Blast from the Past Thread #25 ** Abducted Dreams ** p 129, ep 257 - Page 31


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IssK. thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: MehreenB

I am sorry ArshiH and Issk for coming in between your post.Just couldn't resist.
Arshi H I had no idea you are Punjabi but I knew you love Sufi Kalam as read here sometimes... and I am sorry Issk we never been introduced .

This is one of my fav Allah Hoo and sharing it with you.My Father was so much in Sufism and very much deep into it,Honestly speaking never understood deep meaning but he did try explaining to me and after him ,now I try to understand it.It really gives you some sort of peace within you.Now I love listening too.


Hey Mehreen...Sorry kyun? Happy you dropped in! And with another classic!

Now i can't resist sharing my favorite version of Allah hoo as well... and sufi music...peaceful, yes very...speaks to the the soul.

In the voice of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, who for me IS allah hoo...god sent, roohani aawaaz ke maalik. I adore him.

credit: youtube

And Aarwen if you're reading this, the Allah hoo version that Mehreen has quoted above is sung by the same singer, Harshdeep Kaur, who accompanies Arif Lohar in the cocktail Jugni track!

IssK. thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: indi52

oye aj and ij,

what a treat you both are to eavesdrop on.

of course, every time i do that i have to run and live in wikipedia for a year or two.

loved the jugni gana, never had heard this singer before, another gem from the other side of border. and so cute with that chimta and the smile. loved the rock look, the sheer style. and that sound... stray thought, why do i feel our ganas have the mitti they come from in their sound and feel itself... when i listen to a lot of punjabi folk things arid land comes to mind... hot winds... but when it's bhatiali and bengal, doesn't a river run through it? or is it all my imagination? auto suggestion?

ah who cares. here's to all you jugnis, that light up the thread, no matter how dark the night.

and did anyone say "othe"? hayee, that word only takes me straight to another classic ji classic, this "othe" may not be that "othe" but ohhoho classic it is phir bhi and i can hear the land the breeze, ebhrytheeeng.


Living in wikipedia for a year or two😆 ...Bhat bhould bhee hab dun bheethout da Bheeckhees!!

And just so you know, you have made my morning. Balwant Kaur humaari, classic of classics, surely. And so much fun the video above😆 Paapad voice mein ga😆😆 Cutie the bitwa can be.. oh what can he not be!

Ok... now on to some gyaan giving😆

"Othe" and "Otte" - both eligible for the Jugni. The first one means "there" and the second, "but she". So the jugni line can be interpreted both ways.

Balwantiya, "Otte"...But she said she'll come by noon...and it's half past two already...

You are a issmart girl, VERY, i say! You picked a tiny little word and brought in such a fab connection!👏

1. Imagination is EBHERYTHING, my indicentiya. Breeze, river, mitti... what a character.
2. Jugnis lighting up the thread, my thought for the day. An image with much imagination.
IssK. thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: cinthiann1758

Episode 248

So Far Away

Just once.

You could have asked me just once.  That is what they both said to each other.  Just talk to me, communicate but they were so far far away from the truth both of them not believing the other. 

Just once.

That is all they had to do.  Talk.  Communicate.

They were so far away from that. 

Neither listened.

Yes, she tried, she ran around that night of Payal and Akash's wedding looking for him but fate had other plans.  No explanation to be had.  No reality to be explained.  They would be thrown together through a selfish act of his, actually he was in protection mode... he believed he was doing this for Di, but his thoughts and feelings of Khushi were crushed then.  He thought badly of her, she wanted to destroy his sister's marriage...that is what he saw.  A cheap, lowly, loose girl...a girl he loved and now was crushed and now it was his turn to crush her...and save Di and her unborn child.

So far away...

But, it's all out now. 

The truth.

 But neither will listen nor believe the other.

So sad. 

My heart felt sad.

I wanted these two to be happy but again it was not the time yet. 

Their fate was sealed the night he forced married her.

So far away...

She explained to him Shyam's deception, playing a single bachelor, a paying guest...

Arnav's face wanting so much to believe her..

Her father fell ill, Shyam's manipulation...the engagement...

