Silencia- thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: mayasundar

Thanks Nidhi,

Shagun, Raman and Adi lived in a separate flat it was shown in one of the flash back why his  father was not talking to him. Raman parents come to their house to take care of Adi since Shagun/Raman are out. Toshjii wants some medication so Bhalla takes the car which was given by Ashok for Shagun use to the store when Shagun comes home she doesn't like that he took the car and talks rudely with  Mr.Bhalla and when Bhalla was replying something she sees Raman coming inside and fakes tears and says something to him about his parents(I don't remember the dialogue properly) Raman instead of hearing what actually happened has a fight with his father that why Mr. Bhalla was not talking to Raman until IshRa marriage. Toshjii leaves saying that you already took Raman from the house then why are driving wedge between Raman and his father before leaving and Shagun smirks this flashback was shown during apartment election I don't remember the exact date but those episodes I still remember them they were so unique when they were airing at 11:00 PM slot sometimes I wish they never changed the time slot we would got the mature love story instead of all these crap stories. Till the time slot change we had ample IshRa scene with all the side characters had their own story too but here we are crying to get just one IshRa scene

I remember this flashback scene, but I don't remember this part about them living in a separate flat. Will watch the episode again 😆 Thanks for letting me know 😳

And I so agree about the timeslot change.