The Other Woman

The Other Woman Completed G

Chapter 9

Comments (3)

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maaneetsangel @maaneetsangel 3 years ago Great story.

Rehan is such a sweetheart.

He had to go through so much.
ChemcartMJ @Chemcart_MJ 4 years ago awesome work sam...pretty damn good...waiting for more
BitterBerry @BitterBerry 4 years ago Hey sam,
I am really glad I came across this story of yours, and only and only non FF in this entire forum.
Something about the Prologue told me it wasn't the regular EMA story we read but it was something deeper than that. I truly appreciate you to write this bold concept that only a minority of people are coming to accept. You have depicted the emotional quotient of the book marvellously. Rayan, Rehan and Avilasha and Shaahida I loved the parallel attention you gave to all the characters. I love stories that are not unicentric and your story serves me that. And thanks to you, I came to know about a new syndrome (wyre's syndrome) that took me back to my developmental biology book. Are you from biology background?
Anyway, coming to the story again, I loved the transitions you made in the time frames and how it allowed the characters finally set themselves free.

Thanks to you for this beautiful story ❤
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