Arnav's face in shock...

Her vehement decree how she hate's this man for what he did to Anjali and her family.

Just once, just once if he had asked her the truth...

He asks her would she have told him.  She says of course..

He walks towards her, I was hoping he was going to hug her, but no, in his head he pictures the terrace scene and her misconstrued words to Shyam and he sees her being hugged by that disgusting man and his face changes...

So far away from the truth.

He wouldn't believe her blindly, what does she think...why would he believe her?  He has never seen a one-handed clap...great line.  He believes himself before he believes her. 

So far away from the truth,

 Arnav Singh Raizada,

That is how little you know Khushi.

But he saw it with his own eyes and heard it with his own ears.

So far away from the truth,

 Arnav Singh Raizada.

She answers him with what she said today was the truth.

He rebuts then why, just why, just once didn't you say the truth. 


 He holds her face between his hands with what seems like desperation for HIS truth, the one HE WANTS TO HEAR!

She removes those same hands from her far away they are.

She answers him that with one word from her would destroy his sister's life; she didn't want to hurt his sister that he loves so much.

He tells her she is lying about the incident and that scene is stored in his mind.

So far away from the truth,

 Arnav Singh Raizada,

His next words to her are a knife to her heart and a door closing on his.  He tells her that he knows how she will not want to give up the luxury and comfort of being Mrs. Arnav Singh Raizada and he will not let her or Shyam do anything to hurt his sister or her unborn child. 

He doesn't believe her or her story.

The slam of his door as he gets into the car feels like the piercing of the knife in Kushi's heart.

So far away from the truth,

 Arnav Singh Raizada,

The estranged newly freshened up couple is "interrogated" um, excuse me, welcomed home and bombarded with questions by the family.

Arnav looks fattened up and happy?  You can cut the tense atmosphere between Khushi and Arnav with a knife. And then Shyam comes only to aggravate the condition asking about Khushi's family. The house was so quiet without you, he says and then he corrects himself by including Arnav.  I thought ASR was going to slam him. Poor Khushi, I feel her discomfort of the situation especially because Arnav doesn't believe her.

ASR must go and work but leaves him with the dirtiest of looks while Shyam thinks he has the upper hand with that wicked smirk.

Still so far away from the truth for either of these men.

Anjali tells Khushi she should go and rest.  She gives the gifts to her sister and so Payal doesn't worry she lies to her saying all went well at the Gupta house.  So sad for Khushi she doesn't confide in her sister but she still is under the pretense that Arnav can destroy her sister's marriage. 

Still so far away from the truth.

He has devastated her.  How could he think so of her? She wants him to trust her.  She must prove herself.  Maybe he should talk to her he may reveal the truth about their marriage for six months.

She goes to talk to Shyam who is trying to figure out how he can get ASR's signature on the legal documents.

She asks him to tell ASR everything... reveal the truth, right now.  Shyam realizes that Arnav must have disclosed the truth of their marriage to her.  Shyam tries to convince her to forget the past and she says she wants it all cleared that it wasn't her fault and she almost slips out how she feels about ASR.  Shyam notices and he grimaces.

Shyam wants to know what he will get in return?

He shows her documents (Will) that he wants Arnav's signature and says she needs to help him do that since Arnav will be angry at him since he made a mistake and he has to have him sign them again. She must help him like she needs his help.  She is wary, as she should be, and I guess she can't read?  But Shyam has her again wrapped in his web of deception.  Boy, do I hate that man.

He is so far away from her loving him.

The title of this piece reminded me of and old folk song from 1970 by Carole King but distance doesn't necessarily mean moving away to another town, city or state but moving so far away from the heart; distancing one's self from the reality of love by hurt.

So Far Away


So far away...that is a fitting title for this episode!

Almost as if they are in parallel realities right now... their perceptions not extending beyond, crossing over.. the web of misunderstandings, so thick and dense. The truth is finally out. Yet it isn't. They have not uttered a word about love. The hate and the hurt are so overpowering on that bridge, it makes the heart really heavy...pierced like a knife, you're spot on. A really powerful scene this one, acting topnotch...but most amazingly, true to life. The twists and turns of a violent conversation where we try hard to hold onto something that rings true, makes sense, touches the heart...but before we can hone in on that elusive feeling... the feeling's gone, the anger returns, the doubts overshadow and obliterate everything else yet again. That movement of the Raizada's emotion from understanding her, feeling her pain and the shock of all she reveals...before you know it, it's been overtaken by thoughts incendiary. The fury and fire are back. It's heartbreaking. Not a bit of it false. Ditto for Khushi. The hurt in her eyes, the thought of being inked and linked to that snake of a man, and the anger that that generates...beautiful to watch. Dignified, standing up for herself in a firm, real way, after a long while, our girl. I feel the pain trembling inside her, the difficulty with which she stands facing him, arms strained, fists closed. Strength, defiance, personality...It really gets me. Just perfect, the scene.

That scene makes the whole episode for me. Bonus offer : ASR walking up and giving Shyam the dirties, profile to profile, shot from both sides. Great dramatic moment! ASR rules!!

Thanks Cynth, for your take, and taking me to the episode with you. I've turned red, my favorite lines. And the song you've picked...first time sighting that, for me... Nice.


cinthiann1758 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: aarwen

Thank you so much Cynthia 😳 .. You are so right about this in red .. exactly why she acted the way she did I think.. 


You know for so long I wanted them to confront the truth and have everything out in the open and yet when I actually watched it was too painful. I kept having to remind myself it is ok.. these are just characters in a story.. also they will have a happy ending soon.. I know the ending yet this journey is amazing.. 

🤗.. you and me we both need a hug after all that crying.. so come here you.. 🤗

🤗right back at you!!!🤗
cinthiann1758 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Arwen and IssK thanks so much for reading  and posting your comments.  UGGGH what an episode full of so many emotions and it took us right there with it.  We felt there pain and frustration and I was just waiting for the two of them to understand what happened.  When it all started to unfold I was sooo happy, saying FINALLY but NOOO another misunderstanding, another twist of fate.😭  So much intensity by both the characters protecting their families in their own way.  The moment ASR mentioned Khushi's parents our lioness pounced.  It was about time afterall the accusations and now this?  Oh no...I was really proud of her. Hugs all the way around like Rhea said🤗muahhh. Edited by cinthiann1758 - 10 years ago
Posted: 10 years ago
Sorry, I am posting this a bit late!!  Life have been a little hectic with my little one sick and enrolling for kindergarten!!

[IPKKND Promo] 2nd May 2012: Arnav reveals the 'Marriage' truth to Khushi (7th May), Episode 247


credit to uploader
Posted: 10 years ago

[SBS] 4th May 2012: Barun Sobti doing a Movie (Chugalkhor Aunty Segment) [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]


[SBS] 7th May 2012: Barun on 11 days leave / IPKKND Twist



Edited by Katelyn - 10 years ago
Posted: 10 years ago
[SBaT] 7th May 2012: Barun & Sanaya, Episode 247


[TB] 9th May 2012: Barun & Sanaya (Misunderstanding grows between Arnav & Khushi), Episode 247 [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]


credit to uploader

Edited by Katelyn - 10 years ago
Posted: 10 years ago
[SBB] 7th May 2012: Barun & Sanaya (Khushi discloses Shyam's truth to Arnav), Episode 248 [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]


[TV9] 8th May 2012: Barun & Sanaya (Arnav questions Khushi as to why she hid Shyam's truth), Episode 248 [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]


aarwen thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: ArshiHamesha




Tar Dilon Ke...[A connection of hearts...]



"The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected. "Unknown...


Khushi opens the curtain to connect the Sun [ a star , parents's connection] to her Sun [ Arnavji] who is keeping his eyes closed from her "aapki anhon par waise hi jhoot ka parda hai..." [ your eyes are closed under lies].. but his heart and it's connection is disturbed seeing her withdrawing from all the connections, she has built with him so far.The connections of bathroom fights to her Dabba service to her cherish smiles just by giving him troubles has reached to an end ..."ek khamoshi"[Silence] from her side..."Humari taraf se sirf Khamoshi milegi.." [ u will get just silence from me ] ...The conflict of his thoughts in between these connections and understanding that she is changing him the way he was before "Khushi! tum kya kar rahi ho"[What r u doing]...and her painful disconnection..."ise phir se apka bana diya" [I changed it again yours] and all he could do was get affected and yet pretend indifferent !!!.."kyun main uske baare mein itna soch raha hun...uska hona  nahon kyuon itna pareshan karta hai...mujhe koi fadak nahi padta..."[Why am I thinking about her ...why everything about her is bothering me...No it doesn't matter to me]

Her silence is killing her playfulness , Her silence is shattering the togetherness...Her silence is disturbing the ocean...collecting the clouds ...indeed Storm is on the way...but all he could show indifference..."yeh mat samjho ki mujhe nahi pata tum kya karne ki koshish kar rahi ho...mujhe koi fadak nahi padta "[Don't think that I don't know what are you doing..but it doesn't matter to me..]She who can't stand any rift in this connection, any knot in this Dhaaga...Tar but declaring that " "hum ne Dhaga jan bhooj kar nahin bandha par ab jab baandh liya hai tou..."[ I didn't make this knot but if we are connected through it then]..

The righteous Khushi is a wounded soul right now and justifying her side by taking his signature to save this connection but her connection with her mind is getting stronger in case of Shyam and his filthiness but she will have to disconnect the ink from these papers after paying a heavy price.That price will make Arnav wake up as Sun did reach to his eyes but took a little time to convey the message to his brain to see a real divine connection in between him and his Khushi where no Zahri [ apparent] connection is needed as their soul has this divine connections already.She gets panicked over his disconnecting her calls" yeh humra phone kyuon kaat rahe hai" [Why is he disconnecting me?] As he is leaving for London...on her mother's 56th Birthday Where 5 is divine Grace [sun ...a star ...his mother has showered shine on him today] where 6 is the scarification and poisonous number ...interesting He is meeting both in one day...But his mother will be there to protect awake bring him back to this connection.

Khushi's pain and wound is getting deeper knowing he is in pain she is again the reason increasing it... For Khushi "hum unko jaane nahi denge...aise to kabhi nahi jab hamaare karan unka dard aur badh raha hai..." - time was running out and she had to see him... the entire background and foreground to Anjali-Khushi conversation and how it connected to Arnav who just want to be alone without Khushi..."Stop calling me Khushi..." he knew how she was being impatient and running around to show him the truth - he just wanted to go away without making it more difficult - but when he entered the airport he was still lost in her...


Then This Mehsoos ...the connection of wind ... he feels here presence [Finally in years ...mehsoos is back]- and turns around with happy old Rabba Ve ...when both the lovers smile and get connected through their tears to see each other in the first instant...


But ASR has to be rigid... he won't stop and listen...the mention of Shyaam is stabbing  the wounded  heart...walking away is the only answer for him and disconnecting her is the solution but is it???...No !!!Arnav , who couldn't walk away with the knowledge that she is waiting out for him , her tears are falling on his heart , that  connection has crossed the barrier already ...he has hope that the truth will redeem the pain...


"Koi hai jo yeh prove kar sakta hai ki hum bekasoor hain " [There is someone who can prove that I am innocent] ...BUT  does Arnav need anyone to prove her innocence ..NO!! He has crossed that barrier...Khushi is innocent and her herself saying that is more than enough for him at this point ... She has exposed her scars to him openly and his bruises are unveiled to her ...but to avoid the tension for words and the arguments just breaking them in pieces and his raw painful wounds starts bleeding again after her revelation...""Di ne bataaya aap kyun ja rahe hain...agar aap ruk jaate..."[Di has mentioned ,why are you going today?] " which he doesn't want to share but wants to share at this moment...he will do later in her embrace and she will be his healer...

but now at this moment- he gives her waiting time to prove herself... "3 minute hai tumhaare paas..."( number "3" signifies masculine number but always brings victory...attainment)  - he sees her panicking -She pleads , commands, forces him to listen to her"aapko sach sunna hoga.."[U have to hear the truth]...And finally he gives in"kyun Khushi,...kyun fadak padta hai tumhe..."[Why it matters to you Khushi]...She embarks with her Right... "kyun...fadak padta hai kyunki baat aapki hai...issliye Fadak padta hai kissi aur ki hoti tou nahin padta...aur agar aap hi chale jaayenge to hum saans hi nahi" [Why it matters because It is you what matters me the most...not anyone else and if u leave like that then how will I breath]

Yes It matters to her to prove her innocence to him because she loves him, she can't live without him either and can't see any  suspicious in his eyes. She would rather rise than fall , SHe would rather die than his refusal.

Now he doesn't need anything else but holds her in his embrace, he is speechless, he is stunned seeing raw truth in her eyes which he can't handle just like before when he couldn't see raw connection and tried to wash away..."mujhe koi Fadak nahin padta kissi larki se"... as this is a way of saying I care, it  is a way of expression of their innermost feelings all along that shows a deep connection with which they are knotted together.But He has run away again just like before till this TAR brings him back to his Khushi and her His heart is screaming that his Khishi is right but his mind still need time..."main ruka tha...kyunki kahi ek hope thi..."


She holds on to his hands..."mat jaye"...just like he connected himself to her on that dreadful transferring strength , today she is transferring strength in him ...just like she stopped him to move away from her on Holi and connected him with the strongest connection of all in between them.👏

Today she is strengthening this relationship and even he is forcefully removing himself but with other hand he is tightening the knot by himself...Just like he made a promise holding her hand in the night that he will never let this angel go away...and he will do whatever it takes to hold her close to him..

 He walks away by his last call but  for him - walking away from her is the most difficult act - "aisa kyun hota hai jab aap hamaare kareeb hote hain to hamaari dil ke dhadhkane tez ho jaati hai..." - they are connected by heartbeats - tearing apart is never the way forward...

 "Jab jo bura kaha uska koi matlab nahi...jab jo bura kiya uska koi matlab nahi...iss pyaar mein sahi aur galat ka koi matlab nahi...bas ek cheez ka matlab main hamesha... hamesha tumse.."

These words make him realize the connection which doesn't need explanation because no matter what, he's been always in Love with her and this connection is way above all as La's words..."pyar sab se bada hota hai....

Soon ..."I don't need anything Khushi "will come to make this connection stronger...The connection of pain is what made them realize and questioning their feelings as always.

Khushi's tears halt him..."Kyun aisa feel kar raha hoon...kyun Khushi se door jaane mein itni takleef ho rahi hai.."[Why am I feeling like that?...Whey is it so hard to go away from Khushi..? He finally has found the Tar...the connection...And he go back to her...But.. an unknown person..[TIME] asks for him..."I'll be gone...but our connection is strong and "jo tum mehsoos karti ho who main mehsoos karta hoon...kyuonke humari dhadkanain ek hain"[ I feel what you feel as our heartbeats become one].. as Khushi is right ..."in sab keh baad hum aapko jane nahin daingey"[after all of this I can't let you go] and indeed he can't break this connection...a connection of hearts...Tar dilon keh...

 "Oh, why did people have to be separated before they understood how much they meant to each other?" 

                                                        Linda Crew

Yes he turned towards his Khushi as he always does...and from now on he will never let her go away from him either...but still they have to cross the barriers of pains to reach to each other's SOULS...


Kyuon Khabon peh tere saiye Hai

Dil kyuon hai Tanha mera

Kyuon Khamoshi hai zuban meri

Ashkon se keh paoon na

Kyuon dard hai itna tere ishq mein

Rabba Ve ...Rabba Ve...Rabba ve

credit to maker.



Deeply touching writeup Faiqa.. Just connects instantly to the heart.. That connection to holding hands is my favourite. And what wonderful dialogues really.. nothing melodramatic.. only a girl trying her best to convince her man that she loves him.. and if he leaves without believing her she wont be able to live through the pain..  ❤️ I wish he believed her as soon as she told him the truth.. but to each his own love story.. And maybe both had to bear the brunt of their wrong actions and finally reach the promised salvation that togetherness would bring them.. 

Oh and am waiting for your takes on the current episodes.. update soon..